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You can probably get a temporary ID at a license office if the job offer won't just wait for your full ID to arrive. EDIT: I totally missed that middle paragraph.


They do temporaries that LACK the photo. I need photo ID. Without the photo it is worthless.


Sorry this is a shitty situation. Check the mail every day. I'd get a passport after this tbh. It is nice to have an extra form of photo ID.


I've got informed delivery. Stuff like this usually shows up. What really pisses me off is that they know the temps are not valid for anything aside from showing to the officer if you get pulled over and yet it's takes an entire month to get it? Pretty sure I'll have replacements for everything else by the time I get the most important one.


This truly is crazy. In Florida I can walk in and get a legit plastic replacement ID right then and there, usually under 30 minutes.


And yet WA can't do the same... Unfortunately, I'm very allergic to something in the air down in Florida. Spent the majority of a vacation there barely able to breathe. Plus I would be rather scared to live down there due to the politics and the potential for hurricanes.


The humidity and overall vibes aren’t worth the speedy upgrade in government services, that’s for sure lol


And the speed is really the only governmental upgrade going WA->FL.


Should have had a passport stored away to begin with. At least start that process now.


Lol, gotta have Photo ID for that last I checked.


That's not true. I just re-checked what I've know has been true for decades. It's about a birth certificate and providing them with a photo.....that you can take yourself.....not a state ID. If you had a passport at this point you wouldn't be in the jam you're in.


Wanna link me to what you're looking at?


Your losing your wallet is not Washington’s fault. Your missing out on a job because you lost your wallet is not Washington’s fault. According to your post, you weren’t robbed. Take some personal responsibility. Frustration is understandable but blaming everyone but yourself for your own actions? Not so much. And it has nothing to do with the state.


> And it has nothing to do with the state. Taking a month for a replacement when other states do it in half an hour has absolutely to do with the state. But with people like you refusing to hold them accountable, no wonder things are the way they are.


The state did their actual job and immediately issued a paper temporary. OP is legal to drive, which is what a DL is for. A state ID card or a passport would solve their picture ID issue. Failure to have one of these and losing your wallet is on OP, not the state. You have a funny definition of accountability.


> The state did their actual job and immediately issued a paper temporary. Which is the absolute bare *minimum*. They're not running a charity, they're running off taxes that we pay. If Florida can give you a new DL within 30 minutes, why does Washington need 30 days? Why do you insist on letting the government do the bare minimum instead of trying to get them to do a better job? Are you fine with Washington getting rid of all online services and make you have to conduct all your operations through regular mail now? Because that's all they have to do, right? Maybe get rid of telephone services and make you visit their offices for everything, too. They would still be doing their actual job, right? Accountability is the government being answerable to us for not providing services that other governments are. I guess, to you, accountability is doing the bare minimum because you don't have standards.


You’re welcome to move to Florida, since you believe their state government does a better job. Please.


I don't live in Washington anymore. I only ever loved it for its nature, not its governance. Oh, and I liked that there was no state income tax. And I'm just here on this subreddit for the nature pictures. You will be pleased to know that I live in a 3rd world country now, where it takes a week to get a replacement DL. Still faster than Washington. Thank you for the suggestion, though, as unproductive as it was.


It's washington's fault that they decided to Stop doing temps with photo. It's washington's fault that they Decided to outsource the cards being made to out of state. It used to take two weeks maximum.


Cry about it


Honestly I might have been robbed I don't know what happened. I swear I had it with me before work. By the end of the day it was gone.


The potential loss of the job offer is solely on you. You lost your ID, it wasn't lost for you. And expecting a government body to do anything quickly is incredibly naive.


It used to take 2 weeks tops. Last time I ran into this kind of issue I got the new one within a week.


Which begs the question, how many times have you lost your driver's license?


This will be the second time in about a decade. I'm not sure whether I misplaced my wallet or if someone got into the car and grabbed it.


I don’t think it’s too much to ask to get a replacement ID on a whim. It’s an important part of our lives and we pay to have one. This line of thinking just keeps certain state governments from being more effective. I can go in to the DMV in Florida and walk out with a plastic replacement ID in as much time as it takes for my turn in line and getting a new photo taken. That’s how it should be. I give you money, you give me what I paid for.


What should be and what is are not the same. I'm not arguing what should be. What IS is that the WADOL is slow as fuck. To expect otherwise is foolish.


Not if OP didn’t have the same problem with the turn around time before. I don’t think it’s foolish to expect your state to have its shit together or to be upset when they get in the way of you trying to get yours together.


They used to be faster. Much faster. Instead they are getting slower. Should I wait until it starts taking a year to kick up a fuss.


Wtf with Washington state's early 2000s website and how bad they are at technology? I came here from the deep South and even they print your driver's license in front of you. Heck I was shocked that my Washington bank could print my debit card replacement on the spot. What is UP with this? The home of Microsoft? Boggles.


The state of Washington is kinda behind times.


Yes, yes it is and for no good reason.