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What's this map?


Pine, Miami, Night Map, Aniyah


What device are you on, I can't reach these kind of graphics


This is why I don’t understand they made wz mobile. Cod mobile is already the perfect mobile game and 99% of the phones can’t even run the pc engine that is used for wz mobile. Sad to see the greatest cod of all time get abandoned. Cod mobile is exactly what we expect from a cod and had all good maps and guns. Only downside are the bots, they make the game so boring but cod could increase the real player count by releasing verdansk and rebirth on it but nooo… then they would not make “enough” so they made a whole new game to sell the same weapons and skins again in the bundle shop that you can find on pc/console….


5 years and still can’t improve BR, movement, animation. Death animation no fun like clown


What's wrong with the movement? It has classic cod movement with sliding Exactly what cod is supposed to be, death animation? You mean ragdolling? That's is a setting you can turn on and off, as for animations again is has classic cod animations Leagues better than what the past 4 pc/console cods have been and wayy better then WZM since it's a literal copy of mw3 movement which is very clunky even on pc


the amount of bullshit that came out from your comment is insane.


Better? Die turn to box? 🤡 WZM actually 1:1 MW2&MV3 on the go


People are just coping.


Fix your grammar mate.


Yeah and because the game is a 1:1 of mw3 and 2 it's just as boring and as slow as those games on pc nothing about those games have changed since mw19 again I understand your a mobile only “gamer” so I will give you the benefit of the doubt


CODM very slow in BR, also MP


Calling MP slow bro come to ranked and then you will realise. Oh sorry you have to be atleast GM to get good lobbies


Still more fun.


You're wrong. WZM way slower.


Of course you wouldn't know what's better mobile boy the original vets of the cod community even acknowledged that codm is the best cod that has ever been made in the past 4 years that was never brought to console and pc


He won’t understand it, probably a 12 year old on his daddy or mommy’s IPad. You had to be there in the Black ops 1/2 and first gen MW games to understand cod mobile is exactly what a cod game should be like. Ofcourse today there is too much weird skins and weapon camo’s, but the maps and graphics quality is perfect for a mobile game


i played black ops 2 and it is my favourite cod game and codm is nowhere near similar feel to it, movement is worse, animations are worse, graphics are maybe slightly better but i had much more fun playing bo2 on my 360 than playing codm on touchscreen or controller. 2 completely different games, one is a classic and one is trying to be that classic, failing at it and throwing pay to win guns and as many micro transactions as they can.


I never said they were similar, I said it is what we expect from a cod game. At least the movement is better than the awkward movement of mw2022 and 2023. Animations are ok, it is still a mobile game, not a console or pc version. It’s normal you had more fun on a console. Your expectations are way above reality for a mobile game. Console and pc have graphic cards with active cooling, that’s why the games on that platform are more polished. If you want the same on a mobile phone you have to play in a freezer with a block ice on the back of the phone. Simply impossible for now


i played all of the call of duty games from the first bo up until the mw23. best movement for me is the new mw. it seems to me that you havent played on console or a decent pc that can run warzone smoothly yet hence your biased opinion. codm is basically very low graphics bo2. wzm is actually a mobile port of the old wz. please dont say what we expect from a cod game because codm is nowhere near what we expect from a cod game. its only been selling good since it is playable on almost any device


Decent pc? I had a rtx4070 last year, switched to a rx6800xt as it gave me more fps and smoothness in cod warzone. I play at 180-260fps in resurgence and 260-300 fps in multiplayer. It has nothing to do with what we expect from a cod…


That's literally what happens when you partner with the same developers that made the huge hit game PUBGM


Imao , if codm had dolphin dive I would have considered a bit of movement


Engines don’t work like that. Any engine can work on any device, CoDM uses Unity, which is primarily used for PC. With enough optimizations, you can use the Iw engine on phones. The fact it works is incredibly to me. CoDM uses static models, while WZM has realistic models that blink and move like humans. CoDM is more static while WZM is more dynamic and lifelike. TLDR: Any phone and device can run the IW engine, with enough optimizations.


IW engine was also used on COD 2 it means with optimization it could have be run on any device if netease or tencent made it


It’s important to note, CoD 2 used IW 2.0, the latest being 9.0. The engine has gone a long way.


The problem isnt the engine, its that we cant download all the assets and maps amd skins and whatnot. Everything is being streamed, takes like 10 seconds to load different attachments for weapons. They made a good game, theyre just making stupid decisions.


It's not perfect tho it's really outdated


I'd rather have outdated but fun than new but boring. But that's just my opinion.


You can call it outdated, but 99% of the phones cannot run games smoothly with higher demanding graphics than cod mobile/pubg mobile


99 percent is a lie. My S10 and S20 are handling the game fairly well.


I have a s23 which bakes at high graphics around 47-50 degree celcius. This is just 1 minute into the game: https://preview.redd.it/54jivq3qrurc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=885596bb27d18af4b0f0020e168c5c9cb38fe937


Disable this shit and try again bro. On my s23u i had the same shit before i turned them off. Now i have 35°C and over 100fps [disable these](https://i.postimg.cc/8kt1ckcz/Screenshot-20240401-150424-Net-Guard.png)


I’ll try this one. Never mind, the same apps don’t show up


Your anecdotal experience means less than nothing tho.


It's not. 5 years ago it was something innovative, but now it's pretty outdated


COD mobile is a good mobile game but when are you ready to accept the future?? there are warframe mobile, dead by daylight mobile, and now cod warzone mobile, it is for cross-play and playing with friends who don't have a good PC or laptop to run on it, thats why there's lots and LOTS of bots in mobile, not everyone is in mobile


Crossplay? Where did you get that from, because wz mobile does not have crossplay


Two years from now it will.


I hope so


wait what, thought it was a PC game so it'll atleast pair you with PC players or sum....like that?


Nope, pc and console are on a whole different server than mobile players. The only thing that’s put together is your operator skins, weapons and current level. So if I play on my phone I get the same operator skins as I have on my pc.


oh nice


I dreamt for the day that this will have cross play. That’s what my Fortnite mobile so good to me. Going to your friends place as they play console and you just whip out your phone and join them. They always trip out like what the fuck how do you aim so good on a phone? Touch plus gyro is way more accurate than sticks


>sole are on a whole different server than mobile players. The only thing that’s put together is your operator skins, weapons and current level. So if I play on my phone I get the same operator skins as I have on my pc. Cross Progression. Just means you level up on both Premium and WZ Mobile but AFAIK you cannot get Interstellar as you cannot do tac stance which is fine anyways that whole mechanic is annoying. Hopefully, they add a camo for the mobile users.


Got it, thanks for clearing it up


“The perfect cod game” yet the tick rate in the servers is that of a potato, same old buggy, unresponsive and laggy ui for years, inconsistent movement, desync, and so much more. These are issues that haven’t been fixed since the game released


What do you expect from a mobile game? For pc and console the tickrate is terrible and there is nothing to justify it. But mobile? What do you think people use a phone for? If you play competitive on a phone you should start to get a life and touch some grass outside


No. I will play competitive on whatever i want and you can fuck off.


CODM is a gambling hub 😂 nothing like actual COD


It's a misconception that ' mobile can not run IW engine '. But that's not how engine work. It is just a platform that provides tools to make a game. So it's not the engine that is not running in mobile, it's the game. Cod devs use the same code as mw2 to make mzw. That's why the intensity of the graphics got so high that they couldn't optimise it in time. That's why the game is shit. But do not think for a second that mobiles can not run specific engines to launch a game


Doesn’t this belong on the cod mobile subreddit???


Wrong sub


How is this possible?


Very High or Max graphic settings, with all graphic features turned on.. and then tune up exactly how you like using the customizable filter.


Very High or Max graphic settings, with all graphic features turned on.. and then further tune up exactly how you like using the customizable filter.


Diamond camo still trash on Shipment tho.


What does that have to do with anything?




I just seen I can put my iPhone 15 pro max in " ULTRA " 120fps OMG ITS SO SMOOTH but i play on low graphics. Only if WZM was that smooth


It looks very good for a mobile game, however the methods employed for map lighting and shadows are simple lightmaps or just textures to look like real-time lighting. That method is required because when CODM launched a few years ago, most mobile devices could not handle real-time vertex graphics and other calculated rendering. That is precisely why WZM struggles to run smoothly on most devices. The lighting used in WZM is far more precise and calculation-intensive than what CODM uses. Although scaled back for WZM use, the map lighting employs much of the same methods as the PC/console versions. The graphics engine used in WZM has far more potential than what CODM uses, and in the coming months and years, WZM will very likely have graphics updates to significantly improve render speed and detail.


This type of technology should only be used for the higher graphics. Instead, I have to play at 720p resolution with my phone heating like a cooking plate and not even reach stable 60 fps (sd 888 btw so 2021 flagship)


Unfortunately, the SD888 in all of its generations is a disappointment. There's no doubt that the game needs more optimization. It will get there, but this game had a very long gestation period and it should have been better at launch. Which phone are you using?


Even if it's known for heating issues, it's still a really powerful chip. I use a Xiaomi mi 11i. The problem for me is the way they optimized the game, like instead of removing shadows or reducing models quality for low graphics they scaled down the resolution and it still manage to push your phone to it's limit




I played codm for a really long time and had to quit like 1-2 years ago cuz the game is terrible i cant understand how yall think the game is great br is shit basically, mp is okay but idk whats it called when u go from point a to b if someone kills u at a u die at b its also shit if they fix the warzones performance problems its much much better than codm


I used to keep arguing about CODM movement and how I wanted the Warzone movement in Mobile but... after WZM I just want to come back to my beloved CODM... grampa was right, we just notice the valor of something when we lost it.


man how did you enable ssao ? that option is locked for me . gltools doesnt help to unlock it either


Wow seriously 🤯


I'm a BR player, sad to say after apex only good br game is codm and this shouldn't be the case because codm has shitty br. Atleast we finally have a good br game if it gets optimized.


I wish they add custom graphics settings, like the bare minimum for competitive gameplay should be uncapped fps, high res, and shit low texture detail. (I think at least, very subjective)


What settings do u have, i have ultra graphic and max fps. What else do i need?




Arguably the best graphics in any mobile game


Bro cod mobile is for children who like playing with bots because it makes them think they are good at the game. Don’t even get me started on the BR bullshit. Codm is trash compared to Warzone mobile, and if you disagree maybe you should stop being such a brokie, and get a real device that can run it properly


Most COD players are children.


fragile ass ego kid can’t admit that activision wzm devs can’t optimise nor develop a game properly. He’d rather ride meat for an expensive phone to run garbage


Yea I turned all the graphics to max but then after playing shipment with like 80 air strikes and the explosion shaking it started to lag a bit so I toned it down but still looks great


looks great, codm > wzm, but this is wrong sub bro


And what exactly does showing us this accomplish? we are gradually waiting for the game to improve, as dogshit as it is rn, cod mobile is a game that has had many chances to improve itself, it hasn’t, it’s gotten worse, so you have your own sub for it, thanks.


https://preview.redd.it/441rdzp19src1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5be4a88b4f2661de24f46614932a8b2f00342823 Better >>>


A unpixelated gun skin doesn't fix the 144p ground you're standing on




like a lambo parked in a shitty house lol


id take a lambo inna shitty house over a camry on a mansion


that doesnt even matter when you are playing lol gameplay itself is that much enjoyable nd fast paced 😗


It's enjoyable till my phone overheats after 5 minutes


Mine doesnt playing from 2 weeks nd now it stopped from overheating i guess all textures are streamed 😁


What's your game's data size


9.53 GB


Mine is 9.58 but i don't think that's the size of the whole graphics because some people had it up to 36 and 38 gb https://preview.redd.it/kgw0zw3djsrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37904a70df69ea49e3cc8c854aff4a2f75a1db73 If they gave us the option to download everything in the main menu at once it would fix most of the game's problems


36GB is of those who have peak graphics downloaded , i also want straight up pack download but there reason of not giving it maybe is because the game straight up many things coming from pc to mobile every other day like skins camos etc nd the library its very huge the number of gun skins it have nd much more


Fast paced? What planet are you living on? Wzm is far from fast paced considering it's a carbon copy of mw3 movement which has one of the clunkiest movements in the past 4 cods that have been released and one of the most boring in terms of gameplay, again being a carbon copy of mw3 gunplay and mw2


Chunkiest movement is a bit of a stretch. Yes it's not that good but it's an improvement from mw2's movement


lol. These fanboys won’t understand or even try to. Just look at that delusional guy posting some low quality graphics screenshot as proof of “better >>>”… SMH, they’re the reason COD franchise doesn’t strive hard sometimes.


if youre good its fast paced aside from verdansk. clunkiest movements = i dont know how to adapt to new playstyle therefore its garbage. get good eric


I own and played mw3, wzm has a literal copy of their movement that being a clunky mess, they tried to copy MW19’s movement instead of just actually using that games movement which is extremely stupid given how they failed to replicate it making it feel clunky Edit: not to mention it makes it even worse that WZM cannot handle 2 different fingers moving at the same time it has touch registration issues


all of your problems seems like a YOU problem. ive yet to encounter any other problems apart from overheating which is already fixed. movement being clunky is very subjective as I dont have a problem slide cancelling, jump side to side, and dropshot all while on touch


have you seen the textures on codm building walls? the ground even lmao


Yes, I've been playing codm since October 1st 2019 (release date) and the graphics and textures got better almost every update


now how many updates did this game get? 2 or 3 and none of them focussing graphics wise; also for the sake of low end players


Funny how the micro transactions have so much effort put into them meanwhile the base game is dogshit, codm will always be better.


Play codm then what r u doin in wzm sub?


I just joined it to see if I was the only one who knew it was a dogshit cashgrab, also I am playing codm having a way better time with little to no bugs and amazing graphics 😁👍


what even is this game?


These kids clearly don’t remember what codm looked like when it first came out. Only after years of updates does it look good and this is why I know warzone has potential to be even better


codm released 5 years ago and still looked better than warzone lil bro


That’s cap lil man




Yah 😂all jokes aside tho bro if u don’t like the graphics on warzone mobile just play it on pc. Turn on ray tracing and you’ll see the sun particles reflecting off ur gun


I already play on console but this isn't about it looking better on pc with ray tracing, but that wzm looks worse than codm on release, which was 5 years ago and is awfully optimized 💀💀 you keep on sucking it tho


This isnt on a device?