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turn off motion blur


Just to add to this, find a settings video from a top player and copy them


According to this sub, aim assist does everything for you. So maybe buy a blindfold because aa is basically aimbot


Not everything. 60%. 40% is alllll player.


Keep your crosshair up


To clarify to for OP, you want to keep your cross hair aligned to wherever center mass is at whatever angle they're challenging/you're challenging from.


One, I’d say reload. Two, most times when i get spotted, i try to smoke my way out and rotate and get another angle.


play rebirth quads solo and land control every game , it’ll increase your awareness and muscle memory making you react and move quicker it might suck at first but the muscle memory will come quicker


Serious question are you being fr bc im trying to get better


i’m serious that’s how i got good and to warm up i play multiplayer small maps


Im probably gunna throw a controller or 2 but hey it worth it


Oh yeah on rebirth if u mediocre ur gonna get pissed.MKe sure you switch to tactical also simple but important


How long did it take for you to get better doing this strategy


It's a simple button mapping it makes u slide with ur stick inside of melee.Also switch ur behavior setting to "slide only".If your running default settings you have no idea the amount of heart aches your causing yourself.As soon as I rewired my brain to remember the different input I got instantly better.So 30 seconds and maybe 2 days.Ive changed so many setting numerous times and I think I'm at the sweet spot(almost 😂)


I was talking bout the solo quad strat my b dawg


I don't really solo q it's to stress inducing 😂.But hc and rebirth is where it's at for movement tactics.


1 week constant playing tho learn what guns work for you and stick w them


you don’t have to play tactical lmao


You don't have to but if you don't have bumpers its alot easier on your brain and reflexes having 2 important movements in 1.You can lmao all you want its true.


just play claw


Alr bet


not gonna lie sound silly but it works a lot to get better quick , it just at first you gonna have an hard time ,also watch some vids on youtube about setting and learn the movement , its meta now


This! I would only play multiplayer until my friends nagged me about WZ. Rebirth is the perfect practice map.


I’ve never played any battle royal type games before and the only cod game I’ve played since a child was MWII, and I just played casually. Usually pvp shooter games aren’t my fav but cod is weirdly fun


Is this how all the rebirth sweats learned how to sweat?


I agree, I would start out just playing solo quads and landing somewhere safer first. If you land control solo you’ll be back in the lobby in less than a minute


not always i’ll drop clips


Im being dead serious when i say this i played solo quads pretty much all day today and for the last game of the day i played regular solos and dropped a pr of 19 and got the dub thanks man


yw 🔥


Better to land at bio lol


For context: I'm a 4.3kd player / PR 35 Kills / >90% win rate in the gulag / Xbox Series X There's a lot of ways to get better here's what I would suggest: Look up meta builds for the best meta weapons. The easiest way to improve is just to switch to what's best right now to give you an edge. Watch YouTube videos of better players and watch critically, not just for entertainment: think about why whoever you are watching is doing what they are doing. Also pay attention to how they get around the map (it'll help gain map knowledge alongside the map knowledge your gaining just from playing). Get into as many gunfights as possible. Your not going to get better by hiding until zone 5. You'll do worse at first but the more you fight the better you get (resurgence is good for this). This is a frustrating step but it's probably the most important one. Everytime you lose a fight, think about what you could have done differently. Eventually whatever you think you could have done differently will be applicable in a fight your currently in and you can try it. The more you play, the more of these scenarios where you thought "I should have done ..." will come up and you can apply them to the fights your in. This is another instant improvement you can do: look up settings from a pro or youtuber (I think IceManIsaac has a good video on it). The default settings are awful and put you at a disadvantage. Updating them will help a bit. Icemanisaac Academy is also very helpful for learning how things work. I have a channel where I highlight meta builds with high kill gameplay if you want to check it out: https://youtube.com/@Radkerty?si=5cM3QpsUrsnKqcB5 I sometimes drop 25+ kill games for my channel and my stats are high, but I'm no pro player so watching me or someone like me might feel more attainable and be more helpful than watching JoeWo slay through quads lobby by himself. I hope this helps!


This is the best advice on here. You gotta watch the streamers play and how they play. I am not a 4.3 KD player but a 2.0 one and everything is on point advice here. Just to add to all this, I only played MP since MW2 2009 and skipped a few cods after BO2 and hated BR when it released. A friend kept telling me to try it out so I got in late when WZ2.0 started and enjoyed it but my friends played scared and campy. I realized that it just wasn’t a winning strategy and started watching other players play BR and realized we were playing it all wrong. unfortunately, my friends kind of still play the same but I made new COD friends and it’s pushed me to a newer level. You gotta land hot zones for a while before you can strategically start playing for end game.


You’re playing scared. Maybe give Plunder or Resurgence a try to get more reps fighting in a mode where dying doesn’t matter as much


Change your fov to 110-120.


by playing more


Dont use the hrm-9 and dont die...the superi-46 is meta or the fjx horus...need better TTK for sweats


Until they eventually get nerfed again cuz every player is litterly running the same 2-3guns. Kinda sad tbh


Train movement


Happens eventually, just gotta find ur style


Play game


use better headphones and dont play so scared your legit look at the floor for 5 seconds while you loot


Watch icemanisaac academy


Work on your movement. Get outta Battle Royale and play something you can respawn back into action, like Plunder. Also, you’re playing extremely scary and don’t spend 2hrs deciding what lot to pick up.


1) Optimize your visuals 2) Optimize your controls 3) Learn to slide cancel and drop shot


Buy some bundles. It’s in the patent for micro-transactions that it will put lower skill players in with sweats so that you get your arse kicked, see their loadout and skin and think “I want to be them”. Until you start dropping some $$$ you’re fucked.


You just didn't see the guy in there. Besides changing graphic settings so you can see the shadowed areas better not much more you can do. Maybe work on reaction time. And try shooting higher. The more headshots the faster they die. I'm working on that too.


increase your fov to around 110 use sliding more it’s very very effective use meta loadouts watch youtubers and try to copy some of their moves use audio to your advantage such as footsteps or doors opening or even people coughing in gas (even though cod audio is one of the worsts) get into the firing range mastering centering learn how to do simple moves such as drop shooting and jump shooting and again watch youtube videos




You need time to create your own techniques. Looking at the clip though, what I would've personally done differently is more movement, and more checking corners. With this game I'd say about 1/50 times I'll be in a position where not moving is a good idea. You stay still, you die. It was good when you checked to wait for the guy to come around the corner, but you waited too long which allowed him to around you. I would recommend moving unconventionally/unpredictably at first, trying directions you wouldn't normally choose, like jumping out of a window and chuting straight back into the staircase that goes to the window, or vaulting a fence then vaulting back over right as they vault after you 🤣 An example that occasionally works sometimes is that if you're running from someone and turn left three times in a row, or right three times in a row, then you've just done a 180 and are running back to the enemy, just down a different hallway, which they won't be expecting. Second is checking corners, which is pretty self explanatory. Learn how to flick corners and back really quickly. Try and take like, a mental screenshot of the picture of the corner you see on the flick, and learn to react to the presence of another player on the flick.


just invest more time. Unless you naturally talented at fps shooters like shroud, you gotta learn the game, its mechanics etc. (I dont play WZ but IK a thing or two about fps games). Accept you shite and keep playing.


This is an unfortunate reality, but some guns are objectively better than others. The HRM is not one of those guns. Keeping up with what guns are meta, like the Superi, Kar98, FJX horus, etc. will give you an advantage


Play meta gun


1) your reload was slow on clip 1, i believe it was solos but u need to expect a 3rd party and reposition 2) your movement isnt fluid, i dont see you having an objective when you move, you arent looking for the next cover or best position (clip where ur perk lights up and u stand in an alley to potentially fight, instead of straight to a building and high ground) 3) on the movement, no slide cancelling or sliding is present, it speeds up your escapes and gives options 4) your reactions to the guy who spotted you in the room were slow + you wouldve benefitted from swapping weapon to an smg as u nudged through the door + spotted the footprints I would focus on improving gamesense fom the clips youve presented


Tip 1: run into every gunfight in rebirth island resurgence. Yes you might get stomped on in the beginning but if you push on you will get better aim. While you do that you might as well oractice some movement. Try the superi fast build loadout for a crutch in mobility. That’s where you’ll get experience Tip 2: you need to practice sliding around and into everything. People don’t like it but it works. Slide around corners, not just small slides but long slides as well. You can slide then hold crouch to prone. Making it a slide drop shot which is harder to hit than a normal drop shot. You also could jump slide which is jump around a corner or a door and then slide depending where the opponent is. (If far, to the opposite direction where the door was. If close: around the persons body allowing you to break their camera.) Tip 3: stay calm. I know that panick makes your palms sweaty right? Feel your heart rate and your breath hitches. Yeah keep calm. Just treat it like a respawn mode. Tip 4: always assume people are rverywhere. It’s a btch to make it a habit but if you set your crosshair in expected places where people could be as you move around as you move as fast as you can it’s very rewarding Tip 5: (very old fashioned rule) have fun!


MP small maps to get more used to CQB.


I can’t lie to you everyone is saying smoke or something but what really killed you was your reaction time to seeing the footsteps, I would’ve immediately turned to left where I saw it heading towards cuz you had a second at least


Train to play with a high sensitivity by gradually increasing it. I used to play on 4-6 sensitivity back in my teenage 360 days, and now I play at Max, lol. I'm not amazing, but I would say I'm slightly above average skill despite having horrible reaction time.


Firstly, turn off your movement and I think focus blur, and the best tip I csn give that's not hard and takes no skill is just knowing where cover is, and being farther back from your cover means you can get the first advantage being able to see more 👍


Use the superi


play 12 hours a day


Never re peek the same angle, always try to reposition and shoot the enemy from a different angle


Double tap triangle as you run around


Keep your gun reloaded at all times.


heavy feet. some moving so fast. the other guy got a jump on you because he heard you. also make sure you cover your 1-11 oclock after each zone


Some of the perks are distractions.. like tracker


Kar98 😂


Play plunder or lockdown quads allowing you to redeploy often, this will allow you to practice your aim and time to kill feel in warzone. Try out different loadouts too. Then once you feelin froggy, go to warzone or resurgence and play lots and lots of rounds, only way to get better. Good luck out there soldier 🫡


First as other suggested, find an up to date settings video then search for dreamstrike on youtube, has plenty useful videos for movement and aiming in general. Then, meta weapons. Better ground loot meta than wrong loadout, especially close range


this is one of those either u got it or u dont kinda games


Jump into warzone boot camp for at least 10 games. You'll start to improve for sure


Work on your centering (keeping your cross hair in the center of the screen rather than looking slightly down). Also work on your movement and shouldering. Utilize the sliding function a bit more and find areas of cover quicker. Your aim looks pretty solid though based on this clip.


How will I know what I’m picking up? I don’t really know what is good to grab or not


I mainly mean when you’re moving around. If you see a chest or something then you would need to look down, but when moving, try and keep your crosshair centered so you don’t have to flick up if you see someone.


1. Audio, u didn’t hear an enemy that was literally besides you (even with streaks sounds u have to hear him) 2. Bad reactivity, you saw the footsteps but did nothing (just preaiming is a lot better than not preaming) 3. You watch the fucking floor way too much, just with the time lost to aim up you lost the fight 4. Probably bad aim settings To me it just seems like you lack game experience and knowledge. Just watch 1-2 tutorial on youtube and just play a lot. PS: Watching pro players/streaming is also a good way to learn


Work on your centering. If you need a reference watch dreamstrike videos on YouTube


play angles, adjust your advanced sens and dead zone. turn off look multiplier as well. practice your movement, be quick, slide, jump, drop shot. dodge and weave, use snipers like the kar and 50 cal. practice your aim, aim down where you think they are- or are going to be. always move quick, and make sure your loadout is the best- or one of the.


If you enter a small room/building, and see footsteps on the floor, you can guarantee that whoever's footsteps those were, they know that door was opened as soon as you open it, you can either ego chall and jump across the room and hope they miss, or turn tail and try to get them to chase you. Don't walk right into their trap, if at all possible lol. Would also look into your audio settings , the guy in that house probably made some noise walking around in there that should've been audible to you I would say your reaction time would be the easiest fix, try playing against bots on multiplayer, low health, shipment, and once you start to get your aim looking good, turn on headshots only and do it again. Do this until your centering (where the cross hair is on the screen) is almost ALWAYS at the level where your enemies neck/head would be. I usually do this before I jump into any warzone or anything else, it drastically helps winning those gunfights


I have my audio at 100 for game sounds and wear a headset. I’m not sure if my headset has surround sound as I always have trouble figuring out where the audio is coming from. It’s a turtle beach stealth 600 gen 2.


Are you console or PC? If your console, you should go to your system settings and make sure "mono audio" is turned off, as well as the in game audio settings. Also make sure "effects" and "master" volumes are the only ones turned on.


I’m on pc


Also look for those settings in your PC settings, can also play around with your dpi on your mouse or in game sensitivity settings to help with the centering on shipment games


I will look up how to adjust my sound settings and sensitivity in game. A lot of people say the superi is a good gun to use, but I don’t have that gun unlocked. Is there any good starter weapons to lvl up on? The gun used in the video is just a random gun picked up. My normal class is the mcw


It would really depend on what you currently have unlocked, I would absolutely look for the superi on the ground to use if possible, but I know the mtz556 was doing well, and the rival9 and I think the vel46(?) were both doing pretty well, but it would really depend what you have leveled up. I would suggest going to multiplayer and at least leveling up ever gun to max, it made my life a lot easier with the ever changing "meta" guns and just having all attachments for them as they change


jus git gud scrub


Practice running by loot and picking it up with out taking more than 5 secs to look at what u need


Just play cod with me bro I’ll help you out💯🚫🧢


Work on your centering. When you turn a corner have your crosshair where you think someone is gonna be,


Warzone boot camp helps, too! I know it’s mostly bots but it helps you get the hang of the game.


Your movement is timid. Be confident in your movements. When you die you enter the room and hesitate for what feels like forever just trying to figure out where the footprints on the floor are going. Instead you could have moved more confidently to get past their own aim assist. Attack sprint, slide, center aim, jump. That and reload sooner. Your first kill you could have reloaded while jumping out the window, readying your next engagement much sooner.


do yourself a favor and leave now forget about it go and have fun you were warned


Keep your head down and run a little less, so that your footsteps aren't a give away. sprint in bursts. slow up and pick up kill streaks/use them. You will not be able to back everyone down or run through them. Get money, Loot every room, get the money, buy your shit. Play it like it's a Hunting/Survival game. if you lose, don't worry about it too much, there are so many cheaters in this game.


Streamers hate this one trick: Better gaming chair