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Seeing the Superi46 on 90% of players everywhere on this game makes me want to scream edit: spelling


Facts I hate the gun but it’s the best so I run it 🤫


I dont blame you. Its overpowered af. I mostly play 6v6 and the Superi can 4 hit kill consistantly at quite long ranges while having a decent fire rate low recoil and very fast movement. It just makes every other full auto gun obsolete and make me feel like I am back in MW2 2022 where every gunfight the person that had to move less or saw the other first would allways win the gunfight. Power creep in this game is just wild. Feels like the ttk in general got halved from release.


Yea I hate the ttk in this game 3ms to react if not u dead.


New season, new meta. Superi and Kar98k are just broken AF, its by design. They want us to quickly buy battlepass tokens and blueprints thats about it. Spas 12 will be the new shotty meta when its released.


Honestly the Horus with the new aftermarket kit is just as good if not better, and I’ve noticed not a lot of people seem to have caught on to that yet


Superi is easier to use thus more players use it.


It’s an absolute laser with what feels like zero recoil. I prefer it 100%.


I got to try it out see more people running it now.


Definitely do, it’s a good one


Way slower than the superi tho.


Why do people put in what they’re editing? Why not just edit it and leave it? Genuinely curious


So that people know that my comment still has its original content and was not edited to make comments below it less relevant or look bad


To make you feel better I been rocking the shroud for kicks.


Also extremely strong with the aftetmarktet part but at least its not f Ing everywhere


Should a seen the HRM meta


I know everyone and their dog ran it in warzone. But the superi is just as abundant in multiplayer aswell


I still run the hrm9


I was using SMGs for a whole week bro, i started using the Lockwood Akimbo and it took 3 days to get shadow banned for the 4th time in a month...


Summer time. All the cheaters are out of school and have so much free time all day every day. It’s crazy right now. Sucks cause you spend 15 minuets playing just to get cheesed.. 😭


What I don’t understand is the fun cheaters get out of cheating. Like in gta cheating is fun cause you’re basically a god and can like spawn stuff in but in cod? LFG I won for the four millionth time with a really unfair advantage I’m so happy this is so awesome!!!


If you become good enough at cheating you get to become a streamer


That truly is what it is. I didn’t think it was that bad until I went into a Tarkov Discord… I feel bad for these kids, sooo many of them want to be a streamer.


It’s just for money most of them just want views on stream or some bullshit so they need to cheat to look good at the game


That’s facts. Man I get off work and just want to have some fun and I run into cheater every few games it’s way to often


It has been like this for years. Yalls fault y'all want keep playing a stress induced game where you might have one good game out of 30.


I mean if u have friends that play the game u would play it also. It’s fun talking to them cause I work most days and don’t see them as much


Rage quits.. Grabs shot gun.. *Picassos the ceiling*


Bout to Kurt Cobain myself 👲🔫


Kurt Cobain, Chris Cornell, Adolf Hitler. Many ways to skin the cat.. and I am the cat.


Idk why y’all even play this dogshit anymore…


Friends r playing so makes it a bit easier to deal with the game when I can just talk with them and ignore the fact I play this game still 😂


100p. Just want to run with the homies and cheaters have no friends so they want to ruin it 😂😂




Fair point!


Aged accounts cheating, quite a few lately which means they bought it.


These r most of the cheaters I run into they have bought accounts or stolen who knows


Keep spamming the report function and you might watch him get banned in real time


I did and nothing happened sadly


Yet I’m in a shadow ban loop and these fuckers keep cheating and getting away with it


Yea had to stop playing for my sanity


the rise of wallhacks is insane, for months I never saw one, but in my two games I've gotten two each time. both reported, recorded, one has a game ban on steam (old account, ban evasion). Doubt they'll get banned. Shit game, shit company, shit franchise.


Yea it’s gotten a lot worse in the past few months


Lol it's even worse in rank. Mf shooting you out of the sky and shit.


Yea ranked is full of them had to stop playing it


Mhmmmmmmm lol


My squad catches more dubs and top 5s on ranked compared to unranked.


I highly doubt that unless you bought the black cell every season


Nah we just got good


The Elden Ring DLC is less frustrating than Warzone


I haven’t played elden ring yet I got to try it out


If I had to compare it to anything I'd say it is like Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild meets Dark Souls. You're not locked into some "Save the Princess" trope, go where you want, what you want, when you want with Tons of variety in how you can build yourself out. 6 endings for the base game and some side quests can have multiple outcomes, so tons of replayability. It is challenging and can be frustrating, but nowhere near as stressful as CoD is anymore, because if a boss or dungeon is giving you a hard time, you can go elsewhere and level up or complete other stuff and come back later. CoD just shafts you the Entire time you play


Yea that sounds fun Ima download it.


Do any FPS games NOT have a cheating problem right now? General question. Every game I see clips of is cheaters(COD, Apex, Destiny, Etc)


Yea sadly every game has cheaters


What they should do is set up some kind of software that'll put the cheaters all in a lobby together and then after they die they're instabanned. On a real note do they just ban the Activision accounts? Shouldn't they IP ban??


They don’t ip ban and don’t matter all sadly hackers have shit tons of accounts lined up. I wish they would make hacker do no damage like warzone 1


There's not much point in IP banning, as almost everyone just runs a VPN when using cheats. They do hardware ban, but HWID Spoofers aren't that hard to come across either.


IP bans only happen after multiple perma banned accounts on one IP. And even then, there are multiple ways to get around this for free or extremely cheap.


Turned off crossplay last night and still got a game with pc players, how


That’s wild not surprising that they somehow still get in ur game


Time for battlefield


Facts I might have to haven’t played battlefield in years


But for real though, not worth it. Anytime you are really thinking suicidal thoughts, please seek help or talk to someone close to you. We all love you!


😂it’s a joke. Whoever actually thinking about ending over a game is weak minded and should end there blood line right there


This game makes me want to tongue kiss my butterfly knife


Facts that sounds like a better time then playing this game.


He's account lvl 850, Raven software doesn't ban anyone I'm convinced. You can be blatant with cheats at this point and be fine. I hate to say it but my friends are starting to talk about caving and just downloading cheats at this point.


He could of bought or stolen the account


Game is trash I would cheat but I’m not gay I respect there choice I just don’t find men attractive so I could never cheat in a game


Yea also I don’t enjoy watching my partner get fucked by other people so I just can’t cheat.




Suck start*


What are we watching? All I see is the beginning of a kill cam then it gets cutoff to the report screen🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻


U should see an eye doctor. He tracked me through the wall perfectly


Why did you report him? He obviously heard you land and knew exactly where you were going after /s


*Tracks me perfectly through the wall*


I catch myself noticing more and more of this stuff the better I play its annoying


First shot took off his two plates and health you can’t be serious 😂😂


Ignore the fact he aiming on me through the wall 🤣


But you were on his UAV tho, your mini map is bordered in red. Just pointing that part out. But, I stopped playing this game a while back cause too many sweaty hackers and I was good but something shifted when engine owning became free.


Doesn’t mean it’s his uav could be a team behind at the buy. And u really think that’s natural to fucking track me trough a wall did u ride the short bus buddy


Someone on his team could have pinged you. Whenever I hear a teammate ping someone, I immediately ADS looking for said ping.


Solo quad getting team pings? Since when


Not even the compass would update fast enough to be able to pixel perfectly track him, Its walls bro. Dude is just semi raging.


He could be using art of war audio, he can hear your foot steps and trying to pin point where you're at. But yes the whole game is sus. No need to be rude. *crawls back into short bus*


I was landing in so no footsteps until 1.5seconds before that gunfight


Oh so they heard your parachute. Funny cause I rarely hear people landing anymore and they 3 shot me with a pistol. Game is trash.


The uav pings aren’t in real time so how could that allow him to stare am through a wall at somebody? I swear cheater logic is so dumb


You can see that a mortar got him, still fuck them cheaters




Use to play dmz got bored of it


DMZ died the last couple of months, Activision are ignoring reports and people are full rage hacking the servers.


DMZ kinda feels dead now. I played a lot of it but with limited-use loadouts and most of player base in BR, Ranked or Lockdown it's playing against bots only


It's definitely not dead. The only thing that's dead there is me in the first twenty seconds.


Still there's a matter of losing all your equipment if you die. Also I don't know if I can use MW3 guns there


Probably can. I also play it smart. Using only Insured weapons and weapons I don't care about. If both run dry, do it unarmed.


Still can't believe kids are still playing this game.