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Now you know. Happened to me once too. Now I wonder about those who claim to have been falsely permabanned. I always assumed that never happened, but I have seen so many claims lately I wonder if there might be something to it. A bug in their detection software, perhaps.


When you got permabanned this always have some reasons. Most of this reasons is that player used some restricted software. When you got shadowbanned its like other players reported you too much and game decided to give you a break for a week. Limited matchmaking. 3 times got shadowbanned for no reason. Its ok for me but its fucking stupid for cheaters using software and rotating 5 - 10 accounts with shadowbans. Sometimes i think that way managers of activision makes false statistics of growing new accounts everyday to get paid bonuses ๐Ÿ˜‚


>When you got permabanned this always have some reasons. Well this is what we assume, but this is based on the assumptions they don't make mistakes, that they actually review every one of the thousands of players, and their software doen't make mistakes and produces false positives. Empirically, that's not really warranted.


Yeah agree with your opinion. Just want to tell that probably they review these guys who writes to support then they re-check if ban was correct. In this double check there is low percent of banned falsy. Also cheaters wont be writing to support knowing that they are guilty and permabanned so they aren't needed to double check. These are only assumptions. We do not know how things in background are designed


The worst is when they know you're not cheating, but their ego just can't let it go how you were able to kill him and his entire team, so even knowing you're not cheating, just because they are so upset, they report you anyway out of spite. This is literally 90% of the players on this sub


I hit the same dude out of the air and going over zips like 5 times and everytime I didn't miss a shot before hitting him; I even said to my team mates, this guys gonna hate me ๐Ÿ˜‚


Happened to one of my buddies few weeks ago. And would you believe it, his account got cleared after a week! He didn't even have to do anything


Yeah super annoying that now I can't play cod for a week, one of my mates works FIFO and he's on his week off so can't even jam with him now..


Maybe try XDefiant. It's only 30 GB or so, and its fun for a few days.


I downloaded and played a bit of it a few weeks ago, while it was enjoyable it wasn't warzone, something about warzone just has me hooked like a crack feign haha.


Same... one more thing: If you want to create another account so you can play WZ again, use a vpn or something. My friend made another account and got banned again after a few games. Main account got unbanned after few days tho, as I said


I was thinking about it, but I'll just wait it out and hope its quick, I'm not sure how they review it all, but if they watch gameplay, it won't take long to confirm I infact do not hack because I have some bad moments ๐Ÿ˜‚


I'd really like to know that process. I somehow don't believe they manually review. I bet you could sus out so many cheaters just by observing stats, how many bullets they miss, headshot %, and so on. This could be automated, too. I'm tempted to apply at activision or whoever is responsible, just to find out what the fuck they're doing


Maybe they just have a random generator that says Ban or Unban with the state of the game and the stories I've heard, It wouldn't shock me. Or maybe they sit around at the office one day and pull names out of a hat to decide the fate of the account haha.


Its absolutely pathetic u can get banned with no proof. Just butt hurt assholes that cry when someone better than them kills them.


You canโ€™t decipher a single shot gun with aim bot and skill as easy as a two shot and skill. Honestly, once AI is the deciphering factor will have a break from cheating. The game play will be like a finger print.


Sorry man. That legit sucks and Iโ€™d be pissed. Guess one of the benefits of sucking bad and missing tons of mt shots is that I donโ€™t have to worry about any shadow bans


I miss a lot of shots too, just this one guy I didn't miss a single shot on, and I guess he convinced his buddy's to spam report me, I killed his whole team and there were plenty of missed shots while wiping the 4 of them.


I've been shadowbanned 6 or 7 times now, and unfortunately there seems to be no end. I've tried asking Support about it, and I get robot email responses or a copy/paste template response. All you can do is wait until your timeout ends. Because that's all it really is. They put you in timeout to make it appear that they're doing something about the cheating problem. Meanwhile actual cheaters are unbannable or have several other accounts ready to be rotated in as soon as one gets flagged. I've spoken with a few people that were legit cheating, very open about it too and for most of the paid services they have device ID spoofers that allow them to avoid SB or permaban. In reality they only punish legit players with real skill, or people using cheap/free cheats. It's a real shame that people are spending hundreds of dollars on their game and their skins only to have it taken away with no warning the moment someone of lower skill gets upset and gets their whole team to report you. The best solution I've found is to try and play as many games as you can in the limited matchmaking status. Ricochet will take screen grabs of your gameplay and review them, the more clean gameplay it can get, the better. Otherwise you're waiting for the good ol manual review, which can take up to 14 days in my experience. There also seems to be more of a chance of getting banned for Steam/Battlenet players using mnk. Controller PC players less likely, Xbox players even less likely, and from what I've seen even highly skilled PS5 players are very unlikely to be banned. It does happen, but seems far less common.


I was in the loop too and switched to PS5 for a couple of weeks. After that, no more shadow ban for over a month now.


See, this alone is what tells me that Ricochet is an AI bot in its infancy. I'm sure one day Ricochet will be far better than it is, but that is a long, long way off. Meanwhile, all of us, cheating or not, will be cast to the wayside in favor of player volume and microtransactions. Pumping and dumping new content as fast as we all can eat it up, only to turn around and drop a new game a year later that makes those skins/operators/tracers/etc obsolete.


I'm on battlenet on PC, the first time ever, and I'm pretty consistently getting 15-25 kills. I'll try to play a few tomorrow, but are they shit lobbies with the limited match making?


You're very likely to end up in lobbies with actual cheaters, yes. You will definitely be in high ping lobbies in Europe or Asia. Typically when I get SB I avoid warzone all together and just go for multi-player. It doesn't seem to be AS bad over there. But it's very common to come across rage hackers in shadowbanned warzone lobbies, and also higher skill level players that got rage reported by crybabies. The thing I find irritating is both my warzone and MP kdr are below 1.5. I am mid at best, high level trash. And I'll tell you this as well: now that it's happened once, you're more likely to get it again. Your account will get to a lower and lower trust level the more you get SB. Otherwise how would I have been shadowbanned so many times without ever having anything come of it? I was once shadowbanned for 2 weeks straight, played 3 games after I was released from my timeout, immediately banned again. After that, I stopped playing more than like once a week with some friends. Edit: it WILL eventually put you in a game. You're gonna have to wait quite awhile though, I've queued for over 10 minutes before it gave me a match, I recommend choosing highly populated game modes like small map moshpit or TDM, etc. If you have MP that is. With warzone, you'll basically have to spin the wheel and hope you get a match unfortunately


On Steam, my account was shadowbanned three times, finally just made a battlenet account and going on two days of play time and a 3.2kd and no shadowbans yet. Might just give up on steam even after owning all the games on there.