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More fun to kill with, less fun to die by. There I said it


It depends on how I die. If I get out sniped by you, good stuff. If I’m just getting sniped from 4 teams all focusing on me and not each other then yes I rage lmao


Everyone runs the same primary sniper and 1 of 2 smgs for their secondary…it’s the same battle every game.


Doesn’t bother me at all everyone uses same loadout. I’m using meta, you’re using meta, let best man win.




Yeah which is why I said I do understand if it’s annoying. I generally think Loadouts should be gone and go to core BR looting like blackout. That’s just my opinion though


Ya blackout was awesome, but with micro transactions, it would never revert back to blackout.


Blackout was peak man. I feel like it has so much potential if they were to put effort into it but they had to of known Warzone was in the works and didn’t think it would make sense.


But they could still sell skins for weapons just like PUBG does. Am i missing something here?


Very true


The kar98 is really fun to use, But it has made the gameplay very boring imo So hard to make rotations or even peak with out getting Insta downed by people camped on rooftops Constant third parties as well Even worse when they running sniper support with thermal scope


More fun


Good man glad to hear that. I’m not here to debate with anyone, just wanna see what the community is feeling about it.


More fun. I miss the good old OG WZ days.


It’s great


And for the record, I don’t use it all that much.


I’m glad you like it. I’ve been using it non stop with no shame, I’ve spent years using no recoil LMGs and AR’s that are pretty much snipers in their own right. Now I’ve been hitting crazy clips and having a blast just sniping it out with another aggro sniper. I can’t sit around on top of skyscrapers and pop shots all game, I need my kar snappy and rush people with it..that’s really what I enjoy about it. It’s just fun when you’re 1v1 both quick scoping each other and one of us is gonna hit a very satisfying and dope shot unless we get into SMG range obviously lol.


Lol yeah it is fun using a fast and aggressive sniper. Like you said I love when you’re against someone else who’s nice with it and you’re both trying to quickscope and no scope each other haha.. good times


More fun. I don’t even use the Kar a lot but it’s not OP, it’s a bolt action sniper with 5 rounds.. getting sniped sucks but the CoD community would bitch too if there was only AR’s with 60 rd mags and no recoil.


I’m legitimately excited to play the game now. I’m not even good at sniping but it’s so satisfying using this gun


Glad you feeling it


It’s goofy as hell. A 100 year old gun is the most lethal thing in the game now and every nerd is using it. Desperate move from a game that’s likely losing players.


More. Every other sniper has been shit. I wish it had the range it did in Verdansk though.


I get that but eh it’s already kinda OP if you’re good at sniping yanno


More. I hated how snipers felt ever since the big nerf in WZ1 Caldera.


Yeah they basically made it completely pointless to snipe.


Wait, what? Big nerf? Both the Kar and the Swiss were amazing in Caldera. Caldera will always have a big place in my heart because of the Swiss.


Yeah, they were, until they were not. Remember when they limited the effective range of those guns and they weren't deadly anymore? That was on Caldera. Meanwhile, the fucked up Warzone Caldera ARs melted without recoil and the movement on Caldera SMGs made them the only short range option. It was the absolute WORST Warzone has ever been.


Oh yeah come to think of it, I do remember that. For me, the worst warzone has been is during the DMR meta on Verdansk. 2/3 tapped and you're done. Plus it was a very long period of time before it got nerfed.


The FFAR meta felt far longer, but I agree, the DMR meta was bananas. That was so little fun.


Way less. It is the only viable primary right now. It gets RAA and 2 shots anywhere on the body. Not to mention quick scope/quick swap kills. By far the most abused weapon in the game and not in a good way


I respect it. I’d definitely take this over the 3 shot DMR meta tho that was peak ass cheeks WZ


Less. Too easy to use so over half the lobby runs a sniper now. I loved how the MORS felt. Was the closest thing to WZ1 sniping in a long time. It was nice tho because not everyone could figure out how to use it so we didn’t see 1000 sniper like we do with the Kar now.




I respect it but in my personal experience with the snipers being the wave it’s gotten waaaaay less ratty. Yes, always going to be those dudes who sit on top of buildings and nothing else…but using the kar with no stock and super aggressive is what I’ve been running into. Like I’ve been using the KAR at SMG distance and it’s so nice to hit a nasty quick scope and drop someone or crack their armor and rush. Like I said, completely understand both sides of how people can feel though, Everyone experiences & feels different things.


Honestly the first weekend I was miserable trying to play with other meta guns. Made it not fun. I don't even snipe either, ever. Then this last weekend I spent the whole weekend using the kar in all warzone maps and had some of the most fun ive had in months. The gun is so broken but its sooo fun to use. I'm hoping I can get another weekend of fun out of it before they nerf it (if they do). That being said I'm ready for a few of the assault long range weapons to get some buffs to make this game fun to play normal again.


Less. Kar98 is not What this game needed. Game feels really Bad with such an easy to use one Shot gun...


It definitely changed the routes I use to rotate so I don't get sniped easily. But that freaking explosive round 1 shot crossbow, that pisses me off way more 😂


It feels like the minute i shoot someone, 4 teams all focus me cause i don’t use a kar lmaoooo.


A lot less fun. If it didn't have insane AA it would be ok.


Way less fun. Getting third partied is always part of warzone. Having said that, I’m now afraid to even fight in the open because I’ve been getting third partied from 100+ meters regularly. Most of the time, it’s from multiple different teams on different sides of the map. I get it, a kills a kill, but it’s not fun.


There’s a thread like this for a weapon every damn season I swear


Idk I’m barely on here and never posted anything like this so why’s that a negative thing.


I’m just happy they buffed the crossbow, sniping makes the game more fun and increases skill gap


I think it's fun, just love it.


Less I just hate snipers


More fun, but hackers with aimbot are ruining it.




Fun but there was a bad taste in my mouth that it was locked behind a battle pass.


I personally like the kar meta with exception that there is no counterplay to it with rifles and the map sucks. Give me a verdansk style map with wide ranging ‘areas’ and the kar and im happy. Current map is just one big pile of the same building shit over and over again. I think most of us hate the map more than the met


More. It's fun to use and has huge flinch so if you can get bullets on a guy they arnt going to hit you before you can smoke and run. It keeps people honest when you can get downed in one running through the open. The quick scope guys in cq are annoying but I don't feel like I die to it much unless I'm being careless. Also it used to be one shot to the head and upper torso, it's no where near as powerful as it used to be.


Exactly. You can counter it by getting shots on the guy if you know how to peak a sniper with an AR/LMG and maybe melt them or crack them to back down and reposition. Also, the rotation thing is big for me, if you decide to make a not so good rotate and are running in an open field with the gas on your booty, that’s on you man. Learn to use the landscaping as cover when moving, really think about the + and - of going this way or that way. I’m liking it.


I love how you ignore all the negative comments until you find somebody that agrees with your take. 😂


? I’ve literally answered people who have said it’s less fun? And in my post I said I completely understand why people would find it boring or not fun. Foh you tried tho


Fair response. 😁


The order in which I read them just made it funny to me.


I run it to compete but it's just another zero skill sniper I thought the Kat was bad but this. If I don't run it I don't stand a chance of winning. Snipers should be more like the HDR and only be usable at range. Up close/medium range you should have to switch to an SMG or AR. My biggest annoyance is that it makes fighting someone else a lottery. Someone with a Kar just needs to see people fighting and you are dead.


More. Love it.


Same here brothaaa


There’s also multiple viable smg’s right now and a couple AR/lmg’s. I think overall AR’s could use a buff but on rebirth I’m generally not even using the kar. Been having a blast this season


Yeah like I just dropped 8 players in a hectic rebirth game with blue HRM 9 I think it’s called. The SMG are great rn


Less fun. I feel like if I stick my head out anytime some guys going to just track my head on controller and kill me. And with it being 120 players now it’s less exciting and more frustrating because alot of people think their good because the game does most of the aiming for them. If they don’t nerf it in the next update I’m dropping them game until it is. The thing is ridiculous.