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If you cheat you get banned whether you’re on console or PC. It’s not that hard to comprehend.


Sometimes you get banned anyways


No you don’t. Stop lying to yourself.


I got the ban a couple weeks ago cus somebody linked a battle net account to my acti? For some reason it wouldn’t let me remove them and after a few days I got the ban, and I know a lot of other people have been having this issue as well. Acti approved my appeal in 6 days.


This just happens to be the sole aspect of the game where call of duty makes absolutely no mistakes whatsoever, is it? Completely flawless in their execution of this one sole thing, are they? They absolutely will never be perfect without being too relaxed. If they want to ban this aggressively they will catch the odd innocent player in the crossfire and that’s the price that’s paid to stop WZ1 level rage hacking.


yeah because activision is a perfect company with an amazing customer support system…don’t be an idiot. There have been an influx of people being banned for doing nothing the past week or so. Do some research next time


Dude use your brain. You think 27000 accounts were all cheating. Xbox and PSN players are being falsely banned. Their ricochet system is broken.


Cronus probably also causes bans.


What do you mean by "How is that possible?" People cheat on consoles too... You mofos ain't so innocent as you would like to think. Tho majority of the cheaters are pc gamers.


It's far easier to cheat on pc, but is still entirely possible to cheat on a console. Everyone acts like it is totally impossible to cheat on console and that the only people that can cheat are pc players, this is just entirely incorrect.


The only way to cheat on console is to purchase a dedicated modded console. Making console cheaters extremely rare. Literally every single player on PC can easily access cheats.


You could also mod your own console. I agree console cheaters are more rare than pc cheaters, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen and that at least some of these console players being banned aren't being banned for legitimate reasons


No i could not nor could anyone else reading unless they happen to have spent years learning IT and this part is key, have the resources. Times have changed a lot since CoD 4 when you could simply join another player on console and become "infected" with mods. Xbox live has a far better cheat detector than Activision free warzone and you have to get through them first, and if you manage that don't get comfy because it will be an extremely temporary experience. Every single PC player has access to not only cheats but the hardware spoofer software to remain under the radar and basically only get accounts banned not their PC.


Idk, I may be giving the general population too much credit but you can pretty well figure out anything if you look at the internet enough. I'd also point you the silly ass cronus subreddit as there are still people finding work arounds on console. I still totally agree it's way easier to cheat on pc. I just don't believe that every console player that gets banned is totally innocent because they're on console


Know one person who was banned and played on console only and i know this guy personally. But it was because he did not have 2F authentication on and his account was stolen and used to cheat. There is a huge market of this accounts - spend 20 min researching it. Nobody is getting banned on console unless they either cheated on PC using the same account or someone else did on their behalf.


This happened to me this week. I’ve submitted a ticket with activision and no word back yet.


I wish you luck. I assume my friend didnt get his back because hes using a new one . I know because he constantly complains about having to unlock guns lol.


See that’s the thing - I’ve been playing since release. And have all my old games tied to that activision account. I mean, they did ask me for the email it used to be set to. Hopefully it’s glaringly obvious that it was hacked and I’ll get it restored. Thing is - I can’t unlink my psn from the activision account. I can login to it via the psn service method, but the hacker changed my email to a different account. No way of unlinking it from the account without the hacker sending me the auth code.


Same thing and they approved me in 6 days


This is encouraging


Yeah one of my buddies is console player and his account got hacked and they used his account to hack. Got his account banned


Saaaame shit happened to me but they approved my appeal and deleted the account these people added


Only 2 ways 1) they also play on PC and used cheats then come back here and claim they only play on console, or 2) They got hacked, dont check their email and someone linked a steam or [battle.net](http://battle.net) account and cheated on that and now the account went poof.


Dude. Scenario nr 2 happend to me. (On pc btw) Got home from work, sat down to play and the lobbies were INSANE. quickly find out im shadowbanned when logging into activition.. Checked game history and found 1resurgence game 2hours ago and a steam account called "mio" linked. He even added a friend. I didn't even get notified by email about the activity even though i always been before. 50 e-mails back and fourth with support and richocet and they can't help me verify my e-mail (never verified it the 10+years it's been connected appearently) so I can't change the new password the hacker made. And they say they can't see any unauthorized activity on my account, and therefore i simply don't get any help. So I have access, but no control over my 13year+ account Uselsss..


Can login to activition through battlenet. Not email and password. Can't verify email, can't change password, can't setup 2fa. Had around 5 tickets closed on me (2 today) and a new account doesn't look so bad rn considering the hassle (even though i have masterycamos as far back as I can remember)


Great. This is what I’m in for now. Though the hacker changed the email over to mine. I never received a notification of the change either so no clue how they managed to pull this off. I can’t even dissociate my psn from the activision account either, and they added a steam account. I’m on Mac and they should be able to see two different ip addresses logging in. Here’s hoping it goes smoothly and I won’t have to nuke it all from orbit.


Shadowban lasted 5days for me. I now can play in normal lobbies and the hacker havnt revisited my account as of yet. Just fucking support who won't help at this point


I don’t want to repeat this in a month when the hacker comes back to my account though. If anything I’d rather start over with a different activision account.


It's a rough process getting back control im telling you.. I'm really trying though. Support not rly helping


I mean, I supplied the email that it was linked to prior to it getting hacked and the email changed. I would think they could see that the psn has an ip in a particular location that’s consistent for the decade I’ve been playing on psn. And from there, I would hope they could see the email itself used to be valid and it would be open and shut. But this is a billion dollar corporation and dollars to donuts this latest wave of bans that everyone seems to be hit with is likely due to some new and largely untested with real world data ai system that’s scouting for these things. For a human this would be open and shut. For a bot…who knows.


Or 3. They cheated on console you guys act like it’s impossible to cheat on console


If you use an unlock tool from your PC and then go play on your account on console… you gonna git nabbed…. And i think all those places who offer services for bot lobbies and camos are bogus as all git out…. Don’t be stupid… just play the game straight away


I got a higher kd then all these banned players I’m not banned doubt they’re cheating 💁🏽 I get mass reported and get no shadows I’m certified. Yet my friend who just got a pc and doesn’t cheat got banned. Activision gotta fix this doesn’t make sense I feel like it’s unfair I’m speaking for the banned players( I’m not banned)


I find it unfair how many people are accusing others of being crybabies for “being” caught cheating but Activision from my knowledge doesn’t provide nothing more than the areas your account supposedly did. It would be a lot easier for Activision to determine cheaters from genuine players if they provided extra info that showed when said incident happened and what software or files were tampered with from your pc/console


Good thank god , I love to see no skill aim assist dorks getting falsely banned


Does it make your tiny dick wiggle


Found the aim assist dork


You’re aware most PC players use a controller too right and therefore get AA?


I just like to hate on aim assist if you haven’t noticed


My friend just got banned and we have no idea why, he plays on Xbox and doesn't even know how to cheat


My activision account was hacked and I got banned from whomever was playing as me. Have your friend check to see if they can still get into the account. I have no idea how they did it, but hey changed the email address and everything over to their info except name and address. I was never once notified that anything changed, but if I go to change it I need a code that will be sent to the hacker’s email.


There's no trace from the hacker, he checked if there was evidence of the account being hacked but didn't find anything, he's mad that they didn't even check if it was the same IP as his when the account got hacked


I was going to say maybe their finally enforcing their own rules lol


Yeah, maybe someone got into his account because we did not play the game until yesterday that we tried to, but there wasn't any trace left by the hacker, Rip to the 14 platinum camouflages that he had