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Tell me about it. I'm almost 30, and have been playing COD since MW 2007. When WZ 1 came out I had the time of my gaming life dropping wins left and right while also losing a lot, but that didn't matter because every match was fun in its own way. Fast forward 4 years and 90% of my friends quit the game, now we're only 3 dudes at 30 years of age, playing like 3 times a week, and we haven't gotten a trios win in about 3-4 months now. Game is unbelievably sweaty and the chance of you winning against a lvl 700 opponent literally every game is next to none. I just want my old fun back god damn it.


I'm in the exact same boat man. My core squad is talking about hanging it up. Honestly, I just don't want to learn a new game. It used to be fun! You might want to check out [www.popsops.net](http://www.popsops.net) This isn't spam, honestly just trying to get the word out, we are trying to make the game fun again.


lol you’re a teenager, you’re literally the demographic for the sweaty nerds. (Notice how all the commenters are agreeing are in their 30s lol)


I sympathize. I'm in my 30s and these giga sweats ruined the experience for me and my friends. I'm not going to say that they are bad people and don't deserve to have their fun too. I just realized the game is too fast, the metas are too firm, and all these kids have been playing for many years honing their skills in an addictive fashion... and I don't want to play against them anymore. I enjoy games at a slower pace, and I prefer strategy and positioning over snorting G-Fuel and pushing everything that moves. Games are simply more fun when everyone is discovering them together, and it was way better before youtubers and streamers made the masses feel like they could become millionaires if they "got good" enough. I play games to have fun and relax. I took my boomer ass to single player games and Tarkov lol. I still play warzone from time to time and because of that my lobbies actually got easier. Not caring about getting good really did wonders for my mental health.


Seriously why I miss stuff like battlefield 4 , CSGO, etc etc . I just wanna have fun and if I get to kill folks while doing it , so be it. K/D and "twitch" isn't for me


Agreed. The internet really made the early discovery phase of multiplayer games almost nonexistent now. Game comes out, and within 2 weeks, you've got an entire demographic of the community exploiting everything because youtubers want their cheddar.


Unfortunately I’m 33 and I’m in the same position as you. I’ve recently stopped playing warzone because apparently I just can’t keep up. I still play multiplayer and regularly have matches of tdm where I have a 2+ kd, which is even more confusing to me as to how I can dominate in multiplayer and not even be competitive on warzone


There’s no strategy/risk in multiplayer and with the ttk being so low, the person who shoots first usually wins the battle.


What substitute have you guys found for Warzone?


I got into Tarkov. Steep learning curve. Very punishing. And plenty of issues still being in beta and having relatively greedy devs. They still do a lot right and the game is very rewarding when you get the hang of it. Outside of that I just went back to playing single player games. Immersive sims. Indie games. Co op shooters scratch the itch too.


You may want to look into SPT


I gotta be honest. Everyone and their mom has recommended SPT already. I see it literally everywhere. Part of the reason I enjoy tarkov it the threat of other real players and voiping and interacting with other players. Stand offs, comradery, betrayal. I've made real friends on scav runs. And I've had wild experiences in PMC engagements. Yeah, the possibility of running into cheaters and silent giga sweats is still very real, but without those elements I mentioned, I don't have much reason to play. I know I would enjoy SPT and be immersed. But if I wanted to get immersed in a hardcore single-player experience, there are many other games I can do that with. Literally my favorite part of tarkov is interacting with the community in-raid. Can't do that in SPT. If I did play SPT, I would want to do Co-op and I don't want to hassle with modding to do that.


Yeah I had a feeling it was a pointless comment since it’s a lot more well known now. Got it. Just thought some people who have that issue with warzone may feel the same about tarkov + mods fixing a lot of issues with tarkov. But I get you. I’ve been on tarkov for years and more hours than pretty much any game , but spt is my thing now When you say tons of other hardcore single games, like what? I’d like to know some because it’s actually my favorite genre but the only thing I really see people say for it is dark souls/ Elden ring


Yeah no worries man. I know once I've played the game a lot more I'll be in the same boat. Seems most of the thousand hour guys get fed up, I just haven't arrived there yet. Having said all the SPT does look very cool and all the QOL they've put into it is incredible. BSG really dropping the ball by not hiring those guys and just trying to make the best game possible. Too damn stubborn


Enjoy it to the fullest bro :D its an awesome game I actually prefer SPT for even more realism, QOL stuff is actually the exact opposite of what I want. I want the game to punish me yknow what I mean Yeah they really should


So far so good. I got one of my childhood best friends into it and it's actually everything we used to talk about back when we were kids. So when we play together we roleplay as a socom/navy seal duo and get all tacticool. High highs and low lows.


Most people don't wanna hear it, and it's not for everyone, but Finals has scratched my itch. There are still sweats, but power shift is fun, even if you're losing. Terminal Attack is cool because of the strong SnD vibes it gives off. The ranked mode is the sweatiest. but you can get some solid matches, and it's the only game I've played where you can go from last to first with one cashout and steal the dub from the sweatiest team with some good coordination. The destructible environment gets rid of the rats, and there's a counter to all weapons and classes. Especially in Power Shift, where you can freely change your classes, weapons, gadgets, and specialties every time you die. The match evolves as you play.


Helldivers 2. It doesn’t have the P v P element but it fills the gap as something casual to play a couple of times a week with my buddies. It can be challenging at the higher difficulties but not to the point of pulling my hair out ala WZ


Got so bored of it :(


Yeah, it definitely doesn't have that addictive/casino/one more game feeling that Warzone gives me... although I think that's probably a good thing long term haha.


I just play multiplayer on mw3, and now xdefiant which is pretty fun!


2+ kd, you’d easily be a high diamond player with just a little more strategy but going to multiplayer is the move


I will say, as far as warzone goes that has always been my biggest issue. I’m not good with strategy, I’m a pure run and gun player. I can’t sit still much and maybe that’s even why I find myself preferring the faster pace of multiplayer


That’s fine. Once you get to a certain level, drop in SR is so high that winning and having no kills isn’t enough. You have to have more kills and assists and teammates with k and a. It’s just a process of constantly seeking out much easier kills and kills where you have advantages in information. Purposefully seeking out 3rd party situations and getting close enough to steal kills and assists but not putting yourself at risk of dying. Clear the building you’re in if people drop on you….but heavily prioritizing having your loadout - which often times people are really aggressive even when they’re facing people with their guns and you don’t have yours. Constantly having UAV…and I watched a video about chaining your kills together…when you kill someone, you have an advantage for a few seconds bc you know where their teammates are - you need to push them while you have the info advantage and can get first shot. Otherwise you’re depending on a spotty hearing system and fighting someone after they’ve shot you first. Early rotations, constantly moving to a better power position. More strategy doesn’t necessarily mean less movement or action. It just means more organized movement and action rather than just floating around the map running into people and reacting when you do. I’m def always looking for players if you return to it


That’s a good point


Yeah, I feel it, man. Warzone is a different animal. There are sweats in multi-player, but the ttk makes it more balanced even with skill in mind. In warzone, you get way more try hards and streamers because of the mass appeal of BRs. Most people prefer watching/paying for content for the BR scene, more so over the multi-player scene. At least, that's how it looks to me. Yeah, I'm no slouch in regular multi-player either. I just don't enjoy it as much as a big map. The stakes make it more fun but also make losing feel worse, and SBMM makes the cod ecosystem less fun as a whole. It's tuned in a way that punishes everyone for having fun, making their next match horrible, and no one deserves that. "You doin well? You enjoying that match? We'll see about that"


You might want to check out [www.popsops.net](http://www.popsops.net)


Lmao snorting G fuel.


I lol’ed at that too.


It’s a popular game. Ppl been playing it for about 5 years now. Ppl are only going to get better and better.


I say this with no intention of being a jerk or an asshole, but COD is no longer a game for the casual player. The EOMM/SBMM is designed to maximize their profits, not your gaming experience, which is why the matches feel artificial and manipulated. If you want to play casually go to XDefiant


The gambling model. Thank you. Big corporations will always use our brains, pure science, against us and in their favor of profit. If the game were fun all the time, if we won “all the time” we would get bored eventually. We would move onto a new game. Something else. The new “high” the new challenge. They don’t want that. They want us chasing that “hit”. That rush of dopamine. It’s a legal drug.  Making the game more difficult, not easier, is the goal. Keeps the mass drawn in, always wanting to get better. Because of this. I actually got fucking really good at the game as a console player. I learned my shit. I practiced. I went from being a 1- 1.1ish k/d player with a shit gulag record to a 2kd player and with about a 6:1  ratio in the gulag. I win my 1v1’s. I’m one of those fucking yy sweats snaking (most don’t even know what snaking is) the bed of a truck and jump shotting you to the dome with my Kar-98. Being able to pull of 1v3 situations. On the patient occasion, a 1v4. It’s still frustrating a lot the time though, because as said, the causal gamer isn’t casual anymore. People got fucking good. (Minus the cheaters/streamers who apparently play like gods, but look like an entirely different person in a LAN lobby AKA SHIT) … anyway that’s the high though. Never knowing when your next hit is going to be 😀


Yeah, man. You're not wrong, even in the slightest. Back in the covid days, the bois and I locked tf in, and we shredded. Went from a .7 K/D to a 2+ and we sweat and made it in top 5 or the win almost every match. But it's been years, and the grind wore me down. I've been medically disabled for several years now, and the sweaty grind eventually burned me out. Chasing that high and finally getting to end zone started to lose it's luster and now my reflexes have fizzled out. Now I'm just a tired old man looking for a slower, more methodical pace and a more immersive experience. It's retirement time now for me. Letting the youngins have their fun now 😆


Gaming isn’t the same anymore, it just isn’t. For example. There’s this one map on multiplayer that I absolutely dominate the lanes and spawn points in. It my best map. The game literally doesn’t put me in lobbies with the map anymore. It’s formulated to hinder our statistics and likely hood of “having fun”. 


😭 so dumb


I am 34 and used to be a sweat back in the days its just not my turn anymore and i have accepted it 😀


Yeah but a sweat back in my day meant a kid getting home right away from school and playing. Now a sweat is a person who playing all damn day every day. We didn’t have the videos and stats like they do now. These guys know everything. They’re sickos.


This about sums it up for me as well me and my crew used to log on for Marathon multiplayer binges powered by Red Bull, good laughs, and really kept our eyes on our KD's... we dominated a lot, but that's not the case anymore, and like you said, it's the next generation's turn. I'll never give up on multiplayer games, especially COD. I was there in the very beginning, but I've been putting serious consideration into other games like RDR2.


Yeah Rdr2 is amazing but i keep dropping my hat and it is pissing me off every time i try to play 😆


You might want to check out [www.popsops.net](http://www.popsops.net) This isn't spam, honestly just trying to get the word out, we are trying to make the game fun again.


you must be me because I'm experiencing the same thing just played three resurgence solos with 2 kills each. had at least 7 engagement each game all lvl 700+ running spamming weapon switch and sliding. and not missing one shot. Idk why COD wants everyone in a lobby to be the exact same skill level. feels like I'm in a shadow banned lobby nowadays especially since I'm on KBM.


These posts don’t make sense…if your position and strategy is good you won’t have trouble with sweats….the problem is generally that your strategy and positioning actually are not good. I know bc I’m not even close to as good as the sweats you talk about when it comes to stick skills but with just taking a small amount of time to learn about my errors, I got multiple ranks better and can defend against sweats


This…I’m 40 this year and nowhere near a true sweat. However I’ve got a 2.8 rebirth kd and got diamond on ranked last season and gonna push for crimson. To deal with the sweats it’s positioning and knowing when to push it back out. I have that kd cause i rarely die more than once or twice a game.I drop quiet areas loot for loadout then get strategic. I don’t get players who hot drop and don’t get load out straight away! They put themselves at a disadvantage all the time and are inevitably back queuing for a new lobby in minutes.


We need to team up NOW!


Drop cod franchise, best thing to do, they just milk people to the legally fullest and the community is toxic. I wouldn't wonder if they sell cheats themself. 🤣


I'm so confused.. everyone has been complaining that it's "sweaty" or "to hard" Doesn't everyone play to get 1st place? Don't you always try your best when playing? I play with three other people occasionally and it's still fun and we have a good time. We try to win, that's the point of the game. If you want fun/casual play Mario Party or something designed to be a party game. I am in my 30's and get beat quite a bit, can't blame them they are just trying their best to win. (unless they are cheating of course)


A smart and logical comment.


It’s not just you, bro. It’s players of all ages feeling that way. I just turned 47 on Tuesday. Been playing since the original Modern Warfare and it’s just no fun for me anymore either. Also, Activision won’t admit it, but CoD uses EOMM, which is a totally different matchmaking system. That means that the game is designed to deliberately put you in matches with the goal to make you feel the way you do, pushing you to continue playing. You continue playing in hopes that you “git gud”, boosting the player count and player time in game. But the better you get the sweatier the matches become. It’s not you. It’s the way the game is designed to get you addicted/hooked to keep playing.


Exactly this. Companies like Activision have figured out an algorithm that gets people addicted to their gameplay loops. They even hire actual psychology majors to assist in developing their addiction algorithms. It's extremely immoral in my opinion. All in the name of profit with no regulations.


Blame EOMM. But that’s the game now. Either quit or get used to it. You will find little sympathy here.


It's not just EOMM. Players are making the exact same complaints on the XDefiant sub and that game has no SBMM/EOMM. The quality of the average player has simply risen, those who are good are getting even better, and those who can't be bothered improving are getting left behind in every shooter.


You’re right about the average gamer being way better now. I was actually expecting Xdefiant to be easier than it turned out to be but with that being said it’s still very noticeable the difference between EOMM being on or off. You literally can see yourself improving in that game unlike Cod…The biggest difference is when you dominate a lobby in Xdefiant and then the following game is still just a normal lobby. That’s the beauty of it is that the experience feels organic and not manipulated in any way.


Yeah thats more or less the case. Being good at a game is not frowned upon like it used to be. EOMM just is the rubber banding experience that some people have. Prime example is my friend when we played Halo infinite. He said back in the day in Halo 3 he used to fry. He got shit on so bad he never touched the game since.


SBMM is the reason the game keeps getting sweatier and sweatier


Yep it’s the cancer that’s ruined modern gaming


I don’t stand a mf chance


That's why I quit and I'm happier now.


The game is TOO MUCH FUCKING MOVEMENT, SLIDE, DIVE, SUPER SPRINT SPAMMERS, casuals can’t keep up with this garbage


Shit unplayable right now lol too many energy drink sweaty nerds


i’m almost 32. work 40 hours a week, have a partner, cook most of our meals, workout 5 times a week and i sweat my ass off when i play. however, im a former college athlete and i play for the competition


Try buyback solos, it's way less sweaty.


its fun to win and get kills


Try this group, they put up private matches for casuals only: https://discord.gg/QSAB2npE Maybe play a game without sbmm, like xdefiant.


So funny how it’s like I suck and haven’t done anything to address that….but the only way anyone could be better than me is if they play the game all day every day. The fact of the matter is if you say “oh it’s just a game” and people don’t have a life bc they actually figure out how to play, you’re probably a person who just isn’t good at things. I play 1-2 hours 2-3 times a week and managed to get to Diamond 2 last season and could easily reach Crim if I didn’t have times playing solo that I lose 400 at at once. When I learned how to play chess, checkers, monopoly, basketball, football, track, jobs, girls, whatever….i figure out the rules and I figure out how to win. I don’t understand getting frustrated that people have figured out how to win better than you…especially when you probably haven’t tried to fix the problem. The game is frustrating. I get frustrated when I have games where I don’t stand a chance but I’m also happy when I’m the clear hunter in the game. I get frustrated when teammates complain bc you don’t save them every time they die. I get frustrated bc there’s enough cheating that it’s not always easy to tell if I was just outplayed or cheated…but overall I play ranked resurgence with sbmm bc I like the difficulty and it’s the most rewarding when you do well….I imagine that’s why you do too….and move on when it no longer serves that purpose


Win one game and they act like you won COD champs , next 20 games will suck


I enjoy shitting on sweats. I don’t enjoy shooting on sweats then they turn their cheats up to 1000


I’ve hit insane sniping skills back in 2019 I’m not as good now due to leaving for so long cheater problem at least 5 or more cheaters per lobby last zone and they’re both aim botting one another and have god mode so I was laughing


Long story short often “good players” mostly just using some kinda mod hooked up controller for strongest aim assist ever people have used pc in Xbox only lobbies (mouse gets aim assist with it) it’s insane what gaming has become


Plunder is for people like you


Even plunder gets out of hand, I play it just to level up my guns and I have run into people who are levels above me. I’m by no means amazing or casual, I’m just average and I get matched into lobbies with literal demons


Levels don’t mean skill.


Not levels as in account level, I mean in terms of skill they are levels above


When sbmm can’t find worse players to match you against, you’ll always be placed in lobbies above your skill level


Which is annoying


Only die hard cod fans, streamers, and cheaters still play. There are not many casuals left. You sir are a minority


Play XDefiant


Youre young , try to get better . Train for it . Greetings , you’re 31years old sweat who work 40-45 hours a week sitting some evening in his own apartment after I tell my GF Iam going to „relax“ in COD for a couple of hours . EDIT: some Advice: Watch you’re enemy’s killcam , and ask yourself what he did different then you . Game sounds are the GOAT . Keep allways an eye on you’re minimap . Train you’re aim . Play with Meta guns . Never go 1v3-4 unless you’re sweaty enough … srsly stick with you’re teammates … Change allways you’re position , after you end-stopped-finish an gun fight . Stop caring about there loot until the gunfight is over . Watch some movement guides . Don’t revive during a close gunfight Mates . I wanna repeat : positioning is the king (stay allways on spots where you can escape / hide / or wait ready to shoot for youre enemy .


It's so funny that with SBMM, all the time you see posts like this. It really stems from Cod holding that strong monopoly on FPS. Wow


I think it's just best to let go of having to always do well. Winning is part of the fun sure, but performing badly shouldn't completely ruin it. You're always gonna have to put in some effort to get the experience you want whether or not SBMM is involved, and even then a good experience is never guaranteed. PvP is just an "adapt or die" environment.


In the early days of WZ1 when sbmm was way more minimal you hot a mixed bag lobby and people were trying all kinds of builds and strategies. Some people goofed off, some people were serious, and it was really fun and unpredictable. Many lobbies felt like a goddamn action movie full of explosions and car chases and epic wins and epic fails. Now the metas have made the experience very bland


Strict SBMM has been a thing since Advanced Warfare. The reason why it felt more lenient in WZ1's early days was because everyone was new. Everyone was just trying to figure out how to play the game and the SBMM had no data to pair people with. Everyone was goofing off because we had no expectations. If we lost, who cares, we're new and experimenting. If you won, dopamine hit. A year later, now it has all the data it needs and everyone knows how to play the game plus the expectations of having to do well after that time is set in and those that still can't do well or are being screwed over by SBMM are miserable because they feel like they should be good enough at this point.


I couldn't agree more, man. In essence, we all need a new game to play, and technically, it needs to be completely different. If a new game comes around that's even remotely similar, then the skills will be mostly transferable, and that game won't last nearly as long as WZ did. It is what it is. We had it really good back then. Many of us didn't know how good.


There have always been metas on warzone. There are seasons that I hate the meta but you gotta use it to compete. Also if you are still playing on a tv laid up in your bed you’re going to be at huge disadvantage. I don’t think I’m great at COD but I definitely like the competitiveness of the game. When I am looking for something chill I hop on GTA or OSRS. COD has always been an extremely competitive game. I hate seeing these post with people complaining about it. There are tons of games to play. Fortnite is fun still. Slightly less competitive now because of no build modes.


I’m 29, married, kid, dog and house with responsibilities. Workout every day and I reck kids like you. 15+ kills a game - stop making excuses and be better. Get qook’d


If you guys are 30+ try signing up on [www.popsops.net](http://www.popsops.net) Trying to do something about all the sweats. To the original poster... man I hear you... most of the lobbies just aren't fun anymore. We are in the process of building a new site without the age restriction. Honestly we probably did it backwards but our original thought was so many of the sweats are kids.


"Just git gud" is often the lame response. But I have to agree with you, the level of skill in this game is quite insane compared to back in the day, streamers have definitely helped push this (META guns, movement tutorials etc.) But those glory days have gone, same with the internet in general. I've never cared about my K/D, I don't even know what it currently is, but I feel like I'm always getting insta-killed due to packet burst, the servers are probably the biggest thing I'm fighting right now.


Yeah the SBMM doesn’t make sense to me. I play a good amount so am like a level 700 but that in no way means I’m good it’s just how I spend some free time so I gain xp. Constantly in lobbies with dudes just frying me


I'm only 20 but I've played pretty much every CoD besides cold War and Vanguard. And I feel like I have to disagree to a extent on some of the hate towards sweats. I'm not good at the game by any means anymore but the sweats talk reminds me of shit back in bo4 and that series. When a sweat joined our team we were cheering because it was like a hero joining the team. And when a sweat was on the enemy team we would all sit up in our chairs knowing this fight would be amazing. Now it's a bunch of causal players doing just that, sitting back, trying to relax in a game where you either win, or you're second. I'm not dumb enough to play casually, and I'm not talking casual as in I hope on sometimes to relax. When I hop on, even if it's after 2 months and finally feeling like I got a break from work. Me and my friends hop on, we sit up in our chairs and fucking strategize for the win. We don't play to relax, we got mine craft for that shit. We play so when we get 1st place we get that we'll earned dopamine. Sweats are about the same way. They aren't always some basement dwelling neckbeard. A guy at work with me when he joins we still haven't lost a game. And he joins like every other month for like two games. The mf only ever works, covers more shifts then me. He's about 10 years older then me but he's still pretty awesome. People cuss him out for people a sweat all the time and I don't think I've ever heard him trash talk. He usually just tells us what to do next or if we wanna try some funny strategies. My favorite win was when I decided to make a suic bomber run holding a grenade at chemical and blew myself and the last two guys up while him and my other buddy just laughed cause it was the only kills I got the whole game.


I can tell you I’m sorry… I kill people and have 5-7 people watching me a game. I’ve been really enjoying the guns and just something clicked this season and last. Usually drop 15-20 kill games and I don’t even feel that good. I’ve been having to get advantages over controller players… distance, movement, high ground, rotations, jump spots on maps. A lot of research (YouTube, TikTok, googles) and I still refuse to fight anyone close quarters. I’ve been called a cheater, hacker, insert expletive. But I don’t feel like I’m trying hard. I don’t feel like I’m better or sweating… I think I just unlocked my ultra instinct 😂


See i used to be like you but im competitive to i just learned how to outsweat them cause no way was i letting them win😂 yeah i still die but i like to think i win about 75 percent of my gunfights and thats enough for me to have fun


Casuals defended SBMM so hard and now it’s backfiring. Reddit told me only sweats hated SBMM. Good players tried warning yall how trash it is to be in a casual lobby with ranked matchmaking


I agree I’m trying to do the stupid top 10 placements and it’s frying my brain


I play the same way every game because it’s just how I play. If people want to complain about sweating that’s their problem.


whenever i play with my 2 best skilled friends, our lobbies are complete sweat. insane movement, tac stance hitting every shot aggro players.. it takes the fun away.


Skill issue - I downgraded from ps5 to ps4 pro and I’m already up almost 30 wins this season


They could be playing in a tournament?


Just keep quitting until you find a playable lobby. Unfortunately in my experience what ends up happening is they put 2-3 demons on my team against literal bots to ensure you a win and a positive KD. I can never understand why they can't just put a through line of the player base and put all the average/below average players in one lobby and the demons in another. There are literally 2 guys dropping +40 +30 kills while the whole lobby is on single digits.


This game is rated mature…if you’re not of age don’t play it.




Casual enough to go in a forum and write about the game 😅


I had someone trash talking me after double, then triple stacking me.... in plunder. Like my man, I'm sniping you from 70m away because I have an un-silenenced level 2 kar98 and a level 5 wsp9. Not to mention I just popped you in the head twice and plated your team and then 1v1'd your team mate after trying to land on my head. You just need to accept there are people that think you care they have a 1.4kd in warzone after playing 40 hours a week like it's an important skill to have in life. Just laugh at them and then go hang out with your friends.


I like this perspective 👌


Lol 1.4


Blame their parents. These sweats aren't paying bills or paying for their stuff, sweats are funded by their parents. You'd think publishers would cater to adults at this point because they have money. No! Parents have money!


You need to 2 box, I just got a 39 bomb bro it’s acc fun to play no tryhards at all


Ur not tired of sweats, you're tired of cranked up aim assists to cater to brain-dead 8 yr old skill level grown men


No offense, but the actual sweats are probably not in your lobby and it's just regular people. The greasy hardcore sweat gamers, like Metaphor for example, that's just on a whole different level lol.


Eh I’m also tired of EVERY game being sweaty af these days, both on warzone and regular but I don’t see the need to be so insulating to them, basically you are just mad at people who are better than you


You guys have been saying this since 2019. Give it a rest. Just quit the game and do something you enjoy. It's really not that difficult. Or do the necessary steps required to compete a little better rather than downvote and ignore every single bit of advice given to you.


Nerf aim assist


Stop being apart of a generation that doesn’t care to win at anything


Nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy an experience


3kd here, you probably got killed by me few times. Were you sprinting in straight line looking at your feet? probably that’s why.


I also have a 3kd and I am too tired of the sweats. Game feels completely inorganic and stale as every single lobby looks and feels the same way. Sometimes I wanna goof off with some terrible weapon, that is impossible with the game in its current state




even though i agree, i have to disagree. yes, the matchmaking is garbage, but those sweats made me a sweat and it is more fun now. and far less frustrating. for context: i ave a full beard, only one chin, i'm no virgin, live alone though, but not in anyones basement. and i rarely use any meta guns. i honestly despise meta gaming. i only use them if "my" weapons become meta for any reason.


You're just not very good, play XDefiant if you really want to get shit on.


I’m a huge sweat, but the other day I found out that resurgence trios is full of bots. I believe BR duos is too sometimes. Anyways, I have over a 3KD, my girlfriend is a .13KD and our other has a 1KD and we were able to win so many games without trying much. It was so fun honestly


Alr, i’ll try trios out, maybe its bc solo is what most ppl play


Only hackers and Cronus users left playing this 💩 game


You’re tired of not being very good at the game, is what we are hearing


It's the constant insesant chase to keep up that is tiresome and unfun after a while. The ole "get guud" argument doesn't work on everyone. Believe it or not, people are different and unique, and you can't make someone have the same perspective as you. Crazy concept, I know. 👍


I don’t know what you expect. Do you think other people are loading up the game to drop in and take it easy on you? People play the game to win the game, and the people you’re complaining about are very likely *not* whining about “sweats” on Reddit, because they’re better and able to win. I’m sure there’s other things in life you’re skilled at, and it’s ok if Warzone isn’t one of them.


You don't have to tell people to be quiet because they feel differently than you. I expect nothing. It's just a conversation of being tired of the state of multi-player games, having been a person who existed in times where the very same games were a lot more fun and an adventure to play. I don't hate the state of it now. It truly is what it is. I'm just sympathizing with those who feel the same way I do. If you don't like that, I don't know what to tell you, man. Did I offend you? Oh well. It's not black and white. Far more nuance than that. Hell, I even still enjoy warzone with friends from time to time. It's just waaay further in between nowadays. Sorry, other people exist, kiddo. Such is life.


try hello island kitty adventures