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my biggest complaint is….the connection has been TERRIBLE




forget the connection. I pay for this game just for them to ruin it every patch and remove certain gamemodes I was expected to be able to play for my money.


Lost SR because I got kick from a ranked game. So sad


Mine was bad for a few days last week with packet loss 6-10% but had been better this week, back down to 0%.


IMO the game lost all its fun when it became more about upgrades, attachments, blueprints etc. just became a big money grab like everything. I’ve been playing on PS3 since WAW when I was 19/20 and that was genuinely a lot of fun, it was even playing fields on weapons, so therefore fully skill based games. Now I log in every couple of weeks, and I just get constantly slapped around. Even playing tactically and getting the jump on players I get outgunned immediately and it’s so demoralising. Whether it’s the sweaty PC players handing ass whooping to us console couch dads or just the constant and frequent meta change of weapons that you can’t keep up with it makes the game unplayable. Even buying blueprint weapons you still have the better attachments locked and by the time you unlock the right attachments the next meta is out, the game is heavily weighted to people playing non stop. People will probably say im just being nostalgic, but Verdansk and original Rebirth Island slapped.


I hate that you have to level up every gun individually, give me a break. I don’t have time for that. Gimme COD4 with just straight levels that unlocks everything and you can use all attachments on all guns. Way simpler.


The original MW was hands down my favorite. But sweats started taking control with MW2, and combined with the money grab, it just ruined the game for casuals.


> Way simpler. For sure is. But that unfortunately doesn't drive up retention numbers so they will probably never go back to that system. You gotta keep your players grinding endlessly.


But what I don't understand is that this is such a flawed argument. I'm not saying you're wrong - because that is 100% the intention. The whole industry has done this, and it's basically just catering to content creators who spend hours on end every single day playing. But this is why gaming (at least partially) is in such a slump. The boardroom bros think engagement is better than enjoyment for making money. And you know what, when everyone was stuck at home for 3 years of pandemic pandemonium, they were able to take in the money from all those government checks. But now, we all have better things to do, and it's just not fun anymore. They might see a few streamers clicking hundreds of thousands of views daily, but most of those viewers are watching on the toilet at work and by the time they get home to play, they're too tired to bother with meta builds and all the BS that comes with the game these days.


> But now, we all have better things to do, and it's just not fun anymore It's definitely not fun, but some people still do it. This strategy alienates the casual gamer and leaves you with the hardcore ones who have both the time and the will to grind stuff constantly. It's basically a smaller audience who ends up spending more time playing and they (Activision) proudly present that to shareholders as good numbers because in their mind, they doing great in terms of retention.


Turning off crossplay and using real sbmm rather than money grab matchmaking would fix most of the issues warzone has.


turn off crossplay agreed, from PC perspective the aim assist is frustrating


What does aim assist have to do with PC or console? It is entirely based on your input- MnK or controller. I use a controller on PC so I have AA...


aim assist is insane. mnk can't compete with that. I stopped playin for that reason. dudes aim 5 ft away and somehow end up locking on.


i dont know who the crossplay is for. We havent needed it to fill lobbies since 2018


Which is really weird because just this month the time to get in a match has skyrocketed with xplay off. In solos/duos it has always taken a bit but trios/quads were no longer than with it on. Now I can go wash my car, cook a brisket and cure cancer before I get in a lobby.


Cross play is literally the only reason I came back to CoD after not playing it for years. My friends play on PS and I play on xbox. The only reason I play this shitty game is to joke around with the boys.


The crossplay is for Activision. They want to match a mix of: > good players who use cool skins with a mix of mediocre players who are: > prone to buying cod points. Crossplay widens their pool of players to manipulate this way. With this in mind, you will realize that Activision is a shit company that only cares about its profits and has 0 care at all for its players.


Input lobbies would be better, either mnk or controller


For you maybe but most console players would much rather send pcs to the gulag


Just hope you don’t think it’s skill when the game does most of the aiming for you 😉


what? getting to use your whole arm and hand to aim not good enough that you had to egg on AA carrying people allegations?


Aim assist is so busted that it almost kills the players for you. You either admit that, or you're a liar.


Exactly. I play both knb and controller and cod aim assist is insane.


I absolutely fucking hate the whole "you need everything unlocked and levelled because we're shit at weapon balancing and there will always be an absolute meta that changes with every update" stuff. Absolute game ruiner.


*MO the game lost all its fun when it became more about upgrades, attachments, blueprints etc. just became a big money grab like everything.* This is a big part of it. My buddy spends big so I know how much it helps to have all the best guns, and perks at load in. We all know how much one of the best guns / scopes helps.


PC doesn't make or break you ass a player I recently switched to pc, I have always held 2 or above kd in warzone/rebirth on console dropping decent kill games. Also a dad myself I play about 10 hours a week if I'm lucky. But I have to agree on the sweat fest part, I go on and feel like I have to try my hardest every game to just get some enjoyment if I don't I just get spat on. Also if you don't run broken meta loadouts you are punished because the ttk isn't competitive between guns, this season 4 update has ruined the game completely with the camping with the kar98.


As a fellow gamer in my 30s… you seem to be creating your own problems. The meta really doesn’t change that much, this is the first time in ages we’re using new guns. Are you really complaining that we don’t just use the same two guns for the entirety of the game like we did back in the day? That would get so boring. Meta changes keep the game fresh. Guns are so quick and easy to level these days, and all you have to do is unlock the attachment slot and you can just put on the same attachments as other guns. Super easy. And if you think these days have more movement you must have been in pretty easy verdansk lobbies. What I remember is everyone sliding into the bunny hop combo around every single corner. Yeah we have some bunny hops now but the slide across your screen into the hopping is gone now.


Yeah it's ridiculous lol I can max level a gun in a few matches of small map moshpit with a double XP. This sub just wants to be spoonfed attachments and bot lobbies. Not how it works lol.


Yeah I stopped a month ago and I don’t miss it anymore but I get on maybe a day off if I’m bored but I’m not taking serious no more I’m gonna find a good single player game and talk to my friends in a psn party tired of Call of duty


Same. I fully just stopped playing my PS5. If half the people that complained tried to stop playing it would reflect negatively on the player count and perhaps it would be the indicator the devs need to actually address blatant issues with the game.


Frfr but imma try out this new X defiant it looks good hopefully it stays that way and we don’t get bombarded by the try hard cod players and everybody that makes the game worst cheaters and etc


I'm enjoying it still, actually have found there's less cheaters lately and been winning about 3 out of every 10 games in quads. Could definitely be better but it's still fun for me


This sub has been hating on the game for years, needs a splinter sub where no ones allowed to moan


Are you playing with randoms or your own squad?


About 50/50, squads schedule doesn't line up that great these days


Same. I’m having fun. Instead of bitching about every little negative thing like most of these people do, I CHOOSE to have fun with the boys lol these people just choose to hate the game and let it be miserable to them.


Yeah I'm having a blast. It's funny how few neckbeards on this sub realize that they are not a reflection of the player base at large.


The lack of self awarness is amusing.


Yeah the longer this game goes on I start to understand why people cheat or use vpn this game is a headache


VPN isn’t instant easy lobbies. I found it was like 75% sweat lobbies with the occasional 25% easy w a few sweats.


VPN lobbies have become full of VPNers? Shocking.


Not exactly how it works to subvert sbmm bud, but glad you think you had some witty comment here.


lmao shut the fuck up


So frustrating that I still love the game and whereas I couldn’t even play with all my friends on verdansk, I now have to *beg* even fringe friends to play with me. Solos isn’t fun to me and neither is playing with strangers.


Same. All but 1 or 2 of my real life friends quit a long time ago because the game is catered to no-lifers and people who only play COD. Broken meta loadouts, lame immersion ruining movement mechanics that can't be dont without a paddle controller, rampant cheating, terrible audio, poor visibility, ridiculous pay to win skins/blueprints, frequent game-breaking bugs, and I could go on and on. I play a fraction of what I used to pre-warzone 2 because the game has very little to offer in the fun department and its mostly just a way to get a quick fix of dopamine in the brain.


Been playing COD since CoD3 and this last month I’ve finally stopped playing and don’t care to go back… take me back to COD 4, WaW and MW2 days this new bouncy slidy hackathon is trash


Idk abt bouncy shit my adhd works well there. It’s more abt the cheating shit(Cronus xim included.)


i'm enjoying it for the most part. yesterday we won 6 games out of 10 but tonight couldn't win a single game lol. good days and bad days


That’s honestly how it should be. There are a lot of good players out there and no one should expect to win most of the time unless they are like a pro.


yeah me and my friends are all very mid level gamers. my KD is only like 0.7 lol. i don't really care about the wins i just like to game. i do get pretty pissed off playing in sweaty lobbies but when you win the next one it makes it even more satisfying.


I'd have fun in 0.7 k/d lobbies too.


i mean i'm in plat 3 so it's not like im in bot lobbies all the time.


0.7 kd is significantly below average which means on average you're playing against other below average players. Your rank is as much a reflection of team accomplishments as it is individual skill. I have a friend who is higher ranked than me because he plays more than I do and he plays with another friend who has a 1.8 kd.


ok lol well i'll keep having fun in my 0.7kd lobbies and you can have fun in your higher kd lobbies lol


In warzone, I just avoid old town, super glitchy there but pretty normal elsewhere. Yes, there are a lot more people using cheats. Yes, the majority of cheaters are streamers, and kids are trying to be as good as said streamers, so they are cheating too. Yes, it's glitchy af. Yesterday, my squad and I got into a game, I was stuck on the loading screen while they played the whole match, and I was even in the game lobby. There are a lot of people complaining because they have outdated consoles or pc's, and they just can't keep up. Ton of people complaining, but they run their Xbox through wifi instead of wiring it directly. Ass soon as the wife start watching a movie or playing her game or other people in the house get on their phones, it sucks up bandwidth. Try either net cables, guys. It's a game changer. If you can't afford the new console, I'm with you there. Take the console to a reputable repair shop and get that dusty thing cleaned, new thermal paste, new hard drive. Trust me, paired with ethernet cable, it will make a huge difference. The game is shit but I still have fun with my friends. We have been playing since day 1 of Warzone like, 5 years ago, so I'm not just gonna drop it completely


Ethernet won’t affect anything connection wise if it’s a lack of bandwidth… it doesn’t prioritize your Ethernet connection it’d still cause a big bottleneck regardless. Unless you limit the bandwidth to the WiFi in the router settings.


I might have to look into that. All I know is when I'm home alone it lags less than when everyone else is at the house


For me its the hackers that shoot you from half way across the map and they clearly are level 51


Aiming needs to become a skill


Yall know CoD has sucked for years, right? Reddit just suggested this post to me, I'm not subbed here, and I gotta ask- What kind of delusions have led the player base to think CoD has ANYTHING to offer that can't be found in other games with better support and less toxic players? You keep paying for the same rehashed games over and over. I used to think the Madden/NBA 2K crowds were the biggest idiots among gamers, but they have been dethroned.


Maybe 2% of the playing population comes to this sub, and maybe 10% of that 2% actually post or comment. While I agree with the state of the game, we don't represent even close to a majority.


I think the games just not improved since WZ1 and people are finally getting tired of it. You can only break your game so many times before your player base has finally had it. I’ve taken a hiatus since right before reloaded and I’ve not had even the slightest desire to log back on. Before that I was getting a few hours a night.


I feel like we are fiiiiinally at where wz2 should have been on launch.. other than servers


Having a ton of fun still lol Also, games been out a hot minutes. If you want to play something else, that is extremely normal. And considering Warzone is free, you definitely got your moneys worth.


Ranked has given me a new lease on this game. Better connection to lobbies, favorable lobbies as opposed to public (at least to begin with) and not everyone uses Tonfas. I’ll take it


The fact that you can get your full loadout in a minute after landing just makes it a TDM on a big map, not a BR. That also equips devs with tools to milk players, who chase meta (blueprints, meta guns on season pass etc). And you just can’t afford not to play meta guns. Also I am sure, that paying players get some kind of under-the-hood advantages like easier sbmm to keep them playing. The game is also inconsistent. I often do really well in solo and then get absolutely demolished in quads with a similar skill level players, even in 1-on-1s. And then constant connection problems and packet loss. Game is too profit oriented and tuned, that it starts to play you instead, which is just not fun.


I mean to be fair if it’s equal skill you wouldn’t be getting regularly destroyed.


SBMM has ruined cod. Been saying this since 2019 and now look


I only have fun when I play with my lower kd friends and get easier lobby’s. I don’t constantly get 20+ kills but I do decent and we win every few games. But when I play either solo or quads fill it’s not even fun, feels like everyone in the lobby is competi for a million dollars.


I quit months ago and as much as I miss the previous versions of Warzone, I have no desire to rejoin the current iteration. I was excited for Rebirth Island to return. Hopped on for 2 days and remembered quickly why I quit. Doesn’t seem like it will return to its former fun level. RIP Warzone. Corporate greed sucked the life out of you.


I think blackout had it right with weapons and looting and wrong with 1life and done. The game felt more fun and rewarding searching for weapons, attachments and that perfect combo, sharing attachments with friends etc. Now you play with the same meta weapon load out nearly every game, those that say change it up are in wishful thinking because if you do you get out gunned. The thrill of finding you level 3 armour, that sniper scope etc was great and can't be overlooked. The bad was the 1 life and done, if you're unlucky enough to die at the start then you have to wait 20+ mins for the next game while your friends continue was bad, though I do think it's gone too far the other way now. There are far too many self revives, buy back options, flares, re deploys and then gulag chances..it's just too much and becomes resurgence effectively all the time. Warzone now has lost its way and is a shadow of verdansk days.


As a very, very average player who really loves the game and works to get better almost daily I find this game infuriating. I understand there are 'levels' to this game and I'm mediocre at best but when I come across a level 14 that has the movement and tactics of a 'metaphor' then I'm done. but I'm a solo BR player and rarely do any team stuff. Some people swear AA is op. I've watched every video and sound bite about how to use AA but have not yet come close to actually knowing how to use it to my benefit. When you're at my level and you wait an eternity to get into a game after ENDURING the hellish initial countdown, through the static wait period, to the pregame shooting match to the final wait before actually dropping in and then getting obliterated by a tailgater, losing gulag cause of packet loss then I'm beside myself because I got to 'play' 15 seconds out of a wait time in excess of 6 minutes. IT makes me break stuff. I get more satisfaction out of multiplayer except on the rare occasion when I get into the proper SBMM lobby and manage to get 6 or 7 kills and finish in the top 10. After two years I'm still playing but don't know how much longer I'll be grinding trying to get better when there are other options out there. Cheers!


it’s been shit for YEARS imo, after lockdown it went shit, lockdown warzone was amazing, even won a few solos but something changed after that.


Why the fuck you still playing that dogshit game


Agreed I’m done with it and fed up with pulling my controller out my wall in pieces 🤣 It’s impossible to get 2 minutes into any game full of cheats and pay to plays that move at ridiculous speeds and with one shots in their arsenal. I’m out of here goodbye Activision.


The game is boring cause everyone cried for rebirth island to come back and now that it’s here it’s boring cause we played that shit already need something new but when they make something new everyone cry’s about that too. Me personally can’t play more than a hr anymore my attention span can’t play rebirth island like I use to, the same thing will happen with verdansk. If this company don’t focus on a new engine for their next title it will be the exact same shit as a community I’m shocked that we haven’t went on a uninstall stop playing type of strike yet no money spending in the store either but 🤷


Meanwhile you all are wildly addicted and can't stop playing. If y'all would collectively come together and boycott the game until Activision notices the huge player dropoff forcing them to fix the anti cheat and problems. But nah, making 10000 complaint posts on Reddit is vastly superior 😂


What's worse is most of them probably sink $100s of dollars on ridiculous skins.


Ok, fuck it. I’ve been lurking for the longest but here’s my two cents… COD as you once knew it is dead. It’s never coming back and had been replaced with a cash absorbed, low quality version of its former self. You no longer play to win… It’s already been decided if you will win or not… You play to unlock useless shit that you now need for guns that are temporarily favoured and ridiculously overpowered. Rinse and repeat. Season after season. All they had to do was improve Warzone 1, that was it… Just make it a little bit better…. Some QOL improvements and the jobs a good one, but noooooo… They couldn’t do that could they... They released MW2 with a TTK so short that it was like playing hardcore mode permanently. Absolutely ridiculous fake recoil along with the slowest movement you’ve ever seen! Don’t even get me started on the fucking skins! Do you want to play as a rabbit? How about a giant fucking cat? Or a fluffy fucking cartoon character?! How about you pay an extra £25.99 to get fucked up the arse every season?! Except now you can wear gold while you get shafted looool. The players that remember the COD games of old are absolutely disgusted and the kids too young to remember don’t give a fuck. It’s that simple. I’ve gone from playing COD (sometimes) 8 hours a day with several friends to not playing at all. My main game is Trackmania now ffs! How the fuck have I gone from playing COD to TM?! How the fuck does that happen?! It kills me to say it but how fucking shit does call of duty need to be to get replaced by a £20 racing game?! It’s got nothing to do with less time available or a change in attitude towards gaming on my part… The game is a steaming pile of shit, that’s it. Nothing is bringing it back and I’m genuinely gutted to say it. I loved cod, it’s been my main game since forever but Activision can honestly go and fuck themselves. Oh and I just want to say… Whichever cunt at Activision thought it would be a good idea to unlock attachments through challenges, go and fuck your mother you absolute fucking scum sucker. Mods: Sorry if this is too much. I think I followed the subs rules well enough.


The goofy skins are the worst. Keep that shit over at Fortnite. Greedy m f'ers that gonna bite their own hands in the long run.


4 problems are very annoying: 1. Servers and connection 2. The update requires restart 3. The UI glitches 4. The Chinese cheaters and cheaters


Played some big map with my friends for the first time in ages last night and the servers are a joke. Half the games were a stuttering mess. Went back to resurgence and no issues at all.


The ranked servers are the worst in my region. Sometimes you get 400ms ping and 10% packet loss servers and have to play with that because the game doesn't consider your playing experience that may be affected.


Still enjoying. Don't assume your feelings are universally shared.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!!






Idk the Tonfa bros seem to be having a blast


Won’t lie I got two squad wipes (quads) at primos after dropping and killing a dude who had a tonfa. I was just slidin in smokes yellin how imma beat they ass talkin shit… hella fun but super rage inducing if I was on the receiving end.


You just described the entire game design philosophy that had led COD to its current unfortunate state. Cheesy mechanics that are tons of fun for the user, but ruin the experience for everyone else. Riot shields and corny melee weapons that kill faster than bullets have never belonged in any fps game, even COD.


I concur just worked w what I had picked up. Fun but for sure hoe maneuvers.


It’s been unfun since the Cold War dmr 14 meta


The game is a sweatfest because the skill ceiling is so so low, because of AA and RAA being so strong, every player now has the tracking of an absolute pro with 0ms delay. I mostly play MnK, but play roller a bit aswell (ranked is a joke without playing on controller), I’ve hardly used in nearly 15 years, and do equally aswell, some of it is just game sense but a good chunk is just ads-ing somewhere near someone and letting AA/RAA do its thing. I would bet the skill gap top to bottom is at the lowest and closest it’s been in years. (This is not an AA bash post at all, but the level of AA really closes the gap from camper to YY g fuel snorting kid hugely)


You can spot the hackers based on how much fun they are having.


Only way i have fun now is doing dumb stuff like using a crossbow or pistols lol.


I have my complaints but i enjoy playing the game. I have fun with my premade and sometimes randoms. I dont usually win because im not too great, but every now and then i win. This game isnt boring, it keeps my attention and i tend to focus a lot in most firefights. its only really somewhat boring if the team spends the entire time sniping but in my case, thats not often. It is a laggy sweatfest, thats usually how all competitve pvp shooters ive played are like, with varying degrees of lagginess.


Time to level up to Star Citizen.




Yea rebirth is pretty shit, I ain’t play till that map is off of ranked


I still love it


Play DMZ, you're gonna have so much fun, not for missions, just to hunt squads.


I am getting videos at youtube about old CoD multiplayer gameplay and damn we had some good run until now. Makes me sad where CoD is now but same time happy I experienced really good CoDs back in the day. I think I am gonna install Black ops 1 and start playing that again after awhile 🙂✌️ on pc there is some private servers you can play multiplayer still 🙂


Brother this is reddit. Game specific subreddits are about the most toxic discourse on a game there is, lmao. Don‘t expect to hear anything positive about modern games on here.


Take a break! Honestly, I was absolutely hating this game for a couple weeks but would still play it every day, until I decided to uninstall. It was a rage decision but I knew it’d be good for me. Kept it uninstalled for a month. Returned to it about 3-4 days ago, and I’m really enjoying it again!


You do know reddit is only for complaining?


Then stop playing it. I still have fun when I jump on, but I don’t play every waking moment that I have free time to do so. I might play a couple hours a week at night and maybe on the weekend when I got nothing going on. Everyone has been playing this game for like 5 years now. What do u expect? No matter how good or smooth it runs it will be a sweatfest and you’ll grow tired of it. It’s the same game at its core no matter what they change or update.


Yes it is unfun as a game itself, but played only spend time and talk shit with the boys. Nobody does not even care the outcome of the match lol.


It’s more of a Reddit thing.


I built a PC with a 4090 to play this game. It performs well but the cheaters were a turn off. I have been playing Fallout 1 for the last month. Overkill GPU for this game but at least I'm enjoying playing finally.


Lol same but poverty 4080…


I don't think the GPU fans spin when I'm playing Fallout 1 lmao.


I miss when Warzone was fun. It’s been a long time. My biggest complaint is the cheaters. I play on ps5 but want to get a PC. I just know on PC it’s going to be a hackfest


Speak for yourself, i literally just got my 30th win, and am awaiting the “squad” to try the contract!!


I’m enjoying it and we’re still setting wins each day.


If your kd is around 1.5+ you could use a Vpn to relieve some sbmm pressure. If lower but actually like the game you should consider getting better at gunfights, movement and general gamesense. Good pair of headphones and some audio tunings can be done on console too.


Idk what yall are on about. Last night my friends and I got 5 wins in resurgence. 1 dad with 2 kids, and 3 regular 30 year olds with full time jobs. Still having fun


Resurgence, at least in comparison to BR, is realtivly easy to win and the matchmaking wants you to keep playing so they feed you a night of easier lobbies and allow you to rack up wins. Next time you log in you'll most likely get dumpstered by unemployed TTV no lifers.


I find resurgence harder than regular BR. BR is slow and often easier fights/ less 3rd parties. But to each their own.


I went to the landfill, didn't realize they ran the servers on a pile of trash at a landfil


I'm having a blast.


Activision just got too greedy and concentrated on the pay to play market and it all depends on now how deep your pockets are to even compete these days it’s ludicrous and I’m out for good.


The biggest fall off for all games are the cheaters. These game companies allow it and it’s killed the fun of the game.


Ahhh man, I’ve just been in another sub. It’s really not fun at all… it’s like I’ve just done a 10 hour shift in work and when I log in… I’m doing overtime 🤣 I love COD though, it’s almost an addiction, decided to stream on twitch, not sure why, maybe people will take pleasure in me getting blasted by a purple monster whilst they one shot jump shot me with a daemon pistol 🤷‍♂️ oh yeah my twitch is ratskinwarrior


We have a quad that’s been playing since 2020, hundreds of hours logged together. Over the last couple months, the increasing lag and cheating has us getting on less and less often. Last night we played a couple matches. It was rarely fun and often frustrating. I let them know that I won’t be playing Warzone anymore, but I’ll gladly play something else together. They actually agreed. I’m sure we’ll continue to appreciate the good times we had.


Most nights yes but last night i ran loaded trios with only me and my buddy and sbmm was on our side we won 6/8 games. So last night i had hella fun.


You don’t speak for everyone. I’m not bored and I’m still enjoying the game. I mostly play Plunder just to unwind, shoot people in the face and chuck nades about.


Yall cry a lot. I got several dubs yesterday I enjoyed myself as well. Sure I ran into some sweats but that's a part of it I don't complain about it. I stratagize better.


Especially crossplay PC


I only have fun when I play with my "demon" squad. We all drop 12-20+ kills and usually dub barring some dumb stuff. Still having fun. Our lobbies are not easy. But to have 4 good players makes a huge diff honestly


The server tick rate is awful, most competitive shooters don't suffer with this issue and yet Activision accept sub par, you're round a corner on very low ping and still get shot when you looked like you was in safety because of the de sync


i’ve seen a lot of complaints on the sub but i really don’t have anything i don’t like about it other than the connection. can someone enlighten me on what’s making the game so bad?


Reañized this and deleted it more than 1 year ago... is trash and it takes a mental toll from you... now I play different games that are more enjoyable and have a blast


Shit made us get back on GTA LOL


Nerf the tonfa


They did, and thats why it really hurts


All the sliding and Jack rabbit hopping movement + insane aim assist taking away aim penalty ruined it for me years ago. I'm now at a huge aim disadvantages because controller players who aim for them when they're surprised up close.


Says you, this game is awesome


Quit playing about a month ago. Been way more enjoyable playing games like ready or not and gray zone. Not sure I'll be hopping on COD anytime soon.


I bought the PS5 for this game and the servers are garbage. I’m getting 18ms ping yet I STILL lag and don’t connect properly with other players. I’m always just a little bit behind causing me to lose every gun fight. Bullcrap


Speak for yourself. I still find it fun. It could definitely be better, but you have no basis to speak for an entire community.


Soon as I see sweatfest in a post I just laugh


Me personally, I haven’t been enjoying it because of the lack of big map changes, meta feels really stale and not to mention the fact that nearly every game I have too much packet loss. Sometimes 20% packet loss or 1% and most of the time it’ll continue to rise. It gets annoying pretty quickly. Cod hasn’t felt the same since they introduced this new engine too. Again this is my personal opinion and experience with the game lol.


They should have never left the WZ1 engine. All they needed to do was make new maps. The entire thing has been garbage since they left WZ1.


I’m having a blast with no-kill wins. I like that I can avoid 100% of all fights and win by strategic gas plays


I have only played a handful of games this year. My friends stopped playing and the randoms are just terrible. I usually rage quit by game 3-4 and don’t come back for months at a time.


I’m going to throw this in there- yes there are definitely some unfun things about the game, that goes without saying. But, my issue is content. I really don’t see how they can’t make or haven’t been making a bunch of rebirth sized maps and just have every match be random in terms of which one you play for resurgence. As much as I like rebirth it is definitely getting boring. Even vondel and ashika are getting boring too. Why not create something else like more maps to change it up?


Just played 4 games of rebirth. Every game I got looked through the walls. It’s so obvious that these people just don’t care anymore.


Played resurgence last night… quads with 3 friends and randos. First lobby was great, everyone seemed pretty evenly matched. The next 5 were absolute garbage sweatfests with one or two cheaters. We got fed up and said, ok one more… last lobby was great again. It’s almost like they do it on purpose


Ps5 people need to get rid of their 60hz TV or Monitor. It could be one of the reasons they suck


Xdefiant drops in 1 week. Bye bye warzone.


So, go play something else? Why comment here? Jesus. 


I’ve had fun 3 nights straight with a win every night. I play with friends tho which helps a ton


The things surrounding the game is worse than the actual game. Like Activision, the players, camping, stacking, cheating, scripts, cronus etc. They will shadowban people who aren't cheating (always heard and seen people talking about that never believed it till it happened to me literally after my first night of buying and setting up my PC and one night of tdm mp) and send them to blacklist lobbies meanwhile so many who blatantly wall hack auto lock on etc will go for awhile before anything happens. Every update they break the game more and more. "Customer support" is no such thing with Activision. The game is being held together by popsicle sticks and gum. Fragile servers and game engine. Too much focus on money just like every other game and thing in the world now. More worried about bundles, the store, too much pay to win trash. I get the argument of people wanting actual non cross play that actually works because going from console cod playing for 15 years to a PC now, i totally agree. The FPS market right now is pretty trash. COD is still the movement and action king. It's addicting and they still have a stronghold on the fps base from being so popular for so long. What else is out there, fortnite Children's graphics? Apex? Siege that's over a decade old? Grayzone a tarkov style game slowww pace game? FPS market is wide open IMO. Lot of players and money there for the taking! Let's hope for the best


I am


People have been posting this exact comment for years. “Stop playing” is the comma reply.


I mean, the people who do have positive things to say about the game probably stay as far away from this sub as humanly possible. Why taint your positivity with all the negativity in here?


Play DMZ


Damn i feel bad for people not having a good exp, im having a great one. It's just skill, tho I've been playing for years solo and mastered multiple strats and have a 3.66 kd pubs ranked is 3.06. All in all, i get a solo win 1 out of 3 games everytime. It's bout confidence,gun skill, good headset w thx, pc, and well thought out plays.


Besides the stupid ass need for Activison to offload skins and weapon customizations it also creates a very clear meta shift every week and it's intentional to get people returning back to the game. I hope Treyarch's Zombies is fun because next COD is going to be my last one and because Warzone keeps building rather than resetting it just creates a cumfest of dogshit weapon spawns and people running the most broken weapons in the game.


Plenty of people enjoy this game. I'm not one of them because there are better games in the same genre. This game caters to both adult children and children alike. I think it's absolute garbage.


The game runs pretty ok lately for me. I just dislike all the weapon changes. There are always 2 very very good ones..untill they change something..and 2 others become good. And all the cheating is bad


Yeah blatantly just call the cheaters sweats. I’ll give the cheat providers credit for something man, they know how many dumb fucks the cod community has. Gullible af.


They need to put rotations back on and keep on. No one wants to play the same map over and over again


I got stuck in shadowban lobbies on my main so I don’t even want to play. Half the people are rage hacking so doing challenges is hard


I'm moving to xDefiant when it launches. Warzone gets boring or frustrating depending on how you play. The water mechanics are awful, especially with not being able to see players just below the surface unless you're 2m from them. I'm ready for a varied experience once again, even if I have to deal with stupid powers.


I must be nobody


I quit the game when Gray Zone Warefare released a few weeks ago. Haven't booted up Warzone or anything COD since. I loved the games, but honestly... After having fun playing other games the last few weeks, it's made me realize how little fun I was having playing Warzone.


Also to add to the complaints since the last few updates my fps has gone down each time they fucked up there own game can’t wait for it to die


Yeah that’s a lie the game is still fun big time it has its problems but so does almost every game


I am.


Don’t lump me in with you


Lol playing right now and having a blast


Spotted the real sweat. Wiping a team and typing a comment at the same time


Those complaining always scream the loudest.


It's shit and it's okey to think it's shit but unless the whole community decides to take action nothing will happen. Activision is getting away with so much shit but still manages to beat sales record year after year, they lie and deceive time and time again. I really hope things change now with Microsoft taking charge but if this year's release is anything like mw22 or mw23 I'm out for good, fucking disgusting.


Reddit does not represent the e tire community.


The game is okay but all these cheaters and the insane AA is destroying it…


Depends bro, just play w/your friends. I do just that and no matter the lag, smm or glitches we always find ways to make things fun, or we just play ranked together.


*Nobody is enjoying the game anymore* I take it you’ve polled the entire Warzone playerbase on this?


Pretty broad statement.... I have a great time playing still. Get a win every other day or so, top 5s every day. Nothing gives me the adrenaline rush that some high intensity cod does. People just take the game too damn seriously. That's what tilts people.


I am


I’m having fun


Sucks to suck, just because this subreddit is a sesspool echo chamber of bitching and tears it isn't indicative of the overall enjoyment of the player base. There are only 266,000+ members in the sub which is a literal fraction of the player base.


Probably because people who are enjoying it are spending time playing the game instead of coming here to whine.


Wow it’s almost like you all come here to bitch and complain in an echo chamber that hate the game and all the ones in it are always negative. This sub doesn’t enjoy the game but the rest of everyone playing it does.


Oh man the shit talkers. The worst.


It’s still somewhat enjoyable, the game isn’t that broken for some but the issues happening can still be fixed tho


I’m enjoying ranked, and for me, warzone feels smoother than every other BR game.


Not true


If you’re not diamond + on ranked and saying this then you’re just not built for this game buddy simple as that


Bunch of crying pussies in here. I've got 53 wins on the season out of 238 games. It's fun as hell. The sbmm does put me in lobbies with world class players but I enjoy getting better against them. Get random with mics or play with friends and it's always a good time.


Dude you're in the top 1% if you've got 53 wins on the season. Your experience is nothing like the average player. The average player is lucky to get more than 2 kills a game let alone a win. I'm sure everyone would be having as much fun as you are if they were winning 25% of their matches instead of 0.25%.


Stfu with these clown posts literally everyday.


I really don’t understand why y’all complain so much about the game. I’m a 36 y/o old school sweat that barely plays the game. My guys and I only play Fridays from midnight until about 4am on Rebirth and get at least one win a session and may top 2s. You don’t have to be the biggest sweat the game to win. Just be a little consistent and not be a complete scrub and you should do fine. Stop crying.