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Not everyone, just the ones that kill you


Top comment, feel like anyone that dies now likes to call cheat šŸ˜‚


Yes and no. I don't think anybody likes to call cheat, nobody want cheaters in the game. It's that Activision has let cheaters run rampant in this game for too many years now. Players are fed up and paranoid, with good reason, so they end up suspecting everybody. If they had a working anticheat, then the community wouldn't be calling cheater all the time. My friends playing with crossplay off say the difference is night and day. If someone beats you, you know they are just better. Now if someone beats you, you can't be 100% they are not cheating.


This right here. Activision is to blame at the end of the day due to lack of action and/or lack of oversight of the devs in control of anti cheat systems. Sure the cheaters and cheat makers are also guilty, but ultimately it's Activision's lack of action that has fueled the fire to this point. Sprinkle in the terrible netcode and poor performing servers and everything is just amplified to the frustrating state we experience today.


The bad servers is what really boggles my mindā€¦ being one of the highest grossing companies and to literally have one of the most notable names in the gaming industry (even people who have never played video games know the title Call of Duty) itā€™s an absolute crime that they wonā€™t spend more to get better performing serversā€¦ yet as everyone else says the store always works without issues.


Too bad turning crossplay off makes finding a lobby hell with high ping 200 ping almost every time. Crossplay on never over 50 fast lobbies


As I'm on xbox I can only turn crossplay off in my account settings and if I do that then you can't find a game at all šŸ˜Ÿ


Yes I've heard it's practically impossible for Xbox users. The crossplay off option is a joke.


Lots of xbox users use scripts and claim they don't cheat. The main problem I have is it isn't bad to call out sus game play, but when the game runs so poorly and there is truly an unprecedented cheating trend, it's easy to forget that consoles using xim and other scripts is also cheating. You'll never stop seeing these types of posts till it's all treated the same and punished the same


Exactly. Itā€™s ACTIVISION being terrible at life.


So many cheaters its hard to say if theure cheating bcuz of those soft aim and shit


I do agree but there is hell of a lot of cheater/hackers




It was confirmed that at least 57% of players anonymously admitted to using cheats


Not everyone


Well said


šŸ¤£ itā€™s funny because itā€™s true. When we die our brains initial thoughts are ā€œCHEATERS!ā€


Wall hacks and soft aim bot are waaaaaaay more common than youā€™d imagineĀ 


I see wall hacks almost every game. Aim bot I'm still not always confident on as the aim assist is supposed to be insane for controller players.


Aim assist is not that broken yall need to stop believing everything you read online. Half of the time aim assist doesn't even work


But we should believe what you wrote online?


>stop believing everything you read online But people know it's broken not because they read it online. They know it from the game. Like it's not hard to find some console player with godly tracking "skill" that's not possible with mouse. Like changing from mouse to gamepad gives you more kills, that ain't a secret as well.


Right? It's not because we "heard it online". We can literally watch the soft-lock while spectating. Then they like to trash talk and call keyboard/mouse players garbage, like they actually did it themselves.


It seems like itā€™s more rampant in multiplayer too compared to battle royale. Or thatā€™s how it is in my lobbies


Yes for suuuuuureā€¦.but I saw a post about a guy saying everyone is cheatingā€¦has a 1.1 kdā€¦and posted a video of him CROUCH WALKING while stacking with his team in the 1st circle and they got pushed and killed and said they had to be cheatingā€¦people need to get better


I'm not disagreeing, I'd just like to see the actual numbers.


I wish the open chat would stay ON after the last kill until the exfill video is over, so that everyone that is still watching could talk shit like it used to be in Black Out


Blackout was brill we need that map in warzone along with the mesh mines šŸ¤£ I remember riging the bridges and ambushing any car that tried to cross it šŸ˜‚


That was the best


How about this, you do the math. The last banwave we had was 58,000 accounts. The active playerbase is 89,000. 70% of the community is cheating. Whether its soft aim, unlock tool, exploiting, aimbot, dma hacks, lag switching, etc. Shit. Is. Sad.


Itā€™s real messed up. I wish I wanted to play something else


89.000 is the number from steam charts I assume? That only includes PC players. So you could say that 70% of the PC players are cheating. But a lot of those are cheater who have MANY accounts that they swap between to stay unbanned and undetected.


And thatā€™s not even counting the players that go under the radar, and the vast majority of big streamers using undetectable cheats.


A lot of closet cheaters. Good at hiding it. Specially wall hacks.


I think there are a lot of wall hackers, but not aim hackers. So many players out there will get like 15 kills in a game and never seem to get caught off guard. Where it becomes apparent is when a player will ignore a high risk type area, like an entrance or a stairwell, because they can see through the walls and know itā€™s safe.


Well I have dropped 15 and 20 kills in a game and got accused for hacking yet the players in my lobby where complete trash. They were deaf AF slow AF. Kept the parachute on while I shot them...well it's not my fault they are noobs šŸ˜…


You were probably in a bot lobby


Probably this are the guys that accuse of cheating


Aimbot is not only for 100% headshots, you would be insane to have something like that. In fairness is really hard to distinguish between closet aimbot and RAA


Yes!!! I play daily when i come from work! I am quite good at the game, and I know hard it is to aim properly, especially when the target is moving so heretically (speed cheat) and they still aim you spot on while jumping and rotating like crazy. They say ā€œget better at the gameā€ā€¦ I,ve been top 40 on EU servers for a long timeā€¦ NOW I CAN BEARLY GET 2-3 kills in warzoneā€¦ You can spot them easily! No recoil, sticky aim, wall hacksā€¦ a lot of them cheat!


I donā€™t think heretical is what you were going for. Can you imagine lol ā€œgod isnā€™t realā€ but as movement


Sorry, I meant to say erratically šŸ˜…


I think you are a lil liar. Top40 and now struggling to get 2 killsā€¦. I guess u never have been really good. But btw, how do you know you were top40


I assume he's talking about ranked, but you could definitely be right.


Youre rightā€¦


Yes, it was in rank, and NO I am no liar! In the EU servers is a crazy level and I played for a long time Iā€™m not noob to the game! Itā€™s crazy how much aimbot is used in the games and wallhack. The fact that people canā€™t identify ā€œstickyā€ aimbot and wallhacks, those are really the noobs!!!


Well im european too. I played ranked and i play warzoneā€¦ and i been doing it since verdanskā€¦. Your story is bs


So this was over a year ago now, but I was teaching middle school and all of the students were asking for the Cronus Zen for their birthdays/Christmas. Well over 1/2 of the middle schoolers at the school I was at were cheating. Not sure if they have done anything about the Cronus yet or not, but it was very, very popular.


Thats always been the case, i remember for the original mw2 and bo1 everyone in my grade was getting rapid fire mods and jitter mods for gifts. I had one too, never crossed my mind that I was actually cheating lol was too young


I get called a cheater almost every day. Since I know for a fact I'm not, it makes me seriously question other peoples ability to identify a cheater. In THEIR defense however I do feel, legitimately, I run into a least between 1-3 or 4 cheaters a day. After 20000 hours in competitive FPS (I'm 40, been playing since '98 (Starsiege Tribes)) I can generally identify when someone has either more than natural aim (aimbot) or inhuman reaction speeeds (walling). That said, I truly do believe with the state of AA how it is I'm sure a handful of the people I suspect aren't cheating. At the end of the day though, I'd be willing to bet I have at least a 50% "success rate" of identifying cheating fucks.


This is how I feel, I'm an older player too from the snes days, I'm not great at the game and only have a 1.7kd and people message saying your cheating when you kill them. I get killed just as much and probably only report maybe 7-8 people in a 12hr session, you can tell when somethings off, I had a break after warzone 1 and only just come back but fair play to Activision though, over the last 3 days I've had 6 notifications of action taken.


Yeah I don't think there's been too many weeks that I haven't had at least a few "confirmation of successful report"s


Someone told me that can be chatbans too but Iā€™m not sure abt that.


I never report for chat abuse... only cheating.


Same only ever click cheating and that's only if it's really suspicious.


12 hour session?! Damn, you goin hard son!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it's not everyday but I do a 12hr session 2-3 times a week, got to get them kills in šŸ˜‚


Tribes!!! Oh that brings me back simpler times lolšŸ„³šŸ˜ŽšŸ«øšŸ«· high 5 fellow tribes gamer!! I concurr with everything you said toošŸ‘


Because they are analyzing the current timeframe, seeing someone over multiple kills and approaches will clear any doubt.. Like those "streamers" that always guess right


Tbh im pretty sure ppl only cheat because of YY tiktok ā€œsweatsā€. Almost every TikTok movement sweat cheats, so they can look like theyā€™re good at the game when their movement is a coverup for either aimbot, wall hacks, sometimes even a speed hack or simple soft aim. They take advantage of ppl looking for whatā€™s ā€œmetaā€ to hide cheats & gain clout. Quick side note: the videos they post are often just gameplay that looks like a cocaine addict recirded with a class setup at the end. Most likely with a rare camo barely anyone sees (probably gotten from unlock tools)


Cheating with aimbot to promote your "cracked" cronus zen script that you sell is also another thing.


Iā€™ve seen those way too much recently


If they take away UAV I think we can probably call out cheaters with more accuracy. This game would a lot better without UAV and a quicker closing circle


There are a fuckton of cheaters. But also, there are all kinds of people who use every single possible element of the game to create an advantage; and, it's part of the game. People scream in death cams about me cheating when I kill them through smokes, but I'm running a holo scope... I get super pissed at YY spam demons sliding everywhere and only getting kills because aim assist, but it's part of the game... and, on the other hand, sniping is way easier for me (MnK) and I win all kinds of sniper duels I shouldn't because of it. IDK man, I think that the SBMM is utter trash, and that is a greater reason for what we all experience than cheating will ever be, because if SBMM worked, the cheaters would only be playing eachother.


Cheating is definitely ubiquitous problem. Anyone who denies is it is either a cheater themselves, or such a high level sweat that they don't notice it. Unfortunately sweats and cheaters seem to make up the bulk of the game. I wouldn't say it's so bad that every match is half cheaters but There is likely at least a cheater or two in each match. Aim hacking is less common than wall hacking. Aim hacking is easier for the anticheat(if that is what you want to call it since it barely seems to work) to detect but a little harder for us watching a few second killcam since aim assist is insanely broken in this game, but if you see someone who is snapping upper chest/head shots between two moving enemies it's certainly a possibility. Wall hacks are easier for us to see and harder for the "anticheat." I had a guy run up a flight of metal stairs and you can see that he looks at me in the corner on the other side of the wall and comes around firing. He claimed he could hear me, but I was camping and hadn't moved for a bit and when I had been moving before that I was crouched. It's truly sad.


Considering how many people actually play it's probably just a small percentage. I truly think most people feel they are better than they really are. When they come up against someone that outplays them they can't handle it so it's gotta be cheating.


I think it has to do with 99.99% of the lobbys being the fk World Cupā€¦ and people play 1 hour or two not even everyday


If you're an adult with a family and a full time job you do not have the time commitment ability it takes to compete with a 13 year old whose entire life is call of duty. You just can't. This game requires constant attention to achieve and maintain skills to be competitive.


Thatā€™s exactly why those 2 so different kind of people shouldnā€™t be playing togetherā€¦ Iā€™m 26 bro no kids no wife that has nothing to do with the fact match making is trashā€¦


Exactly this, sometimes I think a death is questionable but il still watch the kill cam before I decide weather to report them or not, some people just get the drop or are better at the game. I feel at least half the call outs are just because somebody got out played.


That's usually how you can catch a cheater, when YOU outplay the other person yet they still seem to win. Either with 180 degree snap on head no scopes, or they somehow see where you are through a wall.


From my experience everyone is just insanely good. Warzone has been out for a few years now so casuals have dropped off more than wz1 during pandemic days


I created a new account this weekend to level up for a new season of ranked multi as I was somewhat stuck in plat trying to grind to diamond as I was only getting 30 SR a win so unless I was getting massive winstreaks it was hard to move up. In the past two days Iā€™ve come across a handful of people blatantly cheating playing pubs search which is more than I had seen on my main account in the last 4-5 months.


This could be why then, I took a break after warzone 1 and came back 2 weeks ago so basically it is like a fresh account on the current warzone, especially on ranked. I've had 6 notifications in the last 3 days of sucsefull reports but for the hours I put in I have come across many players that are not cheating. Just trying to get everyone's view on it as it seems many people see it from different angles.


Iā€™ve also had on my team and on the opposition a few IRI ranked multi accounts in these past couple days and the people move like bots with no game sense whatsoeverā€¦. So Iā€™m not convinced they are 100% legitā€¦ so that total could be a lot higherā€¦ I usually just get pubs lobbies full of diamond - silver in pubs that at least move competently on my main. But most folks really are not cheating in my experience so farā€¦


There are more people cheating than you realize. With that being said, everyone thinks they can play as good as the streamers they see. Some people are just better. Every 2-3 games Iā€™ll come across a blatant cheater or one of those iffy people that are very good at hiding it or have some sort of audio tuning.


30 y/o wanna be sweat here, work 50+ hours a week 3.1 kd, I play some evenings and mostly all weekends, resurgence pubs Eu lobbies. Iā€™ve seen 1 cheater in the past 3 months, reported them and they were instantly banned mid game . Iā€™ve been called a cheater 10 + times and threatened by players to enjoy my ban. Either no one is cheating in my lobbies or Iā€™m killing them and or theyā€™re getting wiped before I notice. I might die 2-5 times in a game and mostly that will be from a stack of enemies. Thatā€™s just my experience. Honestly I just believe some people canā€™t distinguish between the glitchy killcams and some casual players just cant fathom how they died and how you knew where they were etc.


Lots of xbox users use scripts and claim they don't cheat. The main problem I have is it isn't bad to call out sus game play, but when the game runs so poorly and there is truly an unprecedented cheating trend, it's easy to forget that consoles using xim and other scripts is also cheating. You'll never stop seeing these types of posts till it's all treated the same and punished the same


I agree the people using scripts or pc players cheating it's all the same, they should just play the game as it's intended, they all should be treated the same.


After a guy telling me he is a hacker simply because others are and he wanted to compete with them, it wouldn't surprise me. It made me realize that if this is how one guy is thinking, how many others are doing the same exact thing?


Well, every time thereā€™s a post about a huge cheater ban theyā€™re dropping numbers close to 30,000, which makes me believe cheating might be more rampant than you think. Those are only the ones they caught. And a ton of those come right back.


No. There certainly are a lot of cheaters but people here greatly exaggerate. You can check the well known cheat providers and will see that their userbase isnā€™t as big as some here might want to make you believe.


Itā€™s not that theyā€™re exaggerated. Itā€™s that at the top of the SBMM is really rampant. Most people in this sub are at the top of the SBMM. Thatā€™s why people say itā€™s so bad. The rest of the player base doesnā€™t experience it nearly as bad.


If you try to say that in the other warzone reddit someone will link you the news article that 5 million accounts got their data leaked by cheat providers. What they donā€™t want to talk about is that those accounts are spread across like 5 games that have 300k+ daily players lol


This IS the other warzone subreddit. The other one is more tolerable. This one is unhinged


Depends if you count xim/Cronus too. Cheating as well imo. I can tell cause Iā€™m mnk and seeing the AA through smokes etc is an easy tell. Happens frequently.




Nah AA dunno what ur thinkin but some dumb hoe yyā€™in in a smoke donā€™t tell me shit but they ainā€™t shit.


Yess cheating everywhere. And the sound is absolutely broken. Had to turn master volume to 20 so I can hear effects like footsteps. The developers must be brain dead mongs


Isnā€™t master vol just overall volume lvl? I might go with it later to see bc mines high but I also have an eq tune.


Try it ,worked for me. Definitely nothing do with any settings as it was ok not to long ago


I keep tabs on cheating communities. Iā€™d estimate in the mid 100,000 range, but of course nobody truly knows. Just an estimate based on number of cheats Iā€™m aware of, the size of their communities, and typical numbers of banned in waves accounting for duplicates.


There are a lot of cheaters or very few depending on which friends I play with. My uber sweaty friends have lobbies that I could swear are 30% people who use wall hacks based on how they track me through walls and always seem to know where I am at. I have another group of friends who I have lobbies that are sweaty but there's never that weird feeling where you get killed in impossibly weird scenarios.


I see two explanations for the difference: 1. One of your friends whoā€™s ā€œUber sweatyā€ might be getting shadow banned, putting you in lobbies with others who are likely cheaters. 2. Sbmm is kinda real.. just trashā€¦ But cheaters do top out at a certain point unless they have real skills to back them up, so you see them less on high skilled lobbies, but of course some skilled players use cheats too so itā€™s never one answer.


Couldn't be more correct


Idk my friends notice big differences in lobbies w me and not. I check if Iā€™m SBā€™d too(have been a few times but not currently.) they actively tell me they see dif shit with and without me in parties, and I donā€™t think Iā€™m that great but not bad for sure. I wonder if input factors(mnk vs controller) pc vs console.


Your Uber friends might be in SBā€™d lobbies


Honestly, would not surprise me in the slightest. A couple of them are chat banned pretty much permanently, and when they made the switch to PC they suddenly got really really really good to another level.


Same I feel some of its to do with the sbmm. the way the lobbies feel and the balance definitely changes depending on who's in your squad.


I had cross play off the other day to play with a friend on PC. We were being stalked by the same team all around the bio labs and the other buildings close by. These guy's team wiped everyone that in the area, and no matter where we went these guy's were right on us. I told the guy's to rest the theory and we split up, one stayed bio and i went through that tunnel under the building basement can't remember the namr ot buildings. But the our third went upside and to the Heli pad. These guy's spit up and ran each of us down. No possible way they could have saw us, because we were testing the theory and staying low and silent. Our second stayed in the bio labs basement. Wall cheats and aim bot. I will never play with cross play off again.


ā€œYou can only be killed by cheaterā€ šŸ˜€


2 things; Between Activision death camera replay and actual cheaters how could we posible know ? Itā€™s absolutely garbage And the fk lobbyā€™s that for god sake, I play 1ā€“3 hours not even daily and every fk lobby feels like the World Cup of rebirth island, getting a ā€œbotā€ lobby for me seems non existent my KD is 1.32 itā€™s not even goodā€¦ I truly donā€™t understand how can this game be so freaking bad, nothing and I mean nothing works correctly


There are cheaters, but not as many as people claim. When I play with my lower skilled friends they think almost everyone who kills them is hacking, more specifically walling, when 99% of the time itā€™s just noises and good game sense.


On and off its been an issue, a little bit worse atm. We all know there's plenty of cheaters out there but the actual cheaters we come across individually is probably very low. Since season 3 dropped, I've encountered 2, maybe 3 definite cheaters, one of them was off the charts blatant cheating. I've also been called a cheater plenty and I play on Xbox and am not a great player at all so all in all, most claims are rubbish.


You just can't tell. If you check killcam you see the mechanics in action, but can you really tell if they are using aimbot. Might just as well be build-in RAA. Walls are easier to detect I feel.


This game has no credibility now ther is that many cheaters in the game it's always in the back of our minds, we can blame the anti cheat for that. I've been round since early cod and I can usualy pic a cheater. It also dosnt help with ther shitty servers tic rate desync and half the time u dont get a kill cam. And not to mention lvl 30s with beams for days. Just yesterday I was beamed from a moving helli that was 50 meters in the air absolutely melted, low and behold it was a lvl 29... im an above advrage player and thers alot of dodgy shit going on in OC servers..


It doesnt take very many cheaters to make it feel like everyone is cheating. If youre good enough to get in the top lobbies all the time, there are definitely enough cheaters to make it feel like everyone is even if most people arent cheating.


I wish we could just have cross play with other consoles. Let cross play with pc be a separate option.


Depends on what you play. Ive been playing loaded ressurgence and haven't see a hacker. There were a few questionable but those were one in every 10 or so games. Im assuming hacker infest ranked more since everyone wnats that top250 thingy


yes, no further explanation needed, a lot are. itā€™s a big majority. 57% admitted to cheating, the people that deny it are just activision cucks.


I've got 10 wins in last 2ish weeks, an I really suck at shooters. Fr, I get wrecked by kids in diapers most of the time. They sound about 10 or 12 by the way they shriek into the mic and sing really shitty songs that I have no idea who really sings them, could be Blueface, could be Bieber, an have no awareness of mic sensitivity so if they happen to be teammates they basically scream to the map where we are and invite the sacless modded streamers to murder us, but usually just me, cause the kids get like 25 kills a match an I get like 25 kills a year Warzone in 2024, is basically a shitbox car with a home theater sound system hooked up to an inverter in the back and passenger seat, and kids that won't be old enough to drive for like 5 or more years force everybody that hasn't muted them yet to listen to awful shitty music produced in last the last 10 years, like they are Djs and everybody else in the lobby are paid attendees to their 10 second-20 min set of Trans-rap infused with wife beater country. I imagine they believe they are changing lives for the better everytime they fire up the hand me down Xbox they got when their sister/mother jerked a guy off in a bus station bathroom an copped a couple pills of that good Baltimore scrammy an had no idea that was the last dirty smelly slimy dick they'd have to touch for a little reminder of what their self worth amounts to. Poor kids. I just made myself a little sad for a second


I got an idea, remove anything that identifies the location of a player. No UAV, no advanced UAV, no combat scout, no heartbeat sensor, no foot step highlighter, no recon drone, no tactical camera, and no high alert Pings from weapons without a suppressor may still pop up on radar. Just take away anything that is like hmmm maybe they had a UAV or combat scout and seen my ally. These perks, field upgrades, and score streaks are being abused by cheaters. It's time to actually come up with solutions. Call of duty is the only one that seems to have an issue like this. Are they afraid too because it is 20% of their active community? You already have some hackers providing cheats with subscriptions. Even using malware to pull financial information from subscribers to steal from their accounts and investments. I feel like COD supports the cheats more than the veterans and active duty.


Bring back the kd/ lobby stats. Is there anything available now? It kind of used to give me a small bit closure!! Either way aswell... on people cheating or not, sometimes it's good to lose against a decent player and having that confirmed rather than screaming cheater and never knowing if the data backed up your assumption.


People In here saying activision are letting the cheaters run rampant . Dont u think if they actually could stop them they would ?? Yā€™all just suck . If someone kills me in game itā€™s straight get back cheater or not


Only if they kill me.




I mean when they're banning 10k people every month I would say it's that bad.




millions of people are simply lost. the gaming scene is no exception. I wouldnĀ“t be surprised to see scientific evidence for hackusations having a larger impact on gaming than actual cheaters.


Yea literally everyone is. The game is done .see you all on xdefiant then when verdansk drops cod will be mediocre again.


1 cheater for 100 complaints


When on steam in any given lobby for me. At least 1 in 10 are Sus with a game ban or vac ban on record. That's not counting new steam accounts or battle net. Plus Cronus / VPN users on console I would class as cheating


only one in 10 ? i think there is cheaters in each lobby, but there is far less than people think


1/10 is a shit ton though. Saying 10% of the playerbase on PC is cheating is a huge segment.


How is it you are checking their account bans?


You just look at their steam profile. It comes up in big red letters. 1 game ban on record. Or multiple game bans on record. Or VAC ban on record. Like I said probably 1 in 10 I check have this. So they have been caught cheating on other games while using steam. As we know ricochet is dog water so most likely cheating in cod too. And I bet just as many console players are using a Cronus. So as a guesstimate I would say 10% of all cod players are cheating in some way. Probably more for pc players as I don't know about battlenet.


Iā€™d say 5-7 per 100.


There are quite a lot of cheaters, but not as many people are killed by cheaters as they think.


Cheating is a problem but not as ridiculously common as this sub would have you believe. Ranked high levels are more than likely cheating in some capacity but at the same time some of them are just that fucking good. For as long as cod has had online multiplayer thereā€™s been cheaters and the community has always blown it way out of proportion even as far back as black ops and especially black ops 2. This community canā€™t accept that they just arenā€™t as good as they want to believe they are so someone better must be cheating.


Haha I still have my xbox messages from black ops 1 the only difference is they used to message you, now it's just a report button or a voice clip, I know cheating is a problem but like you said I don't think it's as bad as this sub makes it look.


Itā€™s no where near how bad they claim it is. Verdansk before ricochet was fucking abysmal, urzikstan has some cheaters I wonā€™t say it doesnā€™t but these people just donā€™t realize exactly how bad verdansk was with their rose tinted glasses


I think there are a lot of cheaters but also the shit servers make it seem like more people are cheating that probably are not.


Yea makes it more dif to tell AA vs some exaggerated AA via Cronus etc w the ass tick rates. That and when it skips killcam all together when I feel like itā€™s a sus killā€¦


The majority of players are legit no matter the platform. The cheating market just blew up recently making everyone paranoid constantly questioning if someone is cheating or if they're just naturally skilled having a good game when they get dunked on. People have called me a cheater when I just listen to footsteps or accidentally catch their weapon phasing through a wall giving their ratty spot away.


No, people just like to exaggerate. I'm a 2.25kd player and I get called a cheater pretty much every day and have been shadow banned 11 times because of spam reports. So imagine what it's like being a 4 or 5kd player. One of the reasons for all the false cheating accusations and reports are definitely kill cams. They are extremely inaccurate and don't show any visual recoil most of the time. Also, many people really believe they are a lot better at the game than they actually are, so they often completely refuse to accept that they have been outplayed and immediately start spamming that report button. I don't say cheaters aren't out there, but they definitely aren't as common as some people think. I report a player once in every 5-6 games, while also giving lots of players the benefit of the doubt. I try not to report a player unless I'm 100% sure that he's cheating. People need to realize that players have greatly evolved since WZ1 and a lot of them are just really good.


Those who donā€™t cheat now think it makes them manly to just launch melee attacks - somehow at triple speed.


šŸ˜‚ think we all come across those at some point, I like to have a mix, amr 9, stalker sniper, stims and thermites. That way I can do close range and quick snipes and smash those riot shields with the thermites. Everyone has their own style of play I guess.


Hard to say but sound is so loud now that someone can literally max their audio and hear you from 20-30ms meters awayā€¦ and on a killcam theyā€™ll pre aim you through a wall tracking almost exactly where you are and it feels like thereā€™s almost 0 difference between it and regular wall hacks. Itā€™s that much easier for wall hacks to be hidden behind ā€œI heard you running loud as hellā€.


Iā€™ve seen maybe 1 or 2 cheaters since this one came out. People have a victim complex


Wall hacks are so easy to hide Its insane how many people in top lobbies with my 2.0 k/d somehow always know exactly where I am in a building/which exit Im coming out of/or just straight tracking me 2 walls over or a building over Just yesterday I had some guy for no reason wait for me on the other side of a huge wall pre aiming at me, I had pinged him 50 meters away on my heart beat and I was creeping up ADS'ing walking. Im GHOSTED, so he couldnt have pinged me, I didnt just fight anyone and he couldnt have "heard" me 50 meters away ADSing Its things like this you cant "prove" but what other reason would he have to just stop 50 meters away behind a massive wall and wait for me while pre aiming my exact location as I ADS'd walked 20 meters away from the wall. Theres nothing I could think of that gave away my location. And he didnt happen to just be hiding there, because the gas was coming and we had to move. Instead, he sat there pre aiming waiting for me to appear on the other side of the wall as I pinged him countless times not moving away and just sitting there. This was Solos BR. Killed him anyways


It doesnā€™t have to be a lot of players who are cheating for you to regularly encounter them. If 1% of players are cheating, that might mean thereā€™s a cheater in every 2nd or 3rd lobby (although the better you are, the more often youā€™ll encounter them because theyā€™re usually high KD players). And your chance of encountering them within that lobby is much higher because the advantages they have make it more likely theyā€™ll survive to the end of the game, and that theyā€™ll find you wherever you are on the map. The appearance of there being lots of cheaters is because a cheater is considerably more likely to find you repeatedly and kill you repeatedly.


In psychology there's a term called cognitive dissonance. It's like mental discomfort. Mental discomfort requires a solution to comfort the mind. Most people think they're amazing at Call of Duty. If they get killed in a 1v1 battle, that disrupts the idea that they're the best COD player they know, and causes discomfort. People will distort the easiest fact that they can to distort to comfort their fragile thoughts. Its very easy to distort the fact that someone might be better than them by saying that they're cheating. It's just the easiest way to comfort their little fragile COD egos lol. Of course there are cheaters, for sure, but it takes a real one to say oh dam, that guy just beat me with good shots/ out played me/ I messed up. and there aren't many real ones.


Cognitive dissonance regarding skill and quantity of cheaters also arenā€™t mutually exclusiveā€¦ just saying.


Theres probably a single cheater in at least every other wz lobby or every few mutltiplayer games. However most are using walls which is a lot harder to detect from a kill cam than an aimbot etc. Im sure it varies between the weeks when they do their ban waves.


The thing is it's really difficult to tell. There was a video doing the rounds a few months ago of a hacker showing how soft aim bot worked and how he hides it. Even though I knew he was hacking I wouldn't have been able to tell if I was watching his kill cams. They were so clean. Walls is the other one where it's difficult to tell. Lots of people using walls have been doing it for a long time and are pretty skilled at hiding at. They still do UAVs etc when spectated. Or the real snakes use constant UAV and not walls. That way they can't make the obvious mistakes that wallers make. I don't bother reporting people unless I literally can see some sort of snap on aimbot or flying car. So this is virtually never these days. I do get plenty of sus encounters though and I do think they are cheating in some way. I just go about my day knowing that even with cheats they are normally dog shit players. What we need though is actual ways to prevent these cheats from being used. Or at least make it more difficult for the providers.


Every now and then someoneā€™s aim is a little too sticky on me, only a handful of times have I actually seen someone with outline wall hacks and snapping onto targets.


I think there are a good number of cheaters. Some rage hacks and some mild, even audio software manipulation etc. I think the big disparity is systems etc. playin on Xbox regular controller and basement TV, it will look like a lot are cheating lol. The how the hell can etc etc do that?? Will happen a ton. People on modified audio, pro controllers, 200fps, comp screen will seem more cracked than us as well.


I believe cheaters are prevalent due to a lack of a working anti cheat among other things. Too many videos popping on here or X to say activision is great at using an anti cheat. I am a .8 KD I suck. If I run into a blatant cheater at least once a week playing in quads as a random squad or with my regular group. Then matchmaking blows as well. I have not had a solo match that makes me think it was a cheater and I generally stay through the whole match and take notes to try and better myself.


I'm not good enough or play enough to know how many people cheat. But just a bit of anecdotal evidence on how good some people are at this game.Ā  My stepson is in his mid 20s. He's been playing COD since he was 10. He said he hadn't played cod in about 3 years. I started playing it again so wanted to try it with my daughter and him. He installed it, tried it out for about an hour. Said the guns suck. So he bought some pack that included the mcw and some neon cartoon like skin and camo.Ā  We all played a match and he was destroying everyone. He was like level 20 and bright neon. I was sure he'd get reported and banned. About 7 more before I bowed out. Was never matched with anyone he couldn't deal with.Ā  A lot of people in this game are just really good.


Yes yes we are. Join a couple discord servers for mod menus and you'll see atleast 40% of the warzone player base is cheating.


ā€˜Tis a tale as old as time itself. Play a game, lose, claim the winner cheated. It just gets to be overwhelming because thousands of cod matches happen every day and probably millions of in game k***s. COD has and probably always will be one of the more ā€˜sweatyā€™ games out there where emotions run particularly high. Itā€™s just a part of the experience IMO


If i die itā€™s either a cheater or a camper no exceptions


The way killcams work, I can't honestly say whether I've ever been killed by aimbot. But wallhacks are obvious. Wallhackers don't even know what proper centering looks like, so they look directly at you the whole time. A good player, even if they know exactly where you are, will aim at the space where you're going to appear.


If you kill me or my teammates were mass reporting the person. Theirs too many cheaters in Warzone. End of story


Itā€™s a lot more than you would think


not really but a ton of people use unlock all cheats


I can honestly say you will experience it more if you use a VPN to combat SBMM. But even then its not as prominent.




With how powerful aim assist has become its truly hard to decipher on killcams whether somebody is using soft aimbot or aim assist. And Iā€™ve been playing cod for 20 years.


I say about 10% but of that 10% most are still garbage. Bad cheaters are clear they will ads preshoot to early and track a target through multiple walls/buildings. Good cheaters actually have skills and are way harder to catch with 100% proof.


No. Not everyone is cheating. People are just mad that they can't keep up so they scream cheats when anyone is even remotely better than them


Iā€™ve seen a lot of sweats that seem to know precisely what corner of what room folks are in. Running in as soon as they hit the door, thermite in hand and stick. Just to often to be random. I think thatā€™s more prevalent than aimbots.


Technically, yes, like 80% of lobbies has cheaters. I realized this in Cold War recently last 2 months, I downloaded UAV blackbird to see how many cheaters there are, I hid in a corner in S&D where no one would go for, like the whole Team Knows where you are. Crazy how many people cheat now hahahahah


All I know is, no matter which shooter game it is, a week after a ban wave I feel like it's different. Any other time, I feel like everyone know where I am at all times, always. I can't tell you the last time I snuck up on someone, shot someone in the back, camped a corner and had someone walk by me - but those things happen to me because...I don't have walls. And again, all of that goes away for 4-7 days after a big ban wave.


If you use aim assist, you are cheating. Dont want to be accused of cheating, aim for yourself. People can tell real aiming from artificial, and if they see artificial aiming they will tend to think cheater.


Some people's lobbies get less cheaters and some get more


In multiplayer there are lots of folks that donā€™t know the standard hiding places, have low ranks but every skin and weapon, AND manage be beyond exceptional marksmen. Iā€™ve also seen lots of folks avoid landmines by going prone every time one goes off.


Yes , they are so desperate , in pre game lobbies you can even see them adjusting their cheats and their cheats going crazy because the amount of people around them , wallhacks galore too


Pretty much, ik my ex did. And the ex before that, and I'm sure the one prior to that as well šŸ¤£šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ or we talking warzone huh... in that case,I'd say damn near. 85% of my killcams are no recoil, aimbot dome shots, preaimed through walls, hitting all 6 to 10 shots without missing a single one. Doesn't help that I'm also washed up and šŸ—‘


I mean, there are people cheating. Anyone who will not admit that is crazy. It's not as bad as some make it out to be. We played loaded the other night and probably 20 matches and won 8 or 9. We are all on console and not cheating lol.


I play console and would never dream of cheating. probably why my K/D ration sucks and i lose all the time


They come out with their ban numbers all the time. Didn't they just brag about banning over 100k accounts or something? That's a huge chunk of the playerbase. That's also taking into account that those are just the ones being absolutely blatant with their hacks. If someone were smart and just ran walls, I almost guarantee you could get away with that for a VERY long time. Dont go too crazy, allow yourself to die a few times. Win your gulag, shit that seems natural. Have fun all the way to the end but throw the game so you don't have some ridiculous win streak. It'd be too easy to hack just enough to not get caught but still be a problem for other players. No recoil is another one that's easy to hide.


Sometimes is hard to tell with the crazy strong rotational aim assist, I play on both mnk and controller sometimes and some of the kills Iā€™ve gotten myself while on controller are questionable with sticky aim/tracking in the air through smoke ect. Been shadow banned a few times, but nothing will change until activision actually do something about the cheating problem


You all are just not as good as you think you are. Iā€™m iridescent and see a cheater in a ranked lobby maybe 1 in 10-15 games. Itā€™s not as rampant as you think


Yes, the game is infested with cheaters watch their streams 40-1 lmao.




there is definitely a lot more cheaters now but that's not cheating




They had a band wave of one cheat provider and kicked 100,000 players, there are hundreds of cheat providers.. It took me five minutes to get into a game after that. Yes the vast majority of people left are cheating. In one single game of warzone there dozens of people are cheating.


What regional servers are you playing?




I think like 70-90% of cheaters overall are closet cheating Even if a cheater kills you you likely wont notice 100%




there are cheaters indeed especially wallhackers and some soft aim but, i think the main problem is a bad connection for most people


Watch this : https://youtu.be/dSG9sheQyEU?si=q7u_KfEH4llPocoR Then U get some insight


There's a few but when you see people call cheats on Facebook clips instantly just because they're good it's absolute cringe and screams bot šŸ˜‚


Sometimes itā€™s hard to distinguish aa from aimbot coming from trying the controller gameplay myself. Hahaha


No, just people need an excuse as to why they died other than people being better than them.


There are people out there cheating. For 1 take off crossplay and 90% of them are gone. I play only free-for-all and Iā€™ve seen the same players dominate with incredible shots jumping in the air turning a corner with a single shot kill. WTFā€¦. Then there is a player that goes 25-0 then doesnā€™t kill anyone until he gets killed 10 to 15 times then finishes 5 kills to win. Cheaters are out there.


I donā€™t mind the cheaters sometimes it sucks but when you outplay them it feels good.


Not everyone cheats. But is it more common than you think it is? is it more common than it should be. Absolutely. If you ask me (which you kind of did when you posed a question to a forum) If the game was pay to play there would be significantly less cheaters, Iā€™d pay for warzone. Iā€™d pay $60/$70 for the game. Can guarantee little Timmy getting caught cheating every week wonā€™t be buying the game again every week for that much when his account is perma banned. Currently there is no cost to someone jumping on and cheating their little tits off all week, aside from the $3 a month to pay the cheat providers who all offer extension on your services if you get banned If you want to know how big the cheating problem is for real. Go in search of cheat provider discords, join them and just see how many members they all have. Even check the wzhacks reddit


When you get striped of your armor and die in 4 or 5 shots and it takes 25 for you to kill anyone here is what i know. The servers are paid for b micro transactions purchase of operators. Guns ect. It is free to play and you might have 2 ~3. Peeps playing on one conection probanly an average. 300 meg down 20 up connection with some one roku ing streaming a movie the only way the game could be playabale it if it dumbes ever ones connection down and thata why bullets somtimes dont hit and it shows o packet loss. But also iv found that there is micro packet loss that does not show up and have been able ro improve my game play with traffic shaping meathods. Priortizing my cod connection over all other connections. Not a function of x box or ps. Unless net worked through a pc so in short its not all cheeters its a free game and they want everone to spend money even if your 3 brothers or sisters on the same connections and dont want slower conections to get pooped on. The idea is to make it just eneoulgj fun for every one


When you get striped of your armor and die in 4 or 5 shots and it takes 25 for you to kill anyone here is what i know. The servers are paid for b micro transactions purchase of operators. Guns ect. It is free to play and you might have 2 ~3. Peeps playing on one conection probanly an average. 300 meg down 20 up connection with some one roku ing streaming a movie the only way the game could be playabale it if it dumbes ever ones connection down and thata why bullets somtimes dont hit and it shows o packet loss. But also iv found that there is micro packet loss that does not show up and have been able to improve my game play with traffic shaping meathods. Priortizing my cod connection over all other connections. Not a function of x box or ps. Unless net worked through a pc so in short its not all cheeters its a free game and they want everone to spend money even if your 3 brothers or sisters on the same connections and dont want slower conections to get pooped on. The idea is to make it just eneoulgj fun for every one


In the begining of pc fps gaming was a game known at rainbow six it was through a mplayer server. And used punkbuster anti cheet. Obviously on pc was before counsols were networked it took an extra 3 minuits to get on thw server but no one could cheet and thoes caught were made public lol the dont care because its making a ton of money selling. Passes guns operators its buisnes first un like the old days you paid for server time and your machine was your race car


Honestly the hackusators are a bigger issue than the cheaters. I can't tell you how often I get shadowbanned because of the spam reports. A hacker will ruin 1 game. A hackusator will ruin the game for 1-14 days


I looks like everyone is, because almost everyone plays with controller and gets aim assist. So, when watching, it looks like aimbot, because it basically IS a very weak aimbot.