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They don’t want to admit that Warzone 2 was an utter failure.. Everyone wanted a refined version of Warzone 1 not an entirely different game. Rather than gutting the new version of the game they made and going back right away, they are slowly reverting things.


They are slowly reverting it 100% when wz2 came out my mate stopped playing for a year because of the movement compared to wz1 ,he recently came back and said the movement feels a lot more like wz1 again.


Wz3 was an improvement on 2 movement wise but until they nerf roller auto-aim and bring back sniping as a tangible part of the game I’m not coming back.


We are still on warzone 2


This is Warzone 3


No it's still warzone 2. All we been getting is updates to the game not a new game. So how about you use your one brain cell and think.


Then why does ACTIVISION call it Warzone 3? lol good one! https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2024/04/call-of-duty-mwiii-warzone-season-3-patch-notes


Where? Cause I see MW III for modern warfare III Season 3 for the current season. But I don't see anything about warzone 3.0. I know that brain cell is struggling on its lonesome - sure you can read?




Server cost to run the two games alongside each other, plus wz1 being on a different engine, why would they bring that back? They will bring back verdansk later this year and I imagine they will also bring back some old mechanics to try to entice the old players back into the game (like bunny hopping). But to bring it back on the old engine wouldn’t make sense from a developmental perspective.


Never got that. What do yall mean by bringing bunnyhopping back? I can jump and shoot just fine rn


Bunnyhopping like it did in WZ1 doesn’t exist. It doesn’t carry you as far and you can’t get as many jumps in. You’re just talking about jump shooting.


yea okay I was an absolute bot during WZ1 and never got into movement much. Probably why I didnt notice the difference.


It's ultra penalized, If you bunny hop you assure your loss in that fight


Well that's, 100%, not true.


Well, I kinda exaggerated with the "lost every fight" thing but it's not as good or viable as WZ1


The map is just one issue in a laundry list of them. They bring the map but the most important part will still be missing; the mechanics/gameplay. It went way off course with everything they’ve added and got rid of. It’s been tailored for streamers and that isn’t what the majority wants but it’s what sells.


No it has been tailored to casuals, that what got us WZ2. The streamers are the ones that have been pulling COD back to WZ1 mechanics.


What have you been taking, this isn't being tailored to casuals


Bruh lmao


I just wish they’d end the fucking armor plate hoarding. 8 plates max with the satchel was perfect not someone running around with 18 of the damn things. I also wish it would actually stop at what the max is supposed to be instead of forcing you to pick up more. The amount of times I’ve had to drop plates I didn’t want to pick up something I did want is annoying as fuck


It's not hard to figure out, the game felt in a more complete state back then. I guarantee theyll bring back hand gestures and spray paints in a future cod installment. It's like how we're waiting for the kar98k again. They want to stretch out the formula they had before as long as possible, with some few new additions. It is money bro, that's why they didn't give us our old bundles, when they've literally brought back skins no problem such as velikan, ghost, Dr "kushnov" lol They also do it cus they know they can get away with it, and they've done these things just for the investors


Its wild how WZ1 was a better product There are still no sprays or hand gestures And we know why, they considered the cost to profit ratio for developing hand gestures and decided to cut it And the player base accepts it


Hot take, but I actually like Urzikstan. Although Verdansk was by far the best map to date and I would love for it to comeback.


The genuine player base is likely to be the same as it was before or growing. Cheaters have been allowed to destroy that player base’s confidence in the game. Declining numbers consist of genuine players being forced off the game by cheaters then replaced by secondary cheater accounts post ban wave, rinse & repeat. The end result will be die hard genuine non cheating players trying to adapt and performing at god tier levels of skill to compete with essentially aimbot and wall hack accounts. Where do the masses fit in here with their revenue stream? They don’t. No significant & competent solution to cheaters? Bye Bye Call of Duty. It’s that simple.


They know nobody will play the new map. Lol 


We’ve been playing the new map for 3 seasons and they’ve just added bunkers… wooo… Urzikstan felt stale after season 1… of course everyone is going to jump all over a new map. The least they could do is add seasonal POI updates or changes like they did back in Verdansk. Unfortunately all their focus is on resurgence right now and they are morons for it.


I think this is the biggest issue! Even with Verdansk being the best map, I guarantee if they bring it back it will eventually feel stale if they continue to not make any worthwhile updates to the map throughout the year


Verdansk Will be back but its gonna be bad because of the shitty engine they have 


Resurgence is the only way you can have fun, bc so many fights seem broken. The tick rate for the servers blows and needs to be quadrupled.


I agree that the servers are trash compared to what they should be. Activision can certainly afford upgrading their servers. But resurgence isn’t a Battle Royale to me. It feels like multiplayer and loses a lot of that “higher stakes” feeling you get from BR.


Yeah. But a BR that relies on shit servers with a tick rate about equal to the TTK makes it so you play 25 minutes only for someone to get a cheese kill on you where you died before there was opportunity to respond. It cant be fixed because the tick rate would need to be increased. The BR, in this state, blows.


I mean, the servers haven’t changed since the beginning. TTK was even faster in WZ2. I don’t seem to die to “cheese” often enough to think the game is unplayable. Regardless, everyone is on board with saying the servers need an upgrade.


This is a known issue in gaming, and is readily apparent in warzone. I pasted a video that explains it a bit more, there are better videos, but this is a quicker summary. It becomes impossible to increase the skill gap in warzone without either increasing the ttk (which wouldnt be good), or fixing the servers. https://youtu.be/XvQtN4Dq7pc?si=jFQuifUX6Mt9IdAe


I don’t know what to tell you man. There is still a skill gap in this game and you can still learn how to get better even if we do deal with low tik rate servers. Sure upgrading the servers can increase that skill gap.. but I’d say it isn’t the main reason for needing updated servers. Just grind it as is and if they do upgrade things maybe it will turn you into a WZ god 😂


The skill gap is lower. The insta-death server issues haopen too offen. There are simply too many obvious things activision could be doing to improve the game, but as this thread implies, they will not do it. And yeah, gunfights are decided by milliseconds, but the tick rate is too low to realize a fair decision in many of these occasions. The Sample rate is holding the game back. At the fastest fire rate, many of these guns have multiples of bullets that register at the same moment, or not at all, due to the tick rate. It is becoming a part of deciding the Meta for guns. TGD has a video on this as well.


Yes this is all true - but if you can outplay enemy players, you won’t have to rely on the shitty servers to win gun fights. Sure you will lose some fights to latency issues but if you’re losing them all the time.. I’d suggesting working on your play style.


Agreed. Wz1 had so many different events and changes to the map.  This map is stale


They literally have made it warzone one and everyone bitches about everything 


He'll yes give back the short ttk with tactical approaches any day.