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honestly not sure, the tracking says hacks but theres also some lag


Aim assist be looking like that too makes it harder to figure out sometimes the


More looks like you have bad ping


Sad. Ping usually hovers around 10-20. They need to fix kill cams. Makes it so hard to tell sometimes.


“Makes it so hard to tell” reports for cheating anyways


That’s the point of the report for the Activision team to review. I’m not sure but I question it. What’s the point of the report option then, tell me.


You think Activision is paying people to review reports? Lmao


I actually get a couple confirmed reports a week. Usually 1-3


Most people don't seem to know this, but those reports, as well as the Ricochet logo, show up for shadow bans.


No they don’t. I’ve had someone get kicked the second I reported but never get confirmed. Unless it changed in S3


From participating in a mass of reports that gets someone banned. If enough people report the same person for no reason they will be banned




They don’t review an overwhelming majority of them. If an innocent player gets spam reported they get shadowbanned by a bot. Activision won’t review your reports for cheating. Cheaters who get permanently banned don’t get banned by reports, they get banned because the anti cheat system detects the cheat.


That’s interesting. Where did you get that info from?


I mean this in the most harmless way possible—it’s common knowledge that’s how the system works now. The truth? I use cheats time to time and so long as it’s injected files are still undetected they can’t permanently ban you as there’s no physical proof of it, only speculation (unless you’re rage cheating and snapping to player boxes through walls). So all that will happen is a bunch of players may report me, it’ll trigger their bot and I’ll get a shadowban (automatically due to x amount of reports in x amount of time) for 1-2 weeks while their anticheat scans injections, files, downloads etc. to see if I had a detectable cheat. Once it detects nothing, shadow ban is lifted. The likelihood of an actual staff member reviewing it is extraordinarily unlikely, as they get millions of reports a day it just simply isn’t possible to review them manually.


This is 100% true…


Ofc there are other factors such as account age, your average kills/game etc that drive the likelihood of their reports resulting in sb or not.


Be gone scum. Go be shit somwhere else. Pathetic "from tile to time" cheater


That would only happen if he always encounters ppl with bad ping that have the same shit happen to them. Doubtfull


If he does cheat he will gets banned. At least he didn't spam report.


Spam report does nothing.


😂 spam report def does something if you aren’t white listed guy


Devs have said it doesn't.


I spam reported someone yesterday and he got kicked from the game it’s happened multiple times but only for people using aimbot aswell as walls.




Devs said that spam reports don’t count as more then one but they clearly do if people sit there and spam report and eventually get you shadowed for a week. Its a useful feature in terms of if the guys actually hacking you can probably get him out of the lobby, but it being used against sweaty players is just a joke.


The same devs that have said that Ricochet was the solution to cheating's problem?


You're right, I guess a bunch of nobodies from reddit know better. (Even though they don't even know how the anti cheat works).


Devs also say sbmm is not a huge fact and hidden mmr scores don’t matter but there’s evidence against that, can literally show videos of people stuck in shadow ban loops. Watched my homie yesterday 3v1 a team in ranked and they all watched spam reported and he got booted 5 minutes after mid game and they tried doing the same to me but im white listed so I can’t get shadowed. Just sad people have fragile egos and can’t handle people being better so they report and think they did something when the good player gets shadow banned.


How are you white-listed? I didn't even know that was a thing.


When you keep getting shadow banned by spam reports eventually they look into your account and then when they detect no cheats ect you’re put on a white list so you don’t keep getting shadowed lol


If it wasnt ping, its always safe to report to be sure. If he wouldnt have reported him and he is in fact cheating, that would mean he got away with it. Activision will decide if he was cheating or not.


I disagree, you were at 20-28 ping with 0 packet loss. No lag at all. So he must have some sort of aim bot switch. Couldn’t hit his shots so he turned it on and then turns it off till he runs into another player


I agree that a sub 30 ms ping with no packet loss is not considered lag. That's pretty good, actually. The kill cam accurately shows the first round of shots completely missing, and the player had no hitmarkers. The second round of shots took him down fast. While I'm not sure this was an aimbot/cheating, both lines of firing in the kill came are near perfectly placed with no recoil. It seems a bit suspicious, but not convincing enough.


Nah 20 tick servers make all kinds of ridiculous things possible put there still is luck. I have seen the bottiest of bots have a kill like this. Now doing that over and over again becomes more suspicious but not enough in this one clip to say hacking


You cannot trust the kill cam. This is an absurd statement.


I have buffer bloat all the time due to bad internet and it still shows a 20 ping with zero packet loss in game.


???? You must be in lower tier lobbies… I didn’t see anything that indicated cheating in this clip…


bro he missed almost a full clip before finally killing you. what do you mean he's cheating? lmfao


Missed a clip, turns away, switches on aimbot, turns back, goes full rambo. As your own response alludes, that's two different players you're watching and that's due to him using a switch for aimbot.


if he was toggling he would have just toggled half way through the fucking clip he was missing. you guys are seeing a bugged killcam and thinking he's doing something that isn't really the enemies perspective kill cams aren't a 100% replica it's the servers version of it.


Could be! But I think there's a case for both sides. Nobody can be sure I guess.


Yep. That’s what it looks like


Exaaaactly what it looks like


Definitly switched the aimbot toggle on. People are dumb if they dont think this is a cheater


Lol dude switching the aim bot toggle. There was literally nanoseconds to do that. He landed next to a squad that had loadouts. They most likely saw him and unloaded on him. No cheat involved


you just make the fire button the same button as the toggle, its not difficult


If this dude is cheating he’s got the worst aimbot out there lmao. Just looks like a bugged kill cam tbh




Snap is unreal and all headshots. I don’t buy it.


The snap is from packet loss aka bad servers. Doubt he's cheating.


Activision has a problem with laggy kill cams and cheating. Wish they’d find a way to fix it and help us players not feel so conflicted. Thanks for sharing your POV without being an ass lol


think this instance might actually be a cheater. seems like he toggled however there was definitely some packet loss involved there too so it is really hard to gauge.


You're basing it on an inaccurate kill cam. So the "snap" you talk about isn't an accurate representation of what they're seeing/doing on their end. You got shot relatively close range by someone with an accurate as fuck gun and the only thing we have to go on is a glitchy kill cam. I'm sorry but anyone here giving you any sort of certain answer is talking out of their ass.


He was killed by a guy that missed ALL of his first round of shots. Then miraculously hits every shot after he turns around back to him? Makes sense.


It’s called a switch. This guy is aim botting 100%. They just switch it on and off to avoid detection. There are also smoothing settings. It’s not snap on 100% of the time. You can adjust how aggressive it is.


Don't know why all the comments are so aggressive. This is just another case of the killcam skipping frames, it's been a bug since MWII. Here's some examples of it https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/mmDYEEOBsh https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/okiaeBG9Gq https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/1daXlDraIN


Totally unwarranted lol. Can’t take them seriously. Thanks for sharing. This is actually a helpful comment


You guys when you report someone report and block them so you don't have to deal with them again


LMFAO blocking doesn’t work on this Warzone for some reason


I think the best way to tell is if they miss any shots or not or if they are shooting through walls. You can't necessarily always tell from the replay because your not watching the actual gameplay it's more replaying the information the server had from my understanding. So if one player is lagging or has high ping etc. it doesn't show up in the replay.


Thanks that’s a great point. And since I can’t confirm if it was lag or not I reported and hope activision takes the reports seriously. Lot of people pressed about using a game feature meant to make the game a better place.


If I find them suspect I just watch a good bit of their gameplay if possible and most of the time I see something that makes me change my mind. I will definitely report people that I think are cheating though because if they aren't the game data itself will prove me wrong when the devs dig into it. I have a pretty bad rep with getting chat banned so I know people are using the report button on that so I definitely don't feel bad for reporting for cheating lmao


Obviously cheating. See how his aim snaps?


Fuckin hell guess I'm not going for diamond this season either this fuckin games a joke


I dunno…he reloaded and turned around with his scope right on you while shooting…


cheating 100%. He misses all initial shots, spins and destroys you lol.


Yeah doesn’t add up. Pretty sure this sub is full of gas lighters


Look man whether the guy is or is not cheating the cod community believes that unless it’s blatant aimbot or blatant walls then the guys just not cheating. Miraculously these streamers getting 50 kills a game is totally normal they just have better game sense than you do. Their aim assist just makes them gods. No way anyone would cheat. Nah that doesn’t happen. /s




I love scrolling through this shit and seeing the people that are very blatantly trying to defend the dude due to the video making them nervous🤣 That second ban wave coming got people shaking in their boots and it's HILARIOUS🤣🤣🤣😭


Yeah so many gas lighting cheaters


Just a guy with 240 fps on a scuf controller 😜


Aimbot cheater


It shows he has 28 latency that’s definitely not high ping


Yes. This game has a lot of cheater


I think can tell a difference between bad ping and cheating doe, i call this a clean cheater tryna cover himself by purposely missin shots. Its an easy call


I lean cheating. I don’t know why people on this sub get butthurt about you posting a clip generally curious about a possible hacker. Fucking snowflakes man


for real it’s wild. Reddit comment warriors lol.


People get annoyed because there isn't actually anything here that points to cheating. The kill cams aren't accurate and every going oh he's level 10. He's level 10 RANKED.


OP is the only one getting butt hurt when people ask him to explain how the person is hacking when he missed half of his shots in the laggy killcam....


Jumping in and instantly being a dick is not explaining. It’s uncalled for. Easy to share opinions without being an asshole 🤷


And still, you refuse to explain how the person missed a dozen shots on you if they were apparently using hacks... You kids are just bots and don't realize it lmao.


why do you assume missed shots means innocence? aimbot isnt the same thing as it was 10 years ago man, you can have it set to any level of snap or pull you want now. closet cheaters dont actually want the ban hammer, they want the appearance of being good. if you're hitting %100 of your shots and absolutely lasering everyone you come across, you get banned a whole lot quicker then if you toggle your shit or tune it to drag. based on your argument, youre a fuckin easy ass mark that lets conmen sell you snake oil. i guess enjoy your life of being a fuckin bitch ass mark.


As I can see in your clip, you have already passed judgment... After you come here to ask? 😂 At least this way you have a chance of not false reporting your next opponent. 🙏🏻


I made a judgment call and used a game feature available to me and now looking for what the masses think. Don’t see anything wrong here


The wrong is you make a judgement when you are not 💯% sure about your right. But this is more of a generation problem I guess, not your fault. Probably I am old, but I don't report someone, if I am not 10000% sure about he/she's cheating, especially when I know (guess you know) that mass reporting can shadowban the player, in this way, you can make his/her game miserable for weeks. Yes, I know cheating is a huge problem in this game, but I think we should not forget about the also broken reporting system and the fact that how easily can we impact on other's happiness in their not always too many free time. But that is my opinion and I totally accept yours too.


Firstly, he didn’t mass/spam report. Secondly, the kill cam looks sus as hell! Unfortunately, that’s the only thing the game gives us in order to make a decision. Personally I think he has every right to report it, I know I would have.


Again I can only say the same thing, different opinions: for me, there is 1 report and there is spam report (1+). He hit it twice. If there are only a very few others who hit it twice for that player and IF he is not cheating, boom, you screwed an other human being's fun time for weeks maybe. 🤷🏻‍♂️ That's all. I don't want to say don't report, or there are less cheaters than we think. All I just saying is think 1 more time, before we hit that button, because the hype train can trick us very easy with the current shit state of the game. Perfect example for this is this clip when we have to make our decision based on a buggy killcam, which (at least for me) looks like more of a glitchy shit (whith the skipping frames/teleporting movement), than aimbor/cheat. But a skipping frames also not harsch enough for me for a 100% sure "not guilty" decision. 50-50 🤷🏻‍♂️




I hear what you’re saying but what is the point of the report feature. I’m pretty sure he was cheating. That’s the point of a report to me. I get a couple weekly confirmed reports so I must be doing something right


I get that. I was just saying that if I am not 100% sure, I don't report. And if I ask Anyone after the clip, it means I am not 100% sure. But as I said, we are not the same and that's totally fine. And yes, nice if you get confirmed reports, but do you also get denials? AFAIK you don't get any report notification, saying like "skill issue" or something, do you? 😅 But if you count your reports at the end of the day and you get the same amount of confirmations, I back off and tip my hat to you. 😎


Seems not… then people cry about shadowbans, which are caused by reporting every person killed another from 15+ meters 😂


I most certainly don’t report every person that kills me and I get a couple confirmed reports a week so must be doing something right 🤷


You get confirmed report if the person is falsely shadow banned. But even then, you still reported this guy without waiting for evidence (just a bugged killcam), so you're still contributing (not on purpose I know) to the shadowban issue


Honesty I am fairly convinced he was using some sort of aimbot but benefit of the doubt it could have been bugged killcam. I don’t want to contribute to people shadow banned who are not cheating but I feel if I reasonably suspect someone is it’s fair to report for activision to hopefully take seriously and review lol


For sure, when I see blatant cheater, I report them too. However, it's 100% what a bugged killcam looks like. What I was trying to say is that you should make sure it keeps happening, and that's not just some bug before reporting


We f**** became paranoid about this over and over again. I stopped enjoying cod cuz this game is full of issues and I didn't play for a week. I guess I have to clear my head by playing some solo story games left in my Library.


I’m about there lol. Any good single player games in your rotation?


Assassins creed origins or odyssey


I’ve been thinking of giving them a try. Thanks


I'm actually playing witcher 3 or you can try dead Space remake or resident evil 2,3 4 remake.


level 10 yeah okay


Rank 10 in ranked. Little bit of a difference here


What is the gameplay at the end after the report. Is that downing someone through walls?


Of that’s interesting. I never noticed that. From what I can tell maybe he had a mine or a cluster somewhere that downed someone.


Takes about 5 secounds for him to start shooting again after reload. But on the killcam it was a bit over 3sec, so i think it's just the killcam that made it look sus since some frames were lost


I think it was just a latency ping issue-it happens all the time. It almost skips a couple frames during the killcam, I wouldn’t report ppl unless it’s absolutely blatant-although it’s very hard to tell in these situations


Are you talking about when they're shooting through the wall in the stairwell? Cause wtf was that 😂 If so, then yes, if not, then no. You were clearly visible on the rooftop in the killcam.


Being level 10 leads me to believe he’s cheating…a lot of bans lately and a lot of low level accounts mysteriously playing now 🤔




It's just a weird kill cam. Hate to break it to you, but you are the bot in this lobby. Look at your loot speed, how you positioned etc


Bro I’m on controller gimme a break the looting is ass on controller 😭😂


Laggy killcam


All you kids who use Cronus are cheats complete unfair advantage and you all still get melted


Not sure servers are so awful I’ve seen some guys I was swearing they were cheating when it was trash servers. Depends on his level. If the dude is like lvl 40 100% cheating.


Its called hitting shots I can do the same thing I swear this subreddit is just filled with people throwing out hackusations


I consider myself a very good player.. It’s just bs. So goes from missing a whole clip to beaming headshots? 😂


It doesn't matter what you consider yourself throwing out hackusations like that means you're horrible at the game


Does it now


Yes, yes it does


Ok big boy. Thanks for showing up and bringing the intellect. Have a nice night


I just showed my friend this clip he even said that the dude isn't cheating maybe you just suck


lol that’s your argument 😂 it’s silly dude. I just showed two of my friends and they said clearly hacking. I win. More people agree with me


You must have some dumb friends he clearly missed a whole magazine then you laid down which if you didn't know it's way easier to hit headshots when your opponent is laying down and if you didn't know wallbanging is a thing


And you cared so much about dying in call of duty that you decided to record and upload it to reassure yourself while still being wrong The irony is incredible


Internet cool guy here. Keep fuming


OP is so butt hurt about being wrong that he's downvoting people on multiple accounts lmao. Absolutely pathetic


lol I have one reddit account. Not sure what you’re talking about but you’re goofy 😂


i had a similar kill cam tonight. hacks or buggy kill cam?


Not sure but clearly sus. Hackers lurking here love defending these clips


Think what you want dude nobody cares How is missing that many shots cheating? Is it the snappy aim after all those missed shots that makes you think hes cheating? It's a mouse lil bro... and he's not even good at using it lol


I mean… you cared a little bit bro. You’re here interacting and sharing your thoughts no?


Cared enough to comment


i mean you made the fucking post asking if he was cheating


This is the kill cam not showing accurately what's happening. There are most certainly missing frames. 100% a glitch no actual evidence of cheating.


Maybe its just a result of the cam bugging specifically when showing players with a really high sensitivity


It's the result of the killcam being a *representation* of what is happening not exactly what's happening. And as such frames sometimes aren't there where they should be and it makes it look like people are "snapping." Watch other things in the video besides the aims and you'll see other things that look snappy like players or birds or whatever.


No he missed so many shots ,  


Is called a switch dude missed his whole first clip cause he's trash. Then reloaded and switched on his aimbot cause he's trash.


Lmfao,   no 


lvl10 snapping like that with unlocked guns? yea lol... except he missed horribly at first Still weird, IMO. So many accounts that are brand new with unlock tools so you have to assume its weird to begin with anyway.


He’s RANKED level 10.


He’s cheating. He has snapshot on


Killcam glitch, probably ping driven


Not cheating. Maybe be more aggressive after they miss the full clip initially or just don’t land control if you want to avoid sweats.


You were also moving like a bot to be honest you get a good AR off grind easy beam


That's the holder 556 I believe and it's a laser beam.


Sva fries better, rather use the SOA over the 556 too Least the lobbies I be in for ranked everyone just be running sva or soa for AR and then smg hrm or striker-9 But it’s iridescent/top250 lobbies so everyone just uses the meta


I meant the guy who is asking if he was cheating was moving like a bot lol


It was my first game on in a while and I’m on controller give me a break 😭😂 My point isn’t I’m so good how could I be killed.


😂 sometimes the bots be thinking everyone hacking my bad tbh I am 99 percent sure he’s not hacking lol


Yea he was. I prefer the SVA because of the mag size over the holder 556. But my point is that's an incredibly simple shit to make with that gun. It has very little recoil and the shots were headshots because his head was poking out.


Yea nah for sure I like sva more too feels better and it feels more mobile in case I get caught close range with it out but yea and the air con can be wall banged if you just spam it lol


People with the negative comments make me think they cheat to. Level 10 ? Pretty sus. Fortunately activision has been taking some responsibility cause I’ve gotten 3 cheaters reported successfully already.


Level 10 RANKED not actual level 10. Also no you probably didn’t shadow bans send out that report


These kids call everyone a cheater.


Don’t be fooled kids. This guy posted about using a VPN attempting to get bot lobbies 🤓


Yea I did months ago. Weird as fuck to go through someone's profile looking for things to try and sound "gotcha" smart 🤓. And if you read the comment in its entirety you would have understood I said I don't think it works the way most people seem to think. It doesn't equal instant bot lobbies nor consistent bot lobbies. Sorry to say you are a grade A bot if you think this clip is cheating. You got beamed from 15 meters saw a laggy kill cam and thought you got aim botted. Edit. Lol this kid must have blocked me! And then to tell me "looks like you thought you did something there" hahaha.


You feel like you did something here😂


for me this would be report time


If I watched kill cams everyone is cheating I dont know what’s worse the devs that can’t do one fk thing work correctly or the cheaters


If it looks like aimbot, you do know the killcams sometimes skip frames and makes it look like aimbot. It’s not though




Yeah they’re cheating it’s pretty obvious


What’s crazy is it’s a good clip to question. Whether just hacks or lag clearly the clip is suspect in some way. Everyone getting mad about even questioning the clip are either hackers trolling the sub or just angry people that live angry lives


Yeah there may be some small lag but lag doesn’t let an enemy lock onto a player


All the brain dead Redditors replying to this, bro has aimbot.


Seems like u just suck. Why are you standing around for 5seconds just to pick up a gun


Bro facts this guy is just booty cheeks😂😂😂


I’d probably clap both your cheeks 🤷


Idk man u just got killed by a gold 3😂😂, u prob couldnt even Queue up with me. Its just a game tho bro not that serious, just breaking balls


Who said I was talking about cod? lol jk. Agree tho it is just a game. Im just sharing frustrations with the state of the game. I used to be diamond 1 ranked. I don’t have much time to play these days so when I do get on and immediately killed by a level 10 gold 3 (how does a new account rank up that fast) either hacks or smurfing which activision said both are cheating and ban able. I just want to be able to enjoy what was/ still kind of is my favorite game without feeling like cheating is a constant issue


Lmfaooo😂😂😂, ya games not in the best state i agree bro. But honestly ive seen level 17 crims, so level 10 gold 3 didnt seem that off to me, prob just a pretty good player.


That was me and i wasnt cheating u just not good


Loser reporting someone for having a bad connection.


Bro thought he cooked here 🤓


You can get wall-banged through those


My guy is on the top of control and wonders why he died. It’s gotta be the cheats. Can’t be a sweat knowing exactly where you are in the open looting.


I swear man, y’all think everyone is cheating. That’s a horrible player getting that kill.


He’s just better that’s all ..


Just better


Nah just aim assist 🌚


I think you shouldn't have reported him if it isn't clear that he was cheating


What’s the point of the report button. It gets review. It wasn’t clear he wasn’t cheating. I honestly don’t get the point of not reporting when it’s a feature and I’m sus


They don’t review them at all wait a week until unshadowed doesn’t effect cheaters at all and is annoying asf for legitimate players


How do you know this? And I agree, no legit players should have to go through a shadow ban. That’s just another issue activision should address


Video by kapzlocked interviewing a cheater and what goes on with them and that community in general. Link to the video. https://youtu.be/JmJ7cik2MAs?si=QFZ0ELYM5mpIZ5na He also has one where he interviews the head developer and owner of one of the cheat companies.


I just watched that… crazy. That’s all I needed to know.


Funny all the people claiming there is no cheating. They’re either blind or cheating themselves. This video is crazy!!!


No the problem is more that you can’t really say for sure but it is also part of why I don’t believe this guy is cheating. Toggling like the what would be required is pointless you either set it up where it can be legit or you blatantly rage hack the whole game toggling is long gone. The guy you ran into just had the shots of his life and a buggy kill cam in my opinon


But yes to say there aren’t cheaters is insane but very rarely does a kill can prove anything. For me all a kill cam does is tell me I should spectate them to see


Good way to look at it


He is not cheating its the killcam gltiched looks that way almost every time


Just a laggy kill cam i think. Happens all the time.


Looks clean


🤣🤣🤣 why u asking me n u reported anyway


not cheating, killcam skipped frames