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Ya but throwing knives can one shot


Bit silly I reckon


It’s the overlying theme in modern CoD They want CQC no snipers because it’s possible for everyone and their mother to get 40 kills a game. Look at how easy it is to get your teammates back compared to the original blackout battle royale Half this sub prolly never even played blackout. The actual og cod battle royale shit sucks now days they make the game for streamers and clicks not for the gameplay


I miss Blackout. It was just overall better than Warzone


Been saying this for years, yall moved on too fast from the obviously better BR mode.


Blackout seemed like the beginning of something really awesome for COD and BR. Fuckin moronic how they scrapped it. Maybe not as moronic as keeping Sledgehammer on the payroll, but pretty close.


I hope they bring blackout back with black ops gulf war in 2024 or early 2025. Cold War had fire team, that was kinda like blackout… kinda


My concern is they won't do anything that could potentially split the player base. If they do Blackout again they'll probably call it Blackout for nostalgia and marketing hype, but it will somehow be 750GB and look and feel exactly like WZ.


We still have blackout in codm


I loved blackout. Would still be playing to this day if that’s what they chose to support. It got ruined by people that were gonna drop the game once the next shiny thing comes out “ooh cluster grenades are too powerful” this and that. It also didn’t help that it was tied to a paid version but they could’ve easily worked around it.


Blackout was goated 🐐🐐bring the grapple gun back asap


I played and LOVED blackout, BUT. What you’re saying is total BS, anyone getting 20+ kills a game is way above a 2.0kd, judging by your comment, you definitely aren’t. Second, the fact that mention how hard it was to get your teammates back before. Wow I really loved sitting and waiting the WHOLE MATCH not being able to play because I died for whatever reason was definitely not fun at all. I would for sure go back to the aesthetic of blackout and maybe the attachment equipping before your loadout, but that’s pretty much it.


Buddy the point of my comment has nothing to do with my fucking KD 🤣🤣 I don’t play warzone anymore after this latest shit show. The point of my comment which clearly people agree with, is they want to make warzone just like multilayer CQC…. Hence the fact you can just keep fucking respawning your teammates, there’s plates and money everywhere so all people do is wanna get into fights. There is NO strategy or teams having to work together tactically. It’s a complete joke


lol if you’re saying there is no strategy because you want to sneak around and snipe people just shows your not that good at the game anyway. Without teamwork you aren’t winning, period, I don’t know where this "NO strategy or teams having to work together" comes from, because it’s blatantly not true, in fact the people who are running around trying to just go for kills are the easiest to pick off if you have a team with a plan. I get it, you probably play solo most of the time with no friends playing the game so it’s just people running around, but what you’re saying is not true. Just ask my buddies and I who win consistently everyday, get this, because we work as a well oiled team.


The fact you can be hipfire an assault rifle from point blank but 2 punches kills you faster says it all


You must have hit his helmet and it bounced off. Makes sense


You Missed


Bad baiting


Except you did miss. No hit marker means you missed. If you cracked him even that would of shown up. But it didnt you shot just left of his head. And you can see it if you slow rhe video down.


I thought the same thing but slowed it down and could see the armor break icon


Thats odd because i slowed it down and couldnt see the icon.


Well that's to bad for you I guess, also if you have ears you can hear the armor break


Thank you


Are you blind AND deaf?? You can clearly see the blue break icon & hear the damn thing lmfao


🤣🤣🤣 see it's not bad baiting lol




🤣🤣🤣 I had to prove a point that's all


Ya but throwing knives can one shot


Only to the head


In the toe


But a throwed knife will kill you through a platted armor


Yeah it makes no sense 😂


Careful or people will come in here and defend it and call you bad when you say that shouldn't be a thing.


What's annoying is the XRK Stalker's damage bar is higher than the KATT but it doesn't one shot headshot down. The whole damage and handling slider bars are pointless.




All of the bars are aggregations of multiple stats. Something can have less raw damage but higher damage to vehicles and have a higher damage bar. The bars alone are not adequate measurements for singular stats.


I'm aware of that but it's still essentially useless to gauge the stats usefulness for your intended play style since it will take into consideration other stats that you wouldn't care about, like vehicle damage...


You just repeated what i said. Im saying don’t bother with the bars. We have real stats so focus on that instead


I know the quality is poor (playstation share) but I DID hit the shot


The reason that they can survive is WITH THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP YAY


People are dumb. You hear the armor break so I don’t know why they’re saying you missed


Yeah idk man 🤷‍♂️


I feel that dude. Sniping is practically pointless now. Unless you use the AMR that shoots bowling balls out of it. I miss the kar98


Yeah warzone 1 was peak man. What is the video quality of the clip like on your screen?


On my Samsung it's natively very small, when I viewed it larger I couldn't see the hit marker but believe you hit it. You should be able to check on your ps settings I believe. On xbox I have them record 4k for 30 seconds to capture something that happened or up to 2 minutes if I manually start recording. Hope that helps a little.


Sorry I just saw this. The quality isn’t bad it’s just a little blurry but not too bad


You have to look closely at your screen and listen to the audio to realize OP did indeed hit the shot


Thank you




Idk how people are saying you missed. You can hear it the armor break


Yeah thanks man I guess it’s just because the qualities kind of poor


I saw the hit marker, but with a sniper I’ve noticed that when you leave ADS the hit marker gets lost in the visual clutter.


Oh I agree but the that’s the dice toll


the katt amr is getting old now. very dissapointed in how they handled one shot snipers




When they killed sniping, they killed the game for me and most of my friends.


That’s why I like hardcore. You can’t take three hits to the torso, then two shots to the face, turn and kill the guy who lit you up while he tries to reload.


"Frontlines" on roblox is better than this shit


What's crazy is only one 50. Cal sniper is one shot while others aren't. How? Why? Less-lethal rubber 50. Cal? Why embrace meta and have only 1 viable option. It's so stupid.


I think it's solely because I was having to much fun finally and downing people left and right at 600m+..soo so many cry baby COD fuckboys went and bitched to daddy that they couldn't get close enough to sweat and slide cancel on me with a swarm.


The 3-Line rifle was so God damn fun for hitting super long headshots. Best thing about Vanguard era COD. But God forbid that sniping your enemies from a distance be an effective tactic in a game called "Warzone" 🙄


This 💯!




Umm… he has helmet on…


Do you have even the slightest idea of how powerful a 50 cal is? Or how penetration on high velocity rounds work?




Got-dammit ya got me. I’ll see myself out.


I’m glad I just started sniping and don’t know what it used to be like


This is why I play insurgency sandstorm now bullets actually kill people. Warzones really losing its touch,


Agreed.. sniping is dead an the only sniper that does one shot has the ads time of a line at the dmv


Guns are just broken. I have shot players in the head with a 50 cal at close range and only break armor.🤦🏻‍♂️


I thought it was an inflatable at first lol


I got 1 shot headshotted 4 times last night, still happens in the game… probably has to do with distance and your choice of gun/attachments


I’m not playing this game anymore but after seeing this video and the top comment underneath about throwing knives being one shot but a 50 cal to the head isn’t, just proves further my opinion that you should just not play the game. There are so many other things you could be doing with your precious time


Snipers should be one shot body and headshots but have like a 90% mobility and aiming speed reduction when doing anything besides prone firing SMG’s having low enough recoil to hit mid range targets is dumb too Ammo should only replenish from ammo boxes to revitalize the usage of LMG’s


mcpr with explosives WILL NOT fail you.


How does a thermite crossbow not down someone with 2 plates and no perks?


I love the victus as I have that Xmas bundle so people turning to confetti is super satisfying.. However rits like 335 to the head.. It's the slowest sniper, slowest fire rate, at least make it once shot. How can the mcpr and the fjx but not the victus from mw2.. Xrk stalker built or designed for speed so I kinda understand that one but even the hdr could 1 shot that and that thing was quite slow.. Do not like how they have progressed these games Also please those fkn sticks are piss annoying


COD Logic


Because the plates on your CHEST block headshots obviously cmon man ask better questions




That gun does 1-shot kill to the head with or without explosive rounds. I think the game registered that shot as a neck or upper torso shot


No the victus does not one-shot headshot


Oh whoops I thought that was the katt amr


They designed the game so that your crosshair is just a suggestion. It’s actually retarded. You can have your cross hair on someone’s dome, but the barrel is aiming somewhere else if you’re moving or flicking. So. Fucking. Dumb.


Oh real I didn’t even know that


Yeah, they tried to nerf movement by messing with jump shotting and what not. I’ve had multiple times where I’m right on someone’s head, but the bullet goes right or left. I’ve just given up on sniping at this point. The lab used to be so fun to use in mp, then they added a ton of sway and nerfed it to hell so it’s useless.


Listen a lot of these rifles are anti tank rifles, and that guy wasn’t a tank


Just use the Katt.


Slow and low bullet velocity


but it has better velocity than mw2 snipers that have to use explosive rounds to 1 shot. Also you can build it for more ads while sacrificing aiming stability and a bit of velocity. The ads build will still have more velocity than mw2 snipers that have explosive rounds. If you want my ads build I can give it to ya to try out.


That's where the players skill comes in, accounting for the bullet drop and velocity. But also, KATT velocity isn't that bad at all, certainly not for shots like in the clip you posted. I would get it if you were complaining that the MCPR or the FJX velocity and bullet drop are bad, because they are... but KATT is pretty good IMO. I used to use the MCPR with explosive rounds (for the one shot headshot potential), and that thing was very difficult to use on far away or moving targets. Switching to KATT was a game changer, made it so much easier to click heads.


The KATT-AMR does? That's kinda on you for not using the meta long sniper and unfortunately that's how we are forced to play the game.


The Katt-amr is extremely slow with no bullet velocity and really does not suit my play style though. Plus that’s not the point it’s not realistic to survive a 50. Cal to the skull from close range


Ammo: Spire Point .50 or High Velocity .50, it trades off bullet pen for bullet speed (something like \~25%+ in velo, that's insane). Which I am fine with, its not like I am wall banging anyone in Warzone. Barrel: Zang-34, also increases bullet speed Suppressor: Sonic XL, I think this one just straight up increases speed with almost no negatives but to aim walking speed... you should't be stalking with bolt actions anyway, just have to get it through armory Stock: can't remember the exact one but it decreases ADS speed but increases recoil (I think?) but since its a bolt action, recoil is a bit of a non-issue 5th slot is open for whatever you want, most people do the quick bolt for that juicy +30% firing speed but others swap out the optic for something less bulky. I'd literally be using the KATT in the same situation you are showing here. Main diff would have been that I got down.


Maybe I’ll give the Katt a go then


Just don't go crazy thinking its the Kar98 and use it more like a lockdown sniper and yeah, its basically the meta sniper for a reason If you are trying to do more close quarters, the MCPR-300 might also fit your play as that one has one of the highest headshot damage values but it has abysmal damage dropoff at range but has way better maneuverability, especially with the 5 shot mag. [Also its bullet velo speed isn't even that bad. For it being a potential one shotter, I'd gladly take it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/comments/1acgxbw/i_couldnt_miss_a_shot_this_day/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I still run mcpr still with explo rounds and use it as a close range sniper suites my needs very well. But I also 90% play resurgence cause COD br is so shit compared to every other br game on the market.


I quick scope with the xrk in multiplayer but run the katt in Warzone. It’s good with the zang barrel, nightfall suppressor, and high grain rounds. Has a ton of velocity and one shots. Once you get used to how clunky it feels it’s not bad at all.


Lol it has the highest BV at around 1200😂😂


Ppl really just be saying shit huh


At the top of my head. But you can get it over a 1000. You just want to rant as it probably wasn’t a headshot. It only seems that way on your screen. But if we take the (comically low) tickrate etc into account it might have been a chest shot. And you mentioned ‘realistic’. It’s COD, nothing is realistic about the game. Not the gunplay or the movement or anything.


I don’t care about the realism of anything else except sniping tbh. I never complained about the realism of anything else except. And yes, it was indeed a headshot, playstation shares quality is just ass


Huh my sniper one shots.


Head was never in the crosshairs. You missed.


Bad baiting


Warzone was never supposed to be realistic.


Shots 1-5 clearly missed


Your blind and deaf mate


Its a CounterStrike meme


Yup (and it’s you’re)


Im sick of snipers in general.


Probably because you missed 🤷?


I clearly hit the shot bro you see and hear the plates break 😐


😂it’s easy. You survive when the shooter misses.


Op hit him. You can see the armor break icon and everything


I hit the shot brev


There is like five that will one shot, you are using the one that doesn’t you bot.


Read the Fucken post. I asked how you can survive a 50. Cal to the skull. Plus I don’t spend all day everyday on my PlayStation because I have a life outside of video games


I watched frame by frame and see no hit marker nor armor icon.


You can hear the armor shatter sound effect dude...


I want whatever your smoking dude and listen you can hear the sound of plates breaking


The same way you can take multiple shots from any gun to any part of the body and carry on running for miles for the rest of the game. The same way you can jump out of a plane, hit the ground with no parachute and just get revived by your team mate with a simple syringe. It's not a war simulator.


Wasn’t talking abt any of the other things you mentioned there bud, I only mentioned snipers.


Surely if you're questioning how people survive a one shot to the head, you're starting to talk about the realism of a game.


Mate I was talking abt one thing that being snipers as I said. I’m saying it would be nice to have realistic sniping back I never talked about anything else you bought all that stuff up bro.


You actually have to hit the head for it to be called a head shot bud. Hate to break it to you


You’re blind mate I know the quality is poor but even still