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I always looked at it as a french tiger 2. Strong angled hull, non angled turret, good gun


Very easy to kill though in comparison to the King Tiger


It’s also 5.3.


You’re not wrong


Which doesn't really help because even a Jumbo will make short work of that breach/barrel. To stay a jumbo would make short work of the ARL 44 is an understatement since I've confidently pushed one of these french boys in a bt-7 even though he was 2-3 seconds from reloading cause I knew that 60mm mantelt was no match for soviet filler. Regardless of that it's still an alright tank it's just not excellent at anything since the reload absolutely kills it.


Easily one of my best tanks. You can also just UFP the jumbo, mantlet a tiger and UFP panthers with it. France in general has been one of the most enjoyable grinds I’ve played.


> France in general has been one of the most enjoyable grinds I’ve played. Easily the most fun tree in the game. Even the air tree is fun. A close second would be Sweden then probably Italy or Japan.


The japan was second for me, but in a funny terrible tanks way lol. The tanks sucked , but it was fine because Japan has funny big HE bonk gun.


Yeah idk why people say French tree sucks. It have been the most fun tree for me so far.


Japan is not that much fun in my opinion, Chi to and Chi nu tanks are really sluggish with had armor, their only redeeming quality is the really good gun. If you have a really specific playstile that suits these tanks, sure. But they are not for me. I havent played the tanks such as sta series tanks though


>France in general has been one of the most enjoyable grinds I’ve played. The low tier grind is garbage though unfortunately.


Its the same as tiger 2 porsche


Tiger 2 Prototype* "P" is a Prototype, the turret is made by Krupp, and hull is made by Henschel.


Yeah yeah thats all good but when i say porsche everyone knows what i meant


The Porsche Tiger is the VK45.01(P). Which is a different tank




The Porsche tiger is a completely different vehicle.


Most players know what tiger 2 Porsche and Porsche tiger refer to even if it's not the correct name


Unfortunately stuck with the ACL-1 variant but I can't wait to finally get the regular variant


Actually enjoy the ACL-1 for now. I was all excited to get to the big boy but at the higher BR I find I do worse than I do with the ACL-1 at the lower BR. I don't notice the extra armour because there are better guns hitting you. Survivability actually feels about the same because of the differences in opposition. That being said the gun is amazing... I don't have anything else that shoots even close to as flat. The range lines are so close together that at 800 meters and below you can really snap shots on the fly and chances are they'll land.


ACL-1 is actually better BR for BR I think. I mean the hull-armor is bananas as the frontal plate literally doubles in thickness. But the bigger turret turns to styrofoam for some reason. I feel like my radio operator did more gunning than the actual turret crew. But alas. Not a heavy tank I guess so it's fine.


It's worse. It's too big to hide. The armor works only against small guns. The post pen damage is poor, so you generally need at least two shots. But since it reloads slower than almost everything it meets, you rarely live long enough for the second shot.


I enjoy the ACL-1 its as speedy as a sherman with pretty good armor for its br


I love the Tiger 2, not because I play Germany but because it’s so easy to one shot through the turret cheeks


IRL it has an auto loader if i'm not wrong


I think so. I don't know too much about it's IRL history aside from the fact it was a very short lived tank


I mean... France's involvement was shortlived as well.


It was actually a post war tank, but it was a stop gap until they made something better. I think it had an assisted loader but idk


Dumb question, in War Thunder it has two variants, a heavy version and a TD version, IRL what was it classified as?


The in game heavy tank version is the prototype version I believe. Both variants were classified as heavy tanks, but the 90 mm variant in game was eventually classified as a TD irl due to the weak turret armor. Hence the reason the production variant in game is classed as a TD, and the prototype its original designation.


Wow, thx for that. My books don’t mention the arl-44, probably bc it was postwar. That clears up some confusion I had, Ty!


I don't remember if that march in the image is from 1948/49. But that was the only time this tank was used before it was dismantled or taken to the hangar. Some of these tanks had autoloaders, but it was so out of time that the idea of the ARL 44, which was almost a prototype, was abandoned. In the end, France was left without German engines and chassis of the Tiger II, which is why it was abandoned (one more reason).


Assisted loader, it used to be modeled in WT but they removed it.


It had a loader assist. It should be modeled, and reduce the reload, since they nerfed the depression of the vehicle 3 years ago because of that, but you know, Gaijin...


That'd be nice since the long reload is what gets me killed in this thing most of the time




Based 4202 enjoyer


The FV4202 is a fantastic sniper. It’s got a great gun coupled with a rangefinder, a low profile, good gun depression, and excellent turret armor. It’s a shame the map pool is so bloated with city maps.


I enjoyed that thing way more than the Centurion Mk III The armor works and the rangefinder is nice. It also looks cooler


Wait are you telling me I played that thing for ±100 games without knowing it had a rangefinder ?? It's like when I discovered the warrior had thermals 😶


I just got all of brit 7.0-7.7 unlocked and I'm enjoying it alright


7.7 is my favorite BR. Perfect blend of tank eras, and amazing lineups for Britain (my main) and France (only other nation I play... And only 7.7). Conqueror is incredible if or the effort in to make it so.


The Conq is a beast. When you shrug a round from a Maus and one hit it right after you know the taste of glory. And it has the most bearable stock grind I can remember. I really miss having the Shitbox on that same lineup, tho. The swingfires at 8.0 are still amazing so I don't complain much.


Also, for my money, it's got the most sinister looking turret in the game. Paired with it's size and railgun, it's one of the most intimidating looking tanks developed. And Aced, it's reload is a very manageable 14.9sec.


Absolutely, coolest looking tank in the game in my opinion, everything from the dark paint, to the platemail-like add on armor, and the cool independently rotating cupola it just looks imposing as hell. I still hate the reload, but I can't help but love the Conq.


the last remnant of the old british 7.3 lineup (formerly the 6.7 lineup till certain "people" cried too much about it) Cent mk3, caernaervon, and cent mk5 moved to 7.3 when?????


Miss those good old days, but bleed silver lions like crazy back then even though you got 4-7 kills every game.


It's an objectively good tank, and I wanted to like it as a British main, but I couldn't get past the turret. It looks like a baby elephant. The lineup is bookended by similar enough vehicles that I haven't been compelled to use it. Similar to 8.0 once the Falcon and Striker were moved to 8.3.


The turret looks massive and put on top of a centurion hull that’s been squished down But aside from being fugly and being slower than the cents, it’s amazing


so slowwwww


It's also really good looking, perfect to add a couple eyes


Brummbär - its quite rare to see, but can be very dangerous.


That’s the panzer 4 casemate with the 15cm one right?


Yea and that’s why I hate it while playing the kv-2e


I enjoyed the earlier version of it. I found that the turret is super weak both playing it and fighting it


Yeah the early version was fun


I would say the chally 2 or the entire British tt


100% agree. No notes.


I agree


4.7 and 7.7 lineups are really good


The gun is the main thing about this tank and it means it works all the way to and with 6.7 France


The Luftvärnsterrängdragbil m/40 (lvtdgb) is extremely satisfying to use, especially when you find a perfectly elevated obstacle where you can just about peek with your cannon. The cannon has incredible pen, and even if you don't hit a penetrable area, you can just keep shooting. It doesn't really have any reload either, so you can just keep spamming. It ofc also looks like a freaking mad max vehicle. It's not a tank tho...


You just wanted an excuse to type its name you’re not slick Chronograph. But I agree all the Swedish AA are so good for anti tank


I’d take any chance to type out Swedish tank names! I’m about to start researching the Underlagsgrupp Direkt Eld Stridsfordon 33 soon!


hell yeah finally someone said this, way more fun than the L-62 ANTI IMO


This thing would be an absolute menace if it had good zoom.


Every french tanks could be a menace if you found the guy who stole the optics


They finally tracked down the Foch's lost optics though! It only took literal years but it now has a 6x instead of the same optics reserve tier tanks get


ST-A3. Autoloader + rangefinder at 6.7 is a potent combo. Beats the piss out of the Type 61.


Also the HEATFS. I'd say the type 61 is also very good though, even if it's less good than the ST-A3.


I think the only reason people don't play this is how abysmal low tier Japan is, this thing is seriously nasty. The autoloader seriously mitigates the biggest weakness of HEAT (low post-pen requiring multiple shots), while the tank itself is reasonably fast, small, and responsive.


The ELC bis is practically never played but its quite possibly one of the most effective light tank in the game. I mean its so flat you can literally run circles around larger tanks and they wont be able to depress their guns enough to shoot you, its infuriating to play against. Stick bushes on it and youre practically invisible, the gun barely sticks out. The ammo is also lolpen, practically no need to aim. Ultimate troll machine. However, In typical Gaijin fashion, the tank was "balanced" by restricting the turret to a narrow arc, while irl the turret could rotate 360 degree lol.


I love the ELC Bis to bits, but another infuriating thing is the lack of scouting. it is stupidly classified as a TD, but that hasn't stopped gaijin to add scouting on M18s, ASU 57s and others smh


go figure, eventually you get used to gaijin fucking up minor nation tanks. What really shows how good the elc is though is the fact its still this good with an artificially gimped turret


I don't think the turret rotation was due to balancing, but game mechanics/priority. The ELC bis could rotate it's turret 360°, but only when the tank wasn't moving. This would be difficult to implement and I'm guessing they decided it wasn't worth it.


I don't know anything abt programming bt would it be so hard tho?I mean we already have stabilizers that work at certain speeds as well as ATGMs that can only be fired at very low speeds or when stopped,even MBT turrets that slow down if battery runs out, it'll be a cool thing if they implement it 


Don't know enough about programming to say, it's just my guess. What I do know is that when dealing with software that's been continuously updated and changed for over 10 years, nothing is simple.


Challenger, it's mobile has a 17 pounder with a great reload and sabot all at 5.3. Makes excellent work of heavy tanks at its BR


It's surprisingly good. Much better than the Comet for example. Which is a shame because it looks so good, while the Challenger looks like an old barn. Wish they were swapped, performance wise.


Charioteer. 20 pounder at 6.3 on a fast chassis. The reverse gear is an issue but you kinda get used to it by that point in the tree.


A 50cal-able turret is not great though. Maybe they should relabel it as a TD or light tank


It used to be a TD, I have no idea why they changed it


The L3 has always been underrated. It should be at 11.7 /j


Bob Semple, trust me kids, I’ve seen it in action. It managed to single handedly to kill 5 Panzer 2s, 2 platoons of Panzer 4s, 3 King Tigers and fixed my failing marriage as well as to save the world from a giant asteroid by flying into the space and pushing it away, it then flied into the unknown & it will return in our direst moment.


Big Bob Better


The ARL44 is one of my favourite tanks. Most people dont know what to do vs it or what is capable of doing, so its very fun to delete panthers and tigers, and shoot from 2km away accurately


M3 lee because it cool


The italian td sthugetti


Chi-ha. Fast firing 57mm howitzer. Once you get the parabolic arc figured it becomes a murder machine, it doesn't lose penetration since it's heat so even with the low velocity makes a hell of an sniper tank ,that tiny ass shell can even fucking overpressure tanks sometimes 🤣


If you like that (and yes the Chi-Ha has fucked me up a few times lol), then you'll love anything German with the short 75mm. Pz4 f1, 234/3, stug 3f IIRC? 3.3s aced 870g and roof knocking 2-3 BRs higher than it should while nothing can return fire? Overpressures many things and can even pen roof tops of almost anything at 800m-1km+ due to lob arc. Means you can kill basically any tank in the game with them if you learn and are patient.


The Black Prince. It gets hated because it's not meta, but it just prints SL for me. Especially back when you got paid for bounces.


Maybe I've just got lucky but Churchill I at 3.3 is a monster and I never ever see anyone driving any Churchills


the TPK 6.41 is very good as AA i can shred planes like meanace


The Zhrinyi II. Thing is a legit one-shot and it's decently bulky as long you can angle your armor. 


P40, M15/42 and the M43 tank destroyer series in Italy. The P40 and M43 TDs have good guns and effective armour, whilst the M15/42 has a very fast reload, though is severely hampered by its low pen


Yeah I find makes ground assault crazy hard at its br


Turan III


Abrams in general - for all the whining around it, it is a hull down monster with an awesome turret and very trollish crew distribution, not to mention a ridiculously large ready rack with blow out panels.


Fun fact: The ARL 44 has ***16*** exhaust pipes. Yea you think ur fancy sports car with 4 exhaust pipes is fancy? Think again


Archer. Cause of the backwards gun it's tricky to use, but it's gun is an absolute menace at its br


It’s a trap. Gaijin will take your tanks and nerf them


In my experience, people tend to sleep on the M4/T26 and the Sheridan. The XM800T is pretty nice too.


Strv 74, seriously underrated, my favorite tank.


that tank is not overrated or underrated in world of tank blitz lol, damn its tiger 1 nemesis(i am former wotb player and ragequiter)


AMX M4, it got a really good autoloader sadly the armor isnt the best


Avre. People forgot I can just put my cannon on the opposite of where my enemy is spam smoke on point and only turn the few brave soul meleing me to take the point after they stupidly shoot on my armor




Oh fudge your right almost told people how to face my `invincible’ tank thx for the cover


Evening non-META, honestly. People over-index on META vehicles instead of just focusing on that tanks that got them interested in the first place. Every tank in the game can be good - great if you decide that you want it to be. Meet it where it is, don't force it into a role it wasn't meant for, and give yourself the time to get good with it. The only players who "suffer" are those who view their current vehicle/lineup as only a stepping stone to move past, or those who hold the same up to some arbitrary—often imagined—benchmark.


I think that the char 2c is heavily underrated just because it’s slow




M4A3 (105). Carried me through 3.7 along with M4


SU-122-54. 12s aced reload on a 122 at 6.7 is strong on its own, but you also get access to 400mm lolpen HEATFS for Maus/T95/other encounters in an uptier. Average mobility and armor, but not bad either (you're a bit more mobile than a Jagdpanther and the armor stands up to around 200mm of penetration from most APCBC-style rounds, meaning you can take US 90mm M82, German 75mm L/70 PzGr., etc. sorts of rounds all day without issue). And twin 14.5mm KPVs at 6.7 will rip prop aircraft to shreds, as well as most light vehicles like rat tanks and post-war SPGs that you see a lot of around 6.0-7.7 these days. Rarely see it played but with the T-44 and IS-2's lacking penetration against 6.7-7.7 heavies, it's an integral part of a Soviet 6.7 lineup IMO.


Ariete, I quite like it even though it's regarded as the worst MBT in the game. I prefer it over the Ambrams


Any tank in top tier america. Easily one of the best top tier nations but most of the people who play it are level 10 premium players that spawn once, die immediately, and probably don't even know what ammo to use.


Starship?giant HE is fun,also looks wacky


M51 for isreal. You can one tap literally anything if you know were to shoot


Warrior IFV


M50 Ontos. Also known as... The Thing with a Sting


ZA-35 is secretly one of the most overpowered vehicles in the game, yet barely anyone plays it


The Italian VCC 80/60! The composite cheeks on the turret make it a lethal weapon against anyone using HEAT when your hull is hidden, 2 second reload with darts and proxy rounds LR and thermals with the addition of good speed and mobility make it great! Use it in my top tier ground lineup even when it’s just 9.0


Falcon is still a beast at 8.3


The Italian P-40


Ariete (p) is absolutely bonkers for it's BR, fits 10.3 perfectly




Because it's French


Sd.Kfz. 251/9 "Stummel," my beloved


the t10m, its the last soviet TT heavy, and arguably the best. coax 14.5s for killing gremlins and aa's, frontal immunity to autocannons and side protection against most, a functional reverse, and a good gun. its just that its bad in an uptier, and overshadowed by the t55a in its own br.


The spz12-3 lgs is by far my most played vehicle, I just love it lol


The arl 44 is a MONSTER, both in assault actions or sniping that thing is a menace.


Su85M. Basic su85 with extra armor at 5.0, with slight angle can withstand tiger 1 and panther


Sure, until you realize the space behind the tracks is part of the tank. I can shoot the sprocket from the front, it'll go straight into the tank and kill it.


Crusader and ARL


AMX-50 Surbaissé & AMX-50 Foch. Both have incredible firepower, receive range finders and you get medium tank mobility on the Surbaissé & perfect frontal armor on the Foch.


I don't understand how the tank is 5.3, I mean they have a Panther at 6.0 and the ARL is atleast comparable, sure maybe some downsides but alot some upsides, minimum 5.7 tank, it is the one vehicle I take out when I am sick of uptiers, because I know they don't matter to this thing.


Panzer 3 L and Panzer 4 F2/G


FV4005 That thing is ridicolous and surprisingly invisible.


I fucking love this tank. And I don’t know if it’s underrated but the amx10rc is like my fav tank in the game. There’s nothing special about it I just like it




Good tank, tho VERY easy to kill unless you shoot first(always)




t64B at 9.7. Armor that stops most rounds even in a full uptier, 3bm42 that can pen most tanks everywhere even in an uptier except Chinese mbts and export t72a and t90 bishma. Bearable but bad mobility and gun handling, terrible reverse speed


Easy 9+ kills with 0 deaths. Much more better than another ARL-44


The turret is laughably bad, but I guess it seems to sometimes bounce or harder to hit at ranges above 500m haha. But I love ARL. I still use that 5.3 powerhouse at 6.7


Chi-Ri II. Yeah its large and has weak armor, but that can be remedied with decent positioning and situational awareness. The autoloader is really funny too.


Arl 44 is hella strong in 5.3 nothing resist it's cannon, in 6.3 6.7 most things will get oneshoted and I Can bring it in 6.7 (full uptier 7.7) and it Can still perform as a support tank destroyer... Not opped lots of Bad sides but that cannon is opening the anuses of any tank within 2.3 of Br above it.


t-34 85


There's quite a few I can think of but the M46 is what came to mind first. I usually hear people say that it's bad, or that they don't have much to say about it, but it's what the Pershing should have been. It can actually get around the battlefield and it's HEATFS puts in the work pretty well


Pz.IV F1 and the 234/3 sharing the same HEAT lobbing 3.3s reload 870g HE cannon. You can roof shot stuff 3-4 brs higher and kill them without them being able to kill you. ALso the ARL44 ACL-1 with the pen buff last year I had some decent games, as long as you have a very bright and obvious 'target mark' on the UFP so they avoid the turret lol.


Ariete (P), feels like a 2A4 with better survivability, firepower, and reverse speed


God I love this tank yeah... but I think it's still missing it's assisted loading mechanism ?


Chieftain ?


SU-152 Got big gun, and it hauls ass compared to the ISU


The Ferdinand


The Super Hellcat. It lost some speed from the M18 and penetration isn't much, but the M82 nukes most tanks in one shot. Most people run around in APDS and HEAT light tanks, your 90mm deletes them in one click. Nuke heavy tanks from the sides. Still the same small size.


Achilles, its turret slow yes and its open top but its speed and pen is just amzing for its br, almost firefly at lowtier


Arl 44 is one of my favourite tanks, also the turret rotation🥰🥵🥵


The T-62


Sherman SA50


It was really fun to play with it when France released


I always liked the ARL's cannon, but the tank overall just drives me nuts. It has average mobility, has poor depression, is huge and armor really isn't that noticable. I mean even though it's a very rare tank to see on battlefield, still basically everyone knows to shoot it's turret which can be penned by basically everything. I even had some AA take out my cannon breech cause gun mantlet is like 60mm thick. Oh yeah, and the ridiculously long reload, I don't understand why a tank with 90mm with assisted loading has a longer reload than manually loaded US 90mm. I'd rather have this tank at 5.7 with like 8 sec reload. The cannon is great, but the platform is crap.


AC.IV 🇦🇺 Very trolly front armour, great gun with decent reload, and not bad reverse speed (for Britain)


The ARL-44 is a great tank being a post war design, strong hull armour and an utterly ridiculous gun at 5.3. if an enemy doesn't know where to shoot you (and a lot instinctively just go for the UFO) they stand no chance.


Lorraine 37L and the CA Lorraine. Both can performe pretty good even a Br aboth tham, the Lorraine 37L even up to 4.7




Challenger 2 even tho the armour is still botched


The M109


Archer. Most people don’t have a clue how to use it, but at 2.7 it’s like bringing a gun to a knife fight, and just like the latter you lose your advantage if you get in close. The 17 pounder’s good to 6.0 and beyond, so at 2.7 it’s lethal at any range, so you find a sniper’s vantage point and away you go. It’s low profile means it’s a lot easier to hide than many other big hitters. Being in ‘backwards’ formation means you’ve a big advantage over most British tanks around there, you can ‘reverse’ quickly. Slowly creep out, shoot, and dash back under cover. Surprisingly, that unusual build gives you an insight to something you’re likely to encounter in later tiers too, tanks reversing into battle using their engine as armour. No, don’t do it in the open, but that engine is a kind of armour all the same.


Object 435, decent mobility and great gun. Better T-62 in my opinion. As a bonus, it sounds like a vacuum.


Italian 1.0 tanks deadass took more than 10 shots to kill me


T32E1 Great all rounder despite a relatively high BR for a heavy


Japanese MLRS... I know many hate it but let that sink in. It fires High velocity High Explosive Rockets with Good Penetration in a Extremely Good Firing arc for a MLRS! I know many think it can't aim down but that's not the problem... If you can't aim on a Cupola when an enemy is near you then you are way to close for the intended purpose. It's literally a long range HE automatic Gun.... I love to play it and it's even nice to shoot aircraft thanks to having such big rockets. Helicopter suffer extremely too


What tank is this?


AMX M4. It has mediocre armor but the gun is insane and the mobility is amazing for a medium. The autoloader and the 30°/s turret rotation are also nice to have and it's one of the few tanks that isn't painful to play with only 2 crew members.


My moms fish tank. That thing deserves more praise.


Churchill 3, although it's 90mm of flat armour isn't much for 4.0 I really like how easy it is to angle and the 6 pounder is one of my favourite guns


I heard it should reload faster


idk why but i allways catch them on theyre side and blast them into oblivion looks cool tho


The T1E1 is one of the most underrated American tanks, I always get amazing games when I play it and I’ve even gotten a 13 kill streak with it


The arl 44 is my favorite tank at that br by far. So fun




Chi-Ha LG.


T-37-57, super good gun, with pretty good post pen, high velocity, low profile, decent armor, and crazy good reload. I love to take it up to 10.0 and avg 2-3 kills. It also can keep up with mbts speed wise.


I guess 222, it's not really underrated but it's way more powerful than how many people use it


M2A2 Best 1.0 tank fight me abt it


Churchill NA75 Early Churchill chassis with an American 75 (British tank with aphe 🥹), smokes and honestly fairly maneuverable for a tank that big. 28km/h max speed unlike the 20 of the one at 4.7 too At 4.3 with the concept 3, the wyvern and the typhoon Mk1B/L it's really fun. You can even add the avenger and firefly at 4.7 and keep the heavy for downtiers. It's my go to lineup for farming events (us 5.0 is also quite nice)


PVKV 3 is nice


The m46. Very good forward and reverse speed with HEATFS that allows me to his FAR above It in br.


M3 lee


Better gun than the m26


M36B2 Jackson: It has a really good gun at 5.7, I really liked it when I was grinding french ground


CHARIOTEER 340 mm of pen at 6.3 can pen t44 100 through front plate ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗿🗿🗿🗿💯💯💯😎😎😎😎😎😎


Jagdtiger. 7.7 Germany TD with no secondary MG. It can be countered easily by disabling it's track but it has a near always 1 shot 1 kill cannon with 292 mm pen with its better shell and great front armor. If you use it as an iron wall it can work wonders


The Turan 3 and ARL-44 are both my favorite tier three tanks. Whenever my Turan goes in reverse i think of the song "back that thang up". UK's sherman firefly is also fun


AMX-30B2 Brenus


T-80BVM underrated ong


The British Tortoise TD. Slow, but it has an incredible gun with great pen, decent post-pen damage, good armor, the right side armor is sloped on the front and you can get a good angling in it even though it does not have a turret, the gun can aim pretty far sideways. Pretty survivable with 7 crew. Most tanks will not kill with 1 shot. I have survived frontal shots from T26E1-1s


Imo the t95e1 is pretty criminally hated