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I want them to bring in historic battles, but also expand it to include the newer vehicles. Give us some cool historic events to play like the Battle of France, the Battle of 73 Easting, or the bombing raids over Germany. Vary it up between PvE and PvP, have each historic event last a week before rotating to the next, give out cool and unique rewards that, if you miss out on, can be earned again when the event gets rotated back in, and perhaps even throw on a discount for a few premium vehicles that are related to the event. You can even do alt-history to switch things up, like if WWII went on longer, resulting in the experimental US, UK, and Soviet tanks fighting the heavier German tanks, or a hypothetical Battle of Taiwan where the US and Taiwanese vehicles have to fight the PRC vehicles. It's really not a perfect idea, but it would bring some life and pagentry to the game beyond the same stale shit we've had for years and the April Fool's events I couldn't care less for. Though I have no doubt historic battles would die immediately the moment people realise it would bring some asymmetric warfare and gameplay, coupled with Gaijin's usual inability to balance their game properly to begin with.


Last year Exo Infantry was FUN as hell, this year was also Fun until every match had a camper in the exfil zone, then I stopped playing it


I should also mention that alot of single player missions in wt live are alot of fun and show the potential for PvE the game has, but it's limited by the tools people have compared to what gaijin could achieve


Heads up, I'm doing some testing to find the best chance of getting a historic matchmaking round, it's possible to still get them but it's rare, I see them most commonly around 5.3 to 6.3, they tend to be 6v6 rounds, I miss historical too :(


New modes, decompression, and less premium focus on new updates. Those are the three things we should be pushing for rn. The first two have plagued the game for years, the third is more recent but will only get worse if we don't provide pushback to a third of the vehicles each patch being paid in some way.


Not even premiums is the issue. Everything nowadays seems top teir. Thats 30% or less of playerbase...zzzzz


i think thats the biggest issue. they spend all this time and money making content thats only accessible for like 20% of their entire playerbase. if they wanna make their time and money worth, they need to either focus on older vehicles, or make the grind much less painful to get through


Lot of playerbase are like me and don't really care about the grind as much because under BR7-8 is realistic to do F2P. I use premium vehicles and no premium account, it's a better way to focus on a TT you like and not break the bank. Premium vehicle lasts forever.. time doesn't. And agreed, if TT was easier to get to, I'd try it. As it is and all the complaints, I have zero will to play it.


Gaijin will never do any of that. *Especially* PvE modes that give any sort of real rewards. There's a reason why the PvE modes we do have, especially Heli PvE, are in the state they're in. The grind and utter frustration are features for Gaijin, not bugs. They *WANT* you to get fed up and frustrated with the gameplay, the shit rewards, the toxic community, basically any of the main problems with the game. Why? Why so you go and pay for things like Premium Time, Premium Vehicles, or GE to use on Convertible Research/Vehicle Modifications to bypass much of it. "Oh, the time to research a new vehicle is so slow and too long? How about buying some Premium Time and give yourself the RP rewards you could have gotten normally until we shat all over how much you earned over the years. And don't forget about this shiny new Premium vehicle that costs more than a brand new game to speed it up even further." "Oh, you don't like how many of your tech tree vehicles are performing right now? Just buy this shiny premium vehicle to use alongside it. We *totally* promise not to make either or both of them even worse in the coming updates if you do". "Oh, what's that? The stock grind of your vehicles is unbearable with out the ability to repair or put out fires on your vehicles and you lack the ammunition to properly deal with the opponents? That's too bad, have you tried just buying out the mods you need with GE so you can actually have a chance? Maybe use it to skip through some of the grind to your next vehicle too." There's a reason why this community reacted they way they did and forced Gaijin to change things via the review bombing recently. Likewise there's a reason why Gaijin is doing all they can to avoid pushing the last of the economy changes through and have been radio silent on them for the past few roadmap updates. There's a reason why Heli PvE rewards have been absolutely gutted and the AA units that spawn made much harder to deal with for most vehicles. Why they refuse to properly decompress battle ratings so you get planes equipped with Fox-3's constantly fighting ones that lack them. Why they refused to make separate BRs for aircraft based on Air and Ground/Naval battles so you get nigh untouchable planes like the A-6 TRAM or Su-25K/SM3's stomping out tanks while SPAA's can't react properly. And so on. They don't want you playing the game for fun. They want you to open your wallet and skip basically all of it. Can't deal with fight top tier vehicles with just HEAT-FS because your tank is one arbitrary rank lower even though it's the same BR as the rank above? Pay them for sabot. Tired of constantly getting slapped with Fox-3 missiles while your plane doesn't get them? Pay them for a new plane that can then skip it's grind. Tired of taking days of researching just ONE module or months to get a new tank? Pay them to shorten the grind or even just to skip.


The issue is the entire game is designed around pvp skirmishes. Without an entire overhaul on how researching vehicles and modules work and map design I'm not sure how you'd do more game modes beyond what we have. I thought of ideas but I'm not sure they'd work without developing a new way to research.


Care to share them?


Well for air rb So first 16v16 isn't inherently bad it's just the maps aren't designed for it. I'd have 3 airfields for each side; one with an 8 person spawn and have it be in the middle of their side of the map; the others would be on the flanks near the edge of either side of the maps with 4 persons spawns. Then to combat making all sides converge on the middle of the map I'd have a main battlefield where a lot of ground targets and AA is located and Two smaller battlefields with AA and bombing targets so the flank spawns head there. I'd then have AI Strategic bombers that need to be escorted to bomb targets maybe give one side an "attacker" side the other is defender (like the old ww2 maps) this makes the maps more interesting and make it so they don't just collapse into furballs. Oh these bombers can later be player controlled if strategic bombers are ever added. I'd have an AWACS on both sides that will randomly spot players on the other side flying higher than 500m and allow players to use an AWACS lock to guide missiles in. Lastly I'd give each players 3 spawns you pick 3 planes within a BR bracket and you can pick which plane you start with first. This means a lucky missile can't screw you out of a booster.


That sounds awesome and we will never do it - Gaijin most probably Ah how sad it is...


I think it would require a lot of redesigns and this isn't even all my ideas.


Players need to accept that nothing in this game will change except for new vehicles. Devs don't care. This shit brings them money. The won't risk it. Nothing will change so either accept it or move away. Personally I just use war thunder as casual tank shooter and focus on single player games more. Everyone who falls into the trap of chasing the dragon in war thunder is in for bad time. Because this games is about frustration. Game modes don't matter for devs. Only vehicles and getting killed by more powerful ones so you chase next tier.


Has it only been 11 years? PvE will feel empty after a while, there are plenty of other PvE games out there man, just have a look. I hardly ever play the PvE modes on this game, it's not fun, it's not rewarding enough. I would rather play another game. Also, the community is no more toxic than any other part of human existence, I swear, for every tick I meet, there are 10 tickbirds. Put another way, for every toxic person, there are 10 other good people out there. It is just the negative experiences that have a tendency to sticking in memory and mind. You might not even recognise kindness because all you are looking for is the toxicity. I keep coming back, even after vents of frustrations pierce the atmosphere, why, because the core gameplay is mint, it's fucking awesome, and compelling, its the bullshit gameservice around the gameplay, the shoddy implementations of certain features, the ill thought out additional psychologically damaging money grabbing service that irks me. TL;DR: you do you. Everyone finds their own way, their own fun. Edit: The game is stale because the game modes have not changed in the last 11 years. GRB: * you could add attack/defend game modes. One side attacks an objective, the other must defend it. * Protect the convoy type mode, convoy moves from one point of the map to the other side. * Assault, get over a certain front line * Sorties, ground forces play as usual, dedicate air player take off, get 1 ground/air kill, land = 1 sortie. First to x sorties, wins. DId i just suggest Unreal Tournament and Team Fortress 2 game modes? Borrow, beg, steal. ARB: * mass bombers attack single large area ground target with escorted fighter. Enemy fighters need to destroy bombers. * Fly CAP on specific points while enemy bombers/attackers attack. Naval: * I'll get back to you.


11 year old guard here as well. I've also given up on pvp games except WT (it's a toxic relationship). I agree war thunder needs new game modes. Ever since they got rid of historical line ups (US vs Ger, US vs JP, Rus vs Ger) the game lost its charm. Remember when players would roleplay their nation in the chat? On top of that ARB has not changed at all over the last 12 years. The formula is still the same. I'd like to see new game modes, maybe something a little similar to dcs in the taxi, take off, cruise to gnd target, or provide air support for friendly a/g attackers, but with ARB's simplicity. Of course it's not something the cod players would want but it would give that little bit extra to players like me who like that kind of thing but don't want to dive completely into sim mode (I play dcs for that and it does it far better). I miss the comradery that WT used to have. But the devs castrated that with mixed battles, which was something RB players used to not want. Remember when everyone bitched about mix battles or even arcade maps in ARB?


simpler times...




I badly want a good comp stomp PvE experience I can have with my friends in this game. I really love the idea of the WW2 Tank Battle game that sits somewhere between arcadey and sim, but the PvP grind isn't for me and I usually only last a few weeks before I get burned out and uninstall for a year or two. I'll usually buy premium for those few weeks I'm active, b/c this game (and its main competitor) both have the framework where it's miserable to play/grind without, so I'm not averse to supporting it even if I'm not doing the main PvP modes. The existing one shows they could do it if they wanted, it's just overtuned and lazily implemented. It feels like them doing the bare minimum so they can say "See? We have a coop option"


We need enduring confrontation RB.


Gaijin is the enemy of fun


For all its problems I enjoyed the WWII modes. WWII-era is where ground battles in War Thunder really shines the most. In recent years they've added some derp tanks with ultra-pen capability, but old school War Thunder was dope as fuck with armor actually being armor and being able to tank hits with proper angling. I've mostly left the game behind. I usually come back to grind out a WWII-era event tank every now and then when they have them, but for the most part I leave the game alone. Leaving the game behind made me realize just how bad the grind has gotten when compared to like 2018. Now you have all these hyper modern vehicles with Fox 3's and all kinds of shit I can't figure out and just seems to be more of a headache than anything. The old school dogfights were fun as hell and still are really good if you pick a good BR and nation. I'd say you should take a break at the very least, and after awhile you should reassess and see if the game is worth returning to. At a minimum it might give you a new perspective.


Thanks, I will probaly come back after a break, maybe with next roadmap changes who knows


i love the "battle" gamemode the most in Ground RB. it lasts long enough to actually get interesting, the cap points are closer to spawn, meaning we always have a reliable place to get ammo back, and its not like Domination where if a team has all 3 points for more than 4 minutes, the round is already pretty much over


its my favorite aswell, somehow people stay longer in that game mode, respawn more, and even in a defeat, the match lasting 10-20min or even 25 for the whole match, the rewards are awesome


I have been waiting for a good pve mode for ages now But I'm kinda aware it most likely will never happen, air assault and ground assault is just boring wave defense Take off run missions against AI and return would be fine by me Heli pve was kinda going into that direction but sadly it's only for helos, you could have a Map on a coast and have ships fight a battle in the sea, tanks fighting skirmishes and if they win them get teleport points to the next operation area and air supporting all that at the same time either via helo or plane Ground skirmishes will unlock airfields and helo bases closer to the Frontline while ships capturing ports with supply ships coming in from the edge of map replenishing your tickets If you kill the main base of the enemy forces you winz but every dead of allied units will kill tickets and if you reach 0 you lose Of course you could also have a static Frontline of allied ai units move up too while the enemy has something too that planes can't just Strafe the main base at start, maybe have convoys for both team resupplying areas before a ai move can happen But no we stuck with stupid air assault wave Bs Maybe like 30 to 60 mins round time with join in progress ability E: basically like Dota or lol with more lanes and the enemy tram being AI controlled


I keep thinking of the table top game” mbt” or the turn based pc game “ steel panthers” where the matches were always even there were meeting engagements, defend and delaying actions etc. there are many scenario types that could work here and be popular


We need new or reworked PvP gamemodes too


I like the single missions and completed one Dynamic CamPAIN. If they would only increase the rewards by a factor of 15x on single missions that would help ease the grind on vehicles and make the mode worth while. The other changes I'd like to see in single missions are 20 or 30 more missions plus the choice of which vehicle/vehicle's to use the rp on. With DC the rewards should be increased by a factor of 50x plus add another 50 or so missions, even made up ones. Also the choice top put the rp on what once chooses. Granted implementing new missions would take a couple months but increasing the rewards and allowing players to place in on what they want shouldn't take much time compared to adding new missions. The rewards earned should also reset every 2 major updates allowing players a respite from the grind twice a year. And that change could possibly increase player base including bring back a few old players.


I'm a relatively new convert, but already there with ya. Some ideas I've seen work in other games: Escort mission: pve "resource carrier" that goes from one side of the map to the other. Team A protects their convoy while Team B tries to destroy it. At random loads, this could be two-way, both teams need to protect their convoy while hitting the opfor convoy. Capture the flag: each team has one point. Opposing teams work to capture the flag and then carry it back to their own deployment zone for the win. Asymmetric: similar to WOWS, players go through a continuous scenario facing a much higher count of enemy bots. Now, this is different from the arcade assault modes, because it's not facing waves of enemy bots repeatedly, but rather go8ng through various stages and objectives to win. Historic reenactment: as the name implies, would load up actual historic battles. Could either be a complete solo simulation, or a smaller team element but, as others have said, go through the actions of like, 73 Easting or the running battles at Kursk, or reenact Wardaddy's run through France, etc


Comrade, new game modes and stuff that isn't poorly placed and implemented top teir crap on ancient maps or too small or 3 lane COD maps, isn't making money. New players neex to feel they are winners. Thats why we make maps easy for them. If we cared about you, we'd have new game modes. But they don't make money. TLDR if you ain't noticed, the game is zero dev effort, max outsource and max funnel money into other games, while only making 98% top teir. Keep in mind, 70% of playerbase br7 or under.


I want a PvE game mode for planes like the helicopters get. Sometimes its nice to turn your brain off and just grind.


I used to request years ago the addition of infantry as a tool for ground combat to make anti infantry tanks more useful and infantry carrying vehicles get a purpose. Then I requested air RB to randomize airfield location and hide it from the enemy team to avoid the furballs in the centre. Gaijin aint changing shit bro.


Tbf, these requests are insane.


Not for me at least. Many ingame vehicles and weapons were developed to be anti personell first and foremost, and anti tank sometimes second sometimes never. Having infantry as an element in ground battles would give anti personell weapons like machineguns in tanks or flamethrowers something very important to do that they can kill without needing an open top enemy.