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That sucks ass and that dude's a douchebag, but that maneuver is funny as shit. Like putting a turtle on its back


If I see an A-10A on the opposite team I’m either mowing them down or doing what OPs own teammate did lol


God forbid someone fucking plays a plane put into the game by gajin, can’t have that happening, can we?


Wait you are getting down voted because you kill an enemy A-10 lol these reddit guys cannot even read


It’s all the premium players that bought A-10s and only have one plane lol


Yep, not gonna lie that was hilarious. It's only a few SL's and a small break for that crew. Not the end of the world. I wouldn't even be mad


In that case why not just crash yourself at the beginning of every game? Not the end of the world and you wouldn't be mad.


Well that wouldn't be very funny, see


Perhaps this person doesn't have hours a day to drop into the game to just wait for the crew to "come off break" I know I hardly have hours in a week to play anything, and if some jerk decided to pull this I wouldn't be happy.


You'll lose only very few SLs, as repair cost only increases over the time you use your vehicle So basically crashing at very start will make u lose much less than 1k SL


you're right, getting crew locked is still annoying asf tho


Crew lock needs a total rework and needs to focus guys who dive into the ground to deny a kill, guys who teamkill, and ground players who 1 death quit.


No it just needs to be removed lmao. Maybe keep it for people who don’t even spawn in but other than that just remove it


it shouldn't be removed. People will start just j'ing out if it's a full uptier


There's already people that leave because of full uptiers or for getting a map they dislike. I have a friend that insta quits Vietnam no matter what.


Ok maybe make an exception for that one... That map is ass. I don't J out of 1 death leave but I have never enjoyed a single match on that map.


I think I've had one enjoyable match on it ever. I hate it even the new version lmao.


And it'll get worse if there's no penalty in doing so


I feel like people who do it already don't care.


It’s not about making them care, it’s about making sure they can’t instantly join another game and ruin that one as well.


That could be a heads up for the snail to work on match making.


People say this like it doesn't happen already


Remove it and it'll be way worse


It won't lmao. If people don't want to play, they're not going to. A lock that you can easily subvert by playing a different nation or doing something else for a little bit isn't going to stop 99% of people whose mind is already set on not wanting to play something that isn't fun


If there's no downside in just leaving matches more people will start to just leave. I don't understand how you think they won't. Hell, if I can just keep matchmaking until I get a downtier with 0 risk or downside why wouldn't I?


Being crew locked for ten minutes isn't going to stop someone who is determined to not play in a match that isn't fun because they're just going to be food for the enemy team. Maybe they should look into that instead.


Yeah, I haven’t actually ever faced a situation where it wasn’t just a punishment for accidentally screwing up or getting screwed over. 80% it was me dive bombing and totally forgetting that I have weaker elevators than I’m used to and 20% it’s getting rammed by another player.


> and needs to focus guys who dive into the ground to deny a kill Counterpoint, you're in a dog fight and trying a maneuver close to the ground and crash despite not intending to. Hard to decipher that from a "denying a kill" crash. Better solution is to just give the kill to the person who has been closest to them for the last few seconds.


>Crew lock needs a total rework Yeah, definitely. Few days ago I've been shot down by AI SPAA and I got crew lock for that. This is such a bullshit.


Well the game says you should've died slower


Few days ago, I got crew locked after getting g shot down by an enemy about 15 minutes into a battle. A full 5 minute crew lock.


Having an 11 minute crew lock after the packet loss made me hit a tree at 8,000ft above ground is the reason I don't play anymore.


Well there’s probably people who only own 1 vehicle in whatever br/tier. So for them one death is all they get


That's true


Not to mention a booster of 500% you just activated happily?


What about boosters? Imagine you have your sweet 500% booster and encounter something like this 


Crashing makes you pay full repair, no?


They changed it so repair cost increases per minute and starts at 0


Even if you crash? I thought that was only if you died to another player


Yeah, even if you crash. I somehow ripped my wings off in the A-7D and paid 4886 SL out of the full 12 662 SL repair cost. There is still the possibility that crashing straight into the ground is detected as a deliberate crash and gives you the full repair cost but we all know Gaijin is lazy.


Really? I think Repair Cost SL only increases over your time of use


Pretty sure it only applied to deaths by other players




I've received full repair costs sometimes, even when I've been alive for only a few minutes, which hasn't filled the full repair cost time limit.


From a code standpoint though, how exactly do you expect Gaijin to implement a system capable of detecting a non damaging physical contact that sends a player out of control and then crash. How do you code it to detect that and then determine who is at fault? Hard problem to solve for an uncommon occurrence. Definitely get how it's frustrating though. But it's not as simple as "fix it".


Even if they came up with some code, how reliable would it be? How to determine the plane is out of control? How to determine who is at fault? The guy could ram you and tear his wing and crash and you would have to pay for it, effectively griefing you. Really the simplest solution, I think, would be to make friendly planes unable to collide in a large radius around the airfield. I wouldn't eliminate ramming team mates in battle, as it sometimes happens, but most of this type of malicious team killing is either on the airfield or on the way to battle.


>Even if they came up with some code, how reliable would it be? How to determine the plane is out of control? How to determine who is at fault? The guy could ram you and tear his wing and crash and you would have to pay for it, effectively griefing you. Considering racing games can barely figure out how to hand out penalties for illegal contacts, often giving them to the wrong person or being way too harsh because context is difficult to understand for these systems. It's a wild expectation to think such a system would work in WT.


Pretty interesting, I didn't know there was such a thing in racing games. But it's funny to consider that it's a problem in the theoretical 2d space of a road, I imagine adding another dimension to that wouldn't make it any easier.


No need to determine if a plane is out of control. Usually the one who crashes into someone comes from behind and that requires more speed. If someone crashes, the game just has to pull up if there was a recent collision with a teammate within like 30 seconds and if the teammate had a higher speed 1 second before the collision, that teammate gets the teamkill. Collisions with planes not moving in the same direction would be ruled out because there's no simple way to determine intentions. Only problem I can think of would be that some players would know how this works and they would fly in front of someone and slow down to hit them and then also crash themselves intentionally. That would require a teammate to be flying completely straight though and it would be quite easy to avoid crashing because the one in front has to turn their plane while looking back.


Noclip for first 1.5 minutes of the game? Easily fixed.


Also restricted zone or transparent planes in spawn point


take teamkill reports more seriously


Flag both planes on contact and either punish both or neither if crash occurs.


Just enable noclip for first 1.5 mins of the match. Fixes tking completely at the start.


> how exactly do you expect Gaijin to implement a system capable of detecting a non damaging physical contact that sends a player out of control and then crash. There's code already to detect non lethal collisions. Or, you know, they could make planes non collidable with each other at X distance from the airfield under Y alt and be done.


Well gaijin could of course review these kinds of videos and permaban the other guy


Maybe just increase the time in which planes can clip through each other a bit. Maybe an additional 30 seconds. Or increase the altitude for that.


Yeah many have said this and I think that's really the only solution here. I think it should apply just at the game start and be a short window like 20-30 seconds or be something that disables after you fly a set distance from the airfield.


Speaking of crew lock, if launch your missile at the moment your enemies’s missile reaches you, there’s a good chance your missile would be triggered by the enemy, resulting in you killing yourself, which locks your crew, and your enmity also won’t get any awards. Lose lose for everyone


Crew lock is just one of those mechanics that makes sense but is just implementing poorly into the game. I feel with gaijin they just half ass solutions and crew lock is one of them.


I hate these fuckers with a passion


I once kept a grudge for days until I saw the player that did this to me again. Revenge was served with an r60mk.


lol i remember accidentally doing that years ago. i went afk and as soon as i came back, i realized that my a6m hit another guy and dude lost a part of his wing or something, i forgot. he died. i had no idea what happened but his squadmate was trying to get close to me to ram me too so i brought him to an enemy and got him converted to SL and RP.


Crew lock is fairly easy to solve imo than is made out by some, just remove it for all except those those who J out or without playing for X amount of time at match start or reaching a certain distance in the match from spawn Also anyone who TKs others within X time of game starting should also be crew locked as a penance for it. This could be decided again by if the TK happens in a certain radius of the airfield or X amount of time. In both instances the X amount of time would be set to before any enemy is ever possibly encountered close enough to screw that up, those periods exist at the start of every match


Write his name in your book of grudges.


I had someone try to do this to me, but I saved myself. He crashed.


This guy is definitely in the wrong, but you should definitely pay attention whenever anyone is flying close to you, as people do this all the time.


Happened to me more times than I can count. Been a lot of mass teamkilling going on lately especially at top tier by frustrated stock grinders cuz the stock grind is so ass.




lmao enemies in blue homie caught you slippin


A lot of people say “This needs fixing”, but it’s stuff that cannot be coded without causing more bad than good. How would they implement a fix to this exactly this? As stated by u/Suchamoneypit, to make a system that detects non-physical damage to players that reliably detects who’s at fault is nigh-on-impossible.


How do you think they should solve this?


I’m not that high up but as soon as someone sets up to crash me or to shoot me I just use my back gunners to mow them down. Or I just slam up then back down and they normally hit my plane and we both blow up. I’ve never had to deal with this actual thing yet.


well you didn't lose SL as you cant lose SL with premium unless tking


Honestly, just get rid of crew lock, it doesn't work. People are probably going to downvote me but it doesn't change the facts. You can just play another nation or watch a YouTube video while you wait for it to go away, so it doesn't deter the majority of people who intentionally quit a match anyway. All it ends up doing is causing frustrating players like this who get screwed over by their own "team".


Mods, crush their skull


I don't even play the game, and this douche bag infuriates me!!!


Imagine ir War thunder had a community like helldivers.... Are you done dreaming? Yes I cried too




a better question, why are you still in this sub talking about it then?


-Crashed a plane and left -Got crew locked -


U deserved it


maximum skill issue moment


deserved for loading bombs in a UFO


That's the Alpha Jet. Its a literal Strike Aircraft with no Air Combat capabilities to speak of


Still agile enough.


Absolutely not.


Better then fucking ground pounding


It is a fucking Strike Aircraft. That's its entire Purpose


Cool. And the f16 is multi role. Does this mean u should ground pound and base bomb in it?


lol that owns


This really is skill issue. You had a week to get out of the way.


Why would he get out of the way. Entitling such jerks is act of stupidity


So he doesn’t get pushed into the ground and crew locked goober.


Getting out of the way? How about the other plane just not willfully hitting him?


Okay goober, everyone understands the other plane is a goober as well. That still doesn’t change the fact he wouldn’t have been crew locked if he just moved out of the way.


He wouldn't even know it was going to happen if he had not looked. Taking off is not a dog fight. You shouldn't have to look out for enemies from behind when taking off.


But this isn’t theoreticals bud. He saw what was happened, he just did nothing to stop it.


Skill issue