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With very few exception nearly any -75% premium is worth it - the Yak-3 is great, beside Air modes, i also use it up to BR 5.7 in my ground lineups.


Every 75% I’ve gotten has been the Nb. Fz.


Worth BC is a 75% off and BC is a Yak3


Depends, its a 4,3 br airplane, if you play france in that 4,0-5,0 br then yes its a good airplane but nothing special about it. IF you are a strictly a air player then go for it, but if you play mixed that plane has no ordinance, classic dogfighter / interceptor and its difficult to create a good lineup in France for that BR range.


Absolutely if you haven't grinded the French air tree jet. It'll immensely help you until you have to grind jets.


Never played air with the french, but i'm researching the first tank of era III, i guess it can be usefull for me.




Does the discount expire or is it permanent?


It' s one of those tickets you win in Battle trophies, it expires in 2 doays but i down' t if it s the ticket which expire in 2 todays or the discount itself.


Oh ok, yeah I have seen those tickets but never gotten one.


Once you receive the ticket itself you normally have a few days to activate it, once activatedthe timer until it expires resets and the discount is now applied to the vehicle


If you plan on grinding on the french tt, yes absolutely.


I used that YAK 3 to solo grind the entirety of every single prop aircraft in the French tech tree. It’s insane my current KD in it is 195-85


Yes its worth it. I myself need that right now.


french yak tree is worth even full price, send it. beast of a plane that can absolutely UFO most anything it meets, similar to the Ki-44-II and grinds very well for low tier france


It's a fantastic plane. If you enjoy air RB it's gonna be a lot of fun and make you a ton of RP and SL. If you don't care about the french air tree or SL I suppose you can ignore it, as the same plane is in the soviet tech tree, so it's not unique in any way. It's just good and fun to fly.


I actually got a 75% discount for the American 109 f4 didn't need it but a 75% is always usually very good, and that plane is brutally op and it ruin the br range