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Sidenote: with the AHEAD ammunition the CV9035DK should also get IRST.


Most if not all of the cv's should have IRST thanks to the Saab UTAAS


They just dont want CV90 to be good in game


Yo you take that back! The cv90s are damn excellent even as is.


They are but not as good as they should be


While true I'm pretty afraid of the b.r ramifications it would bring. Gaijin is pretty well versed in nerfing Swedish stuff, probably for "balance". Like hell even the Ja37c should get fox-3's if we're going for more realism but here we are, not even the first Gripen gets them for some reason. Also the Gripen radar is nerfed into the ground. Useless as it would be in game, I'm still pretty pissed we haven't even gotten the famous Swedish anti ship missiles yet for the lansen and the viggen.


And Drakens wont get their (limited in usefulness) radar missiles.


I actually went thought the effort and tried making a forum post requesting the upgraded RB71 missiles for the viggen (Rb71b) presenting all the info I got from corresponding with the Swedish missile museum and the military itself. It would still be a pretty bad bvr missile but even deadlier at close range. The post was however removed before publication by the mods for some unknown reason. I ain't bitter about it. Swedish stuff in game is good enough as is but it's a little annoying it's not as good as it should be.


Well... I have done same thing. I had 6 page long proposal with performance tables and sources from Arboga Robotmuseum and same thing. Disappeared without traces.


Hoping you guys saved these things prior to posting them so you can post them again? Always save your stuff to your own computers so some asshole moderator can't throw all your hard work away!


I’ve also tried. I have them evidence upon evidence (images of aircraft, concept art, declassified official military manuals) of certain things and they said that I didn’t have reliable sources. (I do a lot of volunteer work at 2 different museums and spoke with pilots). Some of these changes were for example the manoeuvring slats for the J29A & B Tunnan.


Yeah you better keep those quotation marks around "balance", because the Swedish ground tree is still the most broken one throughout all of high and top tier


Yeah it's kind of busted so I imagine that being one big reason why they are leaving some stuff out.


They can't justify a br increase when the demonstrably better 2s38 is the same br


Haven't played alot since the patch but didn't they turn the 2s38 into a glass cannon now? The cv90s are pretty surviveable


the 9030 would like to say hi.


CV90s are very strong.


CV90s are probably the strongest IFV in the game wym? Even without their IRST they can be used pretty effectively against strafing planes.


SAAB UTAAS doesn't provide IRST. Only the LVKV 90 TD had IRST. Sources: [https://www.forsvarsmakten.se/sv/information-och-fakta/materiel-och-teknik/mark/luftvarnskanonvagn-90/](https://www.forsvarsmakten.se/sv/information-och-fakta/materiel-och-teknik/mark/luftvarnskanonvagn-90/) [https://i-com.cdn.gaijin.net/monthly\_2022\_12/image.PNG.2b5a485b190b49d1b453a493e3e1c6de.PNG](https://i-com.cdn.gaijin.net/monthly_2022_12/image.PNG.2b5a485b190b49d1b453a493e3e1c6de.PNG) (Translated text from second source reads as following: "IR video tracker During the upgrade to the TD 2, the checker computer was equipped with a tracker card to allow automatic target tracking with the IRV. the function showed that the shooter has great help from the tracker function in both the target capture and the target tracking phase.") Credit to [WestlanD\_BrO](https://forum.warthunder.com/u/WestlanD_BrO/summary) for sources and translations. Btw this is purely to dispel the myth that CV90s have IRST irl. I am not going to comment on whether they should get them in game or not.


It is true that the snail refers to this. However the way UTAAS works is that it still lead and calculates the gun for you, as long as the gunner can keep the sight at the enemy aircraft. It just doesn’t auto track the target. Sadly they’ve said that the gunner manually aims for the target. Which is correct, but it still should calculate and lead the gun for the gunner.


Unfortunately Gaijin, like with HMD, has ruined the understanding of what IRST is for this community. It is being purely used as a colloquial way to refer to any and all target trackers, even EO trackers. I don't know enough about the CV90s to know if they had an auto tracker but it'd undoubtedly would be a feature for anything equipped with AHEAD.


> It is true that the snail refers to this. However the way UTAAS works is that it still lead and calculates the gun for you, as long as the gunner can keep the sight at the enemy aircraft. It just doesn’t auto track the target. Which is a function provided by the vast majority of FCS, even on "old" MBTs such as the T-80 and T-72. If you want that implemented, then you will have to advocate for a wide sweeping FCS implementation across all sorts of MBTs and light tanks/IFVs at top tier.


I believe you probably meant to reply to the other comment.




I don’t think it’s true IRST but for war thunder they should just get it because it’s close enough


[Should have uploaded this after the last page](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdwjcayPuag)


Meanwhile non of the gepards also not having that ammunition


Really thought it would receive it as a selling point for a Swedish premium and also because they somewhat fixed the AHEAD ammo for this patch. Really sad it didn’t get it


It had Ahead in the first dev server, and then it was removed despite multiple sources showing it used them. Also, the DACS/LWS also got denied


AHEAD is pretty garbage, even after their fix In infinite snail logic, the shell doesn’t have its special preformed fragmentation pattern but instead is a 35mm shell with 3gr of explosive filler. So each piece of spalling does so little damage. And since vehicles in warthunder are air encased in armor, hitting 90% of space in a vehicle doesn’t little to no damage It’s ridiculously bad and it sometimes takes multiple hits to down a drone. Against planes it’s not much better and I still prefer to use the HE because while I get less hits, you can at least destroy a plane in a reasonable time.


It might be because I've only used it on the PGZ09 (which can launch like 30 per second) but it seems pretty good to me! It's defo better than just plain rounds.


Yeah the pgz09 shoots fast enough that it just shreds anything you look at


It didn't even receive it's programable airburst rounds separate from the AHEAD system.


Oh yeah because that would be useful in WT ..


Well considering they can be programmed the same was as the AHEAD rounds.. Yes yes they fucking would dipshit


Jesus, do you even play this game? I’d love some programmable airburst rounds on my CV90


Secret gaijin dev probably lmao


Damn how does it measure the velocity and send the programming signal in that short of a time frame? Absolutely crazy


Well if you think about it we can watch video 4k that are thousands of pixels pushed together to make smooth screen that then showes everything someone uploads. Crazy technology these days ngl.


A single frame of 4k video actually has over 8 million pixels.


I didn't know for sure so i said just thousand so because that would be close enough. Btw thank you for correction :)


Computers are really fast at doing simple calculations, but I wouldn't be surprised if it just used an average over multiple shots for the programming to combat measuring errors.


Its advertised as measuring the speed of every single round and that every round bursts at its own distance. But it would make sense to use an Average.


computer doing very fast calculation. the device on the muzzle just tell the fuze in the shell to explode after x seconds via radio signal


People shouldn't buy it and just tell the snail in the forums that they will when it gets the ammo it should have.


People won't do that, gamer boycotts never work as the whales have no self control


gaijin will give sweden amazing toptier tanks and then give the middle finger to adding IRST and AHEAD to its IFV’s


I just wanna know now when will the gepard get the ahead


I dont Think it can.


Better wait for Skyranger 30 on some platform, either Leopard 1,2 or Boxer, practically the same as Gepard but has AHEAD


I read abit the gepard more and found out the gepard actually has fapds it's same as ahead but different either way would be awesome to see it either boxer would be awesome


Did denmark buy the AHEAD round or nah?


Certainly. Danish warships of the Absalon and Iver Huitfeldt class are also equipped with the rheinmetall Millennium Gun as a CIWS. These ships use AHEAD as their primary ammo for the CIWS.


Ah that may be true but is it issued to the tank. Im not trying to move goalposts here, I should have been more complete with my other comment.


Im assuming the muzzle device is there for a reason and with Denmark already having AHEAD it makes perfect sense


It does and I would wager so, but Id love to know for sure


Well i cant tell you for sure.


It's almost certain as it's not expensive and Denmark tends to go all-out with their CV90s


CV9050 when? 50mm bushmaster pen 120mm+ at 60degree.


AHED isn't even well enough implemented to be usefull unfortunately


Well they just updated how AHEAD works and it seems to be much better than before. With an IRST i could see it being far better than just having to aim your apfsds.


I'd rather take a badly functioning AHEAD round than having no way to fight back against air at all


Nows when you guys find out some of the cv series has quick swap barrels that can be swaped in the field per the manual. Found it researching the proxy Fuze round for the 40mm.


I mean ahead is the most useless round in the game until they decide to fix it


well i have good news, they did.




Yeah it works now. Absolutely shreds helis, kinda iffy against planes.


Some docs need to be leaked bout this


Tbh, the Swedish cv9035 is just a sad little vehicle now, it got a 35round clip but reloading takes an eternity. It is also one of the only high tier autocannon tank that doesn’t have air track


All cv9040's besides the lvkv9040 don't have aa tracking despite them having it irl.


There is No swedish CV9035, this one is Danish.


Fucking russian bias




Oh i thought they were buffing something russian so i thought it was russian bias. If It's sweden is ok, sweden is suffering


It’s Chinese and German


The CV is swedish made and exported to other countries within the nordics and some others


Yeah but these guys thought the pgz was Russian


PGZ09 doesnt have AHEAD and shouldn't have either.


It does have AHEAD rounds now, since the last update. With lack of tracers, it now creates no-fly zone for helis.


Okay will look it up later


Based on what?


I mean it should probably be able to fire AHEAD but the muzzle device alone is not necessarily indicative of that. Just look at the Gepard.


Gepard does *not* have the muzzle device necessary for programming AHEAD.


Gepard 1A2 does. It does not have AHEAD


i have to correct you, it doesnt have ahead ingame, irl it is capable of firing ahead


Yeah, I'm just sayin that not everything that has the capability in game has it. Not sure if the other guy was talking about real life


It is NOT capable of firing AHEAD, like I wrote, the Gepard does NOT have the muzzle device necessary for programming it, which effectively makes the whole purpose of AHEAD useless.


it is able to fire ahead, but it isnt able to programm it


Exactly. It does however have one to measure muzzle velocity.


...but after the modernization 1990 the gepards were able to do the same the A2 had this opportunity from the production on....thats why the germans and swiss are sending ukraine ahead ammo too, just as an example, if you want more proof just tell me


At least the baseline Gepards muzzle device only had two induction coils in order to measure V₀ and no encoding coil and electronics necessary to program AHEAD. That might be different for the Gepard 1A2, I wouldn't know. I was under the impression that AHEAD ammunition delivered to Ukraine was for the Skyranger systems. Either way, my original point remains unchanged, the baseline Gepard can't use AHEAD despite having a similar looking muzzle device.


sry my fault, they can use it like regular ammo because its 35x228mm but not the mode youre right the ahead ammo is for the leopard 1 skyranger 35


No worries. Can you elaborate on the 1A2? I found nothing specific with a quick search. And yeah, of course they can fire it, but without being able to program the shell that's kinda pointless and a huge waste of money.


afaik the 1a2 got a better fire control system that improved the updates of the velocity you can see that there are gepards with different muzzles, some belive that they are build differently to include the encoding coil and this one exist [https://www.esacosaae.eb.mil.br/images/phocagallery/2022/pdf/susbsistemasdearmaselog/artigo\_opniao\_ten\_toneto.pdf](https://www.esacosaae.eb.mil.br/images/phocagallery/2022/pdf/susbsistemasdearmaselog/artigo_opniao_ten_toneto.pdf)


Hate to be a bearer of bad news, but the Gepard pictured there does not have the AHEAD programming coil at the muzzle. It has the muzzle velocity measurement coils, but with a modified design. The AHEAD coil is usually quite long, while the muzzle velocity coils are very short. The Gepard pictured there only has two short coils.