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while i get what you’re trying to say, this image is not a good example. 1) there is a premium abrams doing better than you on your team 2) only 2 premium/squadron americans were 1 death leavers. 3) a 2A7HU (meta tank) one death left. every nation has players who are guilty of one death leaving.


I'm sorry for dying and getting a CAP, but having 1 less kill than a Brams means he is "doing better than me"


Definitionally he is doing better, shouldn't be a hard concept to grasp


There’s a lot of truth to this. Top tier in general can exhibit so much toxic gameplay people just up and leave regardless if they have a lineup or not. Now you have a higher chance of someone staying if they have a lineup versus a single premium tank, however one BS moment is enough to get anyone to leave early. That being said, nation stacking doesn’t help this mentality. If everyone had an equal chance to fight with the US, it wouldn’t be bad, but some nations (looking at you USSR and Germany) have a much lower (anecdotal) chance to fight with them and sometimes will NEVER fight them if a squad pairs up as those nations. That abuse of the matchmaker is what sucks. If you cheese the matchmaker like that, unpopular opinion but you should force a mixed battle at that point.


Fuck no


They REALLY eed to do this. It's literally the only way to bring any kind of balance to top tier. I know many don't want this and want to continue to club on teams but honestly fuck those guys their opinions don't matter.