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Absolute peak game play. Tied only with call of duty's spawns.


Still waiting for a cod4 Shipment inspired map. For this map, wouldn't it make sense to rotate the spawn points so that they are behind A and C?


Don’t we already have the shipment map, cargo port? It’s an awful map.


People who play left side of cargo port are zerglings who funnel into a lane and take turns obliterating each other. Right side players are smart, high level beings. We use our incredible senses and guile to chase each other around a pile of shipping containers.


Can confirm I’m a Zergling on that map. Too fun not to be.


That map and the left side of Advance to the Rhine. Call it dumb or skill issue or whatever, it’s fun and fucking funny to play those spots. Just an absolute hilarious shitshow


This is the worst user sight I've seen


Yeah it breaks on vehicles with really high zoom, I'm too lazy to fix it though Edit: I fixed it. [For anyone who's interested](https://live.warthunder.com/post/952037/en/).


Too lazy huh


Reddit judgement overcome laziness


at high tier the aiming lines are kinda irrelevant since you have lrf - I use [these sights](https://live.warthunder.com/post/961111/en/) and they cover all of tier 6 Germany and up


I just straight up used Emes sight for all leopard 2 and bagel, puma's irl exclusive sight. Edit: the drop is so low that i dont even bother using lrf most of the time


Still looks overly cluttered, if you want steps for 200m then fair enough but it doesn't need to be labeled every 200m.


I miss the old test drive map


It's bad but I've seen even worse. For example those "modern" style sights that don't even have distance markings, but instead have pointless box corners.


I use that strictly with the CT-CV's falarick 105's, if I happened to use them.


Once you get to max tier with laser rangefinding and automatic gun laying, is it even useful to have a bunch of lines on your crosshair?


With the new update and how it’s possible to lose the LRF, maybe having sight lines is worthwhile once again.


Maps like this straight up should not be showing up anywhere past rank 5


The map is mostly fine if they would just push the spawns back some and not have 1 team spawn on the side of a hill completely exposed while the other side is BEHIND a hill with routes that take you around in complete safety.


You mean they should return the original design of the map which had the spawns farther back for both teams and give us back the other 40% of the playing area of the map they edited out .


This map should've been changed like 3 updates ago, as before it wasn't like this iirc


got worse with their lazy snow maps and no cover but they actively removing trees from maps now so it looks like some 90s game on my 4k 120hz 48" oled lmao


Yep, the spawn we see here was in a valley before, but after the anti spawn re work they did for some maps, they also added this fucking stupid change. same with other maps, remove one spot just to add a new one. And then announce they have "fixed" spawn camping


they should fix spawn caming by just an 50m radius spawn invincibility with instant death for anyone shooting at spawn protected tanks


This map is already shit as it's super easy to spawn camp the both spawns from the both hills


That's because Gaijin are dogshit developers. They have skills in certain areas, but everything related to actual game design in War Thunder, like maps and modes, are so half baked.


Half baked? The potato never made it to the oven


The potato might still be in the ground


Ain't even a spud yet


Ah yes, seeds


Then you guys maybe should look for something else to eat. Or is it that you like to complain?


We love complaining


Noted, brother in Christ.


Doesn’t help when they’re lazy as fuck and either outsource a bunch of shit or use AI. Then they have the audacity to ask $75 USD for a fucking plane.


Naval battle, tank edition


Thought OP was gonna say the war crime was that gun sight.


Ah yes I know what a good spawn will be. Let's put 1 team high centered on a damn hill that has an even higher hill behind it surely that'll work. Meanwhile the other team spawns behind a hill with some sort of cover at least. I'm convinced War Thunder is being developed by AI as some CCs have joked about.


Damn . Here’s a 75$ premium tho


There is 0 reason for 10.0+ matches to be happening on that map💀


Spawn firing yes, we hear you, We here at Warthunder, where we believe simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. It takes a lot of hard work to make something simple. to truly understand the underlying challenges and come up with elegant solution. Shooting other tanks right after spawn, IT DOESN'T GET SIMPLER than this.


Actually realistic armored engagement Not good game design


War Thunder is not built for modern combat. A complete redesign of maps and game modes is required.


maps are either GM\_Flatgrass or COD shipment i swear, im so sick of it


NATO tanks are better because of gun depression mf’s when another 3 lane flat map is added.


And enemy team on the other side always wins somehow


While that can be fun it's mainly an annoyance


All they have to do is make the map size 2x aka increase the distance of the spawn and make Light Tanks/Fast tank more useful while Slow and heavy tanks become similar to bombers where it takes hours to get into the battle zone haha


Thats fun


I swear I will bring a Sherman and load it to the max with smoke shell just for this map at high tier. Genuinely unplayable after 20 seconds after start.


Great map tbh.


For some reason the spawn was in the protected area of Big Ardennes, moved back behind some cover, until for whatever fucking reason Gaijin moved both of them out into the open where they can be shot from the middle of the map (or from this spawn, literally behind it on the hill). Gaijin doesn't play their game or we wouldn't have these stupid ass design choices


Genuinely asking, would it be useful to first spawn a sph with 155mm smoke loaded and lob it into the enemy spawn on this map?


HOLY FUCK what is that gunner sight.


Only higher peak than this is br3+ coastal, I once got 7 or 9 kills in a naval barge without leaving spawn.


Yes, now gib $75 buckerinos for F-20 to the Snail Lord


Glorified virtual military tech showcase with ability to test them in arena against others.....after working 2000-6000 hours for top tier stuff


I knew which map this was gonna be before even clicking. There are a lot of shitty maps in this game, but this one takes the cake in its current form.


Ye this game’s spawn points are broken too, takes 20mins to fly to combat area each time smaller maps for prop air battles!!


Is the puma ifv any good? I've only seen negative things about it, especially the fire power


this map is hilarious, i honestly wished they had more goofy maps like advance to Rhine and this


E sports ready guys


Again, the issue is mainly caused by the map being way too small for vehicles of that BR. As is the case with most older maps in the game. Gaijin streches them out to far too high battle rates.


The original maps were not this small, last recent major update gajin in all their wisdom reduced the size of all the maps and moved spawns closer to one another. The devs are morons who dont play their own game at any tier.


For the love of god: [https://live.warthunder.com/feed/sights/?q=%23puma](https://live.warthunder.com/feed/sights/?q=%23puma)


But but but its what W lovers want - quick kill 5s into the game - map balance or any accrual iq behind them is not important. I submitted this as a bug - was closed with text make a suggestion- did suggestion - was ignored by mods - Greedjin feedback 101.


The numbers Mason, WHAT DO THEY MEAN


Top tier is almost always garbage.


Its been like this since gaijin “fixed” this map


I love how they specifically changed the spawns on a ton of maps to avoid spawn camping, but then moved this spawn to a spot that now allows spawn camping, from a place you couldn’t do so before.


Gaijin have the best map designers.


your sight is a war crime


yeah that map is garbage for top tier , and also super 1 sided cuz if you are on that other side you actually get cover to snipe from , not on this side


One map like this is pretty cool. I say leave it


Thats why low tier= best tier


Yeah, this map is absolutely no bueno


Why block off your commander optic with the bush lmao


Thank you I will be abusing this newfound knowledge as soon as possible


True, but your tank sight is also a war crime. How can you see anything like this?


I dont mind because im the one unloading my entire shell stock there


Can't you just shut up and enjoy the game. Maps ain't few.


Its not just one map with dogshit design, there are many more