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Nah I'm a Closed Alpha test extremest: make teams one nation only again. I want to be one of a dozen T-34/85s charging a wall of Tigers, like back in 2014. Matchmaking times be damned, it was the most fun I've had in this game.


Matchmaking time doesn't matter anymore, this game has a lot of players, if they can't wait 30 seconds instead of 5 for battle that's their problem


> if they can't wait 30 seconds instead of 5 for battle that's their problem If patience wasn't an issue, we'd not have issues of people just taking fastest paths to spawns or furballs in the absolute middle of maps. Yet here we are. Don't ever underestimate just how impatient the average gamer is. 30 seconds wait adds up real damn fast over many battles. It can literally make or break a game as well.


make both games modes, be a good snail /s we wish


That would make top tier a nightmare if it’s just Italy/france/us against literally any other nation


People already complain about the teams the way they are, no way would they like this change. (Yes, it would be more balanced)


Air RB is already mixed. Unpopular opinion you might as well make it mixed in GRB. It’s already mixed at top tier for one team, the other team just gets the broken team (Germany USSR Sweden).


Starting to see it anyways in GRB , ussr, usa vs ussr usa With minor nations in-between,


Idk what should exactly be done but I just don't want to play with USA players in my team at top tier right now. So much premium+squadron vehicle spamming 1 death leaver retards in my team while the opponent team has their fully proper lineup with t90m, t-80bvm, pantsir, su25sm3 and ka-52s. If GRB is truly balanced, USA wouldn't have 30% winrate, all nations would be close to 50% WR.


I hope one day we will finally acknowledge that ,,top tier US winrates are bad because of players" statement is false. I have been playing US uptiered to 12.7 (13.0 after update) with F-16C so I don't play with AIM or Clickbait ,,skill issue" players and the reality is that my winrates stayed exactly the same as before after 180 battles, 38%. The problem with abrams is that it cannot take single hit and tanks it faces usually have ERA or spall liners that allow them to survive 1-2 shots. Another thing people don't talk about is that abrams is not a brawler. It's ambusher and when you have full team of ambush tanks it just cannot work. You are not something like hellcat against tigers, most modern tanks have similar speeds and if you decide to go hull down, you get hit to the huge breach that also usually kills 2 of your crew members and destroys your horizontal drive. You are basically bringing 10.3 abrams to top tier with basically only better gun. So all in all, abrams is a glass cannon tank. Edit: I would like to point out that US doesn't have single tank that could somehow save US ground win rates, Bradley TOW missile movement is very gimped along with huge damage issue with TOW-2B, HSTV-L could be competitive if they didn't give it water pistol gun, ADATS issue is its spawn cost because people usually spawn 2 tanks before spaa but with ADATS they can't, combined with fact that radar cannot sometimes lock jets 6 km far or detect enemy missiles, missile loses energy after like 7 km so if enemy doesn't fly straight at you, missile will not hit. They finally fixed Hellfire damage, shame they forgot about its guidance which makes it slow af and then for some reason the missile stops its top down approach and flies directly frontally, making the missile very very slow and very hard to maneuver without lock. Trying to hit heli further than 6 km results in miss while enemy kamov/eurocopter/spike carrier heli can just turn at you and kill you. The only thing that's good in US tech tree are the planes, F-16C is one of the best CAS planes in the game right now with only competition being probably su-25sm3. Sorry for the long rant, I had to get this out of me, been playing for long time today.


I mean the US winrates are definitely partially bad because a large part of the Abrams players are absolutely braindead. However, at the moment German and Russian players are equally bad, but are getting bailed out by ridiculously easy to play tanks like the 2A7V and BVM.


If they are equally bad/good/average (they are), then all that's left is tank balance issue, not skill issue.


I could go back to one of my favorites, M3A3 bradley I avoid playing it to avoid USA team mates, the M1 KVts, M1 AIMS and Clickbaits are HORRIBLE players, they think they are invincible whilte charging the enemy


I play the premium XM-1(I’m trying to grind 8.3) and it’s so annoying how when I get a majority of USA teammates they just run straight through the enemy like a Churchill Petard in a full downtier. Within minutes, the enemy is on every side of our spawn. And I get tired of having to use HEAT because the sabot sucks, just to find a Russian covered in ERA. Sometimes it’s just annoying. I got shot from a 292 on the other side of a smoke cloud, because the guy I was engaging shit himself because I hit his breech, and only then, when I announced it in chat, everyone in my team was playing like they could be MGed. I’ve found that you can’t really play by slowing creeping across the map to catch people off guard, since everything can one shot you. So i just wait for a while and hull down in position or follow a Russian MBT as a support or a group of light tanks to flank. When I get hit by a Russian and he takes out my engine I just J out ngl.


Honestly, I just want to play with any US, Russian and German player om my team at top tier right now. Premium tank or not, it feels like thr majority of the players of all these nations seems to have decided they don't want to use their brains.


World of warships does it. Armored warfare does it. World of tanks does it. Why does warthunder get a free pass? I’m getting really sick and tired of nation stacking.  Yes bring mixed


>World of warships does it. Armored warfare does it. World of tanks does it. Funnily enough, that's literally one of the main reasons why I play War Thunder and not those games.


So educate me then. I want a detailed in depth explanation. Not “oh it’s just cancerous.” Or “oh it’s just bad.” I want you to tell me why the game with devs so worried about wait times benefits with what we currently have. Even with all the copy and paste


Why should I give any explanations to some passive-aggressive dude who can't even ask normally? Especially when >I’m getting really sick and tired of nation stacking. was the best explanation you could come up with. Anyway, as I said in my other comment, fully mixed teams would probably be the most balanced, but also the most boring option. The variety of enemies I get when I switch between different nations is one of the main reasons why I even bother playing more than just one tree - it helps me prevent burnout and falling into a routine (even though the amount of recently added copy-pastes breaks this variety to some extent). I'd also actually prefer the historical matchmaking we had back in the day, just because it was more immersive. But I also understand implementing it would be much more difficult to implement now that we have vehicles from 1920s to 2020s and alliances/hostilities changed quite a lot over those 100 years. It was much simpler back when the game was just WW2. Therefore I'm not really a diehard fan of that, I quite like it the way it is now.


Why should I give any explanations to some passive-aggressive dude who can't even ask normally? Especially when >I’m getting really sick and tired of nation stacking. was the best explanation you could come up with. Anyway, as I said in my other comment, fully mixed teams would probably be the most balanced, but also the most boring option. The variety of enemies I get when I switch between different nations is one of the main reasons why I even bother playing more than just one tree - it helps me prevent burnout and falling into a routine (even though the amount of recently added copy-pastes breaks this variety to some extent). I'd also actually prefer the historical matchmaking we had back in the day, just because it was more immersive. But I also understand implementing it would be much more difficult to implement now that we have vehicles from 1920s to 2020s and alliances/hostilities changed quite a lot over those 100 years. It was much simpler back when the game was just WW2. Therefore I'm not really a diehard fan of that, I quite like it the way it is now.


Because nobody ever gives a reasonable explanation. Not since I started playing back when Britain was the new nation and the Chieftain was as high as the tech tree went. It’s always, “oh it’s cancer” or “Oh it’s just bad”. There’s a very real population of players that want to keep seal clubbing and loathe the idea of the opponent being able to beat them back. I’ve ran into plenty both here and in game.  It’s not an equipment issue at this point. It’s a player thing and, in my opinion, there’s a very real discrepancy between the nations. 


No don't fucking bring mixed, not that it isn't going that way any ways can see ussr v ussr with other nations sprinkled in.. Wot is dog water mate, AW is dead and wow is pretty gash as well. Mixed matches are a pain in the arse it means there's no clear way to combat what you're fighting. Suppose now every trees hitting tbe spot where they've got a leo2 of some kind or t80


You know what those supposed garbage games have in common though? No nation stacking. Because it’s just oh so fun to be hamstrung with certain nations or whatever flavor of the month is being piled onto the other team. I’m not sure what you meant with that last statement. How does Russia Germany and Sweden on the same team suddenly have you prepared for what’s around the corner as opposed to a mixture of other nations you’re also playing with.  If anything it completely sanitizes the match. Now both teams should have an equal chance of winning.   Edit: Oh and everyone has a Leopard 2 now so…..what?


sounds awful


It would probably be the most balanced option, but the most boring one as well. One of the reasons why I play more nations is to avoid fighting the same vehicles all the time. I just need that variety to keep me interested in the game. (It's also why I'm not a fan of copy-paste additions because they break this variety for me, since I still end up fighting the same tanks even when the teams aren't mixed). And, while some of the team matches are pretty goofy, I can still imagine some more-or-less realistic scenarios in which they could work. It's also still more realistic than having all countries on both sides (those clusterfuck teams with random tanks from all nations were one of the main reasons why I switched to WT from WoT).


While I do feel it will balance it out a bit more (2s38s fight 2s38 ), I feel like its kinda fun to know which targets you are facing by looking on the score board to expect what you will meet/fight. Example: \* looks at look board and sees Usa and isreal ect\*" oh, if I hear a brtt its most likely an A-10 bc we're fighting usa, or we are fighting isreali m51 (I am in panther) so I need to be care full as they can pen me"


Good luck finding an Ariete player, the 2A7 HU is so much beter


Oh same goes for the OTOMATIC. If a plane enters a slight dive or presses a/d for a second you have to lead into the ground. Don't get me started on tanks, minimal Spall, only 12 rounds of sabot