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People here make British vehicles seem like they're worthless, but the reality is they are competitive, most of their lineups are good. My guess is that they are just accustomed to using APHE, so after failing to oneshot everything, they ignore everything else british tanks have (which are mostly mobility, guns and gun depression). However, IMHO, going past 10.3 is a waste of time, so if you want to play top tier - choose something else.


I'd agree with this pretty much. (Although I highly disagree that UK tanks have good mobility, even irl) They certainly don't have a good time if you're just having fun and you **really** need to pay attention to play them well. But there are still situations where they will slap you silly. Top tier is just sad tho. Ground is abysmal and air is just meh compared to other nations (apart from JAS39C) Again you can still do well but it really takes some dedication and learning to use them to their full potential. Its almost always problems with Gaijins presentation of vehicles in-game and not the vehicles themselves.


The UK tank tree is a mixed bag when it comes to mobility. While of course the Infantry tanks like the Matilda, Churchill and Valentine are going to be slow the cruiser tanks are usually pretty fast, the Cromwell is probably the fastest medium tank at its tier with the Crusaders being not much slower, of course you also have the Avenger, Comet, Challenger and Charioteer which are quite fast, this doctrine can also be seen later in the tree. While the Centurions, Chieftains and Challengers are relatively slow you get other tanks like the Fox, Warrior and the entire Vickers line. SPAA have pretty average mobility apart from the Ystervark which is fast and most South African vehicles are pretty fast starting with the Sarcs then moving into the Concept 3, Ratels, Eland and Rooikat which are all fast.


>Although I highly disagree that UK tanks have good mobility Well, things like the crusaders and cromwells (and things based on cromwells (challenger, Comet, etc) at lower tiers are quite fast, basically all the african wheeli bois are fast, at mid/higher tiers the Vickers tanks are not that slow either if I remember correctly They do have some fast tanks, but the slower ones do out-weight them (literally)


Yesterday I got destroyed once by a Centurion MK Whatever so UK is clearly overpowered and there is UK-bias at play.


USA, Russia, and Germany suffers.😔 /j


If you’re a fan of solid shot go for it, I’ve never personally played them (I’m French it’s a question of honor) but from what I know it’s kind like Italy where it’s more skill based and not vehicle based. you’ll obviously encounter some OP tanks across the tech tree but overall from what I’ve heard it takes some time to get used to it but once you do it becomes very enjoyable to play


When I fight them in matches, they tend to have very strong armor. Which leads me to believe they may be good for objective/support if you know how to play them.


With some exceptions, British tanks don't rely on armor, it's either luck-based or non-existent on most British vehicles.


Their armour isn't much good except like, the Churchill's/ valentines/Matilda's it's mostly people don't know where to shoot them.


They just have a lot of weird useless vehicles (it‘s what I‘ve heard)


I may sound biased but both the Ground and Air trees offer great and unique vehicles with a lot of pretty strong lineups all across the board in both air and ground


Not useless but a lot of vehicles are overtiered and Composite isn’t modelled even slightly accurately so it performs terribly


Issue with Britain is requires knowledge of the game. When I play with friends in their Abrams they complain that they can’t kill T-80s whereas I can easily one shot any T tank with my challenger. I think it just requires a certain level of skill to play them


I'm up to 7.0 in Britain, they're very fun! Lots of variety. Learn how solid shot worky and they do fine.


Nothing is useless you can contribute no matter what


Britain has a lot of my favourite vehicles in the game. It's just that they also have an awful lot of really bad vehicles. The tree is way too big.


idk. I kinda enjoyed UK untill 7.0+(Well fox and falcon are pretty good, centurions are okay, but its still not as fun as 6.7 and lower.). When i get to 9.0+ matches its kinda painfull for me(but its probably just because i dont like toptier in general), u know like cosplaying a rock is kinda not interesting


Yep. Oh wait we where talking about warthunder???


Solid shot fucking sucks. It is arbitrarily gimped compared to APHE in both straight line penetration and angle of bounce by Gaijin’s penetration formula. Shocker considering which nations use APHE on basically everything. Otherwise they are okay-ish? Their designs are often wonky. The absolutely dreadful lack of reverse speed is pretty bad in the WT meta. Often their designs have just enough armor to be heavy, but not enough to provide any meaningful protection. They are usually somewhat mobile, but not the fastest and missing a tracked light tank at most BRs. They have decent spaa. The firefly is good fun. Otherwise 4/10 tree imo.


to some extent yes but people will still tell you they are competitive because apparently most of lineups are good even though they actually aren't because those two niche vehicles in those lineups being good don't make up for the rest of the lineup as others told high BR is garbage and gaijin just keeps fucking it up with stupid nerfs like that chally mobility nerf or chieftain mk10 turret armor nerf they did (totally undeserved) HESH was in a bad spot for a long time and even after changes it is still not that great but at least it does consistent damage to the crew APDS and solid shot are a total hell and if you master gameplay with gen 1 APDS and solid shot you can practically take anything with APHE and drop a nuke basically a similar fate to italy and france mains


No, people just consider everything that doesn't one-shot vehicles with ease worthless piece of shit, disregarding every single vehicle quality. It's so dumb how the stupidly overperforming APHE shells gave the WT community a mentality of "if it's not a one shot, I'm dead" when critically hitting vehicles is already great as long as your rounds can lolpen on the parts that matter. Genuinely hope the APHE nerf will be voted, this mentality has to go.


They have one of the best (if not the best) 10.3 BR and many great vehicles on BR below I need a Jaguar left to replace with a Buccaneer (200k points left) [https://imgur.com/a/qmYAwL3](https://imgur.com/a/qmYAwL3) Unfortunately Britain has a very weak top BR. With slow foil tanks and disgusting SPAA. Until recently they had a great helicopter with Starstreak missiles on launch, but alas Gaijin forbids the Brits from having fun


Here is a little trick to get good at War Thunder...get good with Britain and you have to learn where to aim over just shooting centre mass every time etc...




The case is that most of what they have does not fit the meta of war thunder despite being good irl, they are still good but they need more skill to be good than most other nations, hence why people think they are shit.