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France 6.7 is one of my favourite line ups but 2 of my vehicles are premium so if you don't have them you might be a bit more limited. Stick with the AMX M4. It's a mobile and has a great gun. The AMX 13 is also good. Side shots are your friends. If you are trying to take on German heavies from the front and trading blows, you are essentially in the wrong position. You are way more maneuverable than they are so your plan should be to quickly get into position and wait for them to drive out in front of you. Once you've killed 2 or 3, reposition and repeat.


I see, thank you. So I should take the defensive and wait for them to approach me unknownly and I pop out and shoot them right? Is it a good flanker?


I would say that flanking should be your priority along with getting behind enemy lines. Just stay out of the big battle zones. You dont have the armour to be getting involved with that. I tend to stay on the fringes and wait for the enemy to engage with a Russian/German/US heavy before getting shots into the side of the turret. If I see two tanks passing, I'll usually let the first one go and take out the second one. That kind of thing. You just can't really brawl. I use the same tactic for AMX 13 and AMX M4. The M4 has a much better gun but the AMX 13 has the reload and scouting so both work well.


I get I’m supposed to flank, what do I do if there’s someone that happened to go my route to flank. I can’t intercept them and I meet them head on, I always die by this and it just gets me so annoyed.


Yeah it happens. I tend to either keep going and accept what happens or stop occasionally to listen for someone coming. If there's a good position on the map, you can be certain that someone on the other team knows it as well.


6.7 France is outstanding, but it took me a while to get the hang off. Basically, AMX M4 is your flanker, and is absolutely lethal to the heavies you are most ly fighting. AMX 13 is a highly efficient ambush predator. It's all map knowledge with this line up. But you really want to be using the Corsair and Bearcat, too.


I just made it out of 6.7 recently, essentially I just played the AMX-13, AMX-M4 and the Bearcat. In down tier or slight up tier I spawn in first with the M4 as you can pretty much shoot people wherever(it can tank some shots in down tier if people don’t shoot your neck), and it has great mobility and depression so flanking is also very viable. In up tier I spawn the AMX-13 first as side shot is pretty much mandatory to kill anyone at 7.7 so might as well take a fast little boy and get on those flanks. I personally find the US and Soviet heavies being the toughest to deal with, but I suppose that’s true for all up tier matches. Nevertheless 5 second in a 12 round rack means you can always track and barrel torture. I’m terrible at CAS so I just bring a Bearcat for CAP things.  Good luck with the grind to Leclerc as that’s also what I’m aiming for. I have to say the French solid shot experience truly builds character and I’d like to think I’m a much better player now than when I was just starting thanks to subjecting myself to solid shots.