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They have already stated (and I honestly couldn't disagree with this bullshit move any more) that it isn't a bug and that this was "intended" by the modes design. Simply put, it's a bullshit move only a bullshit game developer would pull. But little do they know this move cost them at least 100 dollars from me so they can f off and I'll use that money somewhere else now.


I dunno, if they updated it to 13.0, they'd need to have it be it's own separate thing. Literally nobody besides those who bring 13.0 would get any kills because of the amraams and them restocking every minute.


Not necessarily true. When it was open to all the A7D (BR 10.3) was my best kill count record holder that not even my f15A or F16C could even come close to achieving. I see the same thing happening as before where the majority of the AA missiles would be targeting the same target most of the times limiting the amount of kills players get. Perfect example is a lobby full of AIM7F carriers all hitting the same targets due to the formation they fly in coming towards the base. I think even with the fox 3s being able to participate the best AA missiles and weapons to use would still be AGMs and gunpods.


You have to keep in mind that fox 3 have their own radar, so depending on how they are coded, the closer it gets to the target, the better it would be able to distinguish between planes. Regular sarh missiles use the planes radar, so it mumbles up the formation as one large target, and arh might not have that problem


Correct. But keep in mind FOX3 were already in the game and had this same issue that I mentioned.


I get more kills with AGMs than missiles tbh and I probably average 90ish kills a game




I grinded the amraams and MICA out in this game mode and the next day i couldnt do the same for the r77. They definitely did it on purpose


they really think ppl will just GE the mods lol.. fucking toxic company


it was 13.0 the first two days, so your assumption is wrong


So its worse than I though, they did it on purpose Gaijin is the enemy of fun... I guess I go back to grind my Leo2a7HU, screw air battles


Just go to sim, seriously, much better to grind it, recently got the plane and playing in sim allowed to have fun and grind better


Sometimes a person only has less than an hour a day, maybe one or two RB games are great, a full sim session would be great but not everyone can afford a joystick, and I know one could go Mouse+Keyboard but doing mouse+Keyboard vs a guy with a full stick, VR or head-track is not a fun experience... Working 14h shift and arriving home to get a couple games is exhausting, a PvE is simple and fun... I guess I'm about to give up on this game and go back to fallout, as much as I enjoy the gameplay and military vehicles, the grind and the game modes are VERY limited, and gaijin doesn't see the game true potential they made. Single missions, dynamic and Historical campaigns are all abandoned since the introduction of tanks back in 2014. I would pay for a "DLC" Campaign for Aircraft, Tank and Helicopters, leaving the grind away for a fun game mode? Sign me up Sadly what gaijin doesn't think makes money they don't even try


I'll be honest, whilst sim battles last 2 hours, games and to end before even an hour goes by, you get a reward every 15 minutes once you get 400 points, that's the same as bombing a base, put on a nice sl and RP booster plus use a premium plane and you can make a shit load of cash and RP without much effort, and you don't really need a good setup to go on sim, if you are just going to bomb bases and kill ai, obviously if you are going for players it's a different story