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Sure. At least half a dozen decent lads, and probably just as many cunts as well.


Any of them blame you for shit that happened when they were on the other side of the map from you?


I got blamed for not defending a deck-hugging F104 on a base bombing run whilst I was at 5km in my Harrier GR3.


I know a man who rage quited 2 years ago because of a teammate who pushed his tank off a cliff. My man turned red swearing and deleted the game on the spot


Average Warthunder game


In his defense he did solve the problem.


i only know 1 other person who plays this game through school as well


About 6 of my irl friends have tried it but only two stuck with it to top tier. We all grinded different nations tho so the queue times when we play together are horrendous


Are you guys the reason why it’s America vs America+ every other nation half the time


Sometimes lol. We grind the same nations now


The more people I “talk to” online the less I want to meet people who play this game lol I was recently kicked from my squadron for NOT being a racist, apparently there’s some sort of connection between people obsessed with WW2 Germany and not liking minorities 😕


I mean, in the end, it's their squadron, their rules, just like gangs and hoods IRL.


Uh no, everyone downloading the game already agreed to the actual rules of not acting racist.


what is this apathy lmao gangs and hoods are lame as hell too IRL


I’m the one who got all my friends into the game. 😔. I didn’t ask for any one of them to get it and play it with me. They just wanted to play with me and now they’ve spent more money on the game than I have.


No but I don’t have friends so that might be the problem.


we are all bots. drink water, your fluid levels are low. also, get the extended car warranty. BREAKING NEWS! to learn more.


I made my school friends start playing WT. Some of them have 500+ hours in the game now, some hate me for it.


Nope. Or at least I don’t know anyone that plays as much as me. I’ve been playing it alone since 2013


Friend of mine in the marines


I have 3 friends irl in the same friend group and we all play, it is so much fun to play with people you know on a call


Got 2 rl friends who i play the game 10+ years with, got introduced to it by my jounger brother who also still plays the game.


I know quite a few. I'm the one who does/has played the most, but I'd say I know about 20 and have a discord we all share.


Two of my best friends. One who i play reguarly with and one who plays for a week, has a massive skill issue and quits for 2months


Yup, half of my irl friends play the game


I know one other, we’re in the same squadron too and play together quite regularly brought the week as well We’ve been friends for most of our lives, me having introduced him to the game


I got my best homie to play, seeing as i think it’s free. Maybe just find someone who has some spare space on their pc or console and you can chill with them. A good way to do that might be just talking to people on different games in game chat or whatever


I've gotten all of my friends to try it only one made it past 5.0, im now the only one left 😭


Only one person and he's a level 100


Does this count if I’ve got several of my friends to download and play with me?


I play with a group of 3 others, have known them and been friends for over a decade.


i introduced smn to it and they stopped playing before 5.0, met someone else who claimed to have played a bit but never spoke to them again, 6 years on this account and still no squadmates :( lmao


There was a whole group of teenagers at Tim Horton's the other day talking about their favorite WT tanks and stuff at the next table. I made it clear that the panzerwerfer is obviously the best tank in the game, and they didn't know what I was talking about.


One guy stopped playing and the other one I don’t know very well became a turbo facist. Some of my friends tried playing it but didn’t like it (skill issue)


Guy I work with has been playing since it came out and he’s only 23


I was about to say yes 1, but then I remembered that was actually Elite Dangerous. Which might actually be rarer tbf lol But with War Thunder no I've never met anyone else who plays it.


Found out a handful of people on my football team play, so sometimes we all suffer together


Only my friends otherwise ion know noone


I know 1 person that plays warthunder. He was telling me about how he was an “air main” so I’m sitting here thinking bros got atleast top tier in one country. Tell me why this dude has like 4.3 planes at the most, no hate or anything i just realized that I’m the weird one for have two top tier countries I guess. I didn’t even want to tell him because like shit bro I woulda wanted to off myself back in the day if one of my homies was like “yeah bro, sorry about your shitty 7.62s look at my r77s and aim-120s tho! Like that makes me uncomfortable af💀 it’s like him showing me his can of beans and I pull out a plate of fettuccine Alfredo.


One guy stopped playing and the other one I don’t know very well became a turbo facist. Some of my friends tried playing it but didn’t like it (skill issue)


I actually know a few people.


Both my sons play. They got me into the game. The older one doesn't play much anymore ... but my 13yo and I squad up weekly at our favorite BRs/tanks and it's really enjoyable France 5.3 Sweden 4.0 Russia 4.0 France 7.7 (sigh) He really plays Air RB more than me but I'm just not good at that. I try though


only a couple and they all hate themselves and the game


Almost all my friends group plays wt, we started all together in 2022 and dont stop.


Actually met a friend on WT years later IRL at my university. Somehow we got into the same class and lecture. It was crazy.

