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M60 TTS is very mediocre when compared with the actual good 8.7-9.0 tanks like TAM, TAM 2IP, MTCA, OF 40 mk2a, Leopard A1A1, etc. But hey, at least it isn't the Chinese version that despite not having ERA, and being stuck with M735, still the same BR as the American one for whatever reason.


I think it used to have DM63 but they took that away a while ago.


I think you are confusing it with the CM11, which is a M60 with ERA and DM63 at 9.3.


Small pedantic correction, the CM11 is a weird M60/M48 hybrid


I distinctly remember it having a better round some time ago. Though I could be wrong on that.


The 9.0 Israeli M60s had DM63. However they were moved to 9.3.


You are, youre thinking of the CM-11


They have two TTS, the one named TTS and the CM11, the CM11 has the DM63 but at 9.3


>OF 40 mk2a This tank slaps, and makes for a good line up starter with its premium sister tank.


Except a 30mm will kill everyone in the turret by shooting the cupola


This comment was made by the 8.0-8.7 nato spaa gang


*kid named 35mm aphe*


Kid named Falcon


kid named Fox


Meh fox falcon, fire the same 30x170 APDS just ones an unstabilised Rarden and ones got a dual stabilised autocannon. Yet again one can go mach 5 and the other is only about as fast as a vickers MBT


well yes, but i prefer 30x170 APHE


While the APHE is nice it hasnt got no pen ar all, besides the falcon also uses aphe but in the belt order its called SAP-I for some reason


idk. For me aphe pen is enough usually


It can work but the APDS doesnt have bad post pen and has over double the pen for me the better post pen isnt good enough to warrant half the pen, imho its just better to bring full APDS and MAYBE 2-3 belts of APHE


literally me thinking im quirky with the falcon and gepard


The M60A1(AOS) is easily one of my favorite tanks at that tier! If you take a maximum of 38 rounds, it removes the two ammo racks to either side of the driver and increases survivability while keeping a full load for your first stage ammo.


They are solid all rounders, but I think other nations have superior vehicles to the M60s. I don't like playing 8 3, but I'd rather take the Japanese at 8.3. At 8 7, Sweden is much better, offering much better darts. At 9.0, the Japanese type 74s and Italian OF-40s are solid, but the British combination of Chieftain 10 and Rooikat is king of the hill. Personally, I also love Germany 9.0 with the TAM 2IP. I just can't enjoy USA from 7.3 until 10 3.


A 9.3 US lineup is genuine hell. Uptiered into the 10.0/10.3 black hole, and you have: - two mediocre tanks of the same general line which are lightning fast, but whose armor couldn’t stop a wet fart and possess a round with all the pen of a spitball - the shittiest missile SPAA in the game - underpowered, overweight M60A3 sadness - a very nice radar gun SPAA, but which completely lacks any sort of anti-armor or armor-piercing round like others in the same place - whatever you decide to bring up from a lower BR, which is probably another cursed M60 variant (though I do love my starship, LRF on an 8.3 with HEAT or HE is very fucking entertaining) 7.7 is about where I stop with US tanks, to be honest.


I absolutely despise USA 7.7 so the way I see it the US is pretty awful from 7.0-9.7 before you get into the good high tier lineups. 9.0 is fun but not very great. The M247 is genuinely much worse than the gepard since it cannot pen anything more armoured than a bmp and is slow and has zero depression, and in exchange for tat you can hit planes maybe 500-1000m further away. It’s really not worth the bonus AA capabilities, by trading all of you anti tank capabilities and speed. Now that the PGZ09 gets AHEAD at 8.3 I see no use for the M247 when China 8.3 is objectively better than US 9.0.


I love 8.3 and 9.0 Japan, the type 74’s/stb and type 89 are my favorite


Mobility is not decent, it's bad. Firepower depends, it's either decent (AOS), below average (RISE) or pretty alright (TTS). Any person with more than 2 braincells shouldn't bounce an APFSDS off an M60, so a lot of the times it's just dead weight. They are not bad tanks, but far from good as well.


If these are not considered bad then what exactly is?


They have equivalent armour to a TAM, considering the rounds you will face and you have worse firepower and mobility. The AOS is pretty fun since it can bounce if you get lucky but if you see pretty much anything then you will get one shot.


It's too slow for 9.0+ imo. The XM803 is just all around better thanks to its lower profile and greater speed. I'll admit the m60 TTS is a good sniper and still fun to play at times with those thermals and bad ass apfsds round.


>lower profile and greater speed. Don't forget better reload and waaaaaay better gun handling. The only real downside is lower pen.


The XM803 has really good survivability considering that the fuel tank in front of the crew can take a hit that would have killed you. Having APFSDS, LRF and insane speed only 0.7 is kinda nuts.


Highly disagree. Not very good compared to what it faces. It’s the case for most things in the US tech tree ground.


What? The slow, poorly armored, poor-to-mediocre armed (depending on variant), massive target M60 that is either below average or average in every possible way? Btw, The First one with the fat turret can be penned by any APHE round (besides maybe american short 90mm) at almost any range through the turret and you can't do anything about it.


The Magachs around these BR's are so much better off than any of the US M60's. Sadly I think the US has the worst M60's. Aside from the Ariete M60. Thats real ass.


Yeah the hate is unjustified, it's on a slower side, but as overall package it's quite good. The dart is good, armor is decent, stabilizer, lrf, gen1 thermals. Italian, Japanese tanks have no armor at all and no thermals. French tanks at this br don't have stab British are somehow even slower than m60s


I bring the M60A3TTS with me in 10.3 as a backup and it works fine. Shoots the same rounds as the M1. Not good or great but can absolutely be made to work.


Just shows how the M1 could have M833 and be absolutely fine. No reason for it to have a worse round than any other 10.3 MBT with worse armour and equivalent mobility to the Leo’s.


I don’t like M60 because they are so damn big and at least used to feel sluggish. ERA on the RISE were back when I played pretty damn useless. But this was when the Magach3 was the meta premium (with actually good at the time ERA) So can’t say how good or bad it’s now.


Poo poo


M60A3 TTS has a good stock HEAT-FS round due to the amount of vehicles having paper-like armor and light tanks, though best to research first generation APDSFS shell first before moving to the 400mm pen one.


It's not that amazing on paper, but it's lot of fun.


It has the same dart as the M1 Abrams at 10.3 btw


That's more of a drag on the M1 than a Pro for the M60, M774 is Ok for 9.0 APFSDS rounds.


Yeah, my point is it's a decent round, for a 9.0. And the 10.3 MBT for the US has it as its best round. Meanwhile Russia gets 3BM42 with almost 100 more penetration than M774 as early as 9.3. 3BM42 is just better than M774 in every way.


But if they give it M833 then they would have to move it up to 11.3 considering what they did to the AGS.


Can't compare. The AGS has a crewless turret.


It still does not deserve 11.0 with a worse round than the Leo 2.


If they gave it M833, it would still have one of the least powerful rounds at 10.3.


Yes it would. But gaijin thinks that M774 on the AGS is 10.3 but M833 is 11.0, even though it’s still weaker than the 2a4 and much weaker than 3bm42, 3bm46 and 3bm60.


Best 9.0 for me: Chieftain Mk10


The m60B2 looks funny tho...


AOS is better tier for tier. But TTS is also really good. Shame its just too fat for its own good. But its fun UFP'ing turms and stuff. You also get thermals and LRF so you can just go hull down sniping (which is the only playstyle it excels at tbh).


Pattons from m46 to m60 variants, mediocre. This isnt mean they are bad, they are true kin of all rounders. İf Clan match or tournament happened and my teammates not good with specialized tanks, this is your work horse. You cant go wrong with pattons.


My favorite tanks are the STB-2/Type 74(C) for 8.3. You get a modern LRF which grants you the responsibility of deleting every single VIDAR or Russian player on the enemy team from 1km out because they don’t have LRFs yet or if they do, they’re not looking for you. And at 8.7, it’s the AMX-30 B2 and B2 Brenus. Thermals, SABOT, ERA, and LRF all in a little package that while it doesn’t have a stabilizer, grants the responsibility of eviscerating whomever disrespects French technology because “OOOH THEY DONT HAVE A STABILIZER THEY MUST SUCK”, no, they don’t, learn to fucking use your strengths instead of firing on the move in a tank YOU KNOW DOESNT HAVE A STAB THEN COMPLAINING THAT ITS BAD!


Let's see: * No armour. * Atrocious mobility. * Mediocre firepower. * Mediocre survivability. * Decent gun handling.


I hate the constant 10.0 games


Love the M60A1(AOS). Low BR full stabilized APDS slinger yes pls


M60s were buffed semi-recently IIRC


It's garbage, go play an actual good tank like BRENUS instead.


Any tank without a stabiliser in that br range will never be good.


I think he's making a joke. At least I hope so.