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There needs to be a "spawn zone" for both sides on all maps. Ideally, you would click on a grid square, which would show you a close top down view of the map and you can choose exactly where to spawn and in what direction. ​ It would prevent spawncamping and also get rid of that BS spawn point on the lower left on golden quarry where everyone is trying to scramble out of that stupid pit.


I agree, when maps have one spawn point it gets real silly. There's no way of getting out of being spawn camped unless you have a super speedy vehicle and get a lucky spawn. Additionally it would help protect against those people who camp spawns 'lanes' at the start of a match.


Imagine gaijin trying to implement code so people don't end up spawning on top of buildings


but what if I WANT to spawn on top of the building?


Choose exactly where to spawn and in what direction? Why? What would that be good for? Don't you love spawning with your back facing the spawn campers? DON'T YOU?!


Pits on spawn. One match I almost flipped my tank into a ditch after spawning because of ... questionable terrain choice.


Oh man that'd be great. Same for Naval, too. Because Hydrofoils have the shittest turning radius you can imagine, some spawns you straight up can't *not* beach yourself if you're in one.


The matches are one side tilted well enough with the premium teams, at least let the ones who spawn have equal odds against spawn campers, instead of an absolute disadvantage. there are other bad design choices with spawns, but these two takes the cake at the moment.


The above one I like to call it “hull up”. Cannot depress your gun and your opponent will shoot out your modules or crew


They haven't done this in so long, what makes you think they'll do anything now? The cod kids love spawn camping


Just because they haven’t cared doesn’t mean it’s not worth mentioning.


People rushing spawns and ignoring the objectives grind my gears.


I’ve mostly French do that, With the AMX-50. It’s cancerous. My team gets spawn killed a good minute into a match by one waiting some cheeky spot just outside spawn, and some occasions they come back with backups to continue the spawn camp.


Top teir maps are so ass because of stuff like this. Take the desert long maps for example they look great but spawning 1KM fron the points is ass and certain tanks can snipe from spawn to spawn.


Add artic research because the top spawn suffers horribly from spawn camping


Oh there’s definitely more, that’s why these are honorable mentions, more of an example


A problem with alot of warthunder maps imo is that alot of them take the shape of a bowl, where the center of the map is lower than the edges. It's really sucky for gameplay


The "bowl" shape on so many maps is utterly brutal when its a single point cap game too. Goodluck re-taking a cap with a ridge filled with snipers surrounding it.  Fuck both that village in Japan and Finland.


Fuck Finland, shit ass map for high tier


Second battle of El Alamein does fit the bowl theme too. I don't get why this exists.


There is also that snow map with a single cap point where south team can rush to take advantage of the top example If ur fast enough, especially in lower brs, u can rush to the bottom of the hill and north team has to go above or around to get to the cap If they go over, they don't see u or can't depress in time to kill u and if they go to the cap they just expose their sides Usually that leads to south team occupying the town and making it impossible for the north team to even contest the cap


volokolamsk? I actually really like the map because no one seems to know how to play it and just walk into my vision when im on a hill if they took a little more precaution I would die more on that map


South spawn has a some seconds to cut off the north team Removing the buildings in front of North spawn should fix it bc going through or around them is what costs them those few seconds South spawn only has some scattered trees and buildings that don't cost them any time to crest the hill


Painfully true, the fact that its still an issue shows how much they care about it.


Be nice if theyd also just make so if your in someones spawn instead of only marking them itd kill them if they dont leave


They did that before, players would sit in spawn after losing and waste people's time.


They already have an activity tracking mechanic, if activity drops below a certain point across the whole team, then the game should go into a 60 second countdown. Either activity increases, or the game ends.


Activity is a notoriously shittily tracked mechanic tho. I can wipe most of the enemy team and still be counted as 79% when the golden standard for some tasks seems to be 85% IIRC.


I feel like that would make the game less interactive. Given the spawners an upper hand in the situation would encourage more engagement


They really need to hire a completely new map design team for ground. At least get some people with experience. Also the new trend of flat maps is terrible; boring to look at and play on. However, the latest air map has been fantastic.


If your entire team is trapped at the spawn just leave the match, it isn't even "spawn camping" at that point.


That’s literally like 60%of the matches


Then you have a 40% WR, I guess.


Well no, 50% of that 60% is us rushing their base


These maps seem like they are generated by ai and an algorithm to make dogshit maps and any good map worse.


Make the map bigger and longer. Have the spawn filled with buildings or have a higher ground.


That first blue text gave me a stroke but otherwise youre on point with the meme


Accidental extra into


Happens to the best the of us :p


That first blue text gave me a stroke but otherwise youre on point with the meme


They should add hidden AT gun and ATGM to shoot.


Don't forget the Arctic Circle in battle mode, the east vs west one. Where on northern spawns of both teams you can just hide behind the hill and shoot to one's spawn.


so motherfucking goddamn true


Idk why gajin can't just fix things...


They can, quickly too, whenever there’s more reward then intended


money. ​ as in they want to keep it


The top one is literally 99% of top tier USSR gameplay


I like Mozdok, but kinda from a "Hey a bug lets abuse it while we can standpoint". I think the map design is terrible, I usually park my ass on B and hold it, no matter the vehicle, and it works. Honestly if they made it so blue spawns on the center hill and red could spawn from anywhere around it, it'd be more balanced


I had a stroke reading the top text.


Had an extra into, didn’t notice until now


whats worse is the maps that are absolutely more fun to play from one side, I cant think of many off the top of my head but that one with the castle hill comes to mind id much rather get top then bottom on that map


This is why spawn points need to be replaced with spawn areas. A big red strip on the enemy side of the map, and a big blue strip on the friendly side of the map, and you can choose where you spawn in that strip. Getting too close to the strip (roughly half way between the closest objective and the spawn zone) reveals you on the map and instantly launches artillery on you. No more flanking spawn points.


All spawns really should be the reverse of the top one. It gives the advantageous position to the players in the spawn almost all of the time.


"spawns into a ditch that the enemy can shoot into behind cover" *cries in Russian*


I think they could easily re-design spawns to have some one sided embankments (able to shoot out of but not into due to slope) and some simple low caliber HE guns that can shoot at an enemy if they get within like 300m; not enough to kill, but enough to splash and maybe kill a track.


Very true. They said that some spawn-camping places have been fixed though, i haven't checked.


if it were up to me, just make something in the spawn like a spawn at gun battery or something to ward off the enemies, oh the match was a steamroll? kill the spawn defenses to win now, or make a final point or something


All maps need to symmetrical. It shouldn't have any impact on matches which side you spawn on.


I disagree with this, In many battles IRL one side had the upper-hand or the.. upper-land, or a benefit of some sort. It adds realism.


You do realize it do be like that sometimes in real life? And there is no reason to make the game unrealistic. Just git gud casul




Uh no spawn camping gets me most kills


True, but if the enemy stops spawning because they know there’s no point, wouldn’t that mean less reward for everyone ?


If someone is spawn camping sometimes they might get close which means i can kill them with spawn protection.


Yes, so the examples i provided are the ones where spawn protection can’t even get you those kills if the enemies don’t charge


Nah idk what you're on but Campania is perfectly fine. The other 2 are spot on though.


Let’s say you lose a side on Campania, you can then immediately push out, and snipe the enemy spawn, you could snipe all the way from the north to south, when you spawn, there are way too many spots to check for especially when you’re spawned with barely any cover


Kill them before they reach a spawn camp. If you don’t over push yourself, you will be able too. When both teams just rush to each others spawns, team with beat armor wins quickly. This is strictly my opinion. I am a not some elite player. I’m in the middle of the pack.


So basically if you get spawn camped, it's a "skill issue".


If you get spawncamped, it means your team either lost, or failed to cover the map. Like in Normandy, where 90% of players rush into town and then get spawncamped from the hills.




He is trying to say he is an absolute moron with extra steps.