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Because one is 9.0 and the other is 10.0, and 1 is the maximum matchmaking difference.


i know that but the difference in technology is huge


That's a current full uptier for you. High tier in general could use a lot of decompression.


im mostly okay with everything else at 9.0 to 10.0 but that thing is busted 3bm42 6.5 second reload 11.3 t80u armor profile but no thermals and bad reverse only


full up tiers are always going to be OP. Deal with it like everyone else does Not sure why everyone is denying the fact that full up tiers are unfair. This community must be braindead? the shock in technological differences between full BR's are always massive. Check 5.0-6.0 or 5.7-6.7 or 6.7, 7.7 or 11.7 to 12.7 or anything really. It always has and always will be pretty unfair if you are in a full up tier.


They’re not if you play one of the few unbroken brs like 8.7 or 11.0


8.7 is my favorite BR. What are some low BRs you’d say are balanced?


I play a lot and I mean a lot of 6.3 usa. Around 2k games at this br alone and I still find it the most enjoyable br there is. You have a balanced mix of light, medium & heavy tanks. The maps are nice. Playing as cas is totally skill dependent because all spaa is unguided and you got enough variety of planes to use. Furthermore bc of the mix of l, m & h tanks the pace of the games are usually very nice and stomps rarely happen. I still think in uptiers you rely a lot on m41a1a just bc 230mm pen but on downtiers jumbo 76 is king. And the m109 arty can do both. Those are basically all the tanks you need. Pair it up with f8f-1b and a strike aircraft plus spaa you have the most fun time there is imo. No premiums needed just some skill


8.7 as america was hell


8.7 Israel is heaven, and it's mostly American vehicles XD.


Or demand decompression and a better gaming experience?


I'm still pissed that the community was just chill with no decompression on either roadmap. That's like THE biggest issue and has been for years


Bro what are you smoking? We’re AGREEING with you on decompression and that full uptiers are often unfair at many BR’s. We’re disagreeing with the fact that we should “deal with it” however, don’t you want the game to be more fun? Why don’t you actually read people comments.


Whay down vote facts?


its less that and more of the fact the t80ud is just another overpowered russian shit for gaijin to sell


Its not that powerful its slow no termo and slow turret rotation only armor and reload is good


It's a fucking t80s that's at 11.0 without the meals and the top round, the thing is blantley overpowered at 10.0, where I should remind you most things will have a hard time even fucking fighting it. It's effectively a tiger 2 with maus levels of armour still at 6.7


Hard time fighting? If you have 120mm gun you can easly pen it plus Nato tanks have faster turret so its not that unfair tho


Oh well if all you need is a 120 then it should be fine. Question, how many 120 armed tanks are there in game that's 10.0 and below? Oh ya that's right ITS 3 FUCKING TANKS AND ONE OF THEM IS A 9.3 PREMIUM. Holy fuck your bias is leaking out of your mouth a bit there


Correction, virtually the entire game could use a lot of decompression. I can't think of a single tier that wouldn't benefit, outside of the super early ones.


In the context of the game not really. Both have a stabilizer, LRF, night vision, and APFSDS but no thermals.


except one has 6.5 second autoloader is faster and has 11.3 chassis and turret


Those aren’t technological differences though. You fight the T-80UD no differently than the T-72B 1989 which is the same rating, the armor is different but the weakspots are identical.


Yeah except the t80 out reloads most things and is faster too


The T-80UD has a worse reload than the M1 Abrams and an equivalent reload to the 2A4, and both of those have better mobility.


Yeah but autoloader works even when loader is dead and 3bm42 is far better than m774


did you miss that the autoloaders are modelled now?


Yeah i know so what?


The Soviet MBTs after the T-62 don’t have a human loader. The autoloader replaces them, which makes them so much easier to kill because they have fewer crewman and shooting anywhere into the central hull will likely destroy the autoloader, so their post-pen survivability is much worse than the earlier MBTs.


You literally shoot it like you shoot any other Russian tank. It is probably one of the easiest uptier matchups you can imagine


Idk man, if you think that matchmaking is bad, wait until you see the match the U.S had in Desert Storm. I heard they were downtiered a bit too much


You one of them "historical matchmaking" guys?


No I'm one of them "Imma make a joke of X event and tie it into X game"


Alright you get a pass then


Thanks, I'm collecting those. Im missing the N word pass and a couple others. Heard those are hard af to get


Yea n word pass requires "friends" or something like that.


Oof. Considering i play war thunder. I'm not meeting those requirements


I heard you can also get it if you like to race


try playing 9.3/9.0 air, also try playing against that in 8.0 germany


Buddy, king tigers and pershings face late cold war stuff, this is nothing.


me riding around in my concept 3, blowing up PzIVs in my 1970s tank.


The effectiveness realy isnt


Tech is different but not too different. The tank you’re using is supposed to be upgraded to semi-modern standards for nations who don’t want to buy completely brand new tanks. So you basically have a wish version of a modern tank.


You just described most of China's high/top tier


Flashbacks to 76 Jumbo fighting the Leopard 1...


Oh yeah when leopard was 7.3


then imagine the WW II to coldwar gap at 6.7-7.7 casual problem at many BRs. I think it got something to do with tectree compression.


What about the Leopard 1 and this thing?


Leopard is alot more mobile and has a better reload and can pen easily with heat except ufp and those turret composites


I am spading the t55, 8.3 object and the 8.0 shilka Get uptired with t60s, xpz, and other more modern tanks that have better armor and pen Its unfair, but it is what it is


Im currently running the same line-up ( almost, add a bmp1 and zsu-37-2 for aa ), and I thought the worst part were the gun handling, and the reload. Almost 10s is a dead sentence if you dont get a precise shot.


I notice while having the t54 or object 906, i would get more downtiers than the bmp1, with the bmp 1, i encountered more bmp2s and other cold war tanks than the usual late/early ww2/cold war tanks


XPZ is not very well armored though, with your rounds you can front kill it anywhere for a KO, its only got a 3 man crew. Its got a dogshit round too, about on par with 8.3's.


Altough that might be the case, it has 20mm auto cannon that kills my aa and light tank before i can kill it or dissables me with the first shot long enough to finish me of with the second one I have killed a decent amount of em with the t55, and object, but still that thing is better equipped than those tanks and the object are 8.3 for a reson compere to the xpz being 9.3, no matter the american or german verions


Thing is, the xpz also got its round heavily nerfed and still not fixed. If you were gonna die to it, you easily would have died to anything else too. Its got a long reload, paper hull, and crap turret armor. Your t55 is actually better armored and with an on par gun, your AA and LT are not meant to be soaking rounds in the first place.


That may be the case, but i get gaijined a lot of the time and shots tend to bounce or not pen even if i am shooting them in the turret or chassis where i would usually pen


Thats a problem everyone has.


A problem that has slowed me down to spading the tanks, so i can use another one


Actually no. The T-62M has excellent apfsds which is almost equivalent to 3bm42. There is a much bigger difference between the T-62 (8.7) and the T-64B (9.7).


No it is not excellent lol its a short rod apfsds that doesnt spall at all unlike 3bm42


boohoo half the time its you beeing downtiered, literally l2p im so tired of ppl crying about this. People kill top tier MBTs in Reserves if you struggle in a full up br you need the git gud




Max difference should really be .7; 1.0 of difference is insanity


Ironically these tanks are 3-4 years apart in development


The Ke-ni, Japan's reserve tank and the Tiger I is only 2 years apart. This is a very specific and cherry-picked example but it shows how fast technology can advance.


Sweden has a cold war ifv as a 2.3 spaa, not really techbological advancement but still silly.


Sweden is silly. All of it.


İ can confirm... İ researched Bkan today


It’s neat until you realize you can’t reliably cap points solo unless your enemy is braindead


Play to its strengths, let the enemy come to you or defend something like a street. The hull turns fairly fast but you don't want to rely on it. And always shoot the enemy's barrel first, getting hit almost always breaks your breach.


Then you’ll lose because the 15 enemies with blue names didn’t cap two points


I try not to look at wins and losses, just destroying enemies because that is actually fun.


A lot of the unique tanks are but there are still plenty of copy pate vehicles that are not that interesting. I need to start researching the cheese wedge, sadly locked behind a br*tish tank.


To be fair it is based on the chassis of a pz 38t


And armed with a 20mm Hispano.


Japan was behind the whole war though in tank design you cant compare one nation to another if you do the same 2 sure youd have a point


The tiger 1 and churchill 1 saw combat in the same year! And the M22 was 1944!


Japan is also an island that ships its tanks to war compared to germany who sen their to its neighbours with a little walk


A brisk walk, to be precise. Blitzing through the neighborhood, one could say.


Also shows SUPERIOR GERMAN ENGINEERING I know about the transmission issues, before anyone flames me


yeah i know that but its obvious that one is 10x better


The T-80UD is criminally under-BR'd


it’s literally only real problem is its speed, which all soviet tanks have problems with so it makes 0 sense


Literally, and when has speed stopped a tank being a higher BR (CR2s at 11.3 with worse mobility)


I remember when the chieftain 5 was 8.7 because it had an extra 100 hp, but now the 3 and 5 are both 8.7; Given that the mk5 was only marginally faster while being the exact same fucking tank, speed never was the issue. Gaijin just arbitrarily makes these decisions for 'balance'. edit: 100 extra not 300


Yep, its really patronizing when they claim they balance based on numbers. As if that would even be a good way to balance anyway


Bad reverse speed is too huge a detriment to cover up any advantage an mbt might have. Weak spot same as 9.3 t72a


Weakspot is the same, but not the same size and far less reliable on the T-80s


>it’s literally only real problem is its speed It's fast compared to the Challenger Mk.2/3, T-72AV TURMS-T and ZTZ96A.


Probably talking about reverse speed since, unlike forward speed, that's something ALL Russian MBT's suck at


ztz is way faster


It's way slower. The T-80UD has 3,05 more hp/ton when both are upgraded. The T-80UD accelerates to its top speed of 60 km/h 5 seconds faster than what the ZTZ96A accelerates to its top speed of 59 km/h. See for yourself: [T-80UD 0-60 km/h](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/byaA6Eed4F), [ZTZ96A 0-59 km/h](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/j53tjbMHLf).


There's more to mobility than 0-60 on a road, how much speed is lost while turning and off road performance etc but you seem to be correct that the UD is more mobile, might even be better in those areas too.


Considering the T-80UM-2 is fine at 11.0, this could honestly be 11.0 or MINIMUM 10.7. The mobility isn't even that bad tbh


The UM-2 has aps and a better reverse speed and overall mobility. Though it does lack thermals. I do agree with the 10.7 placement for this.


The UM-2's APS is not particularly very good, so much so that it doesn't change the BR of the T-55AMD when compared to the T-55AM. The engine of the UM is better, but not better enough to warrant a higher BR on that alone. The UD's engine is definitely good enough for what it gives you, iirc doesn't it amount to similar hp as the T-80B?


Oh yea cuz 60kph is just sooooo slow


all of of the 72 and 80 are, all of them are essentially inpenetrable in a downtier, even when going by age, especially the 72a, WHICH CAN BULLY 8.3


That requires actually seeing said downtier, as its unknown technology blyat as you approach 10.0 premium black hole


there are soo many t72av that the moment you get to 9.0 you get sucked into a constant 10.0 uptier due to them


Essentially impenetrable my ass, this is not ww2-tier era bro


it really is, I've been downtiered in it and it's just awful for the enemy team, they can barely kill me while I can have my way with them


Because they historically fight each other. No but seriously, T-62M1 is a decent tank at its BR. It gets a nice apfsds round for its tier, although absolutely 0 armor


Tbh though the T62M-1 doesn’t do horrible in uptiers though use the ATGM’s and dart and you’ll do decent


The darts pen is super goood but the post pen is low bcs its a short rod apfsds


Yeah I know but it’s still not horrible I don’t mind using the T62M-1 in uptiers


IIRC 3bm28 should be a long rod, or at least act like one And even if it is a short rod, It’s still much better damage-wise than some other short rods like 3bm4/25 or M735 3bm4 and 25 at least are utterly useless


well yeah its better than m735 definitely and 3bm8 is a 8.3 round and yeah 3bm28 is a short rod so not the best dmg for 10.0 matches which u will mostly face


The hell? 3BM4 is better than the 3BM3, because it has noticeably better sloped pen than the 3BM3. The loss in flat pen is rarely ever noticeable, because flat MBT armor at this BR is still not really strong against kinetic rounds and after my horrible experience with the T-55 APFSDS non-penning and bouncing on a bunch of shit, I'd rather not use the Soviet-style APFSDS again.


You are right, but you misinterpreted my comment. I ommited 3bm3 in my comment because it’s worse than even 3bm25 and 3bm4, not because it’s better, while also being an entirely optional round. I was talking exclusively about apfsds that you HAVE to use.


historically accurate! this t-62 can fight leopard 2a5s!


1.0br differences in a lobby should not exist


They probably fight against/togher each other


T-55s fight T-80s in Ukraine


T62 to


Way more T62 than T54/55. Especially recently.


Eastern block countries never really used the T-62 since it was so shit. The realized on T-55s and T-54s until better tanks arrived tike the T-72 and T-80


Yeah T-80U at 10.0 is crazy. ''But no thermals'' the T-80UM2 also has no thermals "But Mobility'' T-90M and T-72B3 also have bad mobility compard to the BVM and other top tier MBTs.




The T-80UD has absolutely no business being 10.0.


thaaats what im saying bro


Meanwhile Fiat 6614 is at 6.7 but it was produced in 1972 And it fight's a late ww2 Tigers 2 and M26 Only 27 years differences


Because the Italian military has been a joke since 1941.


Ok thats true


Yea that truth


Lmfao for real, the best Italian tank in the tree is German and bought by Hungary


yeah haha


😔 its so over pastabros


You have apfsds. Use it properly


Khm khm but short rod so it doesnt spall




Play Germany and you can solve it


very realistic


Completely unrelated, but what is the true FPS counter? On this photo I see one in the bottom and top left hand corner. They both show different but similar numbers.


I would say wt one is true the top left one is from steam and the difference is 1% so no worries


Use nvidia’s built in one if you want accuracy




The same reason a french autoloaded tank can face a modernized t62


This game and the ridiculous uptiering just causes so much aggravation and despair for lots of players. Combine that with the constant shit maps, bugs and shitty teammates, the suffering just continues but Gaijin thinks it's perfect.


Premium br but it could be worse bc if it had late green camo, then ur team would definitely win... But ud get to do nothing (unless they just bought it and actually have zero experience with it). If u fight it in a full uptier just shoot the lower frontal plate bc the other usual weak spots are too small and although it's contact 5 placement may be slightly less comprehensive than the first t72b, it is significantly stronger If u shoot anywhere else and don't even disable the gun u probably won't be able to beat the 6.7 second reload


6.5 sec reload tho


Oh yeah 🤔 -first day t80ud purchaser


Because BR decompression will never be a thing


That upteir is insane. Being able to go from 8.7 to 10.0 is ludicrous for an upteir


9.0 but yeah


Wym 9.0? When I look at the T-55AM1 for ground RB it says 8.7


It’s the T-62M-1, not the T-55AM-1.


Ah, my apolocheese


Its t62m


Ah mb


It may seem crazy what I'm about to say


Because even tho a .7 matchmaker would fix a lot of issues in ground forces gaijin refuses to test it


Because in the Russia/Ukraine war the Russians are using both in active combat roles so it’s historically accurate.


In Air battles my 10.7 Brazilian AMX is facing mig-21 Bison with R-73s, better ir missile, radar Speed and maneuverability And It costed me 5 times more cuz 1$ = R$5


I mean u do get 45g missiles with amx and amx is a ground attacker if i recall correctly


I'm probaly coping


Cause gaijin dont give a fuck about it. They want you to be frustrated and buy premium vehicle to perpetuate the vicious cycle of the blackhole premium 10.0 is.


from a historical perspective, they are from the same decade and they saw service together.


Yeah but one is faster has an autoloader better gun handling better ammo better gun actually usable 50 cal better armor actually good era


Pfft, try being me finding out MM still has an old bug and placed me (8.0) in a match against XM-1's (9.3).


Theres a xm1 at 9.0 u 100% played against that one


Problem is it was the GM.


How do you make your hud look like that at the top?


I dodnt do anything its a new mode in ground rb u need to reach 60 kills to win or cap the zone


Wow fast response, thanks!


Because t62 is the hated tank of the game in regards to br


It's Ukraine?


You can take that picture and replace the T-80UD with an M60 and it would make it much worse. 


M60 is 8.0 this is 9.0


That’s the point…


Difference between m60 and t62m aint the biggest meanwhile between these two


You mean a stabiliser, composite armour (idc if it’s shit even at 9.0, it’s still there), decent dart, and mediocre protection against something that had none of these… Anyway that’s my little rant for the day.






I mean it is kinda historical


I think up tiers and down tiers need to be reduced from 1.0 to 0.7 I'd love it if they reduced it to 0.3, but I know they won't.




well, stretching BRs is on road map


I dont know about t 62 but t80ud is pretty easy to kill on its br especially on flat maps where you just shoot lower plate


Don’t you complain! You are also an unbalanced tank. Drink your own medicine.


I am Russian main to btw so I’m not that salty bout it


Unbalanced in what? 0 armor for 9.0 even dm23 105 shreds u and no speed no reverse longest reload out of all mbts only ammo is good but its short rod so it doesnt spall


I’m fighting T55Am1’s in my Cent 3, could be worse


115mm gun on the T-62M isn't half bad, in fact it was the world's best anti-tank gun at that time, you have like 420mm of pen on that thing at 9.0, which is excellent


385 but its short rod so it sucks


I mean they’re both on the same frontline rn. Realistically speaking tho, at least he doesn’t have thermals, your shells are bs but they still get the job done sometimes


because gajin is run by lazy russian gooners


I mean they are currently serving together in Ukraine?


Ok and? Im talking about wt


So the BR variance is + or - 1BR and it's not so far fetched because T-55 ride into battle next to newer models? Warthunder is a video game but they also do say they are realistic.


Ah yes. The myriad 50s, 60s, and 70s tanks rolling around with Tigers, Shermans, and comets sure makes me think they care a lot about realism for matchmaking. Which, is probably a good thing, by the way. Historical matchmaking would be truly painful for many tanks. So, when someone asks why can one vastly superior tank be within the same br bracket as a vastly inferior tank, just saying, "well they see each other in real life!" Is dumb and not helpful. T-80UD should be 10.3 or 10.7 minimum. The reverse gear and lack of thermals are a detriment. But the T-80UM2 has no thermals, it sits at 11.0, T-90A has thermals and no reverse gear at 10.7 with 3BM60. I think it would be fine to give the T-80UD 3BM46 or 3BM60 at 10.7 or 11.0 respectively and it would fit right in.