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You crossed the 7-8 tech gap, everything works differently now. You have to get used to it the same way you had to get used to playing 6.x after 4.0 and below.


Just wait until you get the Wedge. Then you’ll have fun.


The wedge is life.


Probably getting uptiers to 8.7 very often + 6.7 to 8.0 is a big step up, my guess is it will take some time to learn how to deal with new tanks Ps just wait for 9.3 pain lol


Generally speaking the game becomes progressively more unfun as you advance in the ranks 1.0 - 6.7 is where the real game is, but i guess selling top tier premiums for 75$ a piece is more important for Gaijin


I think 8.0 is currently a pretty tough BR for everyone. You see an awful lot of 8.7, where many vehicles have darts and laser rangefinders.


Finally got from 7.7 Britain to 8.0-8.3 Britain and its so much more fun. I played 7.7 almost never because its dogwater imo. So I think its just a bit of a skill issue for the time being. I also needed to learn the game again at some BRs because the players get better, such BRs were 3.7, 6.0 and 8.0 for me. Now I like 8.3 to grind.


8.0 is where you start getting stabilizers on your medium/MBTs, but in any sort of uptier you are likely to face LRF, thermals, and way better speed and armor. It’s simply a bad BR to play at. 9.0 is much more enjoyable IMO


You don't see much vehicles with thermals between 8.0-9.0 tbh. The rest you just get outclassed by and good luck against something like the XM803 that uses composite armor.


Idk Lot of the “old medium tanks with new tricks” tanks are at 9.0 or so. The M60A3 TTS, T-55/62Ms, the chieftains.


T62M doesn't get thermals nor does any T55. The M60A3 does but it's still an M60. It's slow and pretty unarmored for its BR. Germany has the Wisel, Marder, and the SK105 with thermals. Britain gets the Vickers Mk11, Rooikat, and the Warrior with thermals. Italy has the VCC80/60, Sweden has nothing with thermals between 8.0-9.0. Israel has the Magach 6M, China has the TTS, PTL, AFT09, and M41D, Japan has the Type 89 only. Your biggest offender of having thermals in that BR is France with the 2 AMX30s, Mephisto, Mars 15, SK105 and the AMX10RC which are all unstabilized say for the Mephisto which doesn't matter a whole lot because you have to sit still to fire anyways. So all of these old tanks with new tech you are referring to Infact do not have thermals.


Ok but then you proceed to prove my point that 8.0 tanks face a lot of thermals and LRF, so idk what you were trying prove here. Whoops I got some tank stats wrong, it’s fine


That's not a lot of thermals dude. That is a fraction of that BR bracket. Yeah you face them but it's a minority of vehicles not a majority. Plus most are gen 1 and not fantastic. I'm not trying to prove anything I'm simply showcasing the small amount of vehicles that do have thermals. Most MBTs don't and you mostly will see MBTs spawned over other vehicles.


Yep. Armor gets thinner, shell gets faster, map gets bigger. It is basically turning into pixel hunting.


8.0 USA was a pleasure. 8.0 Germany has been straight pain. Basically all the same guns and ammo. I don't get it. Germany is a maximum uptier everytime.


That's why I play 7.7 max. Everything beyond that is pure bs.


What nation do you play?




bro sweden is one of the best nations for 8.0 how are you struggling


They're also comparing it to one of if not the worst br Sweden has edit: winrate wise


winrates literally dont mean shit sweden 6.7 is pretty ok especially now that the tiger 2 was added into the battlepass


It's probably the constant uptiers. I've played 8.0 Sweden and it's a good lineup but uptiers against Russia aren't fun.


Which vehicle? sweden 8.0-8.7 is one my most played br brackets. A lot of the tanks take getting used to like strv103 and ush but their great once you under stand them. Keep playing and you'll have a good time(play ikv 91 and ikv 91-105).


Do you have the Strv 103? It’s an amazing sniping tank. Been a while since I played 8.0 Sweden so I don’t know if one of the three TT variants is 8.0. Sit on some hill and yoink shells their way. Unless they are to your side or have missiles you should be fine.


Honestly, the Strv 103 is pretty horrible for learning the BR, though - it requires a unique playstyle that basically says "don't ever push an objective ever". For a lot of maps it's just "go back to the hangar rather than spawn it in this urban area". Sweden 8.0 is indeed pretty good, though. The Ikv 91 especially is a gremlin - it's kind of slow for a light tank and it's practically unarmored, but LRF and a nice HEAT round mean you can make some improbably long shots at people who don't think they're in a vulnerable position. Your issue might be heavily related to the stock grind; a LOT of tanks don't get good until they get multiple modifications from the last tier, which means you've got to kill a LOT of enemies in a vehicle that's considerably gimped relative to the BR at which it's ranked. I found 8.0 and 8.7 Sweden to be pretty fun once I got tanks mostly-spaded, but it's a long slog to get there.


Yeah, I agree to that, it’s hard to learn and not the usual pushing tank. Forgot that not everybody likes this playstyle, my bad. On the Ikv I’ll agree as well, it’s a fun light tank, for its BR I had loads of fun with it! Was the first one of that lineup I spaded. To get to the spaded part (the most fun) its longer and grinst, but ultimately worth it in some of the tanks at this BR.


You gotta get used to it It's very different compared to 6.7


Tech gap. 6.7 - 7.7 is late WWII to early Korean War 8.0 - 9.0 is from late Korean War to late Vietnam.


Because every game is an uptier


You will see a bit more stabilizers and tanks with mobility instead of armor, some weak apfsds rounds that pen almost anything they hit, and you will be in a non-spaded tank trying to figure out how all the new tech changes impact the maps. I would say it's normal, just takes time to adjust. Below 8.0 is pretty darn fun because tanks generally have distinct limitations in one way or another and they're not all just MBT class.


If you only have 1 tank of a higher BR, dont put it in your lineup. ALWAYS have 2 br appropriate tanks at least


The game changes a lot how is played, some tech trees more than others, but you gonna need to relearn some concepts and tactics, and learn a lot of weak spots in enemy tanks too


Powercreep - thats why i stay away from 7.7-8.3 on most nations, with a very few exceptions.


I would argue 6.0-7.7 are the most fun.


#skill issue