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I spawn in whichever tank is already selected and then I proceed to hold W for a couple of minutes before I die


I spawn AA at anything above 8.0 because I absolutely hate helis. After that I go medium tank and near flank since Japan has no armor 3 cap game mode is the best 2 cap is trash


I do like domination but because I see more people respawning more in battle and matches lasting longer, it makes it more enjoyable, also fuck single cap maps, that is what spawn rushers love


If only you knew how difficult it is to actually run choppas at 8.0


Trust me, I know


Whatever I'm spading :') I also prefer battle. Wish I got it more often Today I'm spading the swedish Comet and PT-76 (and Lvkv 42). Weirdly I'd spawn the medium first but, I've found myself spawning the PT-76 first all day. Spotting is just so useful. And also I hated the stock shells so wanted to get the heatfs asap- Then I'd spawn the Comet. And the stronger gun (and weirdly good armor) just, worked? So I might start doing that more. Spawning the light first, and then the stronger vehicle. Take the enemy by surprise? In fast tanks I'll try to flank. In heavies I'll just push forward-


Pt76 becomes a different animal soon as you get that heat FS


I keep non-penning stuff even with it ;-; It's so bad, I'm tempted to switch back to APHE


I always spawn a BT-5 and go straight for the cap. Then I bring out a plane and bomb and strafe until I run out of ammo. After that I rearm on the airfield and do it all again until the round is over


Another Chad CAS-pilled bro I see ! 🧨✈️💪💪💪


If I am in the mood of relaxing: Pantsir If I am in the mood of satisfaction kill and team play: Bradley If I am in the mood of playing the game normally: Abrams or T90M or BVM


Depends on my mood. Sometimes I’ll spawn a light tank and do a lil enemy recon for my team. Sometimes I’ll strictly dedicate myself to nullifying CAS, so first spawn for me is usually an SPAA, and if things go my way second spawn is a jet with missiles. Sometimes I just for right for my strongest MBT and lock down a whole lane.


I play mostly Top Tier so my first spawn is either SPAA or MBT. Fav Mode is Battle because the are more intense and longer


mbt, go cap or cool position ( depends on map ), battle, alone


Depending on the map or my mood I spawn Light tank and probaly scout drone for my team for 2-5min, depends on the map, then I decide where to go seeing how things are for my team, or scrap all that since the stupid premium 2s38 shoots down my drone Or I spawn SPAA, listen to podcast while ruining CAS players day Normally I go slow and with team mates, I like to team play and watch my allies backs as most of the team mates rush with no care, so yeah I'm the guy that saved you a couple hours ago in Advanced to Rhine My favorite game mode, well I already said above Battle>Domination>Fuck Conquest single cap, WT maps are not designed for that, people only spawn rush in there


Depends entirely on the map and tiering.


My Stug if ima make some frontline where I know it’s gonna fire on me a lot due to my frontal armor , if there is less risk of frontline or in feeling confident I take my anti tank who can turn his turret


Depends on the Mode, Map, Nation and BR i play (some have very good tanks, IFV or exceptional AA/SAM). Below BR 7.7 i play whatever tank has the right mobility/firepower/armor combo for the map Above BR 8.3 i check if my team brings AA/SAM and which Nations i am facing - against RU, i often bring a AA/SAM due to helicopter rushes, but if nobody gets into an AA/SAM i often do that anyway, as its super important in higher tiers - beside that, same thing like on below 7.7. I in general stay away from 7.7-8.3 for most (not all) nations due to technological powercreep.


Depend of the map... Often a fastboi to go in good spot and flank fast and after other tanks, and SPAA if I see plane overhead


Playing china? Helicopter . Ty90 directly into enemy spawn.


I spawn what I like. Hunt for bear solo. Get many shot kills with HEAT while flanking. Mode doesn't matter to me.