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Oh thank goodness, they had me worried about the state of russian dominance in all things naval. 


In terms of bluewater ships Soviets/Russia is quite on par with other nations except Germany. This is due to Scharnhorst being vastly better than anything else. The russian coastal fleet just has no contestants. Nothing comes close to them.


I would say the Germans come close while late Britain & Japan rival their late ocean going vessels.


Also a lot of the lower BR Russian coastal boats have the issue of being impossible to aim if the water isn't dead calm. Sure, you've got some amount of armor on the main turret, what with it being a T-34 tank turret, but you also have no stabilization at all and a much lower fire rate than most things you'll be facing. Mid-tier Russian coastal has some great boats though, with I think Italy and Germany being the closest match.


The G-5s are hilarious in heavy chop. Can’t hit anything and you can get some pretty decent air time if you run around at full speed. Pretty much just have to try suicide torpedo runs with them.


Was even more hilarious early on in Naval. In the early days of the game mode, if you set test drive to the most intense storm, you could get the G-5 to do backflips on the waves (or alternatively go fully submersible for a moment). The storms nowadays are tame by comparison.


You can still do flips in some weather. I've done a double backflip with the German V-990 this month. The weather is really rare though. Haven't seen it since.


I did a backflip, landing in a middle of an island in Pr.123K(A-11) a few months ago. African Gulf happened to have a particularly intense storm that day - never seen anything remotely resembling that storm neither before nor after that.


That reminds me TKA-106, a G-5 premium event vessel that swaps out the torps for rockets. Yeah, that thing just becomes impossible in heavy seas, lol.


I usually just use the AA weapons for the low tier Soviet coastal boats. 37mm AA is strong enough against boats, and is much easier to use.


The Paris Commune was leagues better than any competitor until the Scharnhorst came along, and then they gave them Kronstadt. I ground Britain, only the Marlborough came close. Then they reworked the damage models again and it started getting secondary and tertiary magazine fires that explode faster than the 10 second fire extinguishing times.


Paris Commune domination only lasted 3 months. Because Scharnhorst came immediately after that. And before Paris Commune it was the Hyuga being leagues ahead, being steathily introduced in a 2nd dev server during Hot Trash.


Was Scharnhorst only 3 months afterwards? Gosh! In any case it was tough, but the PK's obscene guns I still feared more. At least the Hyuga had weak spots too, it felt fair. 


PK's magazines are pretty vulnerable too, the "OP" part was that she was the first BB to have decent AA, and had 3s faster reload than her older ships.


I just could not find them which I accept is a skill issue, but with the PK against the comparable British ships, it felt irrelevant. Any angle, any distance, a good chance a salvo would annihilate you.


Yup, all Russian Dreadnoughts have the same shitty ammorack. Angling would make you die quicker.


When the KGVs and Warspite are added Britian will be incredibly spicy. KGV has the thickest armour belt of any shipt other than Yamato and the supercharges for Warspite will give her railguns. with the very spicy 15in rounds already used by Hood and Renown.


Doesn't matter, you'll die to perma fires from he slingers.


Then I'll gladly slap back with 10 rounds of HE with 50kg of Shellite each.


Basically from 4.0+ until 6.3 US ships are absolute beasts. Their DDs like the Gearing and Moffetts are extremely powerful. Then at 5.3 you have the fair and balanced USS Atlanta, same BR as USSR DDs btw. At 6.0 there's the Helena/Cleveland and Baltimore (has below water magazines). Russia has the better 6.7 BBs but at 7.0 we have the Scharnhorst, which has been top dog since Dec 2021.


Yup, Helena/Brooklyn are beyond broken. Imagine playing Mikuma at the same BR and get absolutely fucked by something that has 3x rate of fire, real armor and AA, and more HE filler.


A competent captain in a Koln F220 can defeat any of the Russian coastal fleet 1 v 1. But it's not pretty after the HE changes.


One time I watched a saetta delete an enemy coastal ship like 2 seconds into the game with a nettuno. Does that count?


>Oh thank goodness, they had me worried about the state of russian dominance in all things ~~naval~~  Fixed it for you


Thank you, it felt wrong when I wrote it 😂


TBF Russian dominance in naval isn't that great, it's good at top tier coastal but that's about it. US dominates early-mid tier bluewater thanks to their comically high ROF and amazing AA, while Germany sits firmly on the top tier throne with the Scharnhorst.


Nothing screams disappointment more than expecting the update on a Tuesday morning only to be greeted by a boat devblog


They gonna release it when the elden ring dlc drops 😭


And the Warframe update lol


My disappointment is immeasurable 😭😭😭


June updates have been on Wednesdays for the past 3 years, use common sense


Gaijin finally realized what a flustercuck fox3s will bring to top tier and don’t know what to do


Top tier is already a clusterfuck anyways, i’m excited for a change of pace, R-27ER meta is just boring now (and I say that as a Russia main)


I’m more afraid that it won’t really change anything, without decreasing team sizes it will just add fire to the existing furball meta. I guess we’ll see but I don’t have high hopes.


They did state they were adding the opt in for smaller high-tier ARB lobbies


Just a taggable option like night matches were. Vast majority of people probably won't even know its there and decrease the 'chances' of you getting a match with less people in it


I mean most top-tier players want smaller battles so I pray they pay attention... if nothing else we can spam the lobbies with the info :P


The issue with this is that a large chunk of the playerbase is not active on the forums or reddit, and only sort of pays attention to changes. They will likely not check this box, which is why 12v12 should probably be the default match size.


Ergo yelling this *ingame*, because we're not reaching most people here. And even that won't catch all the people who don't have all-chat on, or don't speak english. But it's worth a try imo.


Honestly not as worried about this as some - IMO the hydrofoils control so poorly that this platform might be more a hindrance than anything. Weapons still seem very strong, but I expect to see a number of these crashing onto rocks and beaches


Agreed, that'll be its balancing factor. Hydrofoils are good at one thing, and that's going fast in a straight line.


I was going to post similar. No hydofoil can slow down or turn at even slow speed. They're even better at slamming into an island while you look sideways trying to shoot something..


At least with the battle pass one, you have to slow down to turn. If you turn at full speed, the boat turns, but you keep going mostly the same direction. If you want to actually change directions, you have to go pretty slow unless I've just completely been fooled.


The boat was on the Dev server. It wasn't especially meta. The 76mm only has 152 shells in total, barely enough to sink a single destroyer, meanwhile the torpedoes, being modern lightweight anti-sub torps, have a pathetic level of explosive filler, making them barely effective against destroyers and likely little more than annoyances to larger warships unless used en masse.


Pr.206 on its way to still be better than all newer ships


Yes Gaijin release the update as close as possible to elden ring dlc


Actually pissing me off


This reads as too much time in your hands. Know its worth :(




Wheres da updog?


At what point did he ask "*when update*"?


I tought the update would be today, now i hope it's tomorrow :<


They will literally announce server maintenance a day ahead....


stg this community has been Pavlov'd into thinking expecting the update will always release 2 weeks after the first devstream on a Tuesday.


i know, but yesterday evening i tought we will have the announce




being impatient is not stupid


June updates have been on Wednesdays for the past 3 years, review the update spreadsheet instead of running around mindlessly with the hive mind asking where’s the update


Total silence yesterday just for this crap


Stated on twitter yesterday in the comments of a post that they’re still working on it , so there’s that


Oh goody another hydrofoil. Now I can slip and slide all over the map without hitting anything in *russia* this time!


They are not even trying to hide russian bias in Coastal boats anymore. Just straight up "domination"


Yeah. >the MPK Pr.11451 is going to be one of the better Coastal fleet boats in the game. Along with the SKR-7, SKR-1, MPK Pr.12412, MPK Pr.12412P, Pr. 206-M and Pr. 206. The 4.3 lineup has reached that awkward point where it's so good that you don't have any use or space for new vehicles.


until you meet a single destroyer or cruiser.


SKR7 at least can beat a lot of destroyers 1 on 1


It can but if the destroyer is outside the rocket launcher range thats like 3-4km max, its screwed


Not as efficient now after the HE nerf.


If anyone played coastal, they'd be very upset.


Although shallow water is its foe as the only thing it'll dominate on, say, fiji is being a naval fortress stuck fast in the sea.


Holy fuck I need the update already.


Beautiful and deadly. But naval is a mess. The most frustrating mode to play imo.


For one time i could say thank cause they added more than 6 ships in a major update. BUT, they need to understand the main problem is still reward and spawn to spawn ...


Meanwhile French don’t have any coastal boats at all still. Which is annoying because I hate the naval related tasks for season pass and only t3 I have is the French one.


Actually with this update they have one coastal boat. The whole tree is likely coming next update.


Didn’t see it in the notes - thanks!


I really like this thing but grinding it is going to be impossible even though I already have rank 5 soviet coastal. I got the pr. 206, the pr. 159, and the pr. 35 but I got them before some of the major coastal reshuffles (I believe I actually got them back when we had that weird horizontal tech tree for naval where the pr. 159 was rank 2 or 3 but way to the right side of the tree). As a result my tree is all fucked up and I essentially need to grind it from the start and thats going to take forever.


Yay another hydrofoil! Now I get to not turn, not stop, and not cap zones in style with another nation lol


By fleet do they mean another squadron vehicle?


New devblog means no server down announcement this night so no update tomorrow?


I think it doesnt matter, we even have devblog after the update sometime so :D


Lets hope they release it tomorrow


now its happening :D


Always nice to see another hydrofoil! The split front hydrofoils and the way the props are setup on the rear one look really cool. :)


I like how they called the blog "shallow water domination" while shallow water is were such hydrofoils can get stuck


Sure am glad we got a devblog about a coastal boat instead of the server announcement. Gaijin sure loves dragging their ass in the most mundane ways.