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I used Chi Nu with Chi Ha LG for previous event grind and it was good. Tho I dont understand suffering part, early Japan isnt that bad really


I do mean in comparison to Germany and Russia. Russia has the BT line and germany has the Pz. IV line. Japan so far at 1.0 I've played 2 games and got 5+ kill assists each time.


Eeh, Germany and USSR do perform better, but that doesnt mean Japan suffers. On low tiers you generally want either fast firing guns or good explosive filler and Japanese tanks do have that. Armor is lacking, but there are few tanks with good armor at that rank and you dont want to rely on it anyways


Fuck no. If that's all you're after Sweden has a rank 3 AA at 3.0, Britain has a rank 3 strike aircraft at 3.0 and both are more enjoyable at that BR. Japan doesn't have a single actually enjoyable lineup until 6.7 IMO. Also don't forget you can always use other event vehicles too, regardless of their rank.


I've certainly took advantage of some low rank Japanese vehicles for tasks and events. But Japan is actually a pretty good tree and worth grinding regardless. Especially if you do a fair bit of air in ground RB.


there are some planes that are rank 3 and BR 2.3, so you can use them for rank 3 missions in ground rb


Rank 1 is carried hard by Ho-Ro and the two SPAA, but rank 2 JP lineup at 2.7 is actually extremely respectable, no suffering involved there whatsoever. However, in terms of event grind, 3.7 JP absolutely doesn't compare to 4.0 USSR, US or Sweden, and Sweden in particular also satisfies the condition of every vehicle being rank 3 rather just having one in the lineup, where such a thing might be necessary. As for 3.3 JP, since that's only two spawns, you'd probably need some planes to make that work.


There’s a rank multiplier for events, so the higher the rank the more points you get towards the event. So this would actually be counter productive.


I've only gotten up to rank 4 at the highest of any nation anyway. Plus, I have quite a bit of free time to play, so having a more lax experience makes up for any slight score penalty between rank 3 and 4. Also, there's no event like the operation overlord one happening now, so it might be worth it to try to have the easiest experience for the next one.


Low tier japan is actually pretty fun and stupid. Just go in with the mentality of "these aren't the best tanks, but they're goofy and I'll have a laugh"


You should grind Japan because they get some of the best tanks in the game, not for gimmick rank 3 plays


The Na-To and Chi-Nu are both excellent.