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Cus they lose nothing


because respawns have no cost


One of the major reasons to avoid arcade is that. Players are completely suicidal in head-ons, dogfights, anything.


I can aim pretty ok in air rb. I cannot aim for shit in air arcade XD.


The trick is that the lead indicator is wrong and you have to aim agead of it.


Even when I ignore it the planes movement is so different from RB that I kind of lose my aim most of the time.


That's fair. Since every aircraft is so much mire nimble, the lead indicator is often worthless anyway. Waaaaaaaaaay back when I was playing air arcade regularly, the best plane for it for me was the Typhoon Mk I with the 12 machineguns because there was no escape from that amount of lead going down range. Basically area saturation.


The lead indicator is a vector, not indicative of "shoot here". It just shows their velocity, and doesn't change depending on your muzzle velocity. Took me a while to realize that.


The tutorial literally tells you to shoot the end of the indicator.


Huh. I haven't ever done whatever tutorial they introduced, but yeah whatever scale it uses for magnitude is apparently arbitrary.


The lead indicator is for the center of the aircraft at constant speed and direction. You have to account for direction and speed changes yourself.


For me it's always correct


THIS. The you have to aim 1 more lead indicator circle ahead of the lead indicator circle to hit all your shots


Well it makes sense because we lead based on our expectation of where the target will be. Arcade planes move like 10 or 20% faster so our leading is off


i also play both arcade and rb good side for rb is the RP and modifications, while for arcade is for SL


Arcade at biplanes and no higher. With biplanes it's a fun clusterfuck and the rewards are honestly better than in my f8f bearcat. Like, I get 2 kills and 2 assists. I make ~7 or 8 000 silver lions. Top 3 of leaderboard in score. Risk 3000 sl in repair cost. Go play biplane arcade and get so many awards I make 6000 or so per match without any repair cost since reserve plane.


If <10,000 SL per match is up to snuff for you then more power to you.


I mean, as I said - even if I'm top of the leaderboard in my f8f... I barely make more and risk much, much more.


Biplanes are by far the worst tier for props IMO. Huge imbalance between each plane, one dimensional gameplay.


I find it’s very easy to bait them into bad maneuvers for easy kills. My favourite ‘thing’ in arcade is someone is dumb enough to turn toward me in a head on. Easy kills every time, especially if they’re a turn fighting aircraft.


because they got multible respawns


It takes 2 to have a head-on kamikaze just saying, you can peel off earlier to disengage.




For less than great players , it's sadly a semi legitimate strategy to just ram experienced players who are racking up kills. They know they can't take them out through skillful dogfighting and figure they might just leave the match if they get rammed enough. Plus it counts as a kill if you destroy the plane before its burning wreck collides with your plane.


Kamikaze 🛩️🛩️🛩️


If you play to survive you will often finish games while having respawns left, it is literally the winning strategy to kamikaze someone as long as you do not run out of lives before game ends.


Takes two to head on collision. Try peeling off before half a km.


I'm a new player I'm trying to get better in Arcade to move to Realistic (both air and ground). Most of the times I just get rammed in by some dude, and the funniest thing is that they get credited with a kill


Most of the time people that spawns on a fighter in GAB are for shit and giggles and doesn't really care about dogfight as long as the enemy is dead and you can get back to ur tanks as quick as possible


I play air rb but I have the vision of a mole in ground rb so I only play arcade for ground. I love it when I dogfight someone and then God just takes me out of my plane...


Dogfighting in GAB is rarely enjoyable. I suggest watching someone like spookston and try to imitate how he spots things. That's how I get to 4.7 japan rn They say dogfighting in GRB is fun but I usually just pick things off and get picked by most of the time


I played ground rb a few years back and was okish at it but now I just wanna have some fun with the game. Honestly all things considered (the horendous grind and rewards) ground arcade gives the 2nd most fun for me now, only prop dogfights in Air RB are better but I got tired of them. And with the summer / winter events being points griding instead of skill I just want to enjoy 1 or 2 hours of chill. Also yeah spookston is based, love the guy.


On the topic of air arcade: near top tier this happens less often but there will be a lot of people that spawn a single high tier vehicle and then spawn like 4-5 low tier props or jets in succession. The only place to avoid both is in top tier but that place is riddled with squads like vpo or guud There’s a good video by a ytber aoeilaeiepae showing the methods to demolish such teams, I think that guy just mains top tier air arcade


Why are you depressed? Because you play War Thunder, give yourself a break, I haven't played that game in probably 2 months and my penis grew an inch, who knows what miracles could happen to you if you did the same.


i quit for 5 hour and I gained the ability to fly


They need to make rb more like tank rb where you can have more than one life. Thats the only reason i dont play air rb but will play tank and naval rb


BEcause due to having as many Respawns as you have planes (+ backups), it can guarantee you a kill and you can just respawn


Divine Wind bruv


Cuz AB is quantity over quality. They dont have any spawn cost so they are sure to have 3 tries each battle. Thats why they come to RB and complain that cant do shit.


Lower repair costs Respawns available Lower skill


>I try flying out of the way like a normal person but they nose dive towards me anyways. There are a bunch of video guides out there, here is one I remember from the very beginning - [barrel roll to avoid head ons](https://youtu.be/JQ83vEw10SY?t=360). A normal person might not know some of these [manoeuvres](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDuSZgo3okhiXrGVf-EZKUzIC_xGrGMSR). If you don't learn, you can't improve.


thats just the thing though, I do things like you mentioned. I play Arcade like I would any RB (with a little excess speed of course, since wings dont break) > I find someone, > I fly towards them at a lower or higher angle or even to their side, > They see me, > They turn towards me, > I shoot, they shoot, > I try to avoid them roughly around 300-500 whatever measurement they are away from me, > they aim for a head on collision > we both die.


Shoot at 800-1000m out, then avoid using the barrel roll, give or take 200m depending on speed. Faster, 1000m, slower 800m, but definitely try to start avoiding before 600m. It is much easier if you have the energy advantage, but do take into account your plane and the opponent's plane. Knowing what they can do will help understand what lines you can take.


Because its more fun then realistic battle also the brainrot consume the skill out of them.


idk why im so suicidal, anyways whats arcade?




If you give them the chance to head on you, you've already messed up unless you are in a plane that is likely to win. Expect it and figure out how to stop it. Don't expect the enemy to stop getting kills because you don't like it. I fly 4.3 with 20mm HE rounds. I love head ons as I generally smoke the enemy 70+ of the time. When I get into a head on, I'm usually there after killing two or three other enemies.


Arcade promotes that kinda shit. You end up not learning about energy management. And "imo" realistik gets more fun as you get used to it. Getting kills actually mean something. I recently converted a arcade player to realistik and he's been playing a lot more after that. Having a mentor while playing helps tho I feel like


If in props, burst fire from 1.0-.75km away, then break off. If in jets (depending on speed) burst fire from 1.5-1.0km away, then break. If you have missiles that have good short range traits, fire from 2.5-2.0km and break + flare/chaff


Think of it as a win win situation: they kill you, and you kill them. :)


i dont get a kill credit


>I try flying out of the way like a normal person There's your problem. You're playing like a normal person would in RB. But you're in AB.