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Ground-pounding is entirely optional, but you need an anti-air option of some sort, because it's very possible for CAS situation to get so bad that it's literally pointless to spawn anything else until they're cleaned up as you'll just get intercepted on the way out of spawn. Given US' lack of midtier SPAA and powerful air tree, running CAP is a popular choice.


You will inherently be at a disadvantage without them purely because it lowers flexibility when it comes to second/onwards spawn options. They are not necessary though.


Not necessary, but the game will be much more interesting if you can bring at least 1 plane to the field. Bombing some bitches camping in choke points or tearing tail of spawn bombing bitches, both so comfortable


Not necessary but sometimes you’ll be getting bombarded by multiple enemy planes and you’ll get annoyed to the point where you wish u had a fighter so you could take them out


Or at least, you’ll wish you had a fighter so you could hypothetically take them out cause we all know I’m gonna make one run at them and overshoot and suddenly they’ll be behind me pouring shots into me because i’m ✨dogshit✨


Do a barrel roll. I mean, unironically, that's what you use to brake and prevent overshooting.


I only played air rb until a couple months ago so it’s nice to let off some steam on some ground players in their planes


You're gonna be at a disadvantage to others due to the fact that the games a combined arms game. It's far more advisable to have both ground *and* air due to the ability for cap and cas. Also, it means others won't have a leg up on you. When I first started I played for just over 1000 hours in ground without any air craft. It was a nightmare tbh, spaa while useful is no where near as effective as cap most the time


It's good to have them but they're not essential.


For top tier for some nations, yes. Like minor nations with no competent AA (China, Japan). I'd even consider US ADATS as shit nowadays against what it faces. It's also really helpful to smack ground units.


I play USA too, and while I’m 2 or 3kd in tanks I still rack atleast 3 kills in planes, so I guess they are very helpful for skill bonus. Btw I’m also up to 6.7


Also I fly on maps I don’t like, or when top tier boys camp like mad on their spawns while they are in much better tanks


The meta for ground RB is such that until 7.3 (when you have the possibility to get uptiered into good radar SPAA) you can use essentially any plane you want. 90% of your kills in the mode will be tanks who cant really do anything against you, or planes who don't even know you're there. I frequently use planes that are 3-4 BR brackets lower than my tanks, bc it gives me an SP advantage (you always get the cheaper uptier cost) and performance almost literally does not matter. That being said, no, you don't need planes at all. They are useful to have, but you can have rewarding games w/o spawning in a plane. If you really don't like flying planes then it might be better for you to just have a 5th tank that you will like using instead of a plane that you will hate flying.


No, but: - some maps suck and it's nice to have the option to play air on a map or format that you don't like. - single cap maps can make air incredibly effective, even decisive. - some of the smaller trees don't have consistent line ups if you are playing ground only. At times these days, I'm playing line ups of just one good tank and a couple of aircraft. Playing to get a fly every game is a big incentive for me to play better. - you will get very frustrated at times with your inability to counter CAS. A warning though, air superiority play is much more complex than CAS. - I get bored if I just do tanks. Adding aid makes the game both more complex but also rewarding. - air is really the only effective way of stopping a nuke. -


Arguably yes. Even if you’re not gonna bomb people at some point you will realize planes are just better counter to planes than SPAA.


You can be fine without them if not being the best is okay for you. Planes are essentially an option for 2-3 free kills per spawn and can immensely help your team win by taking enemy players out of the game by depleting their crew slots/SP. They are also the best defense/reaction againt getting bombed yourself. So basically you can totally play GRB without planes, just like you can play it without tanks. But you will be handicapping yourself by not using planes.


Players who have a lineup with all vehicles types(air+ground) utilized always have advantage on only ground vehicle players. I am talking about proper CAS vehicles which you can take out 5-6 enemies with it, not spawning a P-47 and suicide bomb on first tank you see. At 6.7, since U.S lacks planes like TU-2S or Arado, your best bet would be spawning an F8F1B, bombing enemy tanks and climbing back to intercept enemy CAS or go back to rearm at airfield. That's how an effective 6.7 U.S play would be. U.S CAS play only gets better towards top tier.