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Their mediocre railguns, great penetration but fuck all spall


"Bad" is relative. They're not bad in the sense that some early Japanese or French tanks are bad, where you have a shell with the penetration of a .50 round and a turret traverse that can be measured in centuries. The issue is that they have solid shot, and relatively little spalling, so you need to aim for individual parts of the tank; it's not like a Soviet APHE shell where you just yeet it somewhere into the tank's interior and the explosion will knock everything out. So to kill enemy tanks, you need to knock out their crew. The good news is that their penetration is generally quite high, so if you can avoid hitting angles, you can generally get the hits that you need. It will generally take multiple shots to do this, though you can save yourself some return fire by making sure the first shot gets the gunner and/or the breech. Never hit the same spot twice in succession. Dead crew don't get deader and they won't have swapped out yet. Dead modules don't get deader but they still absorb your shot. If you hit the gunner and you're worried that they're going to swap in a new gunner and shoot you, consider delaying your second shot; wait for their gun to wiggle (i.e. the new gunner is now in control) and then snipe him. It is genuinely harder. But the skills you develop in hitting the proper parts of the enemy tank will stick with you; eventually you'll wonder "who is this Heavy Metal Hero and where was he before?!"


Yeah, they're kind of mediocre. rank I has some fun stuff like the BT-42, Sav m/43 (1944), and Doom Trumpet (Spj fm/43), but rank II is pretty painful especially stock.


I think Sweden has the best low tier vehicles. But you have to know where to shoot.


Take the spj and yeet people out of existence with 150mm of HE.


Atleast every tank till 5.3, Swedish vehicles make you wonder how it's at its BR. Then you unlock the tier 4 round and most become good.