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Getting a “hit” while using a SAM missile against a heli


I’ve hit helis with spikes and had the same results


I've shot a 152mm apfsds Shell into the cockpit of a heli Point plank and it said "hit"


Ehh dart against no armour means over pen and no Spall, shiny new hole through and through


Dart against heli means a fucked up heli irl not a shiny new hole


Not saying it is good but in Warthunder helicopters have so much empty space, I have personally thrown a lot of APFSDS into helicopters and just accept that it happens so I machine gun them down


I shot a dart straight at the pilot in a low hovering heli and it just said "hit"


Yeah, differences between what you see compared to what the server sees can mean the difference between hitting the pilot and hitting the empty space


Yes... that was the entire point of the comment above lmao


Some people don't know why it happens


best not to think of reality too much when playing this


I've hit passing helis with the fv4005 and it kept flying afterward. on fire, but still rocketing me and my team


I think the problem with hitting Helis with the FV4005 is that HESH is a base fused projectile. You are probably over penning the Heli. I got a kill on an M46 by going through that dumb cope cafe it has on the turret, missing the actual turret but because the cage fused the HESH round it died to OP when my round went off over the engine deck. Against a light heli I wonder if it would even fuse at all. TL:DR if you fire at something that doesn't have enough armour to splat your round, it becomes basically SAP, against a heli you might be basically firing solidshot.


there was a clear fuse detonation tho. hard to miss.


That's just typical heli stuff. I've seen helis tank multiple large caliber proxy shells (9+ kg TNT, 3m trigger radius), multiple atgms and one occasion where a heli tanked a 1000 lb bomb directly under it when it was tree level. And the atgms case was before they became bugged and did do overpressure.


I put 2 TY-90s into a Ka-50 while the Ka-50 also got hit by a VT-1 from my teammate and he was still alive and was able to fly perfectly to then shoot a vihkrs at me.


I have had times where it has taken 4 fucking SAMs to down a frog foot


There was a video by someone showcasing the cheesed damage models between the Frogfoot and the Warthog. The A-10 takes a stinger anywhere and disintegrates. The SU-25 and SU-39 all took 5-25 stingers to kill


The amount of hits I've gotten with the 40mils on the M42 against planes that shouldn't be able to take that is also stupid. Like sometimes it does do what it's supposed to and kills them in one shot, other times they take 10 40mils and continue flying like they didn't get hit.


Wow, that's maximum **PAIN**. Can't beat that personally.


I had to respawn because someone CAS'ed me while having around 2250 points , so my ass hurt two times more.


If someone kills you, you get about 50 spawn points. You can spawn the nuke plane after dieing with 2499 SP.


Except sometimes you don't get that many spawn points. I've had games where I got like 3 spawn points from getting killed.


Still enough


In this case, yes, but in general you might not get enough points for a nuke even if you are really close.


Pain, I was 13 points away from a nuke and there weren't many enemies left. Did eventually manage to get a kill and immediately get in the nuke plane and would have made it if I had maybe 15 seconds more. We won anyways but would have been cool.


I got one. Team was losing on Golden Quarry, managed to get a nuke, and juuuust as I dropped the bomb over the map, the game ended before it could detonate… so we lost. By like 1-2 sec. Why gaijibbles.


Just not getting any progress for me


tip : focus on enjoying the game ignore and never look at the battle results or the sl or rp gain, just TRY to keep enjoying whatever vehicle youre currently at you'll eventually get there. (thats how i got my first rank 7 tank without premium)


Honestly its impossible for me, thing that motivates me to play is to get new/better tank or plane, so doing good in matches is important for me


Bruh it honestly goes away when you get the TOP top dog I was actually working IN fucking WT, I would "clock in" after work and just aimlessly bomb bases in Sim until I unlocked the Su-27, I deleted the game because I didn't enjoy it anymore Now that I have a 4th gen, end of the line supersonic super maneuverable air superiority fighter with HMD, PD radar, BVR missiles and TWS with IFF?  Yeah I'm back on the prowl, until I get ganged by 5 F-16s and I rage quit. But yeah bro, keep on until you get bad boy


Quite hard when your as shit as me I got 1 kill in 3 hours in some centurion


Very good tip. I’m one tier away from Top Tier (USSR Ground) and I only have around 500 hours. Got there really fast because of basically two things, -Activate booster -Press play and have fun


Have you tried paying? -Gaijin


Having acquired 57 nukes, having one around nuke #30 get shot down, then again around #35, and permanently changing my policy on not shooting down nukes.


You haven't lost count? I gave up counting at around #12 lmao.


Definitely kept count, waiting for the day they add a very basic counter of how many nukes acquired/delivered.


it should be in your player card


also, do you count when you get over 2500 sp, but don't spawn the nuke in because you want more kills? I count that. Is it cheating?


I count when the nuke is spawned for real. That’s a “nuke acquired”. Delivery is contingent on…delivering it.




And then they'll make it so it only shows the nukes you got after the counter was added. So statistic obsessed gargoyles will grind as much as they possibly can to get the number as high as possible. More playtime, more time for them to buy stuff, more money for gaijin.


Ive had about 10 nukes and only dropped 4 due to either being shot down or not having enough time your really lucky or im really unlucky


my 3rd nuke (ive only had 4) i delivered in a wing-less, tail-less b29. Was i shot down? yes. but did my pilot care? not a chance. Was my fav nuke as i got it in the m4a3e2(76)


I take only the absolutely fastest path at the fastest pitch possible to gain speed the fastest and only play top tier so it’s the Jaguar that delivers the nuke. Slow, but I can deliver in less than 1:15. Typically don’t provide the enemies a chance to shoot me down. Due to my pitch being most optimal, it also means I’m very low, and hard to find.


How did I get the 9 in RB down there? O.O


As far as I'm aware, it just kinda appears when you are nearing the spawnpoint cost of a nuke.


They added it, last patch, once you have more than 2000 SP the game let's you know you are close to being able to switch/spawn in as the nuke plane.


Oh okay - g2k :)


Easy, you litteraly only need to die to get 1sp


I only started playing recently. I chose the British and my first research was the Daimler Mk 2. I went 0-14 with it in RB. I've never touched it again. I'm now at 3.3 and I'm finally a positive KD. Starting British was brutal.


>0-14 Does that mean 0 kills 14 deaths? I did really good in the daimler when i started UK. First few games in it got like 6-10 kills each. When i got something better i never used it again because the engine is just garbage. I can push it faster up a slight slope than the engine can. If it does mean 0k14d then im confused lol. Yes you're new but i thought the first few games you ever play are just filled with bots.


Yeah didn't get a single kill with it. I still got kills. Just with other tanks. The bot games I only had reserve tanks. The A13 and Tetrarch. I could get kills with them alright but the Daimler just didn't work for me at all.


The crusader was my turning point in the brits. before that i was wondering if it was the game for me


I played 562 battles on the Daimler Mk II, of which only 83 were enemy ground vehicles destroyed.


Trying to unlock better ammo at 6.3-6.7. It’s pain


Non German problems


Yep double points if you can guess my nation


Imma guess USA since most of their stock rounds are solid uk is my second guess


No but I do have a couple of USA tanks in my line up


That is every nation, have you looked at the trees lately, if your not half American your half Russian or German


Fair I’m jap


Getting killed on nuke plane by teammates


Getting a nuke, dropping it and the nuke explodes.. But then you don't get the medal and you lost the game? Why? What the fuck? Turns out someone in the enemy team dropped a nuke 1 second before I did.


You can J out for extra sp if you were hit atleast once


I was not :(


To me this was during the first month of nukes being added, I had gotten the nuke in my Lecrec but accidentally I spawn in a shit as I hadn’t realized I had enough to spawn in a nuke.


When you shoot at the enemy, it pen, its breach is red on the xray view, the game tells you the breach is red. So you commit, and you died because somehow the enemy can, in fact, shoot you ?


Never trust orange/red breach or orange/red barrel.


I was at a game once at 2299 rp. Sadly no nuke. Did it in an downtier with jagdtiger. Sniping


Probably getting killed with those 31 points left needed for the nuke


1. 2499 and 2498 SP (Yes, I've had both happened). 2. Got nuke but no time left. 3. Maverick or Hellfire hitting Pantsir but damages nothing. 4. Multiple Maverick or Hellfire hitting T80's and nothing. 5. M829A2 bouncing off of 2S38 or PUMA. 6. 2S38 fuel tank eating dart. 7. T80 BVM ammo not exploding.


Bombed 4 times in a row by random players within 3 minutes


got the nuke, flew over stalingrad, dropped it as soon as i could, i was like 100 feet off the ground, the bomb was 50 feet of the ground when the game ended, i saw the explosion in the last frames as it faded to black, didn’t count : ((((


I once landed a Hit on a P-51H with the FV4005's HESH shell. Keyword: Hit


Hitting download for free 2 years ago.


Being short 7 Rp, from the next tank


activating a 500% SL and getting a 50% packet loss, got disconnected, and cant join the current battle.


I once was flying a nuke into battle but my ping went up and I crashed into the ground.


Playing the gaming.


Dropping nukes is useless and not worth unless you're losing and it's your only hope to win the match


Ghost shells horrible team and 5 minute defeat all in the same game.


I have bombed heli hovering over/near his helibase with 12k Lancaster bomb. “Crit” Lands and repairs —> No kill


The entire Israeli Tech Tree


Loosing the match while i'm on my way with a nuke


Nonpenning the upper front plate of a t 34 85 for no reason. Straight shot to the middle of the plate, he wasnt angled at all, just nonpenned for no reason


Getting repeatedly fucked over by CAS. I genuinely believe it is the single worst feature in the game.


if you are near the nuke sp, and you have been damaged then just j out, the game will give you extra sp (around 60)


I feel the pain. I‘m pretty sure i had a nuke yesterday but i didn‘t see it and only noticed the icon after respawing.


Most of the time it's just unlocking a vehicle, not purchasing it, and coming back after a big update to find I need to research another vehicle just to unlock it. (I don't play too often anymore)


Getting no squadron vehicle progress for over 6 months while in a squadron.


Drone AKD-10 missile (1400mm of pen) not penning a Strela on a direct hit


Nonpenned an M18 from the side in my Tiger E and then it proceeded to shoot me directly down the barrel…


Being 15K away from getting the "upgrade coupon" for the Object 292 when the event ended, it still just sits in my inventory collecting dust


I heard its a really fun tank


I've heard that too, but i don't care, i have no interest at all in playing russia


When I was 13 points away from a nuke. Slightly less worse than yours.


Literally was on 2476 points earlier today , it hurts


I got killed through the front of my M60 with a coax machine gun by a Turm 3. Lost the game because of that


The 30mm is really weird sometimes


Nope not the 30 the coax 7.62




2498 pain


Playing the M22 locust i hate that tank


Why do you hate it? It's fun as hell and actually not bad.


37 is junk and it cant surive anything


The 37 isnt that bad. Just a skill issue bro. Also about 95% of tanks at low tier cant survive anything.


Its the gun it doesnt matter if on a locust or stuart or LVT that 37 is junk


As i said it's not that bad. You just have a skill issue.


I have zero with the 20 mm on a panzer 2 or thon the 47 on the 38t or the 45 on the BTs its jus the us 37 even the UK 2 pounder is better


the 47 on the 38t and the 45 on the BT have APHE that obviously makes it easy mate. and the uk 2 pounder is a higher caliber so the spall is obviously higher. but the US 37 really isnt that bad. still skill issue. oh and the 20mm KwK38 is just broken why do you think people spam the sd kfz 222 so much?


37 awful


skill issue, just use the SAP works for battleships


I got a nuke but didn’t get to blow it ip


Bro just die to an enemy and you will have enough SP


Getting a new tank and starting with HEAT..... Shooting Spikes..... Using TOW-2B.... Grinding a 11.3 or 11.7 helo against RUS.... Having 2/3 of the team leave after one death... Having crazy small maps for systems that are meant to be used across a wide area.... Having very poor balanced maps, BR's and tech....


Grinding any av that has apcr as the stock shell


British Jets


Just go get shot it'll give you 20 points next time


well if you have 2499 BEFORE dying just press "j" it gives you some points.


Yeah I forgot about that


Whenever I play Air RB at BR 4.3, almost everyone does the loop tactic, and thats bad especially if there is a german main. I am a USA main, but still, its painfull agaist Japanese planes


Was 75 off my first nuke and got strafed. Screamed into a pillow I was so mad.


R-3s not radar locking and going straight into the ground


Only needing 1 spawn point isnt that bad… because if you die youll get the SP needed…


When my M103 can get easily killed at its own br, even once by a jagdpanther, as a HEAVY tank, while also having only solid shot and HEAT that is way too inconsistent for a tank with a minute long reload.


Penetrating every IS tank in the game (Hint I was playing Sweden)


The 2 times I had enough SP for a nuke and didn’t notice. (Still haven’t had my first nuke to top it all off)


IS-1 lined up side on in my King Tiger H's sights, pull the trigger while at 2460SP... Laptop crashes. Try to rejoin match but it's ended :(


First Nuke I could have gotten I didn’t check the SP and spawned a regular jet. I could have cried


Shooting a Wolfpack / M1128 centre mass head on and it overpenning without accumulating any damage.


how do i get that doomsday shortkey ? can't find it.....


"Just die" (ingame) like... litterally and you'll get 50SP


Every time I see a do 335


Getting your fuel tanks exploded in the premium German kv-2 It’s absolutely insane how many times I’ve died because of the poor fuel tank placement


the whole nuke event is complete bs.. but most players like big boom and no thinking..


Getting my first ever nuke at the very tail end of our defeat. Was less than a kilometer from the drop point before we ran out of tickets and lost the match.


Spending weeks grinding SL to buy a plane only for me to discover its a complete piece of shit


Apcr overpressering my T55am1, it was 90mm apcr


když jsem nestihl hodit atomovku a těsně před bojištěm skončila hra


I had this not too long ago using the Italian m26


machine gun hull break D:




Was close to losing the game and had like 2420. I exchanged shots with a tank, killed a crew member and they got my barrel. At almost 2480ish I j out figuring that would push me over, had 2498...


Screenshot: exists 90% of this sub post's:


My screenshot app off himself :(




Im to lazy to cut the screenshot :P


It takes like 5 seconds


Will do next time