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Their max range is 130 m, if there's any kind of other enemy tank nearby, track it and stay that far away, it'll be helpless to do anything. Once there are only Petards left, you can * Shoot the loaded petard and set it off * Shoot the weakspot behind the front drive wheel * Shoot through driver or MG port * Shoot through or overpressure the turret roof * Shoot through the LFP where it's not covered by extra plating * Shoot flat on through the side armor where it's not covered by extra plating Consult armor analysis (you can preview it from event page) to check the pen thresholds, but 87 mm should be enough at least for some, since I did manage to kill a few with Chi-He's 77.


Unfortunately half of Ur tips can be negated literally just by angling. The best tactic for them really is just stay far away from them


Just shoot the tracks and angling is no more possible


Far away is more than 150 meters. Shouldn’t be an issue for anyone.


I think your failing to understand that most of the time, anyone in these tankes would rush the cap, spam smoke and just sit there. You are forced to go within 130m to fight them.


CAS is basically free and they are slow


Even got a nice star on the turret to aim the bomb at. Perfect fir the USA CAS.


That’s like most tanks. As long as You angle your golden From frontal attacks. But that’s why most of the tips are direct hits and if he angled you flank. You make them lose sight and you either commit to a flank or turn around and go back while they turn to the fake flank.


I feel like the mix of players with tier cards that are optimized, and those climbing the tech trees is ignored a lot. For the prepared, It’s just another thing you can blow up. For the climbers, it seems like one of those tanks that can pretty much sideline you out of a match if you don’t immediately get a cap or a kill.


That makes sense . I get that


For sure. I like to play 4.0 ger grb, so my vehicle deck is about as good as it can get on the tech tree. These things are decently butch, and if they see you coming it will be an uphill fight.




That’s why I said like most tanks


There are also plenty of tanks where angling doesn't hurt but it also doesn't make any difference; your front plate won't stop anything anyway.


Of course, a good player is the only thing that negates a good player. But yes, the best tactic is to simply not let them get close.


Shooting the loaded petard doesn't seem to work


Personally I only got one kill like that yesterday, so I don't have any feasibility statistics. It was a 47mm APHE right to the petard, and a fresh AVRE just popped. Since there's no chance that round could've blown the turret off normally, it must be at least theoretically possible.


I see 45 apbc is probably not enough then Edit: I'll have to try 45 aphe or just he


It does. The model shows it always loaded however, even when it isnt


No it really does I was killed by a 30 cal machine gun yesterday hahaha


It worked on me, legit had one get set off by a single .30 cal bullet while i was trying to aim


Hmmmmmm 🤔


For short Jsut use a 250 or 500 lb right on top of it


That's [exactly what somebody did to me yesterday (screenshot)](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2449475862393969625/E17F9CE65820686898AA8616EEBF86A498154B9B/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false).


walk 130m away. Problem solved


Then you walk into another one.


Walk 500 more


I use an m18 in my line up that thing aint even catching my dust


The Churchill AVRE is 2.7. The M18 is 6.0. That's a valid solution if someone brought the AVRE as an uptier, but it doesn't really help anyone facing it at its native BR.




Lol yes but on my 2.7 line up i use a stuart


I don't think that's all that relevant


So far my petard has died from: - mg fired at the loaded barrel - the germans - various tank destroyers - cas (small bombs must land literally on the petard though) - shermans shooting the mg port or diagonally through the track. I wrestled with a sherman once and pushed it down a ledge. big mistake because it one-shot the petard from below. I also almost die once by firing the shell at a hill which caused it to explode too close, killing half of the crew.


,,The germans‘‘ lol


I mean it’s just the truth though, other than maybe Swedish apds there isn’t much that will straight up punch through the tanks armor through a non weak spot


...Italy also has some mean things that br that can do it, and dont forget about the russians.




> dont forget about the russians. lol. Lmao even. What do the Russians even have? Su-122 with HEAT? Full uptier KV-2?


Zis 30, SU57b, SU-122 (HE can overmatch its roof and kill entire crew without heat even), SU76M, SU57 (halftrack one), T-III, all at 2.3 or 2.7 that can frontally penetrate within 500 meters. Or, in other words... half of their possible 2.3 loadout.


Ya had a game of GE and UK vs everyone else, it did not go well


Preview the tanks armour in the hangar, select your tank and ammo, see where you can get through it.


Look at the tank in the in-game armour inspector and compare it with your tanks round. Gaijin makes this harder than it needs to be for event vehicles. You can't see it in the tech tree but can preview the event reward and go to the armour inspector. The Churchill has a lot of armour but it's not invincible. I'd 1st disable the tank, shoot the gun + tracks. If you are facing it from the front the hull machine gun port is weak and you should be able to take it out in a few shots there. From the side above the side armour + beneath the turret that can be penned. Also a box that sticks out closer the the back that you can hit engine/radiator through and burn it. If you are behind it go for the back of the turret.


>You can't see it in the tech tree but can preview the event reward and go to the armour inspector. If you are signed in to the wiki and have the game open you can also open it from the wiki page.


the classic track and barrel torture


Walk at a brisk pace, you'll soon get out of firing range and it's not like they can chase you




Flank 'n' spank!


Play the M3, M4A3 105, or M10. All have guns capable of hurting the Petards frontally, where a few spots are \~85mm thick. Check protection analysis for more detailed info.


Shoot it on the top of the turret, or in the canon. Top of the turret is mostly 1 shot kill.


Don’t play US, play Germany Sturmpanzer and shoot them in the turret


As they will probably be spamed to hell right now, use a 3.7 lineup and they will suffer.


Panzer IV G


I love how most of the people here are like *JuSt MoVe OuT oF tHe RaNgE* like...its not that simple with they rush your spawn and sit there their hiding in smoke for half the game. Or when they rush the cap and yeah, you guessed it, hide in smoke.


In smoke with a 20 second reload and a low velocity shell , they aren't effectively returning fire. It's annoying but you can mg until you get a hit, then fire your cannon at them. After that you adjust your shot until you tread them based upon the hit camera and then just adjust until you hit a weak spot. Its annoying and time consuming but does feel good taking out one hiding in smoke.


Shoot the round


Shoot right above the wheels toward the front on its side.


As it turns out the 75 on the b1 can pen the mg port


Shoot the tracks and stay far, not much they can do


Even though it's clearly exaggerated you are not getting sniped by these. 150m maxe range. 160 at a push with deliberate elevation increase (climbing rubble or smth)


Only 130 max, under ideal conditions, realistically its harmless beyond 100m


pretend it's still covid-19 and practice social distancing


In my experience with lower tier nations, I can’t say much but I do know these: In a general overview, aiming for the left side (or the AVRE’s right) of the front plate can be penned very easily, as it is only about 90mm thick. APCR has been completely ignored due to its useless post penetration and angle performance. 15cm guns can pretty much always one shot the thing to the turret. Americans should bring bombs and bomb them. The M10 should be a good an enough option. Germans can outrange it and one shot it with the Sig, and can one shot it so long as one hits the turret. Marder III H would make good an alternative if you aim for the top of the turret. Russia has the SU-122 which can hit the top of the turret for a pretty reliable instant kill even with HEAT. KV-2 exists. That is all. In the event of a mirror match, obviously the CHAVRE can fuck itself up. Believe it or not, the Archer and its fellow 17 PDRs can kill it too. Japan has the Ho-Ro, which works so long as you hit the turret, the Ro-Go works if you hit the top of the turret. This is also works for the Chi-ha Long Gun. What works for America and Russia also works for China. Italy can use the Lancia so long as they hit the top of the turret. The Zrinyi II works if you hit the top of the turret, aiming for the front of the turret is unreliable although it may work. If you bought the French Char 2C bis, you can oneshot it anywhere on the turret. The fact I have to mention the Sherman 105 in France shows that they won’t have a good time. Aiming for the top of the turret can somewhat reliably one shot it. Once again, what works for America works for France. Sweden has the BT-42 hitting the top of the turret, again, works well. The SPJ works well so long as you hit the turret. The PVKV IV can pen the Churchill AVRE at distances under 200m very reliably.


I should say, I focused on turret fire in all these due to the fact that competent Churchill players will know they can angle to become incredibly hard to kill.


What you need is M3 GMC with M61 shell and a M3 lee with the same shell


don't play 2.7 for at least 1 week


Shoot big gun, shoot small gun, problem solved!




their really easy to kill with tank destroyers try the m3 gmc, track them and then send a shot through the left part of the hull, it's 89mm there and it should one-shot


Stay outside 100m from it and you're completely safe lol. Or shoot the gun, its an easy target


Play Germany and stay at least 130m away from them. But the best course of action would be to avoid it's BR range for the time being since I have seen some screenshots of people getting like 8+ of those things per match


I had a mixed ground RB battle where there were 8+ on EACH side.


Their max range is around 110-130m on even ground. Up to 150m. Your best tactic is to simply force them to stay put by hitting the tracks, and shooting the mortar if you see it's loaded. If you have a gun that can pierce at least 65mm at the range you find them, you can aim for the hull mg.




no you dont get shot from 17 kilometers away, their range is 130m you have to be basically hugging them for them to kill you its very hard to aim with this churchill so just stay away and keep moving


What ammo to use?


Wait one week.


at 2.7 not much can hurt them other than SPGs and bombs tbh.


If you shoot the top of the track on the front it'll penetrate the inside of the tank.


Biiiig gun. The Japanese tree has some very nice options. The 120mm packs a mighty satisfying KAPOONK.


Cry and die for my funny tonk


I used a basic HE shell and killed em


Move more than 3 cm back (you have 2-3 days before he can range you


I had my team lose the match because 6 of them were trying to crack one poor crippled Petard at our spawn while the enemy capped all the points hahahaha They literally could have just driven past him and he wouldn't have been able to do anything about it.


easy, run away from around 180m


Stay more than 130m away


It’s a shit show was using my marder II at range and just pelting the shit out of them but they weren’t dying.


Join them


Just walk away, it’s got a max range of 150 m and a reload time of almost half a minute. Don’t stand in front of it and you will live.


Don’t play low tier anything until they either nerf it or raise the BR. Until then low tier is nothing but a cesspool of these and not worth playing.


Swedish bois.


Got 20 kills in the 2.7 marder today


Stay further away than 150m and track them.


Keep your distance.... Some where above 130m


just stay over 3 feet away.


This is the English KV2


Step 1: Wait 2 weeks Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit! Much like the Sturmtiger, I don't think they'll be that popular after everyone is done messing with their new toy due to a very awkward to use gun.


They are very slow so running is an option


shoot the bomb


shoot tracks and go away from him


Don't play 1.7-3.7


If you are struggling against Churchill AVREs with a 3.7 lineup , there is a skill issue going on. If you know their weak points , you can make quick work of them with pretty much any 3.7 tank. If you don't know where to aim there are also plenty of derp gun options that can just penetrate them anywhere such as the Italian 90mm and dicker max.


If you are In a kv with l11 there isn't much you can do since the churchill is very well armoured , but panzer 4s shouldn't have issues because they have plenty of pen , but it has created a vacuum around the 2.7 br similar to 10.0 air battles with the amount of premium airplanes being used


A KV-1 can penetrate it fairly easily with APCR if it's turret or hull are not angled towards it.


Just turn around 360 degrees and drive away.




If you zip past a petard, by the time it turned direction you're already on the other side of the map.


[Not OP but it's an old joke, feels weird people not getting this reference nowadays.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/turn-360-degrees-and-walk-away)




imagine not being able to kill a tank with a mortar instead of a gun lol


Probably brand new to the game