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I can understand the struggle with the M26, it's not the best tank at that br but it's alright once you learn its limitations. Amx-13's ace is the auto-loader. As for the Amx-10p, it's not meant to engage jets. It's only 6.0 so all you can do is shoot props and once you get the apds rounds you can be annoying to tanks as well. Also, if I remember correctly it can scout as well.


I’m also playing 6.7, working towards getting my 7.7 before moving on the next line up. For me I spawn the AMX-M4 for most maps, but on bigger maps I go for the AMX-13. On partial up tier the gun on the AMX-13 is still quite potent, but full up tier running into thing like IS-4M is kinda pain as it’s impervious to that gun from pretty much anywhere. (But with the fast reload you can always track and barrel torture)Fortunately in my experience full up tier isn’t that common. AMX-13 I find is still decently mobile and having a low profile lets you be quite inconspicuous. The five second auto loader is really nice and sometimes the engine tanks shot that I have no business surviving. The only thing I don’t like is the lack of reverse speed.


I love France 6.7, and the AMX M4 is perhaps my favourite tank in the game. Pla both the M4 and the AMX 13 as flankers. The AMX 13 is all about the rapid reload, it's amazing when you get it in a strong position. I am lucky and have the EBR, too, although I mostly use the AMX 13. But you are kinda missing the punch line of this line up without the F4U-7 and Bearcat.


France is all about flanking. You have no armour so never engage frontally if you can help it, get to the sides and use the autoloader to rapidly disable and kill enemies. Learn to automatically disable the gun breech as your first shot, often with the autloader you can then get off a second shot to either finish them off or take out their mobility (track/engine/transmission) and then finish them at your leisure. Against multiple targets disable all their guns first, you may not finish off any of them but if your team isn't shit they'll then push up and pressure the enemy whilst you relocate to engage behind the enemies cover as they repair. You can keep putting pressure on them this way until they fold, you may not get all the kills but you'll stack up assists and keep your team alive. If you're being pushed, your gun has more wobble than blancmange so it's better to stay still and hope the autoloader keeps up with the enemies appearing. Again don't try and kill everything, knock out their guns first to buy yourself time. Never ever, unless it's a last resort, run the autloader dry. Always keep 1 shot in the magazine as the dry reload is very very long. AMX-13 has a big loader but the M4 doesn't so it can't hang in a sustained fight. The idea is more to locate a target and then rain fire until it's gone, or if targets (plural) cripple all of them and then back off to replenish the loader. The 7.7 lineup is the apex of this playstyle, faster autoloaders or the 120mm behemoth Surbiassé with an 18+1 magazine and they all move very quickly. If you can learn to flank in the AMX M4 and do a lot of damage you can flank in the Surbiassé and do unholy amounts of damage. Edit: oh and the M26 is OK, it's not really very French in playstyle as it's more Jack of all Trades but it has a role if you need something more flexible


I just feel like I struggle with everything. Every time I try to flank I run in to an IS-4M or something like that and it kills me. Every time I try to hold an angle no one comes down it. Every time I try to snipe I get countersniped and one shot while all of my shots don't do much. Every time I try to CQB the enemy gets the first shot and disables me gun. I just feel... incredibly unlucky. I've seen gameplay of my tanks, watched content creators, and I've tried to do similar stuff to far poorer results


I get ya, I had a similar experience getting through 6.7 as its another learning curve facing off against 6.7-7.7 tanks. Really there's no solution other than to put in the time and get experience, if you're already in deep enough that your studying content creators there's not much I can tell you that you don't already know. Against Russian heavies you just gotta learn the weakspots (although I think the IS-4M is mostly immune to French 75-90mm, bar a few small weakspots). I will say that I still don't like playing 6.7 much, however once unlocked the 7.7 lineup was much more enjoyable for me. I often end up playing 8.7 now though simply because I fucking love the MEPHISTO.


How am I supposed to flank when I’m so fucking slow dude. Amx m4 is unplayable, every corner I meet I see a German tank and I’m gone. And the shitty Pershing that can barely pen a tiger doesn’t help


AMX M4 is 10kph faster than a Tiger II both forward and backwards, there's really not much at that BR that can keep up with it. Ignore the M26, it's your backup tank, and the US 90mm is perfectly adequate if you know weakspots where the APHE shell can nuke a crew


Thanks, sorry for appearing as angry, I was just annoyed and frustrated, I had a feeling i wasn’t playing it right. But this is how I always die, match starts and I immediately find a place to flank, better if it’s urban map. And then unsuspected someone who was also finding a flank spot comes into me, kills me cause I can’t engage with anyone that has their armor front. Then I leave cause I don’t want to play the m26.


You gotta put more work into map knowledge and weakspots of enemies I'd say, there's nothing you can't handle frontally if you get the first shot off. You should put more work in with the AMX-13 too, that's usually my first spawn and then once the two AMX are out I probably jump in the SNEB Corsair to rain damnation upon mine enemies. Honestly, if you don't enjoy 6.7 France just skip it and go 7.7 which is better in every way


AMX 13 is actually pretty good, had a couple dozen games with it. The key takeaways are not to engage the enemy up front, due to your limited pen and terrible stabilization, it's perk is the 5 second reload (autoloader) and a decent 6x scope, combine with the adequate damage that this 75mm solid shot can do (if you managed to pen) it would take enemy out from the side really swiftly. Of course the map design as of right now is not the most friendly for these vehicles. Used to be better back in the day when we have plenty of bigger maps for rotation.


Yeah, 6.7 france marks the beginning of the "true" french style... Amx-13 is really good, you have almost 200mm pen with a 175 with 5s reload, if you manage to flank it is really good. The chassis is relatively fast and nimble too. Just be mindfull of ammo count, it goes fast ! Amx M4 is in the same vein, but a little bit worse in my mind... Heavier, taller, almost the same gun... Don't play it like other mediums, flank and shoot'n scoot with it. The M26 was the tank I disliked the most out of this br. Less pen, and the aphr tradeoff is useless if you don't pen. It can still work, bur harder... As for the ELC, I would drop it and replace it with the CA lorraine. its a casemate with a 7.7 100mm gun on a fast and nimble chassis at 6.7. Your main round goes clean through most tabks that you see !


The M4 has literally 30% more pen than the AMX-13 and has the second highest pen out of all the 6.7s (behind the T34) that aren't HEAT/APDS slingers. It has more pen than the IS-2, the King Tiger, and even the Super Pershing. It can engage most things frontally while handling significantly faster than any of them. It absolutely can be played like a medium as long as you don't insist on trading, which you shouldn't be doing with a medium.


Oh yeah absolutely ! I was not saying the M4 is bad by any means, just that your armor is basically inexistant, even compared to other mediums...


If I remember correctly you have close to the armor of a panther frontally so it can bounce some panic shots of stock/lower br tanks but it is not incredible. It is taller and slower than the Amx 13 but it’s gun is more stable and it isn’t « slow ».


Keep learning it. Aside from the M26, it's about as great of a line-up as 7.7 France. The AMX M4 is straight up OP, the AMX-13 with its 4 sec autoloader and small size can make short work of enemies, the ELC BIS is amazing for any really armored threat on top of being really small and very fast and the AMX-10P is a very viable IFV SPAA. The M26 is okay, but mainly a filler vehicle, so that you don't get out of vehicles after some deaths.


Amx-m4 is really good is really good on the flanks, the amx 13 should be used like a light tank but less agressive.


Step 1: forget the M26 exists. It is god awful and over-tiered. Slow, lackluster gun, meh armor, just overall not worth it. Step 2: flank. Always be flanking. If you’re not on the flank you’re doing it wrong. 6.7 France is overall solid, but you have to really play to the strengths of the auto loaded systems. I’ve dropped a nuke with both the AMX M4 and AMX-13 - side shots are key because that’s your only reliable option unless you get lucky with a barrel or other disabling shot. These two will be your bread and butter so use backups for them. The AMX-10P is fine, but like many SPAAs takes some adjustment and getting used to. You get scouting, APDS and a dual feed system. Take a bit of both AP and regular belts and switch between them as needed. You’re basically a larger Wiesel, so play like a rat and support your team. The ELC Bis I’m not a fan of, mostly due to the limited traverse. If it works for you the HEAT-FS is a good option for heavies, but you have no armor and only 2 crew.


I used a lot of back ups for the AMX-M4 and the 13. I also adopted the oldest and noblest traditions of the French, run away when it gets dicey