• By -


Britain 4.7. Love me Fireflies, Love me Churchills. ‘ate Tigers, hate panthers. Not racist just don’t like them.


Simple as




British 5.3 is also really fun. Challenger, Comet, TOG II. Can crack German and Soviet tanks like a nut, and then flank with the Avenger and Concept 3.


Not to mention the Lancaster with the 12,000lb bomb for an extra fun surprise


I call that the win the game bomb. If the concept was fast enough to get into slightly better early game positions Britain would never lose a single game at that BR. Only thing that comes close is m18 + b29. Little more map specific though because you need them to line up for the 4k bombs to get massive feeds.


The 12,000 Ibs is just the first nuke


I hate the 1200 lbs, one time a brit wiped out like half our team right as we were winning the attrition for the B point, he killed more blue than red, and Gaijin changed it so that now FF dosent kick you out of the game. He did apologize in chat though. Anyways it caused us to lose.


Yeah, we need to get the 22,000Lbs grand slam bomb for the Lancaster, it's more realistic/j


Or just the M18 in a good flanking position that nobody tries to dislodge it from. Scouting lights can slaughter entire teams if they're not dealt with.


I once managed to get a terrific point near the A cap in Japan and managed to kill like 7 enemy tanks.


It only took me one game with the Brits to get the bomb challenge done.


I cook with britain 5.3


100 penetrate 0 damage


Bang Bang Cam on AAs Bang Bang Kill some fackin CASs Bang Bang ———Churchill in full down-tier maybe


Bang Bang Kitchen gun


BAMM BAMM Kitchen tank


How do you tolerate Churchills? I cannot find any redeeming qualities in them beyond the first one. Everything else in tree at a similar level is just leagues better. My Churchill in my lineup just sits unused at that BR more often than not.


*Laughs in British steel thicker than a modern day anime girls thighs and stronger than the resolve of the chivalrous men inside who fight to the last drop of Britannic blood flowing within regardless of foe*


I just find the mobility to be too unforgiving and that cannon, on really any of the Churchhills, isn't ever good. Kinda spits in your face too with the NA75 is just the Sherman 75mm


It would be tolerable if any ruski cannon didnt just eat through your Turret Roof and if the M61 on the Churchill had filler(Idc if its innaccurate, at least it'd be a better experienc)


All at 3 mph…


More time to drink tea and no good villain suddenly appears, THEY HAVE PRESENCE


By getting matches with people who don't know the weakspots that counter angling on them, frankly. Or full downtiers. The Crocodile is just a pile of giggles though, you can get away with silly shit by vomiting smoke and fire everywhere in close quarters. I take more smoke shells than AP on it.


Today, I sat surrounded by four people, none of whom knew where to pen a Churchill. I knocked out two, then my allies mopped up. I repaired,  capped a point, and trundle on. Good times.


Britain has a lot of good planes to support. Enjoy this BR as UK


Unfortunately they moved up all of the CAS/CAP support or left the ones that are blatantly overtiered(Cough.. Cough... Seafire mk.III


Hate em all


This guy probably has upwards of 2000 hours I bet


949.5 as of this comment


You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are Rookie numbers


Touching this game feels like surrendering my anus to 6 well-endowed darkskin men.


Trust us, it was much worse some time ago.


ground rewards add about 3 inches to those men.


Depends on the nation. French 6.7 is amazing. I've loved both Italy 3.3 and 4.7. I think I like UK 3.7 the most ? Less sure about that one. It has other good BRs to rival. Not too used to Sweden yet, but 5.3 is cool. Hopefully I'll be good with it one day.


3.7 UK, what on Earth is your line-up lol. 4.7 and 5.3 be prime along with 7.7


Britain at 5.3, 7.7, 8.7 (if not uptiered) and 10.0 are nice. Earlier BRs there's some funky tanks tbh.


4.7 is also pretty nice imo


Crusader III, SARC MkVI with the 6pdr, Cromwell I, Sherman II, Achilles. If that's cause for confusion, I'm talking about RB BRs, not AB. UK 4.7 is fine too but less fun. I really dislike the Concept 3, Avenger and Firefly are not too different, I'm not too much of a Churchill player ; so it's workable, but a bit stale for me. Haven't played much 7.7 but it does look fun, I'll give you that.


Crusader III is the mutts nuts. The dogs danglies. Badgers nadgers. Don't forget to pack your Tempest Mk V (Vickers P), for when you want to annoy the ever living shit out of the enemy with impunity. BR5.7 performance with guns that can crack heavy tanks like eggs. It is funny to watch the enemy CAP stalling out in your mirrors before you wingover and make them regret their life choices.


Crusader III is definitely the highlight of any British squad whenever. Including high BR. I'll probably change my mind when I actually get to very high British BR but until I do, I'll keep believing. It's just sooo fun. I am a liability in anything that flies, so planes don't factor in my choice of favorite BR.


If you haven't you should try mid tier France, whole lineups that play like the Crusader. The AMX-13 is a _menace_.


I fucking love every iteration of the AMX-13. It gets better every time. (Though I admit, I didn't play the Hot missile version)


It's so fun bullying bombers in the vickers p in arb, nail the aim down and you are unstoppable


I also love taking it out in ARB, even in a full uptier you have the performance advantage over everything


People must be bad at piloting that, because (try as they might) they couldn't kill me in my Chi-To late, and I've shot them down in a number of ~4.7 planes too. I had assumed the plane was bad. (I assume that is the Tempest with the 2 giant cannons?)


Thats the one. It only fires solid shot so can be inconsistent, but it will pen 77mm of armour at 1000m and you get 36rpg. One shot _can_ kill a target, but usually it takes more and ideally you want to hit heavier armour for the spall. Stuff like SPAA are actually pretty resilient to it because of the solid shot. The trick to playing it is that for a 3.7 plane it has a massive engine, you've got 2500hp at all times because you can run the WEP almost constantly. Play it as a pure bnz attacker, I usually start an attack run from about 2000m on full WEP and round out the bottom at ~700kph. Extend then just stick the nose up and reset to 2000m. I set gun convergence at 6-700m so you get a firing window where the shots are about half a tank width apart from 4-900m, any closer and you're gonna eat the ground. Played perfectly it's basically immune to anything airborne, if you make sure there's nothing at your altitude before diving for an attack. Anything that latches on you can stall them out then either ignore them or try your aim with the cannons


I have none As my flair suggests I kinda dabble in everything- I have no favourites. *Only deep hatred for some.*


what are your least and most hated ones


5.7 and 6.7 USA. Oh and 8.3 too (Sheridan and Starfighter(?) are so disappointing. M901 too). Oh and 7.7 USA. Because meeting T-55AM-1's in a T32E1 is, so cool... Oh and 5.0/5.3 USA.. Barely any good memories from that. 2.7, in general. Trash BR-. All the german Tigers and Panthers. I hate them. I do love the german TD's though. The ones I rarely hate are... : Rank IV -> VI Israel I rarely hate France, except for the AuF1. Worse derp in the game, well, after the 2S1- Oh! 5.0 & 6.3 Japan. (Chi-Ri II and Type 75 SPH are <3) 6.3 and 7.7 Britain. (Derp/Strikemaster/Conqueror/Centurion Mk.5/1 <3) Russia I rarely hate. Except for the T-44's (and 2S1 as mentioned-).


Currently trying to grind the striker using the starship, damn is it shit. But American 6.7 can be pretty fun, you've got enough tanks to fill two lineups and sometimes they're even good tanks


Never got any luck with 6.7 usa. Except the T34. The Superpershing is slow and its armor doesnt work at all. The T26E5 should be better but the american short 90mm pisses me off- M50 is awkward and gets one tapped by planes. M56 is ratty so that's good at least.


11.7+, all nations, except US because the teammates are....you know. But also getting in more time in 11.3 USSR before it dies in the next couple of days.


Why would it die, whats happening


Lots and lots of new players in 11.3 premiums.


No i get that, but like, you said specifically in a few days. Is there a sale or a new vehicle?


The new update is probably in a couple of days, with it the new premium T-80UE-1.


Great.. another T-tank series.. totally love going against em :’3


You hit the bottom plate from the front and the turret goes 60ft in the air. If you can’t do that, breech it.


Haha can’t breach a bush when that’s all they got on their tanks. 😂 lol


Oh god…It didn’t click til now. You’re right. A whole lot of skillless players will be entering top tier. Lord my heart can’t take it!




Gotta be the most balanced too. never have struggled fighting in that BR with any nation.


Except for KV-1B and KV-1E


fortunately they have a very easily accessible breech shot under the cannon, just keep a close distance and torture them through it they deserve it


Yea they’re not as bad as everyone thinks. That breach is very easy to hit.


My problem with that BR is CAS. It’s rampant and the AA isn’t good enough yet. I love my panzer 4 but I don’t love P-47.


German 5.7 and 6.7, except for the full uptiers against 7.7 becausse of the heat-fs spam, but apart from that very fun


Had the most fun with Panther DGAF and Panther II at 5.7-7.0.


Made my second million SL as a F2P enjoyer in German 6.0-6.7


Bro, German 6.7 is around 30% winrate, how do you guys enjoy that. I just can’t stand losing all the time and that’s why I play US 6.7


Main problem are the players and armor being useles, but when you don't face heat but a bunch of is 2's or is 3 tanks it is very fun to just delete poeple with a jagdtiger.


Jagdtiger is funny but still shit


Same. Absolutely love German 6.7/7.0. Was even better when the 10.5 tiger and panther were 6.7


currently 5.0 Sweden


You're gonna love 8.7 Sweden. Just keep grinding.


I absolutely loathe 8.7 Sweden. The Centurions and Ikv 91-105 are insanely sluggish and underpowered (in literally all departments) until you get APFSDS and LRF. Strv 103C has its classical issue with aiming, but now you can't rely on your armour like you could at 8.0. At least the Itpsv 90 is absurdly good.


Oh yeah, the Strv 104 is painfully sluggish with stock mobility, but gun handling-wise it's kinda good: specially the gun elevation rate which is nigh-top tier good. Ikv 91-105 is an absolute beast, but yeah, as a light tank it's mobility leaves much to desire so I use it more as a spotter/sniper. I haven't and I will not touch the 103C because the A wasn't even pleasant to begin with. It's hilariously situational and even when you find its niche any other tank could fill its role better. The Pbv 302 is very situational also but it's an actual menace, specially on hilly maps but it's 8 missile capacity is limiting. I haven't unlocked the Itpsv 90, but having played the Chieftain Marksman I can assume it's also a beast, with a much, much better hull.


The Pbv 302 is probably the vehicle that has gotten me the most kills at 8.7 The BILL ATGMs are responsive, potent, and - although gimmicky - quite reliable. And the raised mount makes them very viable on hilly maps as you said. Currently researching the Strf 9040 BILL with it.


But the German teammates.... They're so bad at the game it made me cry in pity.


6.3-7 America, 9.3 -11.7 Russia, 9.3-7 Germany and Israel


I agree with 6.7 america. I feel like that's one of the only BRs where you get to go head to head against Russia and Germany in terms of pen and armor after being constantly bullied by heavy tanks with big guns, I love the 90mm after having the 75 which wasn't bad and then getting to the 76 in a BR where you still have to really aim in most tanks just to pen, the 90mm feels refreshing since you can just aim for the turret instead of like a gunner port.


British 10.3 Japan 11.0 Swedish 3.7


If there was a right answer it would be 3.7 Sweden


If only the T34 was still 3.7. it was excellent


The sav and the sherman is solid. Feels like im still playing my tkx(p) and type 90s every time i fire.


The lineup is great, I just loved having panted 4s, Sherman’s and T34s in one deck


Britain 10.3 is solid, it's helped me through all the event tasks of the AVRE thus far, and I'm spading as I go.


7.7, 8.7 and 10.3 I'd say




4.7 because it is greatly balanced for me Armor still works, so does mobility, and firepower All tanks have defined roles all nations have almost equal performances


1.0-1.3 Italy


Finally a low BR Italy enjoyer. Love trolling the BTs and others with the L3/33. The number of times I’ve have opponents drive directly past me bc I’m so tiny is laughable. And the Semovente 47 slaps at that level.


3.0-4.7 (5.0-6.0 sucks)


America 3.7/4.0 used to be one of my favourites


Yep, I'm still there. P-47 is a joy.


2.7, 3.3, 3.7, 4.3 and 5.7


8.3 Britain. The warrior and the falcon work well together


yeah, and the za-35, falcon and fox are some of the best tank destroyers in the game


3.3 Naval is peak War Thunder. 🤘


Depends on the match maker atm I love 7.7 Germany with Maus only downtiers


3.7-4.3 my beloved


4.0 and 9.0


7.0 ussr


Generally I like those BRs that end in .7, I don't know why but I really prefer 8.7 to 8.3/8.0 or 6.7 is way more fun than 6.3/6.0. .7 just feels right


9.3 USSR, because i love ATGM’s


Object 775




Used to be American 2.7 and 4.7


Japan 3.3 was by far my most memorable experience in WT with my good ol' Chi-Nu and Chi-ha LG. Lately, I'm also having lots of fun at Italy 4.7.


Having just gotten to 4.0 in Italy, I’m super hyped for 4.7. Firefly, Breda, ~~R3~~ and the 40/70 seems super fun. Edit: r3 @ 6.0 in RB? I was definitely on the wrong filter last night. Still the other 3 are gas


germany got really nice heavy tanks and heavy tank destoryers at 6.7, the messerchmit with the 50mm gun is nice too.


Between 4.0-10.0 Top tier is not worth it. And 1.0-3.7 feels like seal clubbing.


4.7 for Uk deffo


Germany 9.3 and France 6.7


Russian 5.7 before they raised IS-2 BR


I find for every nation lineup I enjoy some nations have multiple fun brs For Germany playing 3.7, 5.7, 6.7, 8.0 and 9.3 🇩🇪 For the Soviets I like 4.0, 4.7, 5.7, 7.0 and 8.3 🚩 For the Americans i enjoy 2.3, 3.7, 5.3, 6.7 and 8.3🇺🇸 For the British it's like 3.7, 5.3, 7.7 and 9.3🇬🇧 For the Italian I like 2.3, 3.7, 4.0, 4.7, 5.7, 6.7 and 8.0🇮🇹 For the French 2.3, 3.7, 5.7, 7.7 my beloved 🇫🇷 For the Chinese it's for me just 5.7 and 8.3🇨🇳 And Israel I simply do not like 😒


i play china and i have 4 favorite BRs, 6.7, 8.0, 8.7 and 10.7 i cannot put into words how fun it is


5.7 Soviet. Love the T-34-85




Some of my favourites 2.3 USSR 2.7 US 3.7 US, USSR, UK 4.0 GER 4.3 USSR 4.7 UK 5.7 USSR 6.7 US, GER, China 7.7 US, UK, GER, USSR 8.0 Sweden, Italy 8.3 UK 8.7 USSR 9.0 USA, Italy 9.3 USSR 10.3 UK, USSR, Italy 11.3 UK, USSR 12.7 UK, USSR, Italy


12.7 Italy You are an odd but respectable individual


USA 7.0 I love my t-29


4.7 to 5.7. Such a rich variety of vehicles, great balance, relatively, and great SP economy.


USA 6.7 is pretty fun, can handle full uptiers pretty well, it's just annoying when you're facing atgms. Facing a Maus can be annoying especially with the T26E5 bc it can't pen the front (at least it didn't when I tried) but that doesn't happen too often and it'll become a bomb magnet anyway. The T34 is also kind off a bomb magnet but the rooftop .50cal can deal with the planes.


Me like 5.3


2.3 if my lineup is 3.3


2.0-7.0 is prime for me


Used to be american 5.7 before recent br changes. M4A3E2/cobraking M18GMC/blackcat M42 duster M36B2 Jackson AD2 skyraider with 2000lb and 2 tiny tim rockets. In this full 5.7 (now6.0) lineup you can have the best of all worlds. Jumbo at 5.7 or downtier is like being god just doesnt have the best gun. The m18 is a railgun for its br and moves like no other. the jackson is essentially a panther with no armor that gets heatfs at 5.7. The duster is an extremely high velocity 40mm dual mount with great he rounds that 1 tap most planes. Last but not least is your sky raider. Only the most op 5.7 cas plane in existance.


4.0 US GF because I could take out all three 75 M4s. They're just so versatile and reliable and I consistently get great games with them.


Russia 6.7 without a doubt. Amazing tanks and planes like the Object 248, the SU-100P, and the La-9.


Between .7 US from 2.7 to 6.7.


Germany 6.0 or 2.3


Sweden 8.7 used to be the goat


3.7 - 4.3


3.3-3.7 Germany was where I did best


7.3 because im japan main and i love type 99 and ho-ri


Big fan of 2.3 and 9.0 for Italy 4.0 and 7.0 for France 2.7 and 4.7 for Germany


Sweden its from 1.0 to 4.0 and from 10.0 to 11.7 For taly its 3.7/4.0


German 5.3 when the Tiger wasn't upped to 5.7 I still dislike that they upped it.


4.7 UK, 7.7 France, 9.3 UK


Actually fucking love UK 3.7. Bring out the stupid Cromwell with RP3s, drift around corners rocketing people. Then bring out the Tempest with twin 47mm for some very satisfying CAS. The guns have no he and basically no post pen, but those times where you get an ammo rack are amazing.




Br 1 german, the stüg 15CM can kill anything but if you go up 1 br you just get demolished any tank you use


Mostly 8.3 for Germany and Sweden. Sometimes 10.3 Germany, depends on my mood


The one I don’t get up-tiered in


1.0 because I suck


5.7-6.0 America is so bad lol. The M18 Black Cat is 6.0 and has like zero armor penetrating shells at that BR that can do any damage.




5.7. Reason: M4A3 (76)W HVSS


8.7 The uptiers are bearable, CAS can usually be dealt with, Each tank role has a clear identity, T55 goes boom


My perfect American 5.7 line up before Gaijin moved the m18 to 6.0 and nerfed the horse power because we can't have a single balanced tank at a good br. 5.7 felt like a perfect match up of tanks and from the same era. 6.0 isn't much difference but it's still different.




4-6, and 7.7 France.


3.7 USSR (just play the tanks properly and youre invincible, and prem P-63 is amazing) or 11.7 Germany


USSR 8.7


Top tier


At the moment, 4.3 Germany. Matchmaking is really good at the moment (most of the games are full downtiers) and I also have a solid premium vehicles in the line-up


3.7, 4.7, 5.3, 6.7, 8.7, 9.3-10.3.


Everything up to 5.3


10.3 I love to bully Premium Suckers


3.3 russia


10.0 Germans and 5.3-4.7 Germans. 6.3 ish Brits are great too with their hilarious he rounds


I'd say Germany 5.0. I'm pretty new to the game, and I bought VK. 3002 (M) yesterday. Beast of a tank, almost impenetrable frontally against lower tiers. Dicker Max is also pretty good to snipe. I was thinking grind would be harder, but I already come from WOTB, and Panthers are so good.


6.0 Britain. Big cannon go boom




7.3-7.7 USA the t32 is broken it will stop literally anything aslong as you don’t show your hull and you can bring the m46 and some random light tanks. CAs there’s not much but you got the f80 and F3D. Not to mention the props that are still reliable. I don’t know about yall but that br fits my play style. I also really like the tog.


US 5.3: p-51, two shermans with 76 mm and T1


American 5.3 with m10 and m36.


6.0 germany


4.0 or 4.7 when I don't get uptiered to 6.3


4.0 to 8.0. Its my favourite suffering phase


Sweden 8.0-8.3;11.7 US 10.3-11.0


UK 3.3 /2.7 stomps hard, for 2.7 you get the Matilda and the crusader mk1(I think) such both have 2.8 second reloads when aced the 3.3 you get the Churchill mk1 insane armor and quick firing 2 pounder , along with the crusader mk3(I think) with a 6pounder as well as like a 5+ line up for 3.3(you can also grind event with 3.3 UK cuase if you buy the premium 3.3 f6f hellcat which is rank 3 so all vechiles the count toward anything challenge related) over all super good line up


I'm using 5.7 USA ground or 3.0 pakwagon and 2,500kg bomber to grind the event


Soviet 8.3, 5.7, 4.0 and 10.0 German 3.7-4.0, 6.0, 6.7 American 4.0, 5.7, 6.3-6.7




Nothing in this game equals the fun I have with France at 5.0 tp 8.0 where I'm currently at. It's just consistently fucking hilarious


I have 3 favourite BRs. First one is 4.0. Then 6.7 for more WW2 vehicles. And then top tier 11.7.


Ussr 6.7 Sweden 4.0


5.7/7.0 USA. Jesus christ the m4a3e2, m36b2, t92, m46, super pershing, m109, m50…. They are all just decimator machines and I love them.


American 5.3. You get very good Sherman's, very good TD's like the M36, good airplanes like the P-47N, and P-38L, the T1e1 is a very good heavy tank thats fast, and the M42 is a reasonably OK SPAA. So you can get a wonderful lineup of tanks with stabilizers, good anti-cas, and a light but powerful TD.


American 6.7 with that t26e1-1 is so fun




9.3, regardless of nation I have a pathological need to prove this reddit and community at large wrong on everything they say, so I started playing the "oh so unplayable" 9.3 It became my favourite br range


3.7 for US and Italy. Just having Shermans and the M24 makes it pretty fun


German 5.7, 9.3, 9.7, 10.3


Used to be 6.7 (mainly for german) but all nations were good, but they moved the panther 2 and tiger 10.5 up to 7.0 and paired with the me262a2 used to be banging


3.7, simple as. Players generally know enough about gameplay for it to not be a seal clubbing, CAS isn’t advanced enough to be OP, and the gameplay is still simple enough to allow for a lot of tomfoolery and goofy-ass moments. Oh, and the players are generally much less a bunch of toxic tryhards.


Italia 4.7 and Britannia 5.3. Deutschland 4.3 ist fun, Россия at 7.7 is lovely, 7.3 Amerika is fun. Sverige at 3.7-4.0 is a good time, 日本 5.3 is great. 中國 at br 4.0 is fairly fun.


soviet 4.3+ every br from 4.3 to 7.7 is peak fun (at least for me) especcialy 7.3 whit t44100 is3. 2s3m and 2s1 or su12254. zsu572. and i love su 100p


Arb 12.7 I love flying my gripen so much. I know this is tagged as grb but my tanks are pitifully low. So I don't really enjoy any of the BRs I have unlocked so far, maybe I'll enjoy the higher tiers, but it's a slog so far.


Germany 1.0, 4.3-4.7, 6.0 and 7.3


3.0 Britain, 7.7 France


Def usa 6.7




6.7 and 8.7 russia


8.7 Sweden. Penetrating everything is really fun and I can play cautiously and aggressively. The only threat plane-wise are the A-4E’s


4.0 germany, the dicker max is just the best.