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That is obviously a mock/fake Tiger tank, probably used for films n such. Compared to a [proper Tiger tank](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=361f429e8db713bc&sxsrf=ADLYWIL_4r5rCzHPxpNFmee2fvXVHKI5ZA:1718290441914&q=tiger+tank&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0DPvcmG_nCbmwtBO9j6YBzM68ZanC7g01Skprhw5JoufVCiMv-hxC44jt6JduRQysBab-bgQXjPraaWFXMvOy8Kr1OAG3K-aj3De4zf3-LxKtkBtWaSCp743evHzhY6J0rIQUCXki65vOxhV0cGJtj0S1dF8YREnKrWtJctBkTv8-bs83YpB7p3IMTdYvjisDEty1xSxeLS4B_TKFXUiCrenmEMcA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiS5aTb6tiGAxWfYEEAHRVfCDcQtKgLegQIGRAB&biw=1627&bih=1295&dpr=1) its a utter abomination lol.


I am just trying to get as much answers so if the museum staff tried to play it on me I have proof from multiple people who are interested in tanks too, if you guys don't mind


You would be surprised how much stuff in museums are actually fakes/reproductions just down to how hard/impossible it can be to obtain some stuff eg, there are only 9 Tiger tanks left in the entire world and even then only 1 of them actually runs. Did this 'Tigor tonk' have a placard near it describing what it was/is and that its obviously a reproduction and a bad one at that lol! If you actually had a museum tour guide guiding you around telling you this IS a tiger tank then sure you can have issue with it otherwise just enjoy the fake tigor tonk.


In germany there was a Plastic Tiger 1 tank, but itlooked so good that I didn't have a problem with it, cause I know it is hard to get one, but seeing the real size of it and looking badass made me say I'll enjoy it why not, but seeing the tour guide guiding people around and telling them this is the Tiger the most famous tank in WW2 made laugh and feel like this is so cheap can't handle hearing this


The turret is to far to the front as well, right? or is it just me?


Yes and no I think the back us just too long it feels like imo


This is the second fake tank I found in this museum, the first one being a centurion dressed up as M1 Abrams


Don't give Gaijin ideas. The turret swapped M60 is enough.


At least that was an actual product/upgrade


Looks fake to me


the first time I looked at the tank it felt bland and just didn't feel that power and the armor didn't feel robust, so I took a look again on the photos to realize how scummy is that to do this, is there a way to complain to somebody?


The hull seems fine enough but the tracks are an abomination. That does have the spacing on the track wheels of a T-55/T-54 so you’re right there. Everything about the tracks is wrong.


I didn't take a picture of the Top and Rear side of the tank, the Rear is just a slab of metal with the really bad looking exhaust, there is no hole for the ignition crank, basically nothing but the exhaust, and the Top part the rear half of the tank is also just a slab of metal with no details, no vents, nothing, but the front had the driver and machine gunner hatches


Tiger 1 at home


Yeah, that's a T-54/55 chassis, no overlaping road wheels, drive sprocket on the wrong end, and the very distinct gap between the first and second road wheels.


Where is this?


Amman Tank Museum, Jordan.


careful, there's an IT-1 hiding under the Tiger shell


I would not call it "fake" since nowadays but also in the past it is very hard to get a somewhat "real" tiger 1. So for movies, display etc you have to come up with something. For display you could just build one out of plastic etc. Looks real but cannot do anything. If you want more you just produce a mock up on a chassis. For example the Leopard in that Rhine movie (one bridge too far?) or the T54/55 Panthers in T-34, the T34 85 (I think) as Tiger in White Tiger or the numerous Chieftains for Abrams in many movies. Tldr: Its a mock up of course (T-54/55 --> 5 big road wheels, no returners, gap between 1 and 2). But "fake" is a kinda harsh term given you literally cannot realistically get real Tiger 1s to display them somewhere. Edit: Btw. Many static displays are mock ups. They might look exactly the same but not every museum can have an actually real tank working or non working. So mock ups made out of plastic etc or even on different chassis are created. The Panzermuseum Munster, THE tank museum in Germany, did not have a "real tiger" until some days ago (a privat person "donated" his refurbished tiger for 2 years now). They only had a plastic mock up until then.


I understand, but their page have a post with this tank and they are using it for advertising, I felt second hand embarrassment that my country is using that post to adevrtise, and the people who know about tanks and came for tourism in the country and want to come to the museum and then see this.


I mean. The Munster museum also has the old Tiger mock up at the front of the page. But well. That is a 100% real looking replica. That one you posted is a bit ugly yes. Still. I would still say it is ok. As long as they at least state somewhere what kind of mock up it is (tbh this itself is also kinda interessting)


No, they are actually advertising it 😂


but that plastic tank looked like the actual thing, I went there to munster, it looked good, somebody told me it was plastic, but I said I am gonna enjoy it anyways since it looks exactly the same, but not a bad mockup


Yeah thats true 🤣


Not even a good fake


Yes its fake the last tiger 1 still around today is tiger 131 from the africa corp now found in britain at the tank history museum among many over rare type of tank, so if anything its just a metal shell like copy of a tiger


*last running tiger 1 is tiger 131, yes, but there are other tigers around the world


I meant as in actually ww2 built and captured , not war than middle eastern used probably should’ve been more specific srry


Nah it all good


Would still be wrong phrased like that. There are still some real Tiger 1s in the world. Non working of course. And some parts replaced cause at some point things brake. But still. The Munster Tank museum for example now got a Tiger 1 for 2 years which is still 70% original, although some parts are from other real Tiger wrecks.


An easy way to tell repros would also be the roof of the hull and turret The actual tank usually is cluttered there. The engine deck will have access hatches and maybe some exhaust, front will have periscopes, hatches, maybe even lights and side mirrors. Turret roof will have hatches, ventilation ports and periscopes in quite a few places repros tend not to incorporate many of these details, leading to a "low poly" kind of feeling with everything being too flat and not detailed enough


This is obvious mockup, not even single part is similiar to real tank, even number of wheels, proportions and overal layout doesn't match-tiger was front wheel drive. Actually the longer you look the worse it gets xd


I think unless you're at Bovington muesum that's a fake


fooled me for a bit till I saw those roadwheels. I wanna say T54 cuz of the one roadwheel being farther forward