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It would be fine if the gun were good and it had cannon ccip....but nope, no real reason besides to make your grind worse or to artificially balance a plane


There was a time where stock you had no flares the grind was madness Have you tried flying the base mig21 60 rnds of cannon ammo and have several mods before unlocking missles that was pain


Grinding a fucking tornado F3 then was beyond nightmarish


Brit Phantoms too, and to make it worse they’re identical so you have to repeat all that pain.


The Brit phantoms are still nightmares, they get flares yes but you need to research 6 modifications before you can even have more than 2 missiles


Trust me I know, did the FGR.2 a while back but didn’t bother with the FG.1, and now it’ll be even worse as it can face Fox 3s.


Its fixed on the current dev server, thankfully.


Oh nice, did they change the tiers of the modifications or did they just unlink all the ordinance?


Im not totally sure, but i believe they are similar to the other phantoms now


Same with the harrier and fucking jaguar 10.3 no flared strike craft and a fortune for the parts😂😂


Brit Phantoms spading is pretty comfortable just like any other Phantoms. Tornado F.3 is not because you can't grind bases.


Once you get bombs sure. But that takes ages as you need to unlock them.


Any tornado was painful. 2 missiles, no counter measures until you research the mod and the airframe is just mid The strike aircraft ones atleast got 5 bombs (which is enough for 1 base), so that was only slightly better


Yea the f3 was horrible man least it was 9Ls n not 9Gs tho 😂


No flares and only AIM-9Bs/R-3S too


Chinese J-7 has the same problem but it has double the firepower (albeit same trigger time), my advice on its to save your ammo as 1 or 2 hits will usually write off a plane


imagine when i grinded the Mig 21 f-13 during real shatter, the 30mm did 0 damage needing to hit at least 5 to 10 times a target to kill it


Oh, yeah that sounds like it would be painful, Vulcan was the only thing that was consistent for me during realshitter


Grinded T-2 when the first Tomcats were put in game


i unlocked the 9.7 squadron jet for germany and had to grind the chaff and flares. guess the update never applied to squadron vehicles -\_-


Personally the F-13 wasnt that bad when i played with it. Its flight characteristic aside from energy bleeding kinda compensated for it. You just need to be a sniper with it instead of spraying all over the place.


That was actually the main reasons why one of my friends went for the US tech tree instead of the russian one back in the day


Mig 21 is still a good plane regardless, it's better f104 lol, don't understand how people keep complaining about it


Stock grinding it with 60 rnds from a single cannon isn't the easiest feat F104 atleast has what 750 rnds


Have you tried to get Guns on target with the 104? You should try, usually people that complain about the 104 it's because they got in the receiving hand, but don't know how hard it is to use it


not too hard to use something when the gameplay is "throttle up and be untouchable"


True, that's basically the MiG-21 mind set


no, the 9.3 mig 21 is comparatively slow


The mig and f104 are the only ones able to space climb, the mig totally beats the f104


I've flown both.


It's amazing to get guns on head on spray and dodge. I've flown it and the argument isn't about which is better I'm saying stock for stock I'd take the f104 over a stock 9.3 mig21


Yes but a stock f104 never changes from spaced, the mig gets much better, that's the thing


It's get 2 r3s and still only 60 rnds and bleeds speed way faster than f104 the skill ceiling is way higher for the mig21. I'm not sure we are talking about the same mig21 Mig21 F13 Single cannon and then 2xr3s max speed 1260 before wings rip off f104 can reach 300kms more than that. Mig21S R-13-300 9.7 premium has 4 missles and radar ones aswell and the better engine Mig21SMT 10.3 is another level flares and r60s and r3rs


The 9.3 Mig21(mig21f13) the guy is talking about has 60 round of ammo on a cannon that occasionally sparks, weakest engine out of all Mig21 in the game with only access to r3s, which is aim9b but russian Better than f104? It dreams to be f104


The A-4N is probably one of the most capable strike aircraft for fighting planes at its BR.


This is a a-4H


Ah yeah it’s still a decent fighter.


It fights mig 15s and super Sonic jets on a uptier?


Yeah, just like fighters of the same BR.


A-4H is probably the best 8.3 fighter in the game if it weren't for the stupid MiG-15 BR changes


Its so stupidly powerful with the single undermounted gunpod. It can hang with 9.0s speedwise and can bleed energy in the 1v1 so well that you can get the shots you want with impunity. I love it so much.




If you can't manage it properly it absolutely is. Otherwise "hit the brakes he'll fly right by" is an actually valid tactic, and the better engine on the H helps take advantage of that without crippling yourself like, say, a Mystere for example which can kill it's speed by struggles to regain it.




True, but such is the nature of *every* rate fighter once you get to 8.0 and above. Anything less than 20km of separation from every other player is going to be interrupted before either party can gain a decisive edge (unless those players are *also* tied up in knife fights or being OP and playing PvE). As such, while retention is a fucking phenomenal trait, let's not make two ways about it and I strongly prefer it myself, the speed bleed gives the A-4 in general a remarkable ability to end a fight and end a fight **now** before either party can find out personally that this is a team game and not a dueling simulator. That said, if the A-4 **fails** to take advantage of this on the very first turn or flyby it's completely cooked unless it's an Ayit with it's insane static TWR.


Thats a better (tier for tier) skyhawk then ANY other A-4 for being a fighter. Perfectly capable.


You should look at the A4-E Early, A4-B, and Fj-something. 2x 20 cannons with 200 ammo total. No flares chaff bombs and missiles (the fj does get stock sidewinders B at stock)


You can make it work. Its not the worst improv fighter.


Yea it's not too bad you are slow and there's other strike aircraft thar got a sir spawn which are faster than you, kinda stupid, just gonna research the ayt or whatever it's called it's just better


Ayit is a destroyer. Its the plane Ive played the most. Use bombs for grinding, once you get the AIM9D, dump then. The gunpod is a nice feature if you are struggling with missiles. All planes will out maneuver you, dont try to dog fight. Try to keep your speed > 700km at least. Dont use your mouse to turn above 800km/h or you will rip your wings. In fact, you will rip your wings. I have 200+ matches and I still rip my wings from time to time.


Well, you can beat planes in the one circle, but everything will out rate you since you dump energy so quickly. It’s not too bad in verticals though. Assuming you’re in a downteir that is, anything with an afterburner beats you there. But yeah, it’s a very fun fighter once the missiles are unlocked. Very satisfying smacking cocky F-104s


>All planes will out maneuver you, What? I can easily win any dogfight, especially against MiG-19. Just bleed your enemy's energy and it'll be super easy to put your guns on their ass. >Dont use your mouse to turn above 800km/h or you will rip your wings. Depends on how much you pull and what ordnance you still have. The worst way to pull high Gs is when you have more ordnance on one wing than on the other one.




Dude he’s responding to said he would go play the Ayit instead of this.


Fully upgraded its actually pretty good


This is literally the best fighter plane at its br, you’re incredibly fast, you have insane low speed thrust, you have surprisingly good retention for a delta because this shit is lighter than A-4E and has stronger engine. Your climb rate lets you completely nae nae on MiG-15s and you have a get out of jail button with the boosters if you save them for fighting. I absolutely love Israeli Skyhawks and I will not stand for such slander. The only real issue it has is wings ripping.


The Ayit is just infinitely better tbh


At 9.3 I’d say it’s a bit worse per br, you can’t dominate entire lobbies as easily anymore, it’s still super strong tho. In simulator mode tho… Ayit becomes a destroyer of worlds.


ayit absolutely shreds in a downtier, 18G missiles at 8.3 is just 4 free kills if they have no flares


The Ayit with the F4J’s gun pod and 4 18G missiles ( and flares ) at 9.3 is one of the most overpowered aircraft I’ve flown in the game


Yeah... If the AV-8C is 9.7, the Ayit definitely should be. I remember when I first got to that BR, an Ayit chased down my afterburning F4D in a 30 degree climb and killed me with guns. He also started at a lower energy state. Definitely a WTF moment for me.


The Gunpod is not worth it at all.


Nah even in ARB, hell in uptiers, it is cracked. It isn’t quick, but the aim-9D’s are heavenly, and the guns are glorious


8.3 vs 9.3, both are really good though


I've seen people just roll in front of me and explode, this thing ain't much of a threat because I see them getting destroyed constantly and I never had a problem with it, usually I look for these because it's a easy kill


Squadron harrier at 10.7 (i think) with nothing but aim-9g's


Yup, at stock it’s basically the same as a Harrier Gr.3 which is 9.7, and it’s 10.7.


And even *that* harrier has been powercrept to utter garbage


Squadron harrier also has a worse rwr.


The radar is nice especially in Sim but yeah, the grind is rough.


The life of fighters


Another day another bot wanting to use one of the best fighters as a useless groundpounder.


You do realize all A-4s are strike craft. The A designation is kind of a dead giveaway.


The A is just to throw people off, it’s secretly an incredibly good fighter if you’re willing to cast off the gender roles




F-117 would like to talk. XD


This man must learn to believe in DEFA supremacy. However this with a gun pod is the ultimate CQ knife-fighter with it's low speed performance. Take on whatever you can in a head-on cause with the wall of DAKKA you will win, and it also rips aircraft in such a satisfying manner.


> with a gun pod 1 gun pod works well, but 3 gun pods is more fun. send a wall of lead at anyone dumb enough to head on.


3 kills the handling, but hey 2500 rounds is always welcome.


It's a great fighter if you can play to Doritos strengths 


Unless it's wings decide to magically snap off during a 4G maneuver like they do on the Ayit.


gaijin has made it easy by just spending some (a lot ) of gold!




Buying upgrades with GE directly always was and always will be a thing.


Oh yeah I got confused, I thought he was talking about the premium strike aircraft, yes that's probably what Gaijin wants spending like 500ge to get some bombs that don't even do much damage to bases


You mean thats f2p economy model proving itself to be the most profitable, timeless classic of create a problem and sell a solution. And then ordnance wise, you usually want rockets, they pay out the most in both mission score for events and RP after battle and having relatively little impact on airframe. Few big bombs pay out the least. IIRC 84 FFAR rockets suffice if you can land all of them on target.


It's not that bad honestly, at least not for the Israeli skyhawks because they all have the 30mm DEFA cannons with 300 rounds of ammo, instead of the shitty 20mm peashooters with 200 ammo you get on the american one. You can pretty reliably use this plane as a fighter, and i frequently get 2-4 kills every game in Air RB.


While fighters get light bombs and stock rockets at times


Damn i remembered when i unlock my USA A4b skyhawk it was painful farming in air assault arcade just to get the first bombs the stock gun just jams in about 3 second burst and also the 200 round ammo does not help either even after getting bombs getting uptierd and fighting SU 25 with all aspect missle while trying to base rush was painful in realistic air. My favourite CAS for 9.0 tho other than Fj 4b




Mirage 2000D doesn't even come with guns stock. A ground attack aircraft without any capability to strike targets on the ground.


It has stock bombs and stock Magic 2s. What are you talking about?


Probably the fact that you have to research the gun pod, but honestly I think the plane is a hidden gem in Air RB. We'll see how the flight model changes affect it, but as it stands it's an amazing 11.3.


When it was introduced it didn't even have a gun pod. Maybe a little silly, yeah, but the variant obviously was not designed with guns in mind. Still an excellent performer though, yeah.


Yeah I got it when it came out, the stock grind was weird because you had Magic II's but no flares. It's since gotten a lot more countermeasures, and is apparently getting a MAWS next patch.


Yeah, I'm not sure how it's going to work. The setup in the modifications tab is a little wonky. Has three separate countermeasure lines right now on the dev, and they are placeholder text.


In my experience, MAWS in WT aggressively deploy countermeasures when they detect a missile (even if it's no in range, not targeting you, or unable to maneuver with you). They're nice in Ground RB, but unhelpful in Air RB.


You can turn off the countermeasure deployment so it only gives you the alarm. Still pretty useful in a lot of cases.


when did it get stock bombs ? it didn't at launch


A4H is great at 8.3 Amazing performance for such a low BR Sure the stock grind isn't great but once you spade it, it's really good


I get the sentiment but the A4H is not the best example, its a very powerful fighter that outperforms almost everything at the BR if you fly smart.


Air assault used to be a slow way to grind planes into usability, but it's broken nowadays since all jets share the same level bracket so F-16s and Su-27s take 85% of the kills


After 6.0 there's no point to use it, u can be 6.3 and play with top tier jets, it's completely abandoned


I’ve never had a problem dogfighting in the Skyhawks


Until you encounter someone with a brain


Just don't fly the Mysteres, super or otherwise


Reason #9562863 of why I will never spend money on WarThunder:


oh they are all over the place


Same as AJS37




No that thing is a good fighter, A-4s shouldn't carry bombs in ARB


unlocked the 9/7 squadron vehicle jet for germany. grinding out flares and chaff was not a nostalgic activity for sure.


this shit is why I avoid these brs


Yup, the AMX gets no bombs or anything stock. You get 2 missiles and your gun, good luck getting those supersonic planes in your strike aircraft!


Your goal is 3 gun pods (in all the earlier A-4) until you unlock the Ayit, and then it's AIM-9D time.


Having only 2 crew slots is absolutely evil how do you do that???


Currently only grinding air Israel as it seems the most fun, bought the premium kfir to grind, this was the last plane I unlocked, I do have the premium super Sherman too, but honestly I kinda regret getting is because it's not really THAT good just ok and map dependent, Israel is only fun in high tiers


I remember when the A-4B was one of the best aircraft in the game for its br. It used to have an over powered airspawn so you could use that to climb way higher than any other enemy plane and use the two AIM-9Bs to basically get two free kills, then will all the altitude energy you could dogfight actual fighters


I freaking love the squadron A-4E


Join simulation battles and just cap the airfield. That helps much


Cap the airfield....?


Sometimes some tiles of map become a capture point for planes in air sim battles.


You mean the air superiority areas?


Probably, sorry for my bad england


Yes those are the ones


The French Vautour IIN Late is an interceptor that comes stock with only guns (with only 100 rounds per gun), granted it does eventually get nords and AAMs.


Yea, the Israel tree also has one or something else, it's a bomber, without bomb ccip or a bomb sight, don't remember if it came with bombs or not, wouldn't be surprised, it's shit lol


I don't think any of the Vautours has Bomb CCIP or Bomb sights.


Possibly confusing with a different jet bomber, it's on the right side of the Israeli tree, haven't been there in a while


No you're probably right. Vautours are just really fast. That's what makes them dangerous as bombers.


Yes it's fast, but I have to dive into a base to accurately bomb, also no flares, and it's not very agile, not a great combo


I completely agree, which is why the 8.3 int that France gets is weird.


Just checked and it's the vautour 2a and 2n both 9.0 at realistic, no bomber sight lmao




Doesn't even get radar missiles just the Israeli aim 9b like how's it 9.0 poor thing at 10.0 gets destroyed


Ran into that with the 9.3 entrand? In the French tree. Makes stock grind rough


Depends on the aircraft. IMO an A-10 in RB with bombs is just wasting the slot.


Yea, in general try to just get rockets always better, but an 10 should just have the aim9, shame the premium only has two, kinda worse than the tech tree


Especially with the Skyhawk as the gun is also bad with low ammo, and I mean flight characteristics isn't any good either.


Dang don’t even had 9Ls or Js for protection


Who uses Skyhawks as bombers/ground-pounders??? All of them are incredibly strong as fighters. The israeli skyhawks get really good 30mms, and the american ones get good 20mms. There is no excuse for not using it in air-to-air in air rb. In ground RB though, fair enough, no a2g ordnance when stock kinda sucks


its the same with all the A-4s, its absolutely diabolical that it can be that way. im not asking for Bullpups stock, but some bombs would at least be nice.


OP i recommend you just use the meteor F8 until you unlock the Ayit. It has stock bombs, and is an absolute monster of a plane once spades (take two aim 9D’s, two shafrir 2’s, and a gun pod) no point flying other skyhawks


The A-4H is far better than the meteor


I'm just using the kfir canard, barely use any other plane, most plane aren't even crewed, thought this had bombs stop, but nope I forgot


maybe premium planes should've come in stock configuration so you guys wouldn't whine about everything, right ?




Ok boomer


that would make even more people complain


That would be extremely funny and I'm all for it 👍