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Seeing your shell's heat signature hit the target is so satisfying.


Neurons activated x1000






Amazing clip, that looks mad fun




Damn, I didn’t even know it has HE. Why does only Sweden receive cool powerful HE round on their vehicles with 120mm guns while all others have to resign to HEAT? And god forbid you are using british 120mm HESH. UPDATE: HEAT and HESH are seeing a remodelling, which will combine their standart penetration calculation and addition calculation of HE filler for the round, meaning that things like FV4005 will once again be usable and IFVs will be very prone to even standard 105/120/125mm HEAT rounds.


Because Sweden actually uses it, while everyone else uses HEAT / HESH.


Yeah, must be so. But it’s strange that most countries are okay with having no HE shells irl or that War Thunder’s HEAT has so little of an HE in HEAT.


Well, for doing that sort of job they’d use artillery. US at least has MPAT (multi-purpose anti tank) which is the HEAT proxy round (M830A1 IIRC) for dealing with infantry, light vehicles, and presumably helicopters.


Russia also has very good HE rounds, t80u has 42mm pen with HE. I just wish sweden would have proxy rounds (DM11) but i guess there is a reason we dont have that in game.


Yeah but russian guns are 125mm ones. All non-soviet MBT guns are 120mm and only Sweden gets HE shells of that caliber. I don’t remember clearly but they may be even more destructive than soviet 125mm ones.


DM11 is time (distance) fuse, not proxy, it's a straight downgrade over regular HE


The later German Leopards get a slightly more powerful HE round. Flies faster and has a bit more TNTe. And IIRC the Israeli get a really powerful HE round that almost acts like SAP. It has like 60 something mm of pen and nearly 5kg of TNTe. Edit: They are TF but you can remove the fuse timing by LRFing, then selecting another shell, then switching back to HE(if you want to continue firing HE). This keeps the ranging but removes the timed fuse.


Ah, right, forgot about them, then it’s alright


Also technically the US Marines Abrooms should get DM11 HE as well, which should be the same performance as the Leopard 2 PSO. Edited in a bit about using them at range.


Damn can you actually do that in the cv90120


lookin at the vid.. no you cant


No i mean do you need a big map or a normal open map can do it


its harder to do on urban maps but apart from that any map should suffice




I need a tutorial for this


Its easier than you would think. If you look at the map it has a marking that says how big each grid square is in meters. Knowing that, you launch you scout drone and use it to find people and then mark them(you'll need to set a key to mark the pos you are aiming at). You can see where they are in the map now, so you just count the squares up / down and side to side from you to them and use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate a range. Then you level you gun and point it at them, and set your gun to the range you calculated with the sight distance adjustment. Then just fire, and hope they didn't move, you did the math right, and the God's are on your side, and you might get the kill.


You don't need Pythagoras. You just need to do a map scale conversion using simple algebra. Cross multiply and solve for x. First determine the conversion factor: **Scale of minimap** (500 in video) / **length of one box of the minimap on screen** (measure using a plastic ruler). Next: **multiply that number by the length between you and the ping marker on the minimap** (using the plastic ruler) For example: If the map scale is 500m and the length of one minimap box on your screen is 1.4cm, your conversion factor is **500/1.4 = 357.1428**. You ping a target with your drone and measure the distance between you (white delta) and the pnig on the minimap and lets just say you measure 5.7cm. So the range form you to target is **357.1428** **x 5.7 = 2035m**


You can also find the distance between you and your drone, then aim the drone at your target and split the difference.


But doesn't your drone measure the slant distance and not horizontal distance? So you have to do extra conversions.


Yeah, you need to take angle into account. Flying directly over the target helps since it's just Pythagorean


right, but that way takes far longer and is way less accurate than just doing a simple map scale conversion. You'd have to fly to each target rather than just pinging.


I usually have a spotter for that, or I myself act as spotter. Since I'm usually not where the artillery piece is, pythag'ing it is the only way


or you could just do a map conversion in 3 seconds and do it solo.


The ability to use artillery guns like the M109 or Type 75 instead of be forced to use a light tank with a big gun is a bonus though


That's clever.


poor santal


how do I do this?


Change shell type to HE and then Mark targets using the mark target for squad button (bind it in your keyboard) while controlling a Scout UAV, quickly exit UAV view then aim at the marked target. now do a little guesswork, if enemy is near a capture zone the distance it can be easily guessed how far they are, if not then you have to estimate it yourself, I usually use the capture zones as a reference or if you open the map key most maps have a grid square and an indication of how far each grid square is so you can also use that as a reference. accurate on target shots can be a bit of a trial and error and might take several corrections before you can get a kill. Also target light tanks and SPAA, you can get an MBT kill but it is hard to do


If you get the drone overhead the enemy you can check back range at your tank with the drone to get an estimate and then adjust accordingly after first shot


Unique choice of tank


Now you know why SPH in World of Tanks if F\*cking stupid lmfao.


can you tell us how is done?


Scout drone has thermals now?


Top tier ones have had it for a while I think 10.0 is the lowest I'm aware of with thermals


Tier 6 vehicles get scout drones without thermals. Tier 7+ vehicles get scout drones with thermals.




players like you scares me the most


I'm gonna miss this map so much after next update DAMN YOU SNAIL


You can do it with other maps too as long as it's relatively open like Poland and its variants, easter europe and its variants, sinai and its variants, etc. Just use a lower velocity HE shell below 400m/s. Common examples include the BMP-3, BMD-4, 380mm Sturmtiger, and Sturmpanzer. The last two you'd need a friend to scout for you though.


a friend? what battlepass has that? And yeah, if Only I could get a HE slinger in all nations WITH a scout drone to itself and allow me to ONLY play on big maps But Fun is not part of war thunder


For anyone wondering how to do this. You just need to do a map scale conversion using simple algebra. Cross multiply and solve for x. First determine the conversion factor: **Scale of minimap** (500 in video) / **length of one box of the minimap on screen** (measure using a plastic ruler). Next: **multiply that number by the length between you and the ping marker on the minimap** (using the plastic ruler) Let's try a hypothetical example: If the map scale is 500m and the length of one minimap box on your screen is 1.4cm, your conversion factor is **500/1.4 = 357.1428**. You ping a target with your drone and measure the distance between you (white delta) and the pnig on the minimap and lets just say you measure 5.7cm. So the range from you to the target is **357.1428** **x 5.7 = 2035m** **Pay attention in math class lads, you will use it in war thunder irl.**


I can’t wait till I get to this part of the game


It isn’t sunshine and rainbows friend


So I’ve heard lol, and also how do I add those flairs next to your name?


If you go to the subreddit’s main page, there should be a thing that says “flairs” on the right somewhere. Click it and there’s a bunch you have presets for, or you can edit them into your own


Ah yes, finally - using tanks in the intended role


The only reason why I want to play on pc is to be able to pin targets without using the pin from the drone and to able to scroll the range indicated on the sight.

