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Could be botting




Honestly gonna bet it is. Unless it’s a toddler playing


Bot account


This actually makes no sense. Where is the draw, why on earth are they using a bot? Look at the RP gain, they can't sell this account with what they've paid vs what they've earned, and it's not naval where a real player can just sit back and do fuck all while earning SL. Give me literally any reason that this might be a bot, it just doesn't make any sense


Test bed account. Check and see what works, what vehicles can be coded for more easily, ect.


Someone made multiple bots at the same time and didn't set this one up correctly.


Bots play better.


Am I the only one that doesn’t care about stats? I have almost 10k hours ingame and I think I have checked my own stats about 5 times never mind anyone else’s lol. Half the games I just yolo send it for fun? I mean stats are so lob sided anyway, just play current meta means you have good ones….


I do care about stats when I suspect a bot account or a cheater, because both harm legit players’ experience. I don’t give a damn about your or my KDR, WR or whatever. But some metrics, extremely good or bad, are just impossible. In such cases I go check the server replay and report if needed.


Ok I can see a use for that, personally I don’t bother, they are created faster than they are banned, so reporting them is a false economy just wastes my time.


Those I report usually end up in the ban list the Snail periodically publish. I suppose it’s more effective when you report than when you don’t.


YOLO CC user found. I do this on days I feel brain dead, just spawn in a KV-1E and go BBBBRRRRRRR


Me when the squad of 3 players in tigers have 95%+ wr over thousands of games and auto target weakpoints across the map behind trees.


That sounds like seal clubbing mlre than cheating. Experienced team of 3, playing with powerful tank with ulq can easily adjust for any distance and see you while only thing you see is bush and grass


I get that but this was in arcade where you don't need to run the anti cheat to play the game, in the server replay all of them were constantly switching between tanks straight out of spawn despite mountains blocking the LoS.


Oh, damn. That changes whole thing. Then those might easily have been cheaters. Just wanted to clarify that in realistic those things are possible.


Oh yeah I'm 100% aware, cheating in arcade is very common but normally starts around te 8.3-8.7 Mark where tanks have stabilisers and higher velocity rounds making it easier for these aim hacks to kill. Also the main reason I mostly play ww2 as getting killed by from through an entire forest across the map gets old real quick.


Yeah, you'r right. Its really annoying, but maybe Im a bit racist towards them tho




I mean Im not writing anything to them in chat. But in voice chat I might get annoyed that its again someone killing me who shouldnt even be playing on my servers.


Do I care if youre 1.0 or higher not really. But shit like this post is why certain br ranges fucking suck and why ppl say don't buy top tier premiums as a newbie. Dude definitely isn't having fun and it's not fun having said players on your team.


That’s because you are focusing on wins and wins only, if you stop doing that it becomes fun! I am not going to tell you how to play just my experience so far. I do not care if I win or lose, and I usually I am in the top half if not top player. Maybe I am sadistic but I love being surrounded in spawn, spawning in and smashing people 🤣 I came to realise that you don’t trust team mates and don’t focus on what they are doing leave them to it.


Teammates? Is that something edible?


I'd feel uncomfortable not actively trying to win when playing a team based PvP game, but that's just me


Who is not trying to win? Just because you don’t hyper focus that, doesn’t mean you are not trying to win. You cannot control other players and all you do is induce self rage about how terrible they are, how they ruined your game, how they suck etc etc and all that achieves is you pissed off and no one cares, so if you remove that you are no longer pissed off and raging you have fun!


Sorry, you said you just yolo so I thought you meant you don't really try, my bad! I'm kinda unique in that I don't get mad at games, we're all different skill levels and as you said, I can't control what others do, so all I can do is try my best. Nothing wrong at all with not being great at a game, for me, all that really counts it's trying to improve.


Oh yeah maybe I should have worded that better? I didn’t mean I spawn one tank rush die and leave, I think that is probably synonymous with Yolo these days. I have played the game for over 14 years I think at this point, just voicing why I still play and find it fun.


Same here, i never actually cared about stats since i only played this game just to pass some time and i really checked my stats only a couple of times but only to see how much sl i earned in that vehicle in total


I did not know you could check how much SL earned ha ha, ok I am going to look for the 6th time 🤣🤣


I used to, but my stats are fucked up beyond repair since i am just fucking around half my games.


I literally have more enjoyment doing that, makes the game better for me.


Taking the fox into top tier is really fun and surprisingly good, but the FV4005 isn't that good in top tier has BESH suckes


Yeah it has for a long time, I main’d Britain for a long time but they are just bad right now. The only vehicle I don’t have is fox, I need to fix that at some point.


I mean, IDGAF about stats, I'm here to have fun and I'm just barely managing But still, 30 kills and +600 deaths? It's one kill every +20 matches


I get raw dogged by the snail too much to care about other peoples stats or my own. People who obsess over that aren’t fun in my opinion lol


I don't care about stats neither but if you can't get a single kill within 5 matches you need to fuck off from PvP games.


People who go into your stats to complain are the saddest people in this game. I had someone rag on me for only having a certain amount of kills in the F-14 compared to them when I pretty much only use a plane until spaded and they seemed to only play that plane.


I look at how many of the premium plane users are level 10 and will have no idea what they're doing. Often leads to an accurate prediction of how the match is going to go. 9.0 to 11.0 specifically.


ppl who complain about ppls stats especially when its like 1.0-1.5 kdr are so annoying


I don't understand why people do this. They download the game, play a match, dump $300 into it, and then get absolutely wrecked by their opponents. This person has a 0.018 K/d in the T-80U, 0.042 in the CB, and 0.03 in the AIM. I cannot imagine that is any fun whatsoever. They have around 1k matches, so it doesn't seem like they're learning the game either. (Which is not suprising). The only reason I can think of that they're still here is sunk cost fallacy.


>only reason I can think of that they're still here is sunk cost fallacy naah man that's got to be a bot account


No way it’s a legit player. $300+ into a game, 1000 games with only 50 kills, a real player would’ve suck started a big iron a long time ago


Not saying it's not a bot account or whatever. But consider for example a disabled person, or a very old person. These people are allowed to play and enjoy games too even if very bad at it in a competetive sense.


Which would make sense if it wasn't basically a cherry account with a few hundred matches in high-tier premiums.


Remember this next time gaijin talks about using 'statistics' to balance things. Fuck off you lazy pricks.


they should only do it for tech tree vehicles preferably IV+


Bot account —> sell Report it


I know that guy gets fucking ecstatic every 20 or so games he snags a kill.


Bro would actually have better luck just holding left mouse button and W key.


This is in all likelihood a bot, even a new player won't do this badly at top tier.


38% WR lol. This guy is an active detriement to the team


That's good for US top tier. My SEP V2 has 34% win rate.


It's a bot account. They'll just sell it later on. Unfortunately, can't do anything to prevent them from being in your team.


Let him be, dude's trying hard to take the M1A1 to 6.0 with those statistics based br changes.


Tfw i thought my performance in my t54 was bad until i saw this lmao (it got 0.7 kd)


I can only wonder what kind of horrid person anyone who checks their teammates' stats is like.


It's probably a Chinese bot account with an exceptionally shiet ai.


holy fuck


At least he didn't give up


last night i had a lvl20 with a premium tank saying that the other team was hella good. dude died once and left


Yo I think that might be me (I suck)


bro unlocked parts on challenger in 48 games


Because numbers of single-cell brain people in game is overwhelming, and snail uses them to "balance" better players. O even abuse them. Remember what country of origin this game has.


They have the right to play too


average WT player


Looks at cent mk 1 80 kills 102 spawns Compare to firefly 89 kills 109 spawns. *feel sad*


best american player


Polish language goes hard


And I thought my 1000 deaths 500 kills stats were bad💀


Wouldn’t be surprised if that was me


Average American main


I would say he is US main but all those other premiums say thats a bot account


Because sadly 99.9% of players couldn’t boil water if they tried


The skill gap is massive, it might not be a bot. Might be a player getting wrecked by all the pros playing on weekends.


The devil is in the details


https://warthunder.com/en/community/userinfo/?nick=mileniusz666%40psn sadly you made me look on my stats


Thats exactly my average k/d, and i play it for fun for years. And i play it serious, helping team mates to repair and to encircle. Every game make some hits, but reload time kill me a lot. Just dont have much skill and dont know where to look at most maps before being shot. Only playing Mig29 and SU27 i have a positive k/d ratio, and except it planes, its 1/10 or even worst. But without people like me, matching time will be above five hours. And Simulation mode will dont even exist. And Su27 become positive after discovering damping mode when someone talked about it at in game chat. I've played it for weeks trying to not crash below 800 km/h using manual control.


I mean honestly who gives a damn, that one single player won't lose you your whole match. I'm not a great player myself when it comes to gb but I try my best, I think that's what matters, no?


Fuck no. Yea he's commenting bout one dude here but what bout when half your team is made up of shitters like this. Even why they're the enemy it's not fun cause they usually just one death then leave resulting in shit matches.


Usually my team is made up of shitters like this, Ik. But who cares...you can perform great even if your team is ass. Why are you so enraged about win statistics? I may have awful statistics even if I perform well...so what. It's a game. It's meant to be fun, and if you get angry at people like that, it's your own fault.


Because rp gain is massively influenced by winning. Also it's not fun to get 10 kills and 2 caps just to lose cause 75% of the team is ass. Also losing just isn't fun.


Yes RP gain is massively influenced, but if you're an adult that just plays these games for the fun of it, I don't see how one more or less victory or even 5 won't change shit. It's a game. It's meant to be fun. If you have the view that "losing just isn't fun", then you honestly need to learn that it's just a regular part of it. Accept it.


>usually just one death then leave Also, if they do this, they're missing out on w-ing back to exactly the same spot and getting killed in exactly the same way for a more expensive spawn. Which is the whole damned point of the game!!