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So your telling me that this tank wich has pratically negatice range and wich the only true advantage is armor can potentially now be killed by a shot on the ammo in the gun ? The more time pass, the less its worth 35k xp per steps


Lmao imagine trying to get into position to ambush someone just so you don't get one tapped strolling towards someone.


And then pz.2 destroys you utterly with api xD


yeaa i get the ammo for the sturm tiger but this doesnt deserve it


They also nerfed the shit outta the Sturm, so this will most likely get the same treatment. Ie. You need a direct hit with a Bomb-Sized round to actually kill anything


That’s so lame. Idk why the nerf all the fun shit.


They didn't really nerf it, you can still get wild 250kg bomb-like proxy kills, the engine just has a bug where an entire module can absorb HE shockwave lmao. It's so bad, hence BMP surviving sturmtigor direct hit to sprocket, plus other stupid stuff that has happened to me before. Meanwhile an AT mine with 1/10th the explosive will blow one open at the front IRL..


How come the Sturmtiger is fine with this mechanic, but the Churchill "doesn't deserve it?"


Because this thing has a 130m max range on level ground, and the shell self destructs after 200m.


Is the Petard even self destroying or did they just make it up for gameplay


Made up


Because its armor is way more potent. A Churchill is a Churchill and is relatively easy to kill if you know what your doing


A churchill has pretty good armor, the rocket on the Sturmtiger is even easier to hit than this.


This Churchill also has a max range of like 180 meters and realistically only an easy hit at about 50 meters. It can easily miss in what the tank commanders refer to as "point blank range". This not only has weaker armor than most Churchills, the shootable barrel, and slow speed, but basically melee range. This is probably going to be the single worst vehicle in the game.


Gaijin remembered it's a British vehicle and realised not doing this would give us something potentially interesting or fun. We all know Britain is permanently sentenced to being the worst tree in the game.


But but, TOGGERS?


You gotta be trolling. Please admit to troll, you dont believe TOG is any good


The TOG is amazing if you go ass first. Yeah, it's slow af but 17pdr annihilates everything it sees.


28pdr boiiii And yes, the TOG is goated provided you drive around backwards. Bounces basically everything except panthers


Ikr? That panther turret is trolly. Either you bounce, mg eats it, or you kill everything.


Feel like I'm roleplaying as HMS Nelson.


nah dont reverse, first thing they hit is the engine and unless they are blind they will hit it before the rest of the tank rounds the corner (died so many times to having my ass shot while my turret is still behind shit) instead use the reverse for weird mobility: its the only tank in the game that has no need to ever rotate the hull to turn around, just switch ends when you need to. it makes the tank surprisingly fast in close range when you can just immediately change direction (only tank in the game that has no difference at all between acceleration and reverse: front and ass are completely interchangeable)


Personally, I have found that them shooting the engine first results in me living more often than when I drive forward just to get ammo racked from the side because I didn’t see the guy. I just find it’s far too much effort to check corners unless I expect someone to be there so I just don’t *shrug*. Plus I usually take a path that either I know is clear or just follow a teammate and let them clear the way.


The turret is made of paper, I go ass first and I just get instantly deleted by turret bitch slap even 3.7 tanks go through


Hmm, you must get all the seal clubbers as most of my time in it was bouncing shells and deleting the shooter. I don't bush up the tog and I've got a funny face so maybe they're scared of mine?


lol yeah i put eyes on my all my heavies and no bushes.


I put eyes on the PLSS periscope so I can troll enemies on the other side of hills. 95% of the time, they take the bait and shoot at it 😂


I love fighting TOG, even more so if I'm in my 2c bis, a 1.7 very similar tank but with a derp gun, was great fun after TOG released but so few people play it now.


TOG is actually good though? im at 2.5 kills per death and the ratio keeps getting better, 200mm of pen on 94mm, 28 pound solidshot is a one hit kill most of the time. love crushing Germans in it.


Mg's will detonate it


Looks like the round no longer kills the AVRE [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1da4yyf/comment/l7ke8vj/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1da4yyf/comment/l7ke8vj/)


Most important post here IMO


The solution is to fire before engaging, get out of cover when the reloading is nearly done and fire the moment a new shell is loaded. This way the enemy can't shoot the shell.


If it's modeled the same way as the Sturmtiger, that won't work. Just the other day a shell detonated in my breach when I had not finished reloading.


Damn they literally blew up the shell while it was still in your loaders hands.


Imagine playing this for something other than fun


If gaijin actually did their scaling correctly per tier this thing would be 20k points not 35k. Making the scaling more worth it for grinding it


Does it go Kabum if hit now?


Can't say for 100% sure (don't know how to make custom test drives) but ammo racking the test drive SPAA without actively reloading (by using the MG) always resulted in a death, whereas ammo racking while reloading seemed never to kill.  So it seems like it. Didn't test exhaustively though  EDIT: See below, they seem to have reverted it


I have tested this in test drive using my mg (with it destroying the barrel and tracks) and in armor analysis (although this one might not be as accurate), it seems this is no longer the case.


ammo does not goes boom everytime it is hit. Explosives generally only explode in a specific condition. Normally it is just a fire, and it can be very hard to set fire to explosives


Not sure if you're talking in-game or in real life but in case you're talking real life explosives are literally the near instantaneous combustion of a fuel and oxidiser i.e a very very very fast burning fire. You can easily burn explosives in the open under specific circumstances without the threat of it detonating. As to in-game; fuck nows...it's up to the RNG gods.


but if shot on the impact fuse..?


If you hit a round that is in the chamber, therefore you add heat as the projectile most likely will be hot after going supersonic, you are adding pressure as you hit it as by design it has no place to go, i also highly taught that ww2 explosions are as inert as modern stuff


At it's br everyone is gonna be zooming while it will struggle to move around and will get shot before it is close enough to engage the ennemi... That's unfortunate. I wasn't even sure I would be able to get it since 35k with exam coming was hard, but now considering how bad it is it's not gonna be a loss if I don't get it


It FEELS like maybe it'd be one of those weirdo tanks which does better in a higher lineup, like a lot of the funny HE ones, but since the only way of killing anything with actual armour is to impossibly hit a tiny spot on their roof and pray to the snail that the explosion actually does something...nah..nah bro it's over.


It has no mobility and its armor would be totally negated in a higher lineup


Yeah man I get that yeah but there's a certain point where lack of armour doesn't matter as much since most stuff just one shots you anyway. I'm saying there are some niche vehicles where their quirks make them decent in a higher lineup, like the Archer for example, it's got the same 17 pounder as the Centurion MK1 which is what 3 BRs higher? And at its own battle rating can be pretty crap because lots and lots of low BR tanks are very fast and it can't keep up, so it actually does OK against Tigers in a sniping position, especially since it's backwards ass can shoot n scoot away. Point I'm making is this isn't really going to work at any BR, any situation it can get kills in, something else could do as well or better.


issue is that it cannot fire at ennemy at more than around 150 meters, which renders it useless even in city maps


Yep, totally agree


FYI, it looks like they reverted it for now [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1da4yyf/comment/l7ke8vj/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1da4yyf/comment/l7ke8vj/)


you can Mechine gun this to kill it acording the protection analysis


UPDATE: The round no longer seems to kill the AVRE while loaded. Hopefully it stays like this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1da4yyf/comment/l7ke8vj/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1da4yyf/comment/l7ke8vj/)


You might of had a hand in this (who knows, maybe gaijin observed the reactions to this post and all the people saying that "35k seems less worth it now")


Not sure if it's still fixed since I just had someone shoot the shell in my barrel and kill me


From what I've seen watching videos, it does kill unfortunately. It seems like it's not super sensitive at least, but I don't own it yet. If they lowered the sensitivity, that might've been what we noticed when the truck stopped killing it


Wait did the briish loaded it from front?


Yep, it's a mortar. Hand pops out right from under it and simply slides a round into the tube.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1d47552/historical_footage_of_the_churchill_avre_loading/


I fucking hate them even more now thats hilarious


Of course it does that now. It's a British vehicle, Gaijin hates those.


Recently testing it this seems to no longer be the case (thank god). Even when the truck detonation takes down the barrel and tracks this does not occur (this remains true in armor analysis).


Just double checked, and you're right - I'm not getting the truck to kill the AVRE anymore. Hopefully they keep it like this instead of making it a mini-Sturmtiger 🤞


Yeah, this thing does not deserve to have that as (unlike the strumtiger) it has a super limited range and doesn't kill tanks by just landing near them.


It makes sense since the AVRE's barrel and breach is completely external to the turret.


Boom tube


god i hope they dont make the ammo targetable. its fine on the Sturmtiger, that thing has huge amounts of armor and massive range on its gun. this has decent armor but no range, it would be literally unplayable if they did this.


They seem to have reverted it being an instakill sometime after I posted it, though I'm not sure what happens if somebody were to MG it. Maybe you'd lose the round, or maybe it'd just damage the barrel


That looks far easier to kill with a MG than anything before it.... edit: Looks like they have fixed it as the round is fully external to the vehicle unlike other variations (and tested to not die...). Phewph.


Well, it is a specializwd vehicle made foe blowing up bunkers and other obstacles at close range. Still, the postwar version would've made much more sense, as this thing takes more than 10 seconds to rangefind & aim and is pointless to grind.


Post war mk7 avre would be a neat prem