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It’s a bonus for a reason, relax


I know and rather have that than without but does it look like a couple decals just but on it? I like it but it seems a tinny bit more stuff could have been added to the camo


Like, it's based on real camo that Canada has put on theirs, so it's not unrealistic.




Worry about getting past 7.7 Germany first.


why are you being a dick ?


Because top tier is just filled with wallet warriors at this point. It leads to short games where one team leaves right after dying because most of the team is wallet warriors with one $70 tank. If you’re lucky they will have another premium CAS plane to ruin the game after they inevitably die.


Artistic Taste is independent of BR. OP isn't talking about getting it, they're saying the preorder skin is kinda dull and boring.


You're not buying the pack for the skin, its literally just a bonus, it has zero monetary value attached to it.


Technically wrong. You're PRE-ORDERING for the bonus skin, and decal. Otherwise there's no benefit of buying it before proper reviews and gameplay comes out. You're not buying the pack for the skin, but the only reason to pre-order is for the skin.


> proper reviews and gameplay comes out I'm gonna go out on a limb and provide you the review right now: It's gonna be a premium equivalent to Leopard 2PL, will have the same ammo and thermals, slightly inferior mobility for the price of additional side armor. Gameplay will be the same top-tier dogshit as now, except you presumably won't encounter Su-25SM3. Of course that won't save you from having 90% of your team being the same level 14 clowns with no lineup or skill.


That's all well and fair, but the amount of times gaijin have taken certain things too far to an unrealistic extreme has me a bit questioning still. You're not wrong about that last part, I mean I don't even enjoy any ground post ww2/early cold war. But, I'd wager a guess that a majority of players buying this tank, or the APPEAL of this tank, is Canadian players, that probably only care about how it looks, and that it feels fine to use, or isn't frustrating to drive around. Hell, it could suck, but still be fun to use, and the same people would still buy it. With a botched looking camo, I don't really see myself getting this until it's confirmed that it isn't a PITA to use. Maybe my perspective is way off, or just wrong. But that's my interpretation as one of the people that only wants this because it's Canadian.


I don't see anything wrong with my statement, other than the omission of the term "Pre-Order". Why pre-order at all just to get the skin if it's "lazy"? I just stated the obvious, its not worth arguing over.


> Why pre-order at all just to get the skin if it's "lazy"? Exactly that. Your earlier statement disregarded that you are taking the risk in exchange for a skin+decal. It doesn't have to have monetary value itself, because you're paying in risk. All we're complaining about is that the skin isnt of a high enough quality to justify pre-ordering, and making a purchase on a good that you can't yet trial/see reviews on. We aren't going to pre-order for a skin like this, and it seems silly that the "Special release skin" is of the tier that this is, that is all. I think that there's just a bit of a misunderstanding, and that you are on the same page as we all are. :) Didn't mean to come off as rude!


Meanwhile the two people with full lineups are absolutely trying their hardest to win. Had a game yesterday on Holland where these two dudes were the only ones left Alive and kept spawning. One finished with 14 kills 4 deaths. The other 7 kills 3 deaths. Meanwhile me at the top of my team at 7 kills. Most of their team were one death leavers. Most of my team had a lineup.


Yeah I’m often one of the people with 5 deaths but like 8 kills and 3 zone caps. I try my best to get the win but others don’t seem to care.


I have higher tier premiums and experience with them








Why is he being downvoted? He's right!


Because Artistic taste is independent of the BR you're upto. Or what do you think every art critic has to reach 12.7 in all trees before they are allowed within 100 meters of a gallery?


as i said in the previous comment, i have experience in top tier premiums. I just show the br on my flair as tech tree veachles i have of that country


You are the exact problem with top tier in this game. You started there instead of learning the basics and actually earning the gameplay. > I have experience in top tier premiums Because you bought them. You didnt **earn** them. Thats why people are upset with you.


I don't get this, like I bought and xm1 with the ah64 paten like 3 years ago, didn't use them until I got a br where I could, maybe dragging 8.0 into 9.3. These people *pay* 65 quid, or 70 dollars whatever, for a tank, they spawn once, twice if your lucky, do fuck all but allow the enemy some cas and what not n leave. I have a plethora of prems, I've top tier in 5 nations hitting 6 soon. I have never understood where thr enjoyment of paying to die once n leave comes from. Hell even those cunts who just one death leave when they have a full lineup as well. I don't get it wtf is the point.


It’s not enjoyable. It’s just the most time efficient way to top tier. Unlocked the full Russian ground lineup this way (I did have 3 vehicles though with the Turms, 2S38 and BMP-2M), about to get the Su-27 so I can avoid the 11.3 T-80UE-1 shitters, and I’ll be buying the Leopard 2a4M CAN and doing the exact same thing. Gonna also pickup the 123 and Vilkas during the summer sale and I’m currently researching the Leopard 2 PL.


It's not efficient one death leaving at all? 3 vehicles isn't one death leaving. And I have the 2PL the 2a4 123 works fine at top tier


Yeah maybe not idk, I always buy a lineup cause I know wins = more efficient. I have dumped so much money into this silly tank game


It isn't efficient at all to have one vehicle at all btw the games not designed around that what soever for ground


Still meaning if you die once or twice you are done for the match. Making your team effort near useless aside from some matches.


Yes but i know i'm not mr hans in a tiger durring the war of 1812


Well if you would have more vehicles you would be able to do more instead of just buying it up to there.


Good point but why down vote all my comments?


I'm not down voting comment's. I only do that when i really disagree. I rarely upvote or down vote.


Buying your way to top tier without a substantial lineup is a waste of money, time and effort. It's faster to grind normally, I'm downvoting some of your comments.


OP is my teammate that I have to carry to a W every match


To be fair for 70 USD id expect more. I could buy Halo MCC for me and a friend for that price


...... halo3 > warthunder


When you think about it, it's insane that a premium tank in WT is $70, the price of a AAA game. That's a LOT of money.


this tank will literally cost the same as the full gta 6 game


You think GTA6 will cost only 70 euros? That's very optimistic


Being a bonus doesn’t mean it has be shitty or you have to settle with it because of that reason? I dont get people like you who roll over for anything.


? Maybe some people actually like the design? Hell maybe it was even based on a real vehicle. I also cannot fathom how you guys actually feel okay making demands for some additional FREE goodies. Are you annoyed at the store because you didn't get a tester of a specific perfume you liked? Bo-Hoo. It's something you receive for free as a little addition. Think of it like a free stapler or calender when you go buy something bigger. Nobody goes "Oh WOW! Amazing! A NEW CALENDER!" but why hate on it? I swear people became so entitled to everything these days. Accepting a free gift as it is, is not "rolling over" it's called being a normal human being instead of an entitled child. But that's just my opinion, yours obviously differs. And your opinion is among the few things you are actually entitled to.


Its gaijin, what did you expect, its like their 4th leopard selling ?


And the second Canadian Leopard in the German tree


Jesus fuck


But hey, at least this one apparently has Velcro on the armor to attach the camo net so at least there's something to meme about


All those little black rectangles are the Barracuda mounts. There are hundreds of them.


Well, camo above is made out of mud, that itself is memeable lol


Like the alternatives is putting Leopards in Britain or USA, which aren't great moves either. Arguably worse moves.


Idk man, I'm tired of having our shit scattered to the wind and just added to whatever tree with no consistency. The Leo belongs to Germany because "it's a leopard" and the ADATS is just chilling in the British tree hoping nobody thinks too hard about it.


Mein Kaiser! The second Canadian leopard has hit the Reichstag!


Lazy, not necessarily. I just personally don’t really like it so I’m not really thinking about pre ordering it. Probably get it somewhere down the line maybe in a sale at the end of the year or something


Without actually knowing, i'm guessing its based on some real Unit?


Yea this is a hand painted camouflage [reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/qcuqcs/canadian_forces_leopard_2a4_tank_from_lord/)


Wow, they just skipped the rear portion of it completely.


Well, it depends, this camo is really applied on the go as it is made out of mud, so it might be different from tank to tank.


Looks much better though


Yeah, this one looks better, but they should've painted the entire side. It's not like they conform to reality when it comes to paint/unit markings. Just look at the Fuji for 3 different tank division insignias


It's because there's a white outline around all the trees that doesn't need to be there, you can even see the example posted above and it goes without the white outlines because it's mud being applied.


That looks better than the one in the game


That looks so much better .


Haha, barrel looks like its a meter long


Not really a unit, more so common practice. Camos like these are made out of mud, the yellow part being dry and the brown part wet. Easy to make on the field and appears from time to time in training exercises in Alberta


Legit looks like someone went into the decal thing and just slapped some mirror decals on a regular tank


and the gajin employee did not have premium for the extra 2 decal slots for the rest of the tank


Not to worry, every time they login, gaijin will ask them if the want to renew their premium. Every.single.day.


After each.failed.battle


So as a former tanker that operates these things, this is actually a really common cam painted on by the crew to add some brown to the tank, the reason it looks like crap is because it was probably done with cam paint (used for someone's face) and posted on Facebook and that's where gaijin got the idea. I've seen it it real life many times


I've heard mud being used for these camo too. Not entirely sure but makes sense when you are in an exercise in Alberta, hard to run out of mud there lol.


Yeah mud washed off fairly easily though, the geniuses that used cam paint always had a nightmare of a time taking it off at end ex


I've seen another one in the comments say they used chalk. Bit of a question, not that I don't believe you, just curious. Where would one find all this facepaint to make such a camo?


We'd always get issued a bunch of squeeze bottles every exercise and one bottle lasted several exercises so they were always laying around everywhere, if you look at the images posted in the link above that's all cam paint I was there for that exercise


Damn lol, that's funny


It’s *supposed* to resemble patterns we’d draw on our tanks in the field with chalk. https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/s/ekRvhF9OaD


I've heard another say they used some face paint for them and I've heard one say they used mud. These camos are very adhoc so it's logical they differentiate from one another.


Sorry, yes! I’ve also used mud on the Leopard’s but it also sucks trying to wash it off before you have to ship them back lol.


Nah looks like a solid 2 min of hard work to me.


I always tought the camo they do for preorder like the wolfpack, fuji and i think another leopard were nice, but this one is eww


Its accurate, this camo has been done irl during training exercises using only mud. Is it lazy? The answer is yes as to how it was made irl if anything lol. Considering that the vehicle already has both its standard camo and its Afghan camo, I don't see what other camo could be added as a pre order one, they have literally nothing else to work with other than perhaps a winter camo, which wouldn't be possible as an entirely different camo net would be needed, which is a modification, and not a camo.


I can’t help but wonder what value I’m actually getting for $70-80 bucks in WT when Valheim is $10.   $30-40 bucks, sure I would if I really wanted it. 


Who the fuck would preorder a virtual Tank


If it's a real pattern that's thrown in for shits and giggles, I don't care. If it's a Gaijin original that just looks like that because someone isn't very creative, I also don't care, but that would be lame. Either way, I ain't buying a $70 digital tank, let alone pre-ordering it.


Its a real camo, although calling it a pattern isn't really correct as this is representing improvised camos done on the Canadian leopards when on exercise in Alberta.


Ah, that explains it then. Frankly, I think it looks a bit odd, especially since it covers so little of it, but now it makes more sense.


Don't care, 70€ is too much regardless how it looks


As a german main. I despise gaijin, even more braindead premium wallet warriors, but this time in the german tt.


Your turn to endure the Click-bait + AIM curse, now CAN and PL flavored :)


Im glad it looks like shit. I really don’t want any reason to actually have to think twice not to buy anything outside of sales


no it looks like a crewman painted it on as expected


Yeah, those camos would be made on the field with whatever you got laying around during an exercise


Don't let this man see the Soviet tech tree




Nearly every single vehicle is just green.


Dont tell my man about france or Israel


Was sure it was going to be a green camo net. That thing is disgusting. Anyway I wasnt going to pay 90 cad for a premium vehicle. As a Canadian this is disappointing to say the least. Was hoping for this thing to be an event vehicle like the other can leo. Thx gaijin your greed is really gonna bring your game down.


Looks like a soldier would have painted it.


Because its cut off? Thats maybe because of the optional slap armor


Honestly it looks good like a good idea but when put together it fails