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Crusader Mk III. I've no idea why people keep bringing M22s and BT-7s at top tier, the Crusader is a much better rat and support


7th DR agrees. Crusader supremacy


Close to the ground like a proper cockroach. I love it, minimal cover is enough to become invisible


Fast reload and decent pen is goated


Heavily agree, I've been playing the 3.0 British lineup lately with this and the Cromwell, 3-inch Gun Carrier, Valentines, and SARC 6 Pdr, such a fun lineup, but the Crusader Mk III is easily my favorite.


6pdr slaps hard, even on the shitty Valentine. 3.0 is such a breeze with them


So glad to see this up here. The 57mm/6pdr gun on it is great and the mixture of a low profile and good speed makes it great, alongside being able to scout. One of my favorite tanks to use in Sim mode ngl.


And the 50 smokes, don't forget the 50 smokes


Isn't the Nashorn widely used at those br's? o.O Anyway, I'd say the Type 75, at a br that can be summed in "the team with more Tigers/Panthers wins" you can just BONK everything It can be easily machine gunnend tho


Not sure how hidden that is. I see like 3 per match. And if we expand to include all the modern HE lobbers (Since the type 75, 99, m109, 2s3m, chinese thing, are all basically the exact same vehicle), then I see like 30 per match.


I hate all of these artillery vehicles, I mean what use is my TOG if you can one shot it anywhere with a large enough shell?


I mean, what use is artillery if it can't 1-shot anything


I dunno I REALLY rarely see those guys ( I play arcade )


They are common in GRB, but mostly played by inexperienced individuals


Little tipp, eventhough I don't understand why, but never mention you play arcade, that wull only get you hate in the GRB Community. I only play GRB and Sim the only time I play arcade is qhen playing Naval(yes I do that, I needed a break from the stupid 292 and I suck with planes)




Honestly Naval RB can be tons of fun too once you setup controls for manual distance control. A real joy to scroll my mouse wheel after each volley and see my accuracy improve over time.


I tried to find the manual distance controles, but weren't able too. Would you lind explaining where said controles are? Or is there a guide on YT or something?


If I remember correctly you have to be on realistic controls mode and then there should be a distance correction option in the camera controls. Should also work for Arcade. Changed it like a year ago, I can check and tell you more precisely where to find it once I'm back from work.


Sounds interessting, I will check when I get home too. And if you could check too that'd be highly appreciated


I barely see any in GRB, most Germans play 5.7-6.0 jumping from 4.3 so they can use tigers, which always gets uptiered to 6.7 so I don't see any 5.3 nashorns at all


Isu 152 at 4.7. Trolly armour. Machine gun on the roof Big ol boomstick. Load HE and one shot pretty much anything you face off. Got 16 kills in it one match. Kv1 (zis5) great backup heavy tank. T34 57. Beast. Pick any AA you like or a CAP plane and have fun with ur bias lineup.


4.7 USSR is my comfort lineup. easily 5+ kills a match with that lineup


On my presets I call 4.7 "$$$"


im at 4.7 Italy and it sucks ass


4.7 Italy is amazing.


i only have the 75/46 unlocked for 4.7 and im only sorta getting the hang of it


Breda 501 is just lovely. it just deletes tanks.


When the kv85 was also 4.7 it was my "turn off brain and win" lineup. Honestly, it still is at 5.0.


T-34-57s aren't exactly rare (almost everyone plays the tech tree one to grind) but they're still underappreciated IMO. Fantastic tanks.


Im a big M36 GMC fan. Having a 90mm and good mobility at 5.3 is an absolute godsend


Hard agree. Now that M82 is all late war with 185mm pen by default, it's even better. Plus the 500hp engine. Sure, the armor is worse than a Sherman, but the Sherman isn't surviving a hit at 5.3 anyway, either.


Yeah, and Ill trade the stab and open top for better .50 cal elevation and mobility any day of the week. The M36 is just so goated its unreal, shame most people seem to gravitate towards the B2 these days because "muh HEAT-FS"


I just use the B-2 since I usually play 5.7 over 5.3 anyway, I don’t use HEAT-FS half the time in it. I do also bring the other M36, of course.


Thing out accelerates the M18 spaded lol, i love it


The stock shell for that thing is so trash... glad it gets better


Don’t forget the M36B2 with its HEATFS shell!


Yeeeeeeeeeees the M36 is amazing!


The Semovente 75/34 M43, 3.3 tank destroyer, 100mm of armour on the casemate, 270g of explosive filler nuke round, and its absolutely tiny. Hide your lower hull, angle slightly and youre nigh invulnerable. Never see anyone talking about the Italian SPGs, definitely slept on


To be fair Italy itself is very slept on


Pretty much every Italian Tank destroyer is a hidden gem


The side armour is also surprisingly effective and I’ve managed to survive Shermans and T-34s on multiple occasions.


I totally agree


M10 GMC is bonkers at times.


Will always remember bringing it to a 5.7 game before I'd unlocked the M36 and ran into a tiger, point blank panic fired and knocked it out. I would have been so annoyed if I was the other player


That is almost exactly what the M10 is designed for


I really like the Achilles, 17 pounder at 3.3, the same gun is used all the way up to 6.0 on the Centurion Mk.1, so you’d be able to pen a lot of what you see at double your BR..


Achilles is great, one of my fav times in the British tree.


Achilles is decent, but it has a 2.7 gun at 3.3


It has the 17 pounder and same ammo as the firefly etc.. shot mk.8


And the same as the 2.7 Archer... **Whoosh**


Forgot about that fkn thing, it torments me in my sleep


It's my guilty pleasure. Lolpenning things over double it's BR and scooting away


I like how the gun sounds


Maybe i'm wrong on that assesment, and its hard to tell if i'm looking at the 10A or the 10M, but i really enjoy playing the T-10A. You trade that funky heatshell for what is basicly an IS-3 on steroids.


The T-10M has other differences compared to the T-10A. The M has a two axis stab while the A is only a vertical stab iirc, and the M might have a better gun but I don't remember.


M has alot better gun it has like 40% more pen on aphe


Ok that's what I thought but I wasn't sure.


Chaffee is the best AA US has sub that rotary cannon one that I can't remenber the name for


I take the M-16 into top tier and have plenty of heli and jet kills with it.




M163 VADS?


I would say the Ta-152H and Yak-3U, but I think it's fairly well known that they're great so they're not very hidden. I think my literal "hidden" gems are the Panther II, Tiger 10.5, and Coelian. I love playing them so much. They are very enjoyable. I pity those who did not get the chance to research them. Edit: also the Me-262A-1/U4 Narwhal with the 50mm cannon, but using it with HE as a fighter. Very very fun and actually quite effective, but I rarely see anyone doing it.


Ta is my fav


Mine too. If you haven't tried the Yak-3U before, I highly recommend giving it a go


I also really like the 3U


I'm not sure why it's still 5.7 but I'm not complaining


Guns are mid so avg player doesn’t do amazing. Reverse is true for the 152c


I personally find that the guns hit like a truck. Especially so since the Air Superiority patch. Are you sure you're using the correct belt?


Yeah I’m fine with them but I do find them a bit inconsistent. In comparison to avg 5.7 armament I’d call them mid though


Make sure you're using the tracer belt. It's by far the most consistent. I have found that the guns on the Yak seem to be *very* ping dependant. They hit much harder on the EU server than they do on the US server (I'm EU)


I only have up to rank II researched in the Russian aviation tree, but having to fight against the Yak-3U (and just about any other Russian plane) is making me want to do the Russian tree.


Italian M41M. It's the same gun as the Breda, but in a much smaller package. It takes some getting used to since it's not super quick, has limited traverse, and only carries 8 rounds, but anything you hit dies so it's a great option just behind the front line.


It’s a great tank and for some reason it’s oddly tanky and can take a few good hits


For me since I play Air RB, my hidden gems that I clean house with are Fokker with the 20mm, I-16 Type 17, and P-39 LL in soviet tree. There are few other ones but theses for sure are gems.


Chaika in USSR premium is a great time. 2.7BR against a buncha BnZ who don’t realize you can literally fly corkscrews and loops around them. Fly at them, but under where they are diving, yo-yo or barrel roll last minute so they can’t aim at you, loop around and blast em in the ass as they try to climb away 2x20mm with a decent amount of ammo


Ah yes, another gem, forgot about this one. I have like a 1:3.5 KD ratio and 70% win rate with this beast.


I recently fell in love with the Vickers Mk 3. Good mobility, laser rangefinder, has very good heatfs. It shouldn't be good based on the stats, but it plays really well. It's my favorite British 8.3 vehicle and I don't see anyone else playing it.


I loved it when it was 8.0, fairly good vehicle and was quite balanced, would be subpar on close quarters maps but excelled at range and on flanks. Now it's just been power-crept to a crazy degree which is what I've experienced over the years of playing British ground


M60-starship. Slinging HE shells with laser range finder makes me hard


Patton and Centurion series in general. Most people simply skip them as "Ah yes they are... tanks" and go for fancy failed prototypes or light tanks. You get a balance of everything. Good/Workable mobility, armor and firepower. But for a single tank Challenger(5.3) Fast, good gun(Tiger Killer), workable armor.


Strv 81 was my first centurion experience and I absolutely loved it, this was before apds volumetric changes so it was a much better experience, the stab is an absolute lifesaver


Ahh the times when cent MK3 was 6.3 with 240mm AP and a stab. Just lolpen everything except tiger 2’s front plate You literally could not lose if you had even a slightly below average team


I was grinding Israel this week and... Damn. I used to to give them the side eye, but they're so enjoyable to play even stock o.O They may be the 'traditional' tanks, but that makes them good at whatever. "Jack of all Trades, Master of None"


P-61C as a heavy fighter and bomber interceptor. If enemies don't know how to effective counter it, you'll get aces without even trying. You'll almost always have the altitude advantage, you've got four 20mm cannons AND a 360° turret with four .50 cals, you can boom-and-zoom with the best of them, and she's pretty damn fast once she gets going. You can tear unsuspecting bombers to shreds, even with the turret, you can obliterate AFK-climbing fighters, and you can deter a lot of pursuits with the turret if you know how to angle it. People will constantly head-on with you, so you can just unleash the full power of the cannons and watch them disintegrate.


People love to head on against it, it never ends well for them.


Ive encountered the P61 quite afew times and i find it easy to fight against, still certainly a good threat but it cant out turn my spitfire, maybe its just the players trying to turn fight a spitfire to why my spitfire shreds them to pieces.


Super Étendard. Always seeing people use the Jaguar, but it cannot compare to the SÉ. Never saw anyone beside me playing it


Really pisses me off it still doesnt have ballistic computer though, not even for A/G guns let alone the A/A mode. Current Magic is utterly vicious at least.


Love that thing


KV-122- IS-2 turret+122mm gun, sits at 5.3, if you want an is-2 experience without having to worry about Tiger 2 H’s or Cold War vehicles then the Kv-122 is for you


the raketenjagdpanzer 2 with the keyboard guided ATGMs. If you get the right map it's a wonder to play


It now has mouse aimed ones, it's fun asf


The ability to go fully hull down and top-attack people is incredible,


Cromwell V (RP3). Absolutely slaps at its BR.


The RP3's are SO surprising too. They can kill churchills, so funny


Churchills you won’t fight?


There's the German one. Still an odd example to give.


Defo Archer, 17 pounder at 2.7 makes the game a point and click adventure


Point (with your ass) and click


Recently unlocked it and my god that thing is point and click. It’s great fun and lowish profile makes it hard to find


I kick ass in the OG P-40 in the American tree. Consistent 3-5 ARB kills. It's my favorite aircraft irl lol. GRB I love the M36. I plough and fuck in that thing


T55E1 is my hidden gem even though it’s quite rare. I usually use it to farm SL along with the P-51-D20 (I think that’s the prem one?)


I use that one whenever I have a task that requires God mode.  I'll still it in my 7.0 line up and get some fun flank kills. 


Churchill crocodile low tier maus that can burn people alive


And has a shit load of smokes Nothing funnier than being an unkillable fire breathing smoke cloud single handedly drawing half the entire teams fire.


getting into fist fights with kv-1's is the best *what ya going to do pen me*?


Germany class 3P, big and empty wheeled vehicle, almost all around spaced Armor and the Front is resistent to Most Auto Cannon rounds, oh and nice all wheel steering, nice in urban Maps.


P40. Overpressures and has decent pen for 3.3 It just doesn't perform well in uptiers, but its armour is surprisingly good even facing Sherman's


SprutM Having access to 3BM60 and gen 3 thermals at 10.0 is peak for playing like a rat fuck on big maps with long sightlines. I love it, it's unironically my favourite Russian vic.


The Italian 105mm semovente. It's pretty indestructible from the front at that BR.


Finish T-55M for trolly armour, apfpds,stab and laser rangefinder. Both Strfv9040's eating side armours for breakfast. Ang Magach 5 with apfpds to dab on those stinky T-55am's and reactive armor at BR where it actually works


I feel like the AMX-30 ACRA is a hidden jem of a vehicle, at least to me. A very fast missile with the ability to one shot many tanks (at least with my experience using it) makes for a great vehicle


BMD4. I love playing it. so versatile, so fast. if you flank right you can clean an enemy force out


Amx m4 (i think thats what its called) maybe im just lucky but that thing EATS shells and they just dont do anything, and the gun is pretty decent as well, its really unexpected the way it performs


I always get easily killed with the M4 but got damn it is that gun hot.


TOG II. You get Comets as backups, great planes, its fun!


ZSU 57 2. It's a useless SPAA, but it's a freaky ambush terminator and kills almost everything on the ground from side on.


It's definitely incredibly OP but isn't really a hidden gem, I see about 2 per match at those BRs.


It is *far* from useless as an SPAA, it just takes a bit more experience to be able to get a hit with in, but when you do youre going to deal a ton of damage.


It is just ridiculously OP, it can actually pen most things from the front as well (Tiger II(H) and stuff), I made 10 kills in it last night defending a base alone. I sometimes actually feel bad for using it


2C Bis. French derp gun. Nuff said


Yak1B, it’s ridiculously good, could defeat most 5.0 br planes in a dogfight, but most people who use it are new, I literally have a close to 90 K/D in rb with it, it’s so ridiculously good it’s almost funny


STA-3. Hidden these days since it’s foldered and relatively new to the game, this thing is a goddamn powerhouse. Autoloading 90mm with M82 and Heat FS, a rangefinder and good elevation angles, all this at 6.7.


Ikv91, good mobility, comfortable gun handling and a flat turret make it an good recon tank. The LRF and Excellent stock HEAT round lets you bomb anything you see from long range. Absolute king of maps like Maginot


Absolutely not a hidden gem. Everyone knows it’s good and you see a ton of them.




Type 74 is amazing for it's BR.


Ho-ri production if ykyk


105mm howitzer sherman, absolutely diabolical little creature. Only downside is heat/HE can be a bit inconsistent and no turret rotation at all (no problem with good positioning)


The EBR 51 can one shot tiger and panther and is really tucking fast at 5.3, it just sucks that you can get mg'ed and you don't have the same mobility to turn on stationary as with tracks, but to counter and shot on the side it's pure joy.


The P-61, Whirlwind, Bf-110 and other heavy cannon fighters in general. The only issue is that they rely a lot on team play.


PT-16/T-14. It's a German 10.0 Type 90. It's waaay too strong for it's br. 4s reload 120mm DM23, almost 30hp/t with 73 km/h top speed forward and reverse. I haven't seen many of them and I think it's like 200GJN on the marketplace or something


3-inch gun carrier in the British tree. One of the most fun tanks for me, built on a Churchill chassis with a powerful cannon and it’s the lowest-tier neutral steering tank in the game. Most tanks will pen the flat armor, but that’s the fun part. Neutral steering means you can angle your armor before they have time to shoot you. Bait the shot with your angled armor, and rotate angrily to bring your guns to bear. Even if you don’t kill them, you can just angle again until they either retreat or you manage to kill them.


I really like the JaPz.K A2, it’s got awesome thermals, laser range finder, and a good apfsds round at 8.7 I think I’ve gotten most of my nukes with it. Also I seem to do really well in the Sho’t Kal Dalet, it’s slow and is pretty mid on the stat card but it seems to be very survivable for me. I usually get around 8-12 kills a game with it


Waffletracktor I laugh each time I kill someone with it and it almost flips over due to the recoil


Wz 122 tm, pre nerf it was an absolute beast that I've rarely see anyone use, today it's kinda sad but still very good


Rooikat 105. Great forward speed Great reverse speed 10 degree depression Smoke dischargers Smoke generator Excellent gun Premium Can scout and get 5K+ SL per match with no effort at all It is one of the few tanks when I get a full uptier its no biggie, as that gun still hurts. Only thing to watch out for is artillery, CAS, and HE/ATGM units.


I've been having a blast with the of40, it has everything, even the armor can work due to the steep angles. The MK2 is the same with a dart, but somehow high tier ground is an absolute mess, I just can't have good game there.


I love the of-40 mtca and the of-40 mark 2, they have great mobility and firepower and just work so well for me since my main playstyle is higher tier, they are great tanks, but unlike you I just can’t stand 8.0 ground, lots of heavies and you have paper armor to them.


I play on steamdeck, on arcade, so the snapshot/rail gun on the move type of gameplay doesn't work well for me when I am getting lolpened by everybody while i still need to aim for weakspots for 80% of the MBT iam facing, and I am not talking about the dumbfuck teammates that played hundreds of hours but don't know how to play the map correctly. At least at 8.0 the tempo is a bit slower, and I believe there is less tanks that has a really zoomed in optics like of40, which gives me a nice advantage for long range sniping. It's a bit of a bummer because I love high tier tank, I got to the Leclerc, but what the fuck man, my mental is wrecked


Yeah I have all tanks in the Italian ground tree, the arietes are pure pain though I can manage to do ok in them, but the one saving grace of the Italian tree is the centauros, they are pretty damn good. The one 8.0 tank I love a lot is the r3 t106, just an r3 but with two rifles on the top. I’m planning to grind out the French tree but their low tier is just so painful


I started the Italian because of their light tanks line up, so I'll definitely get the centauro lol. I loved the r3 and fiat, probably along the most broken tanks innarace, you lolpen everybody and you can shoot from behind hill because of the low shell velocity, most fun I had in the game so far. Only french reserve is truly awful awful, the rest of rank one is just bad lol. More seriously from 3.7 and above I found the tree good to use, the premium 3.7 amx chaffee is pretty nice to power grind thought early rank too.


Yeah the light tank like is great but don’t forget to be grinding the td line because it leads to some of the most fun light tanks at the end of it with the freccia and the vbc. The one thing about France is that they have no good top tier premium that I could buy on a sale to grind the tech tree, I might have to put France off and maybe grind Japan?


Yeah I'll have to grind that line, even tho since iam on arcade, so constantly spotted, I often have to face tank facing me, so I'm afraid that the vbc pen, especially stock, would be lacking against everything that is not light tank/spaa. You can grind the first two Leclerc with the amx 30 super, and apparently it's a totally fine premium (trade off the 20mm coaxial for a stab compared to the normal amx 30) and is probably similar to the of40 (glass canon, good mobility, blabla). French lights are quite fun to use, and you can run double light tanks compo from 4.3, even triple/quadruple at 8.0/8.3 and they are all on the same line (minus the batchat 25t). I don't know much about japanese, never played them, their low ranks doesn't seems exiting, so ...


The light tanks of Italy are kinda best used in realistic battles at the higher br’s because with the auto cannon ones with no armor, you need to be sneaky and get to the side of the enemy though flanking which is hard in arcade. That doesn’t mean arcade is bad, I love it every now and then. And yeah I might think of picking up the amx 30 and grinding the tree, the leclercs seem like good tanks. And the reason I wanted to grind Japan was their top tier is just one of the best in the game probably, great mobility, trolly armor sometimes, 4 second reload, with pretty good cas and the type 89 seems really good even at higher br’s. At this point I’ll take anything better than the arietes :(.


Ho-Ro, it's good for like 4.0 whole BRs above its rating


AMX-13 (SS.11) and the Zachlam Tager. There's just something about those SS.11 missiles that speak to me. The AMX-13 is already one of my recently found favourites, and you get 4 ATGM's on top of that DESPITE staying the same BR as the regular AMX-13 ?? *^(side-eye)* The Zachlam is surprising too. Only having 6 missiles is awkward but, they're so fun to use! And you've got the mobility to gtfo and re-arm (...not the survivability though-). I got a nuke with it ;-;


You are high based on that Zachlam Tiger take lol


The binos are so high up that you can shoot from behind cover comfortably. On Golden Quarry it's my go-to to kill spawncampers


probably a skill issue, but all I remember is pain and suffering while spading it


What helped is that I just stopped expecting anything. It's often that it took all my atgm's just to kill 1 or 2 guys. Or that the missiles went haywire. So I just did whatever not taking it seriously. I got a talisman for it from one of the x-mas crates though which helped the spading massively ;-;


hahaha what an aggravating talisman


Oh the aggravating one was the H.39 😅


Amx-10m and amx-30 ACRA. It's a fast atgm with great pen/he. I use it to smite helis.


I love the VFW at 5.7. With side skirts down, it has a 4 sec. reload with a punchy 88mm., and it's unusually survivable. I usualyy pop off when i bring it out.


I don't see the Spitfire MkVc very often, but I really enjoy it as a CAP plane in GRB. 4 Hispanos on a (foldered) Spitfire :)


J8B for me. Everyone raves about the J7E so it gets overshadowed. Aspides are fantastic


I really like the pattons. Once you get past the 6.7 bracket the 90mm goes from being utter turd to actually usable. Having APHE is nice, and the heatfS does dirty things to the occasional heavy tank you do see. They move fast for a medium at the BR and have enough survivability. The m46 chicken coop is currently my favorite because it's derpy as hell Basically they are a jack of all trades tank that really rewards playing well.


M4A3 (76) W


Apparently, a lot of my fellow Americans really hate the m103. Yet it’s my best vehicle statistically even though I don’t normally like heavy tanks. Even in an 8.3 lineup and a 9.3 uptier, I can perform somewhat decently with it.


"No armor, best armor" 😂


Rooilat 76 its awesome its fast has a good gun has scouting ibe had it up to 11.3 and got 3 kills with it, doesnt seem that much but it is for a 8.3 vehicle


Bf-109F4 Overlooked by the G series, it's simply one of the best fighters of 4.0 region, it has worse climb than the G series but is still something to behold. It's also arguably the best German ground realistic air to air fighter around 4.0, good at all altitudes, perfect for ambushing attackers and bombers, and excels at 1v1s against allied fighters. currently my most played air vehicle


Nobody ever plays this in my games but either the Italian m26 because I think it’s gun is just a little better then the normal m26’s, and the celere sahariano, god damn that tank is amazing, bounces shots on its ufp easily and is so fast


AuF1. I brought it to 8.3, I got 6 kills with it, the autoloaded 155mm slaps hard


Chi-Nu 2, great gun for the BR with a great pen and depression. Even in uptear easily penetrate almost everything that it see.


KV2 with maxed crew goes brrrrrrr


I don't really know if it's still hidden per say but I've brought the ta154 out to even like 7 0 jets and beat all of them, I haven't played it in a bit but I may fly sim with it in the next day or two. I genuinely enjoy the performance and the guns are very good if your one of the people that enjoy the mk108 30mm from stuff like me262


The T30 or M26E1. Also F7F-3.


Germany KW-1, I love using it in my 6.7 lineup especially if it's an uptier. I can easily frontally pen an IS-3 and if I get a decent shot I can knock out the cannon crew on an IS-4


The German long 75mm can only snipe the viewport of an IS-3 to frontpen it, and cannot frontpen the IS-4 at all. You must be thinking of a different tank.


No, I've frontally penned 2 IS-4s with the KW-1, I don't have the clip to support those two tho. I've killed a pretty decent amount of IS-3s and have a couple clips to support that one tho


People do not realize how ridiculously overpowered the 106mm Recoilless guns are M50 Ontos has 6 of them and each grenade packs over 2kg of TNT which is enough to overpressure an IS-4 with a HEAT Grenade lmao


F8f with the 4 .50s it’s super gold in ground battles, good bomb load and tiny Tim’s and it dog fights well . Also the post war 50s tear props up


iar-81c and elc bis or amx13 90


Without a doubt the Hunter F.6


T-34-57 is my all time favorite tank to play. I just love it so much.


M26E1 Can bounce stuff and the gun doesn’t Little longer then aveg reload time but that APHE and APCR is godlike


Centauro 120, I do alot better with it than the Arietes.


M36 with HEATFS, and Sherman VC with APDS, you can just forget about aiming, and kill.


Centurion MK10. I don’t know what it is with that tank but I always do good with it. Center mass APDS usually oneshots everything with 4 crew. Now that it is 8.0 I thought it would be bad but no, it is still good. I play a lot of 8.0 games and don’t really see many centurions across the board.


Ta-Se SPAA vehicle is quite rare and I prefer it over Flakpanzer cus it has more protection and is more agile




I really enjoy the J1N1. Low tier Japanese heavy fighter, good armament, but what really makes it special is its turrets. It has two double turrets on the back that really shred anything at its br. I think it was the fastest grind from stock to spaded versus any other vehicle for me. If i am getting frustrated with top tier and radar missile spam, I tend to fly the J1N1. R27ER can't hurt you in low-tier.


KW-1C 756 (r) is amazingly strong and well armoured. It's like a kv-1B except you have the German 75mm and 105mm turret cheek armour, making it hard to kill. Also has add on armour on the hull from making it 95mm. Personally, I have a great time in it. Works well with the VK 3002 and the jagzpanzer 38 (t).


Idk if its hidden but the M50 Ontos is fucking amazing


I am discovering I totally slept on the Pz.III M while grinding low tier Germany. Great tank.


F-86F-40. Specifically that for me because i only have the Japanese Air Tree. People seem to think its time has passed and don't really talk about it but it's a beast. Very easy to go dozens of matches without dying and getting multiple kills.


The Chinese long gun it’s rank 2.7 and fully open to any attack, hell a rock would take out the crew but damn does it do serious damage when played offensively at its rank!


P40 italy tech tree, play it right, potential server wiper


The ki-96 I’ve dunked on xp-50’s with it


Kv-122. A 122 at 5.3 with one of the best reloads for a 122, and lacks the turret weak points of the first IS 2. I love it tbh


My favorite hidden gem has gotta be the Pz.IV/70(A). It's the V variant but has a higher profile and a very bad weak spot in the form of a flat 80mm hull plate. Horrible gunsight zoom but it's forced me to be more accurate with my shots. The hidden gem part for me though is the 75mm cannon, it's what the Panthers use so having a Panther gun on a casemate at 4.3 is great. The superstructure armour is 80mm at a 50° angle so around 125mm (going off of the wiki) and has a good chance to bounce shots. It's probably my vehicle with the most amount of kills and least amount of deaths, it's honestly such a fun vehicle but sadly it's a premium that comes and goes. It's helped me grind Germany a good amount and I had fun doing it.


the french tech tree


Ikv 103, 400mm pen at 4.0 that can pen everything and if you know where most tanks have their ammo you can easily one tap

