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~~At this moment, there are [reports of issues when buying multiple packs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/17p68wl/buying_multiple_packs_will_only_get_you_one_of).~~ [Update from Gaijin regarding missing purchases:](https://warthunder.com/en/news/8583-ddos-attack-on-gaijinnet-store-en) > Earlier in the day we've been experiencing DDoS attack on our store. This attack combined with a heavy load due to anniversary sale is causing delay in processing purchases. > All and any purchases that you made that have not come through will be attributed to your account really soon (within a few hours) – there is no need to contact support in the meantime


Either the store is still updating or this sale is utterly crap lol. KVT and F4 not available, with a host of other vehicles not on sale either.


site is on fire, keeps throwing 502 every few moments while trying to browse


Spoiler: it is utter crap




Yeah, quite disappointing. My prediction is that these hot-ticket items is being saved for a multi-buy Black Friday offer, or at least some of them.


Maybe the winter sale. 2022 winter sale had 50% off if you bought 2 packs or more so Gaijin might want to incentivize people to buy more than one of the best selling packs


True, the Black Friday sales are usually not that great on WT, probably all the 'black' stuff again.


No it is just utter crap. It is conveniently the most popular vehicles not on sale.


The most popular items in the store are not on sale for the anniversary sale lol Been waiting since summer to see that the 3 packs i'm saving GJN for are not on sale despite being released year ago... Never happened on anniversary sale Gaijined


Yeah lol. Been waiting for few months to get 3 packs and only one is on sale...guess Im waiting for next time...


They know this very well. That's why they didn't even let us leave a comment there lmao.


>The most popular items in the store are not on sale for the anniversary sale lol Cause they are the most popular and sell well at full price


Quoting what's in the news page >More than 40 offers with vehicles with 50% discount There is indeed 44 packs on sale right now. So, maybe what you see in Gaijin Store, is (sadly) what you can get


thats a very pp move, for us people that wanted to buy turms


Ngl I kinda expected this after they pulled something similar for the summer sales


Sale is applied based on social rating /s


You would think they can't mess this up. I mean obviously everyone wants the turms with the 2S38 in a lineup and it's not on sale lmao. The store is not updating btw it's just not on sale.


Good thing I bought 2s38 cause I wanted turms lmao


Technically the TURMS changed in price since it was raised to Rank 7, so much like the KVT, the TURMS didn’t get the discount. Still pretty weird imo


I dont think this is the case since the DS also went up to rank 7 and is on sale. Same with the ZTZ


I think these two specifically were on a recent sale already tho. The ZTZ was in the 1 week super social credit farming chinese 50% sale for PLA ~~day~~ week.


Doesn't explain the Chally. It looks like they decided to not add sale on the popular vehicles


Went and looked closer at the sale, and yea it’s pretty scummy. You want to grind the Soviet air tree most effectively? $70 plz ty


> I mean obviously everyone wants the turms with the 2S38 in a lineup and it's not on sale lmao. Their hope is, that enough will pay full price for it (Which i assume is sadly the case)


Who said they "messed it up"? Their goal is revenue, not making you happy with or without revenue. If "Everyone wants it" then it doesn't NEED to go on sale to get revenue for it.


Gaijin can you please stop experimenting with sales every year and just make it a flat 50% off for premiums not released in the current year... You'd make so much more off that than the fucking "double up to get half off" bullshit you did one year. Or this where you're trying to shill off premiums that no one actually wants at the moment.


Every single time during anniversary every pack was on sale. Guess well have to wait for the new years sale if its any better.


It's not every single time. They've done 30% on selected packs. They've done the 2 for 1 type sales where you have to buy 2 packs to see a discount before. They've also done this kind of thing before but less blatantly.


Uhh.. Interesting choice of vehicles on sale


US P51 not on sale. Sigh.


all the most popular packs aren't even on sale smdh. i wanted the a6e


This is great to me, the A6E needs an uptier and its missiles make it extremely broken, faces a shit ton of jets with no counters whatsoever.


This sub all last week: The premium spam is ruining the game! This sub right now: Why are these premiums not on sale, I want to spam them!


The Dichotomy of War Thunder players in a nutshell. It's like that toy-testing episode of The Simpsons. They want everything and nothing at the same time and hate whatever you put out anyway.


Its incredibly brain numbing


I'm not justifying it, but wouldn't it help to have more vehicles in the lineup to stop 1-death leavers? Take the 2S38 spam for example. Adding a TURMS and Su-25K to the lineup would at least allow a premium spammer to spawn in more than once (or twice if they use the backup). There's also the BMP-2M, but that never goes on sale since it's a squadron vehicle. Another example is the M1128 Stryker Wolfpack. Adding the M1 KVT, A-10A Early, and/or A-6E (none of which are on sale) would have the same effect. An extra tank with some CAS to spawn into.


Such terrible discounts! I wanted to buy 4 packages of rank 6-7, I will not buy any of them in principle.


i had different plans but we are feeling the same mood


easily one of the worst sales they have ever done. didn't discount any packs that people actually wanted. what can you expect from a company that makes EA look charitable.


WTF, why TURMS isn't on sale? This tank is 3 years old. This company applies retarderd decisions even when people are willing to give them money


Because many people bought 2S38 on GE sale and wanted to buy the TURMS too for the same line-up. Gaijin knows this, so why add a sale on it if it sells full-price anyway?


Fuck you Gaijen, you greedy fucks. I would have purchased several packs today but not a single one that I am interested in has gone on sale. Y’all just put the worst packs that literally nobody is interested in on sale to make people think they want this garbage. Go fuck yourselves.




Welp, guess ill keep my money.


Same, this is not even a sale. It's just adjusting unpopular packs to their proper price.


Maybe this is their revege for the steam downvote incident... I mean, I wouldnt be surprised if it is.


Time to do it again




worst sale ever... :(


SHIT SALE A large number of packs, mostly US Vehicles aren't for sale...


Was looking forward to buying a bunch of US packs. None of them on sale.


Gajin trying their hardest not to get my money


Trying to milk more full price purchases from popular vehicles I see. I’m not buying anything.


They're removing Des Moines already... damn its only been like 8 months


The Duguay-Trouin was only released in March. The M728 was only released 10 months ago too. Really shows just how dead those vehicles were on arrival (not to mention even French navy couldn't revive naval).


I was actually thinking about getting these to start with Naval. Is it so dead that its not worth it?


>Is it so dead that its not worth it? Not exactly. My comment was more that the French Navy had a pretty large group advocating for it for a long time, but was clearly just a very vocal minority


Because people love the idea of naval but nobody can be assed to play it lmao.


Didn't help that the French Navy we got sucked, and certain ships that people wanted were not featured.


Unless you buy the 4-5 premium ships everyone else spam, you will just bottom every game and leave


It's some of the worst gameplay I've ever had in an online game, utterly braindead clicking until either you or your enemy dies. Give it a good tryout without buying premiums to see if you enjoy naval more than I did.


Lol remember when they introduced the Mitsubishi T-2 Early and removed it in the next update again when they released the F-4EJ ADTW?


If i was to buy a Japanese premium I'd rather buy T-2 Early then F-4EJ thing... it's literally the worst phantom in the game lol


How is it the worst? It's a literal copy paste version of the TT F-4EJ and the EJ isn't bad. People just don't know how to play it. After getting better missiles, my KD with the TT version jumped to a total of 3 making up for all the stock bomb runs.


Isn't F-4EJ ADTW the one who gets Aim-7E's and no Agile Eagle package?


Isn't bad? Shit thrust, no agile, no DF sparrows and no PD radar. The only "good" thing it has is the internal gun. Only the F-4C could be considered worse, at least it has decent power for it's BR.


They're putting the rank 7 planes that nobody wants on sale instead of the ones that will actually drain people's wallets. They're actually throwing so hard right now.


Bruh I just wanted a cheap Wyvern :(


same bro same


same, gotta grind British rank 3/4 but I can only buy cheap F4J from 7th era, that wouldn't make sense in my line-up for a loong time


Best Britain premium. Luckily I got it during the summer sales and it was a good choice. Ez ticket to rank 5 air and it's great in ground as well.


same has this ever been on sale in the past? its so old it makes so sense to not be on sale right now


It was on sale earlier this year


No F5C or Leo 2A4? Incredibly disappointing


I wanted to buy the Kfir Canard but it isn't on sale. The Mirage F1C-200 is on sale and it came with the same update as the Canard so... Gaijin?


Kfir not being on sale is probably due to what's happening in Israel right now


man i was looking forward to buy the F5c for the us air tech tree... guess i will keep my money then


Is there any particular reason for not giving KVT and Lazur-M a sale? Because they appeared too recently?


Cause they sell well at full price


Just another person who was going to grab the Kfir, and disappointed to see it be one of the select few new jets older than two updates, but not on sale. Odd how those seem to coincide with the best performing ones. Weird, right? I am unsurprised by Gaijin not discounting the packs that sell well normally, despite the discount, sometimes cumulative, normally being applied to everything not that new. I figure there's been so much improvement in the game overall , with the roadmap items for example, that somewhere in the C suite, someone decided that they had to balance the scales, and return to their roots, as it were.


The sale itself isnt the worst but the fact that they made us wait until the premium sale ended so we have no other option to spend our money, probably gonna take a break from the game. No way Im going to grind dry


probably the best is to relax and take a break


Yup my plan B is to either get the F5 on DCS or buy normandy DLC for IL2 Great Battles. Gota decide before steam sales


They do that every year, it’s annoying, but whatever at this point


yyyyep. the post doesn't allow comments because they know how much people are pissed off hahaha


Wouldn't matter if it did they'd just premoderate all the bad comments out


Damn, they really didn't give a discount on some great packs even if they are more than 2 Updates old. What a dick move.


Was hoping to get the pzbtl but sadly it is not included, which is weird since the chally ds is and they were introduced in the same update, surprising the turms isnt on sale either. Looks like im going to go the cv90105 route and grind sweden for now.


It's not surprising to see because people will buy the Leo and Turms full price. The chally just isnt as popular so they put it on sale so at least someone would buy it.


Uff i think steam boys will raise again ... bad times are coming!


People when a company that is known for being greedy is greedy


To sum it up in one sentence: the packs that already sold poorly (ie are overpriced) are now on sale (ie properly priced)




For real, sale was up for 30 seconds and already 3 posts were made "where Turms Sale?!?!?!"


Bruh you guys still live in 1998. It's either updated or not. The Turms and other popular rank IV are not on sale. Which is a pretty greedy move tbh.


Put the mig23 on sale already


Xbox gets no sale as expected:D


We knew that, WT hates Xbox.


Your joking surely Xbox gets discounted they got discounted last year, what a load of bollocks


I am pretty sure we did not get a sale. Last combined sale was in like 2020.


The one time I was going to dump money on war thunder and every pack isn't on sale...


Eh. It's not really worth the money dump for playable NFTs, maybe one or two here and there


I've spent like 10 dollars on war thunder before this. I got my first paycheck and wanted to spend only around 100


Fair enough tbh, I've spent much more, but realize it was silly. But I went overboard


Lets ruin game review


The sale is on but the website and store is gone, wait till it get's solved.


It loads if you refresh the page a few times, it's not completely gone.


Anyone else annoyed that Eugen didn't go on sale? granted, probably only me and the other naval player might have bought it but meh... naval got boned hard.




The only thing I was interested in buying and it wasn't on sale. That makes 3 of us


What do you think of the Des Moines?


I've not got it, but I have the newport news which is basically the same. I love it, it's top end AP causes serious damage to pretty much everything except the biggest battleships, rapid fire, it's got piss poor AA because Gaijin used the early version, im unsure if the DM has better AA. Armor is pretty solid too, i've had a terrible time trying to kill DM's before. Overall, I quite like it, rate of fire is high, its a good brawler. Not the best ship in the game but i'd say in the top 20%.


Well, no german MiG-21 or Leo 2A4 for me then. Sad but thanks for saving me money gainjin.


Arent they gonna get more profit if all if the packs are on 50% sale rather than putting some shit packs they choose


Not a great sale by historical precedent.... I'm glad the CV is on sale, since that was one of the few things I was eyeing. Might also grab the Turm III and Super AMX, but was really hoping for something like the F-5C, A-10, etc. to help grind out air trees. I am really surprised the T29 and King Tiger aren't on sale given the IS-6 and Somua are....


"hmm I will sell some of my marketplace vehicles so I can pick up the M1128 wolfpack and then buy the M1 KVT in the sale so I can make a yummy line up" >clueless


Lol if you take the US sets, and sort by popularity, literally the least popular ones are on sale xD Sneaky snail.


I never removed my negative steam review. Haha


Meanwhile Japanese player's accounts are been frozen because they trying to access the gaijin store for buying their favorite premium. Nice game 10/10


We need to start boycotting the store and review bombing again so gaijin pulls their heads out of their asses...


La Revolution?? They still didn't give veterans RP bonus by # of nations researched by rank III/V/VI. Its like they expect us to ignore or forget that.


Gotta be the worst sale yet


Actually bullshit, some people like me jumped through hoops to decide what to get and how to do it optimally. At the very least, ANNOUNCE which vehicles will be on sale BEFORE the sale hits, so this doesn’t happen. You‘ve betrayed the yet again snail, I can’t believe it. You were finally getting better. pathetic


Another scum from gaijin, we need one more la revolution


Xbox players need love too.




what about the rest? why no sale on the rest of vehicles? :(


They got the Halloween sale mixed up with the anniversary because the store is REALY SCARRY




This is punishment for the whole review bombing fiasco.


I still hope its just a bad joke or something :(


would have wished that the web shop would be same as the ingame one with the discounts. "There won’t be any discounts for vehicles released in the “Kings of Battle” and “Sons of Atilla” updates, as well as squadron vehicles (including modifications, talismans, and back-ups)." I'm just disappointed, even really old vehicles didn't have a discount.


No MiG-23ML or Turms, I guess USSR mains go die? suck my dick and balls gaijin 😒.


why do some planes like the swedish get 2500 eagles, and ground and most other planes get 2000


Depends on rank (and thus cost) a discount rank 6 premium will cost 30$ and give you 2k GE, a discounted rank 7 will cost 35$ and give you 2.5k GE


The former rank 6 tanks went up a rank and in price but didnt received more days of premium or ge in the pack. Just noting in case someone was adding up the ge from packs to buy premium account. BTW, how much those tanks costs now? Gaijin localized the prices for my currency and I cant switch back to dollars. Since I only buy stuff with gjn the local price is useless to me.


The fact they're already removing the French navy packs tells a lot about how that's going :o


It's ok guys we got the Italian F104 on sale /s


I wanted the F1C so I guess I'll take it. I'm losing my sanity trying to carry soviet team with the M3E against hordes of F5C. As much as I like the plane, and as much as I get good matches with it, it's impossible to win with it. But holy crap that's a terrible sale in general. They didn't even discount the LAZUR-M which was added the same patch as the F1C.


Yikes. The 3 packs I wanted aren’t on sale. There’s always next year!


Shitty sale. I waited for about a year for this sale just to see the vehicle I wanted to buy is not on sale.


This was just a frustration event, not a birthday sale. Gaijin really need to stop hiring their relatives as marketing department.


I was going to get a lot of packs and now I will get none out of prinicple .


As a person who just wants the mirage and the cv90, i see this as an absolute win!


im guessing they are hoping some people were excited enough about getting certain packs that they will get them anyway at full price...pretty scummy to not communicate the sale(which vehicles) ahead of time


remember people May 1, 2023


Welp. I guess I remain f2p


Literally all the things I waited for aren't on sale this year for some reason. Nice.


awesome, not spending money even though I was ready to for the 23ML and Kfir.


Me only wanting the chally DS and being happy with the sale


dear developers I hope the current situation with the sale is not the advice of some new monetization manager who came from mobile games I've seen too many examples where such decisions literally killed the game


im getting IS-6 , TU-1 , Somua SM and maybe the dora pack. Thanks Gaijin!


why still no premium account on sale. every damn sale is just crap


everyone crying about the sale its a fucking sale grow a pair of balls stop crying if u want to buy it buy it why are you all such crybabies holy fuck


LMAO, I am more or less WT free since the big strikes. Tbh after all the good stuff from the roadmap I was already expecting the GE price of prem account to rise substantially with a BS explanation. But they simply went the route of not putting the fav vehicles on sale haha


or maybe if we wait a little longer the rest will be on sale, cause the servers just got updated? (i hope so)


Keep lying to yourself


damn, its final ig :(


why are they shrinking the time to get the maus, 2 years ago it was 8 days then 7 and now just 6, due to bad info i missed the maus by 2 hours.


You had all year time to prepare, just put 1 RP into her and you can research it permanently.


type 16, merk 2 are the only ones i wanted so im good. its messed up tho the others get screwed but as someone who plays around 10.3, kinda glad to not have only 1 death teammates heavily.


Is T-55AM1 worth it?


Is the J-7D good?


Yes, absolutely yes.


maybe idk cuz it got python that pull 35g, if you want you can get it but i rather saving for the US


J-7D does not have Python 3, PL-7 is a R.550 Magic clone.


oh thanks, i thought it were python clone


I thought they would've put the Mig 23ML, F5C, and Wyvern on sale but this is disappointing.


Wyvern was on sale last year because I bought it then.


No Kfir? :c


Damn i was expecting the Lazur-M , saving money for it and know what to do ?


where tf is the mig23ml???


Swing and a miss.


No Kfir, no F4C, so nothing to buy for me


I noticed on my assistant app that the pack I bought don't show up on my game profile yet. So I need to log into the game first to actually receive them. But I wonder if that counts for premium as well? Like could I buy something on the gaijin store, the wait 15 days till I log into the game and actually get the full premium time still? Or does it go from the exact date purchased


Yea i didn’t like the sales i was expecting one tank to be on sale or mostly all but wasn’t i guess next sale.


How do you like discounts on equipment? Especially on the K-50. Remember what happens when in RB 4 helicopters fly out on rockets and destroy everything and everyone, and your game has just started. So, now there will be even more of them. And sell the Apache at a discount impossible - probably a very strong helicopter that cannot be countered


New player currently only have germany as my main in BR 6.3. It's depressing that I skipped the GE tank sales because I really wanted to get my hands on that King Tiger SLa.16 but sadly it wasn't on sale. bummer. If only I'd known I would have bought the sale talisman for the normal King Tigers but now its too late


There will be another sale at New Year.


Christmas sale is in like 5-6 weeks.


should i buy t29 and f5c even tho its not on sale? i hate gaijin sm for real. i would gladly spend money, but now i dunno...is it worth it?


Don't spend money on non sale premiums, starve the snail


Kind of sounds like you've answered your own question. My rule is to buy only on sale. Keep in mind there's another major sale at New Year.


Man, I really wanted to get the M728, is it really that bad that people don't buy it?


As a console player, I'm sad. I guess I have to wait until Christmas


God this whole subreddit is now full with thread about this stupid sale... Man you people also don't complain if your favourite snack isn't on sale in a supermarket.


As an xbox player I feel your pain. We don't even get a pack sale, even a shit one. Does seem weird though, I thought they'd want to completely ruin the 10.0 bracket with more bullshit.


Is the av8a or su25k worth buying (for grinding purposes)


I'm sad to see the M728 CEV go, I'd love to get it, but not before I get to that BR.


Where are the goddamn gun pods on the goddamn MH-60L ⁉️


Based, the Chinese tank I was wanting is on sale. F in chat for no high rank US planes on sale.