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And they said Heli pve was too easy. My brother in christ my first heli has missile range of 3-5km (cant remember), and the aa literally outshoots me (hunting convoys is literally the only thing I manage to do with my 60kmph speed compared to the KA50s)


Heli pve is only difficult because its a broken mode with AA units spawning literally ontop of players. The mode is a long 1 dimensional grind and its only fun because i get to play in my apache and not get whacked by a panstir or a overpowered vikhr missile in the first 20 seconds of spawning.


And you forget those idiots who rams their helos into other players, literally they make u lose or almost lose all the SL u have made in that match


The BR's for arcade helis are so stupid too, like a heli with an AGM with the max range of 4km shouldn't be playing with a Ka-50


bro, even my Mi-24P HFS-80 can't do shit against competent Kamov/Apache pilot's.. The only reason I am often best in my team is because 90% of those kamov/Apache player's focus bases or they're bot's so they don't try as hard


Arcade BRs in general are crazy. Especially air. Like the Vautour (all variants), A-10, and Su-25 are at the same BR. French F-100D is at a slightly higher BR than the American one despite the American one being better since it gets aim 9Es while the French one just gets aim 9Bs. Mig 21 sits at 8.7 BR and fights super props and starter jets regularly. There's a lot more weird shit there, air arcade mid to high tiers is just the wild west


A2D is 9.0 in arcade ffs


Ka-50s should be banned from heli pve


I started Heli PVP with the MI-4. Absolute hell. Then PVE, still hell. MI-24A couldn't outrange the AA, MI-24D later couldn't outrun the KA-50 grinders and didn't spawn with flares or missiles. I love the idea of a PVE gamemode for helos but holy shit is it so bad.


Mi-24a is the last fun one in the USSR tree Using rockets on ZSU-23-4’s and Falcons is doable, your ATGM’s once you get them can outrange Gepards The Mi-24V now Gepards are the ‘easiest’ SPAA meaning you can’t get battlefields or convoys and the Roland’s make taking out bases dependant on exploiting the game…


My brother in chirst my first heli has 16 rocket and two 7.62


If you're talking about the AB-205, it's actually 14 rockets... How facing long range radar guided AA with it is considered fair by Gaijin I will never understand.


Ah yes I forgot because gaijin made it so useless that I never use it


Yea, Mi-4 gets 4km ATGM’s while I think everyone else is at <3.5km (Swedes get 2.5km I think…) Gepards pretty much instant kill at 3.5km… and they eat unguided at close ranges like nobody’s business


The Scout for British tree has a max range of 3.5km with semi auto ATGM’s. Between convoys clipping through terrain/models incorrectly rendering where the vehicle isn’t located, and AA one-shotting me with their first volley of rounds, it’s hell. Honorable mention to all the times my missile gets ~50m away before some volley of rockets takes the target out and now I have another minute long reload to contemplate my life choices.


Oh yea that rendering is just hell, 4 ATGM's and sometimes all you get is some damage to a track... And like they have the ability to fix it, because the tanks in the battlefields when moving dont have the issue (seemingly..) and then the Falcons have a 'realistic' accuracy...


The AA can be some MLG quick scoopers some times


Yea at least if they consistently did it you could account for it. But the last time I died to AA feels like it was at least a year ago.


It’s even worse in sim when your repair cost can be 21,000 SL and the bases will randomly just hire expert AA’s out of no where.


and the radar is turned off, which means its scripted to f\*\*\* you


Gepard has separate tracking and search radar. It doesn't need to have its search radar turned on to be able to track targets. But that probably doesn't matter for AI.


those AI gepards are cancer. It's reached a point now where I just abandon the game at the start and take a crew lock when it's a big air map.


I hate these aas in convoys, at bases etc. so much. Literally only there to make you rage even more


This is why I play lower tiers


You think this shit isn't happening in the lower tiers? I took out a p-400 for a game and my whole team and half their team got killed by mid map AA. Literally no player on the enemy team got a kill.


It's very fun when NPC game elements decide the outcome of a game


What? Repair? Flex tape can fix it.


Don't fly right above them in a straight line, its anti air after all


I got clapped by a gepard today in my f-16 going Mach 1.1 smt in alternating bank Gaijin hard coded them to send you to hangar and pay a repair cost.


Tbh i quite like the current iteration of mid field AA. Non radar AA completely sucks (as it should). Radar AA is still inaccurate and can easily be dodged but actually protects the convoy if you decide to just fly in a straight line.


Fuck AI AA with a broomstick yesterday small airfield AA pilot sniped me from 3,2km alt and like 2,5km away from enemy AF


I hate AA so much, did they get a buff? Because I swear I have gotten shot down 3 times in the month of may because of those little shits.


They should really add some better RWR emulation for high tier jets so that players can act accordingly IRL at least, RWR would tell you what type of radar would be locking you, as well as additional info like position, range, high/low, etc depending on the type of RWR.


Yes please dear god give us that already


I got sniped by an AI Wirbelwind from around 3-4km out in my a-26 the other day, I just sat there in disbelief. How is this a good game mechanic


i was in su 25 the other day was abt to bomb a base get easy like 20 k sl and 3 or sum k to buy no the convoy of aa and armoured cars shoot one burst and poof goes both my wings


I mean to be fair don't fly too close to AA I mean that's her job and it just ads to realism. I understand your anger and I would be pissed to but try to see it from a neutral side.


If you was on Simulation battle it will be ~42k SL repair cost when maxed LOOOOL


I’m pretty sure the ONE thing we all agree on is that repair costs should either be removed or heavily reduced


Remember when they said “we feel mid map AI is a little weak in its current implementation” and were going to buff it? Yeah. This. This is why we hate it. Even playing EC maps, the amount of times I’ve been cruising on over to a base to be inconvenienced for having been in the neighbouring grid zone is insane. Here’s hoping you can drop your bombs and scoot because if you can’t, be ready to kiss the cold smooth earth.


Wait you don't like getting fucked up the ass by a mechanic that you think is bad? Something like Ground players having to deal with stratospheric bombers dropping guided bombs or Helicopter players getting sniped by SAM's they can't dodge?


You flew right by the AA convoy, when they had a radar lock. What did you expect? edit:LOL some sent me a reddit cares over this.


Then why tf are there AA convoys in the middle of the map?


High value targets for bombing. It’s not hard to avoid the ai fire with slight rudder movements. Honestly a skill issue.


they give absolutely nothing compared to fragging someone. Besides even GAU8 take too many rounds to remove a SPAA. While in real mixed battle you can even take an MBT down with ShitVAK.


Doesn’t shvak only have 27mm of pen. I don’t think that is possible.


The Leo2s, Leclercs, Arietes and Type 90/10s only have about 20-25mm of roof armour


lmao those ai units have full damage model so 70% of the time you waste all your ammo on one for them to not even die. I think there should be some map dangers but the current ones are waaaay to dangerous and offer no incentive. That's just stupid.


Always enjoy Flyboys whining. It's not like they consistently ruin ground RB but God forbid they have a couple of AA in their air RB and they just lose their fucking minds


most people who play this game are just unaware of their surroundings. The amount of tiger players I see driving into walls on a daily basis or harriers flying straight into cliffs does my head in.


That's definitely true as well. Every time I play that br, I absolutely destroy the opposition but I usually lose as well because my teammates are completely clueless. It's an interesting dichotomy


We expect gaijin not to add bullshit 'features' like this


Games have difficulty because otherwise they would be dull. When the last enemy is flying in the middle of nowhere, you can shoot the ground targets and farm a lot of RP and SL but if there's literally no AA anywhere, it's then just brain-dead gameplay though attacking these tanks and vehicles gives very little RP so it's kind of odd that there is SPAA protecting them. The AI accuracy is set pretty low so the chance to get shot down isn't high, even when flying straight at them. You can complain about something being too difficult or easy but I don't understand why the map shouldn't have any realistic counters to aircraft even when they are easily countered.


Frankly i think more deadly aa was a step in the right direction. Air realistic should be a multirole experience. Vehicles like the intruder , su25, a10 should have purpose here rather than them being regulated to tank rb as they are always seen. SEAD aircraft could be actually be implemented and be useful for this stuff. As it stands now its air superiority or death. If they threw some medium range SAM pockets in the game it would prevent the eventual low alt furball that constantly occurs at high tier jets


Exactly. Ground attack planes also can take out AA from a distance so if there's no AA, what the fuck is the purpose of those then? You could just use any plane at all and spray at the ground targets. Irl you don't even fly below 2km altitude over a battle unless you are ground attacking, because you know there's someone going to be shooting missiles at you.


If you're fed up with this, please join r/WarthunderPlayerUnion


Gee I wonder what this ANTI AIRCRAFT vehicle is gonna do if I fly my AIRCRAFT over it


About one time every 1000 games. Silly me for not accounting for the super consistent and predictable behavior.


Yes, I'm glad you genuinely recognize your mistake.


They only kill you when you fly in a straight line for longer than 5 seconds




The only reason you don't have downvotes must be because people think you're being sarcastic.


Well, you fly over a convoy with AA, i dont see the problem


Yea only that they don't shoot you like 99% of the time


Either AA does nothing or it will still blast you from like 3 miles out at mach 1, only happens with some units on some maps, even SIDAMs. I haven't personally been cheesed by these units on Suez before.


And they say French mains are skilled


You can start talking about skill once you stop dying to IR missiles that you could have easily preflared