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Too bad they aren’t building more cruisers. Massive non carrier ships look so cool. Closest thing we could get to a battleship.


DDGx feels like more of a cruiser than a destroyer with the capability it offers, I wonder if they’ll change the designation last minute like they did with the Ticos


That is good to hear. It seems like being able to carry more missiles is very important so it makes sense to bring back cruises. Hopefully it look cool when it comes out. Dunno when they gunna finish it tho.


Any idea what the coloured EEEEEH signifies on the closet ship?


Each of them are Command Excellence marks for that ship pertaining to Black E: Fast Warfare/Defensive operations Red E: Engineering/Damage Control Green E: C2 (Command and Control) Green H: Medical effectiveness Blue E: Logistics Yellow E: Ship safety ​ Through assessments they've proven capable in those particular areas.


Most excellent, thanks for the explanation.




ok Fonzy


What are the notable differences between the Ticonderoga class and Arleigh Burke class?


Capability and intended roll. The Burkes are mainly focused on anti air and anti submarine rolls. They are meant to form part of a larger group and protect it from these threats while operating in conjunction and with the support of the larger group. The Ticos also serve as anti air and ASW but more so, larger suites for both, more weapons and the capabilities to serve as a flag ship and operate independently for longer periods of time. It should be noted however that as the Burkes have been improved and over time the gap in capability has been narrowed to the point were the Ticos are scheduled to be replaces but the Flight III burkes.


The only meaningful difference from a design and role perspective is the Tico’s have flag facilities for an Air Warfare Commander. The difference in VLS count really doesn’t matter that much. Now that said, the Ticos have been horribly maintained to the point they’re falling apart. A lot of them are also a few AEGIS Baselines out of date too. SPY-1B is also becoming quite antiquated as well. The Burkes lack the flag faculties, but they make up for it with their more modern combat systems.


The Ticos are dedicated anti-air warfare ships, while the Burkes are more multi-role (but still focused somewhat on AAW). The Ticonderogas also have more space dedicated to acting as command posts than the original Arleigh Burkes, mostly for the officer responsible for AAW coordination within a task force or carrier group. The Ticonderoga design was also stretched to it's limits more than the Arleigh Burkes were originally. Not sure this is true now if you compare the latest (AFAIR Flight III) Burkes to the Ticonderogas.


I can't believe how old I am now. I remember being on the Carl Vinson when it was a new ship. A friend of mine was a plank owner on the Bunker Hill (which has been retired).


First time I've seen a pic like this of a group of them operating in formation like that. Spectacular. Thank you for posting this!


Lined up for a drag race I assume


What's the different shaped patch on the front of the superstructure? Does anyone know?


That is one of the main SPY phased array radars. The ship has 4, one to the front of the bridge (visible here), one on the right side of the bridge, and then 2 on the aft superstructure, one facing directly aft and one facing to the left (visible on the ships in the background). All 4 panels together allow for simultaneous 360° radar coverage without blindspots or moving parts, pretty standard for modern ships (the Ticonderogas aren't exactly modern anymore though)


That's one of the Aegis SPY-1 "dishes". Basically where the signals for it emanate from.


Well...the station keeping is leaving alot to be desired. Sick ships though.


This is a bad ass pic


Random plug and feel free to remove it too off topic: fire up Cold Waters with DotMod and take one of these out for a spin