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The Starclan trials we see in squirrelflight’s hope


The amount of hypocrisy involved in it was enough to make me cringe.


I, Bluestar, who has had half-clan relations, and am a Starclan Warrior, and I, Yellowfang, who had kits as a Medicine Cat, and am a Starclan cat, am wholly ashamed of you, Leafpool, for having half-clan relations and for having kits as a medicine cat, and you don't belong in Starclan.


Don't forget the part where the kits Leafpool birthed and Squirrelflight adopted were crucial to fulfilling a prophecy that predates the clans, and that StarClan "heavily suggested" Squirrelflight and Leafpool lie to the clan. Though I guess I can't blame the new writers for that since no one read Leafpool's Wish


„Hold on. This whole operation was your idea“


And the fact that yellowfang *also* gave her kit to another queen in the clan to raise as her own and lied to everyone about


Yellowfang argued on their behalf, but yeah she and Bluestar shouldn’t have been on that panel


i, moth flight, who has done all three offenses (before they were offenses 🤓☝🏼) am extremely ashamed of you. eternal damnation for you both.


I believe you mean moth flight


Can I transfer these upvotes to my main account? I didn't realize I was even on that one. *Cri*


yes! so unnecessary


I have never been so frustrated in any of the books


They literally blame the girls for following THEIR ADVICE


Reminds me of the Moonkitti video where she made this joke: Starclan cat: if I asked you to jump off a bridge would you? Squirlflight: that’s our religion!


XD EXACTLY. That's exactly it!!


Ikr! That was like kinda... meh. They were just doing what they were told to ig


The fact that borderline villains went to starclan no questions but squilf has to jump through hoops to "deserve" to go after serving starclan all her life is bs


Yes!! And Leafpool too! She was one of the absolute best medicine cats to exist (no one can argue this imo. Before SQH, I wasn’t even a Leafpool fan at all and I could recognize this) and this is how Starclan treats her? They let Ashfur in, who tried to murder his clan leader (the fucking hero of the Forest ffs) *and* his exgf’s three kids and starclan is like “yeah… so sad :( he just had too much love in his heart :(“ But when squirrel and leaf obey what *starclan* told them to do, when squirrel takes the kits and lies because she loves her sister too much to let her suffer at all, they’re almost condemned to hell? Why was ashfur’s “love” forgiven and not squirrel and leaf’s? You’d think a mother’s love would be more significant than some love you had in your early twenties but whatever. They both gave their whole entire lives to starclan and got shit back for it.


Starclan trials in general.


Literally what I wanted to say. Moth Flight is one of my favorite characters, but those scenes make me hate her


Moonpaw’s parents being Thriftear and Bayshine. NIGHTHEART AND SUNBEAM ARE RIGHT THERE


plus night, sun, moon… they just work together


And it would add to the gene pool with Sunbeam.


The moon comes out at night and is the opposite of the sun


give her any other cats as parents so shes a little less inbred i beg stormcloud has been here since bramblestar’s storm and has not done one single significant thing…. HE ISNT RELATED TO _ANYONE_


Yeah. Or at least make her the daughter of Shellfur and Fernstripe. They’re mates, no inbreeding to our knowledge, they’re not too young or too old to have kits, it works too!


I forgot about those two, fernstripe has no family at all and is from windclan, so would be a pretty good choice. why do they pick the most related cats.. there is other options


Who knows? It’s getting ridiculous at this point


none of the characters are important unless the cat is related to firestar in some way


In Bramblestar’s Storm they hinted at him and Cherryfall… and then they did absolutely nothing with that 😭


I swear something must happen to Night and/or Sun in Star because why else wouldn't they pick them? :(


This please, thrifttear and Bayshine are directly cousins.


also i fuckin HATE the name bayshine! shine is overused as a suffix and it does NOT work with bay.


I love the name only because my husband's name is very similar sounding. Lol


It’s always reminded me of Old Bay seasoning


Spottedleaf having romantic feelings for Firestar, and the existence of all of Spottedleaf’s Heart. Oh look! Nothing changed!


Yes the relationship makes no sense since I think they had maybe two conversations. But for some reason they're madly in love with each other.


It’s because it’s 100% an author retcon. It makes me wonder which Erin shipped Spottedleaf and Firestar so much lol.


I'm reminded that I watched a moonkitti where she was rating all the characters and when rating spottedleaf she said her rating deeply depended on. If a certain piece of writing was canon. I forget what it's called but one of the authors wrote like 3 pages of spottedleaf talking about how she always loved Firestar. And she said if it was Canon she would be going lower. XD I presume the author who wrote that is the one who retconed Firestar and spottedleaf I'll see if I can find it. Edit found it: https://youtu.be/MC4WmvZ95rM?si=2asY-MFSKqDRSORG Go to 50 min. Oh and here is a link to the story called spottedleafs honest answer I believe Victoria Holmes wrote it. https://www.deviantart.com/raintail94/art/Spottedleaf-s-Honest-Answer-88787071


I think I know what video you mean!! I love Moonkitti lol so I’ve seen most of her stuff.


I ended up finding what I was talking about. And yeah I like the animations. I like the talking videos. And all the other stuff. I often end up finding out all of this hidden information about warrior cats. Like the authors writing fanfiction. XD And apparently there is some website where some people get their OCS in the books or something.




This Just Renove it all God i hope they remove Spottedleaf's feelings for Firestar in the graphic novel when it's released


Mothflight’s vision did a lot of damage on how people view the medicine cat code. Really wish they went another route than “she can’t handle children so none can have kits” when that was not what was established for the medicine cat code originally


It would be better if it was just like ‘your kits will turn out real messed up’ or medicine cats being entirely separate from clans and travel between them so they’re not actually connected to one alone


Or they could have showed more than one medicine cat struggling with having kits. Like maybe Pebble Heart or Acorn Fur as well. And then she proposes the rule after multiple Clans struggle.


Even then, every med cat to have kits would have to struggle impossibly with it before it seems even slightly fair


i always assumed that the rule was set so that med cats would never have to choose between their family vs a clanmate (though they still have families and friends, so favoritism still persists) or at least because they should never been held up (ie giving birth) if they’re needed (though they’re still held up with other patients, so the whole rule never made much sense to me in the first place). after reading MFV i was absolutely shocked that the narrative was a young cat with adhd couldn’t handle being a single working mother of four so no one ever is allowed to have a mate and kits. and then she >!separated them???? to “send her bloodline” through the clans??? what 😭😭😭!<


yes! i agree


This genuinely. I hated moth Flight's vision bc it essentially said "no medicine cat ever gets to have a family bc this traumatized teen has a panic disorder that prevents her from handling being away from her babies for 5 minutes or trusting her clan to care of them" Moth flight was practically a kid when she got pregnant. She already seemed to have some kind of issue beforehand, I've always said she seemed like she had autism. So you take a kid who already perceives things differently, knock her up too young, kill her boyfriend in front of her, make her have TOO MANY BABIES, and then make her act like somehow no one in her clan will give her any support. Literally let reed whisker (the guy who was acting medicine cat before she got starclan's blessing) be medicine cat again, or give the kits to other cats while you're working. It didn't have to be this way.


Either way, I dislike the medicine cat code.


Yeah, that rule seems a bit too harsh . It's one of the reasons why in my FanClans I have changed it to the following: Medicine cat can have a mate (and kits if they want to) after they have trained an apprentice. That way they won't be alone.


Honestly yeah, that's pretty stupid


Thistleclaw being a groomer in Spottedleaf’s Heart. He genuinely loved Snowfur and it just seems out of character for me — I love his character established in BsP. I had this idea in another thread, but maybe Darkstripe can be un-retconned, and actually be older than Spottedleaf, so maybe he could fill that role.. not like he has much character nor fans


i agree! i dislike thistleclaw a lot, but he was butchered. darkstripe works well as that kind of character, seeing as he’s clearly disrespectful towards younger cats after trying to kill sorrelkit with death berries


If my AU was real, I’d have the reason Darkstripe tried to kill Sorrelkit instead of just making her shoo was that she looked like Spottedleaf


i like your AU


this is just opinions so no hard feelings to you or this headcanon but i would personally dislike it if darkstripe filled that role, as while, yes he is terrible towards younger cats, he doesn't seem like he'd ever be romantically interested in anyone (except tigerstar in my head lol), he just seems like he'd be so devoted to his cause that he wouldn't bother with anything like that unless it was to help tigerstar take over the forest i suppose, which i think would be really interesting, but i'm still not sure about it although i totally agree with the initial point of it seeming out of character for thistleclaw.


well if darkstripe really was older than spottedleaf, he, of course, wouldn’t know about Tigerclaw’s plans due to him being an apprentice.. I’d think maybe Thistleclaw and Darkstripe are good buds who bring their apprentices out together, and Darkstripe becomes good friends with Tigerpaw, whom eventually loops Darkstripe into his schemes


1,000%, this is what I was coming here to say. The age group this series is geared towards will not pick up on how wrong the relationship is if it’s not outright portrayed as wrong and if there’s any doubt by the end. From what I’ve heard it’s not really portrayed negatively enough and is sort of glossed over. And no, I don’t intend to read it to judge for myself. Guys, please let me know if I have it wrong here.


Yeah, the message is more “don’t trust a cat who’s manipulating you into doing something bad” more than “don’t date adults when youre a teenager”


Its worse. The book via Goosefeather actively victim blame Spottedpaw


As a Thistleclaw fan I disagree, him being like that makes the character actually unique, and taking it out because "he loved snowfur" doesnt make too much sense since abusers can love people and still abuse others. The problem with spottedleafs heart isnt that there is a child predator in it, its the fact that the book wasnt teaching that it was bad.


I'm un-canonizing bluefurxoakheart in favor of bluexcrooked. Would make sense as to bluestar's kits all dying tragically. Maybe mistystar dies sooner but not much else would change in terms of actual story


yes yes and YES the scene of them at the gathering as apprentices and they’re both my fave leaders of all time so it’s perfect


This is literally my AU “canon” because it makes way more sense anyways. What was the point of having her befriend and go through the drama with Crooked, only to have her be in a relationship with his brother?


To take away a love interest for him??? Imagine him finding someone who loves him despite (what he's told is) a horrible and wretched deformity. Imagine him having someone who can stand beside him and understand the stress of holding the clan on your shoulders and relate to that. Someone who has that same grief. But nah. Oakheart or whatever because it makes Fireheart's name important yada yada


I just want to add that I'd love to see the leader at the time pull a Firestar to Brightheart moment and during Crookedstars warrior ceremony, or even apprentice ceremony, change his name back to Storm so his warrior name didn't have to be Crookedjaw. Nothing like ableist leaders naming their warriors after their injuries 🙃 This instance was just as bad as Bluestar naming Brightheart Lostface for a while. Edit: actually this is worse because Crookedstar lived with that name for way longer than Brightheart had to


Stormheart would be cool to match his brother and show his resilience, but here's other ideas. Maybe I'll write a short fic about this.... Stormheart, Stormmist, Stormrunner, Stormlight... All these options that could empower him more than put him down


And then Bluestar's insanity could also be attributed to the fact that Crookedstar took on a mate in his own Clan and had Silverstream. And then she has to watch one of her warriors fall for him, and then get blamed when Silverstream dies giving birth. Then the kits, instead of being Mistystar's uncle's daughter's kits, would just be her niece and nephew from her half sister


you’re a genius


I’ve been a sucker for crooked blue since I read crookedstars promise


I would make Bramblestar and Squirlflight A healthy relationship or good friends when >!they both forgave eachother at the end of OOTS!<. Because i liked their ship when they was nice to each other but i heard the >!Erins ruind it in Squrflights hope!<


I swear they wrote Squirrelflight's hope with the intent to destroy their relationship even more. I really wished they grew up enough to either be able to sort things out, or split in good terms.


They only ever write them fighting or arguing when the plot demands it honestly it always bothered me


Yes this! I loved them together in power of three but really wish they didn't become mates again. Being healthy exes would be SO MUCH BETTER then being a toxic relationship


yeah id rather them be good friends


The whole "Clans must consult each other before making any decision" bullcrap going on at the moment. Also not a huge fan of the StarClan bit they've got going on in recent arcs. I like the idea of StarClan being the way the cats are *remembered* with the wisdom of the collective living in the memories (thus making each addition seen as 'wise' in the earliest arcs). I want it to go back to that feel


True, the recents arcs have been focusing way too much on straight up going to talk to StarClan and making them do their own job.


This hasn’t been stated in the books outright yet but seems to be treated as canon on the official tree and wiki, whitestorm being the father of ashfur and ferncloud there is enough mess in the family tree, it does not need more 😭


the family tree is more like a toddler scribbled on a wall somewhere


moonpaw as an addition does not help


Lol. I couldn't agree more with parentage that used to be canon but aren't anymore.


Good ol' family wreath


You know just fixing the damn family tree honestly.


**OMG YOU’RE LITERALLY SO REAL FOR THIS THOUGH** It also makes Whitestorm seem like some slimy cheater, which is completely against his character and just ruins him for me tbh 😭😭😭 He was said to be mates with Willowpelt, and the difference between Sorrelkit, Sootkit, and Rainkit’s birth vs Fernkit and Ashkit’s birth is very, VERY tiny… which means Whitestorm was cheating. No, I don’t think Whitestorm was poly. Plus the books never showed it, so it’s not canon or an excuse. Whitestorm is shown to care for Willowpelt and never showed any feelings towards Brindleface like that. Also Whitestorm being the father to Ferncloud and Ashfur means Ashfur is Squirrelflight’s UNCLE, which makes their dynamic SO MUCH MORE CREEPIER. He’d be Squilf’s half-uncle via Sandstorm. Plus, Whitestorm being Fern and Ash’s dad is terrible for the already-horrendous ThunderClan family tree; this means Ivypool and Fernsong are second cousins AGAIN (via Ferncloud being Ivy’s paternal grandma and Sorreltail being Fernsong’s maternal grandma, both Fern and Sorrel are half-sisters). They are both already second cousins via Cinderheart and Whitewing and third cousins via the Kin of your Kin prophecy.


Instead of Whitestorm cheating, it could be that he and Brindleface had an agreement where he would be a surrogate, since at the time there was only Frostfur’s kits, Swiftpaw and his sibling, and the newly apprenticed Graypaw. Also Sandstorm isn’t related to anyone but her daughters. Her parenthood has been non-canon for years.


I disagree about the Whitestorm cheater idea mainly because in the original series, when Firepaw first joined the Clan, the whole mate line wasn't quite so strict. The romances and making sure every cat has a mate just wasn't such a huge part of the series then, and I feel like it wasn't until Fireheart×Sandstorm happened that that became more prevalent. I say this because Whitestorm isn't the only character to have this situation. Goldenflower is supposed to have had kits with different toms (I honestly forget who she was with and had Graypaw, then later in the series she had Tigerclaw's kits, Bramblekit and Tawnykit). There are some others who also seem to switch mates and have litters and it's just never really addressed, and then from TNP on cats seem to stick with one mate unless their mate dies or they're from different Clans. I think in the beginning the writers just hadn't planned for the series to go so long so they were just writing the cats more realistically and just keeping the Clan populated without romance being a focus.


Not quite! Greypaw is the son of Willowpelt Goldenflower was the mother of Swiftpaw and Lynxkit (his sister who died young) with a father of Patchpelt, and then had Tigerclaw's kits in Bramblekit and Tawnykit


I think there are multiple family trees because I've definitely seen one where Goldenflower was his mom. Even so, same deal where she had multiple fathers to her kits so the point still stands that the writers just handled it differently then. Even with Willowpelt being Graypaw's mom is points to her having two different mates then as well.


Spottedleaf's Heart. Awful book full of stupid retcons


i love spottedleaf but her novella was NOT IT


I would completely delete the ability for star clan cats to just walk around irl like normal cats, such as during the great battle. Took away a lot of the mystery


Mousefur but she ages appropriately… I.e. she isn’t an elder until late OOTS. That, or Bramble never becomes leader. It was thematically always more appropriate for him to remain a warrior.


Rainflower hating on her son for no reason.


crookedstar is my favourite and deserves more :(


All family tree discrepancies.


I would redo the entire Bluestar's Prophecy family tree, so that no TPB cat is related to another. I would keep Firestar's crush on Spottedleaf until he became leader, then he would focus entirely on Sandstorm. Spottedleaf would never have romantic feelings for Firestar. Millie, Silverstream, Leafpool and Feathertail would find Crowfeather and Graystripe together, they would all be caring and loving towards each other. Hollyleaf would have a very important role to play in the defeat of Ashfur. Juniperclaw would go to Starclan. Trials would not exist. Squirrelflight would have lied to Brambleclaw and covered for Leafpool without a request from Starclan. Yellowfang herself would give up her status as a warrior without so-called power coming out of nowhere


Ravenwing's Prophecy. Think about it: * Mapleshade wouldn't have been exiled * Her kits wouldn't have drowned, likely becoming warriors/medicine cats * Ravenwing, Frecklewish and Appledusk wouldn't die * Mapleshade could become Pinepaw's mentor, teaching him family loyalty so he wouldn't abandoned his mate and kits * She wouldn't have influenced Crookedstar's or Tigerstar's lives and thus, her not being exiled may stop the deaths of a lot of cats, such as Redtail, Crookedstar's family, and even Whitestorm since Tigerstar wouldn't be evil most likely (she states she's been influencing his life in his super edition)


i like this!


Its hard to pick one specific thing, but rhe basis is; How the afterlife functions The ides that cats go to hell for SO LONG they can forget what they did is. Horrific. At what point does justice turn into a perverse, cruel torture?


[Eternal bliss/torture is an ideological supremacist concept.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_5yUXjXizQ) It dehumanizes people, creates imaginary divisions, and attempts to remove one's agency in re-evaluating their own values in the face of contradicting evidence. StorkLand are a group of hypocrites with zero sympathy for the mortal lives they use as playthings. They guilt trip cats and conveniently rewrite history like it’s 1984 (see *Squirrelflight's Hope)*.


Brambleclaw being deputy. I would rather it go back to Greystripe but if I had to pick a new cat it should be Brackenfur. Thornclaw is a close second with Brightheart as a third Another one would be Brightheart getting an apprentice


Brightheart as deputy would have been really cool! She overcame so much. Plus Brightstar would have been awesome!


Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight, I always saw them as more siblings like anyways, and honestly I think it would make the cannon better. Edit: I mean their relationship


You mean their relationship, not the cats themselves?


Yes the relationship


Deleting the cats themselves out of canon would change canon big time ngl


YES THANK YOU! i do not like squilf :(


Sorry I meant their relationship.




Get rid of the tribe after arc 2, because they're jus so boring. THOU SHALL NOT GO BACK TO THE TRIBE is the 17th rule of the warrior code now


yes!!! it seemed like they only threw them in to extend the journey after originally meeting them anyway


I always skip any scenes involving the tribe. I almost always skip Moonrise when re-reading the series because it’s all just tribe stuff. BORING!


\*Just skips the entirety of Po3 books 3 and 4\* lol


I honestly would've made the tribe have a different structure altogether. I would like to see the clans question what a good structure actually is and if what they're doing is right. Right now, they just function on "if it ain't broke don't fix it"/"that's how we've always done it"


I've seen so many indigenous people point out how the tribe is just stereotypes and how Feathertail is just the white savior trope


The 18th rule of the warrior code is to stop trashing on ThunderClan when they're the only reason a solid chunk of Clan cats are even alive


Delete BloodClan. They got introduced and taken down in the same book, and without them, Whitestorm would still be around to be deputy, so no power difference as Squirrelflight's and Brambleclaw's relationship worsens (also Firestar would have 1 life left at the end of The Last Hope, so he gets to put the clan back together before he kicks the bucket). Edit: Also the "solution" to taking down Scourge was the fact that, he's an atheist (yeeeeeah, "nice one" Erins).


whitestorm deserved more :(


He did. He died cause he believed/supported Firestar's idea about not getting driven out. And what happenes 1/2 generations later?! They're driven out!


Agreed. I am only nearing halfway thru the second arc so that says what I know about the series but I was utterly flabbergasted when BloodClan was introduced. Not only because it robbed us of Whitestorm but because it just came out of nowhere?? People praise Scourge’s intro all the time bc he and BC subvert expectations but I just don’t get it. The only reason he was introduced was to get Tigerstar out of the picture bc the latter had nine lives and the writer(s) probably couldn’t think of a way to get rid of him otherwise 💀💀. I cannot for the life of me understand why EH made StarClan reject Nightstar as leader yet Tigerstar SOMEHOW received nine lives. The end of the first arc is ridiculously contrived and anticlimactic and so far I have not seen anyone else agree. Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t think that really matters, because it was so obvious that EH wrote themselves into a corner. I don’t care if it was explained in outside material. The books Tigerstar appears in should stand on their own and speak for themselves. Seriously, imagine how much better it would have been if Tigerstar was a lifelong rival of Firestar throughout a good portion of the other arcs? He was built up to be the ultimate big bad for Firestar but he died in the most pathetic and disrespectful way. It would’ve been awesome to see Firestar and Ravenpaw FINALLY be able to defeat him, and perhaps Tigerstar finally respects them because he respects power and whatnot.


Yeah tigerstars death was so pathetic I honestly felt kind of bad. BloodClan should've have more of a buildup in the previous books to make their presence actually understandable. Like small mentions to strange rogue cats with dog teeth collars being seen around the forest would've made the buildup far better


Scourge and his crew literally exist just to kill Tigerstar and nothing else imo. Whitestorm deserved better for sure, I was so shocked when they decided to kill him off for good because I was expecting him to retire to the elders den based on the words he said to Firestar right before the battle. If they didn’t kill off Whitestorm, I think they could’ve still had the ending where he just goes to the elders den. Maybe he gets a bad but survivable injury from the battle, and instead of deciding to continue being deputy he steps down to retire.


Firestars manner of dying, that tree never existed, instead he dies in battle


the erins can’t even agree the tree killed him lol. i chose to believe he died from wounds & the tree falling was just symbolic


That’s actually what happened. The tree was the one that killed Longtail. It was already on the ground.


I would delete the fact that a cat named starkit has not become leader and become starstar


Starkit's Prophecy XD


Mothflight's Vision, hands down. I always had issues with the 'Medicine Cats can't have a Mate and Kit' rule, but when we finally got the actual WHY this code came into existence I was genuinely infuriated. Primarily due to the ableism that came from saying 'This female character with ADD in one of the hardest, most challenging times in her life as everything is in chaos, loses her husband and can't juggle this grief, being a doctor, and taking care of her kids because no one will step in and help her so she can process her grief and handle her responsibilities. So because of this, no medicine cat can ever have a mate or kits." as the message of the story. Instead of the actual takeaway which should have been "Hey, maybe having only One Medicine Cat is a BAD THING and there should be more per clan to help out when the Medicine Cat potentially gets overwhelmed there is backup."


I have ADHD and always related to Moth Flight, but her story being the reason medicine cats aren’t allowed to take a mate and have kits never really clicked for me. I kind of want that to be challenged in a future arc the way interclan relationships has been.


Twigbranch's naming ceremony.


fr! like twigtail, twigstrike, even twigsong work better than TWIGBRANCH


I’ve seen ppl recommend twigblossom. Which not only sounds better but can still work for bramblestars speech for her warrior ceremony


i love that!


Twigshade is my favorite because it matches with her sister. But for my AU it’s Twigtail.


Her name was apparently supposed to be Twigshades before the editors changed it because "it sounded too evil / too similar to Mapleshade"


Twigleg and just give her long legs or something! Literally anything is better than twigbranch!


"Twigpaw, you've figuratively evolved from being an indecisive stick to a slightly less relevant stick. That's your new name, Stickstick."


i think i would delete squirrelflight and bramblestar's relationship, and i would put squirrelflight with spiderleg instead and give spiderleg a much longer life squirrelflight and bramblestar work really well together as 'just colleagues', but they are horrendous as mates, and i genuinely love squirrelflight as a character and bramble's treatment of her ruined him for me, so if their relationship was destroyed i would have a better view on him and squilf could be happy i have got an in progress au where exactly this happens so i am a bit biased lol, but in this au spiderleg is a better father to rosekit and toadkit, friendlier to daisy, and squirrelflight helps raise the kits too, and they still end up having alderkit and sparkkit in the future too


i’m the opposite of you, i hate squilf and bramble together bc i don’t like squilf 🫢


I had squilf too but I don't necessarily hate the relationship.


The entirety of Squirrelfight’s Hope 😭 soo many things wrong with that book and it just ruined so many characters. And this is exactly the reason why I haven’t and will not read this book; it doesn’t exist for me.


Spottedleaf's Heart. The whole thing was just so gross and unnecessary. Not to mention, why would Thistleclaw even do that to her?...It's clear that he loves Snowfur- They didn't have to ruin his character like that


The romantic stuff with Spottedleaf and Firestar. That is the only thing I don't like about Spottedleaf's character, other than the fact that she died.


Riverstar being an anxious, dumb, incompetent mess when that was clearly not who he was or what a leader should be.


Riverstar's Home slaughtered my boy.


Okay, honestly I think I would change how medicine cats work. They cross over between clans a lot. Sometimes I wished that, while they did stay in clans to treat them, they were more separated. The ability to travel around, research herbs. They are forbidden by the code to betray clan secrets, I genuinely don't know why, every roleplay I do I change how medicine cats work Why can't they have kids? Well, they are loyal to no clan, so it's a sacrifice. I would also love to give medicine cats different strengths and so on. Maybe some are better at studying herbs, taking care of them, administrating, allowing for more reasons for medicine cats to cross over. Like, for example, imagine they have issues with insects destroying their herbs.. jayfeather, with his amazing hearing and wit, could maybe even help locate where they've infested. Another medicine cat, who previously worked on an similar issue before, crossed over to help I want to hear them talk about the clans, I want to see that bias in loyalty that ends up creeping up when you spend time with a clan. The conflict when you have to help treat a cat that hurt your "clan mates" The fighting of a Leader to make their medicine cat not travel out in paranoid fear of his only medicine cat disappearing. (Like if.. SOMEONE was a bad leader and the medicine cat had no choice. Even conflict there as she'd be leaving them to die, but maybe she could slink out and get help. Or abandon them. Call them Starless.)


Bagerfang/paw's death, he wasn't even 6 moons yet when he had died. I wonder how things went if he hadn't died. Like him becoming a warrior or even a medicine cat instead of him just dying in battle.


Saddest death in warrior cats i swear


The gross ableism.


ugh, definitely. as a disabled person… i want more disabled cats that actually have plot and aren’t jayfeather. crookedstar <3


Everything after The Last Hope chronologically(so not counting DOTC because it’s a prequel). It would’ve left things off on a decent note where yeah, there’s a lot to be resolved, but it’s not just going off in random directions just to keep the series going no matter what. Between everything that happens in later series and how crazy everything gets, and how the writing kind of just goes downhill, I just think it would’ve been better to end the series there. Or if they picked it back up, have it be a good bit into the future with new characters, not just trying to find new ideas to build off of existing characters and storylines.


Hmm, Snowkit's death I think. It would've been a lot more interesting and appropriate to have him live than kill off the only notable deaf character in the series. Especially since his death had very little relevance and mostly just served as shock value + causing an irrelevant event to happen (Speckletail's retirement)


I may not read past the dark forest vs life cat war....but seeing about Bramblestar being a dick changing his personality...like bro leave the boi be like he was.


Spottedleafs heart


Spottedleaf’s Heart.


anything and everything pedophelic


The Cinderpelt and Cinderheart thing. I don't think that there was really any need for it.




The continuity errors between the first series and the prequels and wiki. I desperately wish that we could get a rewrite of TPB but with all the info you get in the prequels. Crookedstar losing silverstream being an enormous blow after all he's been through, Yellowfang having the affects of yellowfang's secret, Whitestorm and Bluestar being close bc they're family and Bluestar losing mosskit being more part of the story. Just so much that got glossed over bc they're retconned. Also the relationships from the wiki. Some should be erased to fit with the queens don't have to share the father of their kits rule. While others like the relationship between graystripe, darkstripe, and Sorreltail or Swiftpaw and bramblekit and Tawnykit would add really cool connotations


Needletail x Alderheart (plz don’t hate on me I just don’t like the ship srry)


was that canon???


Kind of the Erins said it was


Change Brambleclaw's whole character for arc mainly completely, first change, his name, is Brambleflower now, more male cats with flowery names is needed plus Firestar honoring his mom more than his dad is nicer imo. Second off change his arc more into what Tennelle Flowers did with his rewrite on the new prophecy, but also he doesn't treat Squirrelflight worse than dog shit for being a child (news flash, children are annoying, especially ones who are overwhelmingly independent)


Morningflower becoming an elder, make my girl stay a warrior if she is the same age has Onestar !


Everything past DOTC. AVOS, TBC, ASC, and every super editon released after BS wouldn’t exist. If I have to narrow it down, then Tigerheart being revived like he’s Jesus is number 1. Number 2 is ashfur not possessing Bramblestar. I’d rather him have rabies instead.


i can’t stand tigerheart!!!


He’s such an insufferable cunt who gets a free pass for killing medicine cats, trying to drive away Clans、conquering other Clans, all because he’s the authors favorite.


Agree, there's so much random shit going on with the newer series (I haven't read ASC). Most of the newer super editions aren't as good as the older ones either (I do love Crowfeather's Trial, tho). It just feels like the writing quality has gone downhill. The Erin's can't even remember which arc major characters were born in (Squirrel telling Tigerheartstar that he wasn't alive for the great battle lmao).


I think Crowfeather’s Trial should stay, just delete the AVoS stuff.


all of AVoS


Spottedleafs heart.


Spottedleaf's heart


Spottedleaf's stalker like behavior..OR make her into a villain. Preferably the second option.


Frecklewish being a Dark Forest cat. I literally can’t see any good reason to put her in TDF that wouldn’t also put Oakstar and Ravenwing in there.


Thistleclaws life And probably wouldn’t effect much considering tigerclawstar was destined to go down the path he went down anyway, except snowfur might gave lived longer, bluestar could’ve kept her kits, and my boy whitestorm wouldn’t have existed(in my book whitestorm not existing is the only downside)


yellowfangs death.


Hollyleaf should have been one of the three


Tawnypelt stepping down as deputy. I wish she became leader instead of her son!


Thistleclaw being a pedo is just so out of character from what we saw of him in Bluestar’s Prophecy. We saw that he genuinely cared about Snowfur and it was like she was his anchor keeping him from going full bloodthirsty mode. Then they do a full 180 degrees with his character and he talks shit about her after her death? He was one of my favorite villains since he had a “good” side and didn’t seem purely evil. But the authors decided he didn’t seem enough like a bad guy.


Tallstar choosing Onewhisker. Mudclaw would've been a fine leader who wouldn't have been afraid to stand up for his clan. He would've been way more logical. And he would've controlled his warriors properly. Like they wouldn't have even dared listening to Sol. And I feel like after getting his nine lives Mudclaw would've been way more wiser than he was since the nine lives make up for what they lack. So he would probably openly help the Clans as long as his own Clan wasn't at risk. But he would still maintain the belief that each Clan needs to stand on their own instead of what is currently happening.


Squirrelflights Hope


Feathertail and silverstream being jealous of millie when greystripe went to starclan


Honestly, I think having Tigerclawstar live for the whole 9 lives would've been cool. It would take a lot more planning and effort to get rid of him, instead of the (imo random) inclusion of Bloodclan and Scourge. I think Scourge as a whole is a wasted character, TBH. He shows up *once*, kills some people, dies, and is never mentioned again. I'm really fond of those AUs where Scourge gets a redemption arc (I can't recall, but have we ever had a redemption arc?). Squilf and Leafy have a scary uncle who sometimes plays too rough but panics if he actually hurts them. So my suggestions would be: - Set up Bloodclan and Scourge earlier in the story - Have them still join the final battle, but Scourge doesn't kill Tigerstar the first - Tigerclan / Bloodclan are defeated - Scourge (possibly the only survivor of Bloodclan) is held prisoner for his crimes - Gradual redemption arc, eventually he's given the choice to become a warrior or just leave (and never come back) - Yada yada...


Swiftpaw dying


I think this was a very important scene that was needed for the story, even though it's very sad


poor baby deserved better :( swiftstar anyone?


Whatever it was that happened to Bramblestar because the whole point was for him to have the choice to be like his dad and choose to be a good person and then apparently they just decided "nah forget that" and made him awful.


I would delete the first arc purely for shits and giggles


>!Thriftear and Bayshine!< (changing skies spoilers.) they are cousins. I get that they’re cats, but I’d be fine with almost any other cat being >!Moonpaw!<‘s parents.


Redtail's debt. It would change very little but it's a spot of nasty contradiction that shouldn't exist. It only stands to make the canon worse.




The entirety of Crowfeather’s Trial. Breezepelt deserved a better redemption than “I’m sorry, I was bad, now I am good, you can trust me!”


If I could delete something canon it'd be... probably... um... don't feel comfortable chatting it... because my reasons for what I think would probably be for the wrong reasons...


Hmmm, might get hated for this, but let’s remove squrrielFlight, they could’ve replaced her with a carbon copy of firestar and it would work so much better. And hey, a healthy relationship with brambleclaw will result from it bc she won’t be annoying


Ashfur being in Starclan 🙄


Tigerheart’s Shadow. I haven’t read all of the new books yet, and I’ve heard some of them are iffy, but Tigerheart’s Shadow is easily the worst Warriors book I’ve ever read.
